In better spirits today |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Real Home Cooking:
- The biggest excitement (maybe only excitement) was they had an oven fire in the house today.
- I think it was Brett cooking. He and Kaycee were the only two in the kitchen.
- No cameras were on in the kitchen when it first ignited.
- From the living room cam watching Scottie and Sam, you could hear two thumps or bangs and see smoke bursting forth in the kitchen.
- Brett yelled, "We have a fire! We have a fire!"
- (I added the Defense bit in the photo; he was serious.)
- Thinking it was Brett, they thought he was joking.
- But then they knew it was serious.
- The feeds cut right away and stayed away for quite a while.
- One thing I noticed is that no smoke alarms went off immediately.
- Heck, I can cook bacon and set mine off with no real fire!
- In other news, Haleigh now says she always liked Angela and is glad she's closer to her lately.
- She said in the past she was just worried Angela would target her.
- Heh, heh, heh.
- Tyler let Fessy teach him all about how they should play the game from this point forward.
- Heh, heh, heh.
- I think everybody, except maybe Brett, is scared what will happen when/if Sam goes on the block.
- But Brett has other targets first.
- Sam didn't kill anyone.
- But, just the little things ... like a whole group is having fun in the kitchen and she's there, too. She's in her own little world looking at her spider in a jar.
- As we could all guess, she did spend a lot of time with Scottie.
- They're still worried it will be a double eviction tomorrow.
- Let them worry.
We have a fire! Defense! Defense! |
(If you click on the above image, you'll see a larger version.)
Using Brett's veto strategy to nap |
Went from "I Angry" to Gay today |
Yes, Fessy. Thanks for teaching me the game! |
Channeling his inner Sam? |
Kiss, bicker, kiss, bicker |
Amazing that Fezzy actually gets Zingbot's "you're a moron," and yet he doesn't start to wonder why THAT zing? Not even just a smidgen? Dolt
Maybe the fire was caused by the coffee grounds in the oven?
Same here Jackie about the smoke alarms. I was surprised when Brett opened the door and the smoke poured out that alarms didn't go off, but the do have cameras on everything and can be in there in a hot second (no pun intended) when they need to be.
Also funny that you mentioned bacon. Brett was making bacon (he talked about this later) and he was cooking it on broil (first mistake) and thought he could do it for 20 minutes like he's done before. It caught fire before 10 mins were up when he thought he'd turn the bacon. I'm sorry, but that is hilarious. I bake bacon now (only way I'll fix it) and you don't even have to turn it. It was a serious situation, but at the same time comical as all get out.
I think they cleaned the coffee grounds out of the oven. The comp was four days ago and they had a vacuum cleaner. I doubt that Angela's coffee grounds strategy had anything to do with the fire. Just Brett cooking the bacon too hot for too long :)))
Dah.... of course there was a fire! LOL... it amazes me how Tyler can take everything in and not bust a gut laughing... He really is good with people!
Why doesn't Big Brother not just fine the house guests 1 thousand dollars each time they start singing? That would eventually get them to stop singing or they would eventually owe Big Brother money before they go home instead of going home with a stipend.
Ugh! Tonight's HOH comp is *rumored* to be a ball-roll (crap-shoot!) So anyone can win. Heck JC would actually win an HOH.
I hope Tyler's bowling skills will help?
Tyler doesn't want to win this comp. He and Angela were talking that Brett should win with a backup of Kaycee of winning.
They should give all their tickets to Brett (like Paul last year). Although that would bring some suspicion.
When I was first married my husbands motto was “dinner is not ready until the smoke alarm goes off”. This was true. I found it interesting that the fire was put out before the production arrived thanks to Sam. I find it interesting the skills of this cast. Tyler’s first aid knowledge with Sams allergic reaction and Sams handiness with a fire extinguisher. I saw on POP last night Sam cleaning the oven while everyone else was in bed. She may be a touch crazy but she is level headed and entertaining to watch.
Is this the last week for Ty's cloud?
ceemurph, I think Tyler's cloud app was good for 2 months. If I recall, that would be until the 6th of next month. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. I know Bayleigh's app was good until the final 8 but not 100% sure of all the details of Tyler's app.
Glenn,I'd go even further on the singing. 3 strikes and then you get a penalty nomination. The thing I hate about it is that it interferes with the feeds.
Ball roll? Don't they usually get to practice this? If so,then I'm sure level whatever will have a plan to fix it,right?
I think Tyler's app power goes until Labor Day. I think that makes 2 more weeks, if I am guessing correctly.
This morning the song that Tyler said was angelas song was played.
Vegas said that in DR sessions that Tyler wants Kacee and Angela as top 3 with him keeping his F@ with Kacee. Vegas said that Angela was wanting to take out Tyler out after the Hive but then not sure if she can. Vegas believes they will try as a couple outside the house and that Tyler likes Angela more.
YAY! I want Brett to win, I wanna see some Roll Tide in his basket
This is the last week for Tyler's Cloud App.....
^^^ Has to be Petals going incognito again! :)
Could be wrong, but seems to me that it's too early for his 2 months to use the app.
I think he has till Sept 6.
I'm 99% sure his last chance is the next noms this Friday (and following Veto). That's what Dingo's Hamsterwatch is reporting. Since there is no Double this week, he won't have it for when the Double does happen.
That was for certain Petals in the abyss again. Clue: RTR :))) <3
Tyler himself said he has one more week to use it, so nest Thursday is the last.
Roll Tide Brett and Petals!!
DONNA!!!! RTR! Yes, friends - I was at work, in the Abyss. LOL ♥ you guys
Can't wait to see who wins HOH!
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