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Tyler and Angela snuggled |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Slumbering Sunday:
- Remember -- the more screen caps I post means either lots of action or little action, nothing between.
- As I predicted in my last update, this was a day of little action.
- The biggest news is that Angela had to pick three Have Nots.
- Sam kept volunteering, but the rest kept saying no one should do two weeks in a row, plus she's still quitting cigarettes.
- Kaycee volunteered and Angela chose Haleigh and Fessy. Mind you, it's not because she hates them or anything -- neither has been a Have Not lately and Brett has already been one twice. Sam, Tyler and JC had last week.
- There aren't really a lot to choose from now.
- Fussy ... er, I mean FESSY kept fussing about his veto loss. He wants BB to review things because he should have won.
- And definitely, he shouldn't have lost to a girl.
- Other than complaining about his loss to anyone he happened upon, he kept himself segregated from the others most of the time.
- Haleigh, although she still seems a bit nervous, mingled more than Fessy.
- Brett and JC were talking game until Haleigh plopped down and joined them.
- Tyler and Angela not only snuggled, but talked the game down the line.
- They know it's likely they'll have to turn on each other at some point.
- Anglela is worried, but Tyler is taking things in stride a bit more.
- He definitely wants a relationship with her outside of the house, no matter what happens. She seems to feel the same way.
- Sam didn't curb-stomp anyone.
- She spent little time outside because it reminded her of smoking.
- Instead, she cleaned and cooked.
- She even told Tyler that if she (Sam) gets evicted, he should work with Angela.
- Oh my.
- Pigs can fly!
- They got the HoH SnapChat camera glasses and fun was had by all.
- Well, not so much by Fessy.
- Fessy did try to get Kaycee to save him with the veto.
- Yeah, like that would happen.
- Pigs don't fly once again.
- Fessy and Haleigh bickered because he didn't think she should be spending time with "them."
- She's irked that he's all doom and gloom and refuses to be like that.
- They got a small booze delivery.
- No one kerfuffled or brouhaha'd with the booze.
- For the most part, they all really like each other ... except for Fussy Fessy.
- Brett asked Haleigh if she and Fessy were a showmance.
- She denied it quite vehemently.
- Today Kaycee shouldn't be saving anyone with her hard-won veto.
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There was exercising |
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There was napping |
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Sam narrated her cooking |
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JC and Brett spent quality time together |
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They baked themselves in the sun |
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Angela watched Spy Cam TV |
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Kaycee gave Sam a massage |
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We watched the toilet stall door |
No comments yet? How did I get in first? I am starting to worry about the jury. It could be a "jury nullification" vote. Just worrying.
I'm not sure what you mean by "jury nillification" -- they have to vote for someone.
Er... nullification
I see a very bitter first half of the jury, but like Jackie posted, this remaining group seem to get along fairly well. If Fessy's the vote out this week, he should be the odds-on favorite to win the battle back.
Who knows though it might be a silly roll the ball and get the high score comp!
JC is my vote for AFP!
I have been so thankful how this season has progressed. It is entertaining and its not full of mean insults. This house would not have been like this with Bayleigh and Swaggy. Things have worked out perfect.
Lets just hope the battle back comp is not like last year where Cody got to do the comp that had just a slight change.
CHROB61......key word of your recent post re: Fessy is "should' be able to win batte back comp . He is really acting like a fool asking for them to check the last comp, he thinks he won it !? Duh...... Let him go this week and NOT win a battle back comp, please. Fessy will need counsling when he gets out of house.....all the negative things said about him, etc. Someone called him clueless.......the kindest thing said about him!
He can get counseling with Katilyn! Both are clueless!!!
Kaitlyn seems to have bounced back. I saw a Twitter post she made with a GIF of herself joking that she ruined her own alliance. If she can laugh at herself, she's fine.
Another of the evicted who has a good chance of winning the Battle Back... Rockstar.
After watching her interview with Ross & Marissa on Off the Block, I couldn't help thinking, "where was THIS person in the BB house?" IMO, good interview. She showed the class that was missing in the house, and she was funny.
Well, I don't think that is one quality Fessy has, to be self-deprecating. Though he has called himself stupid a few times.
Watching BBAD from 2 nights ago, Haleigh looks at her nails and says I wish my nails would grow out. @_@ Paused then said I really messed them up. lol
Haleigh also said, like someone here mentioned or suggested earlier, that her mom made her wear acrylic nails when she was younger so she'd stop biting her nails. Obviously, that didn't work.
Regarding Kaitlyn, yes, she's been good on Twitter with several funny, self deprecating posts. I mean, what choice does she have really. Much better than Swaggy who is still talking smack and thinking he would have run the show IF he was still there. Me no think so....
FUSSY!!! bwahahhaaaaa
Chloe I couldn’t agree more. If Swaggy, Bayleigh, and let’s not forget Miss Toxic herself Rockstar were still in the house, we would have a completely different game. The last few seasons have been negative with last year being out of control. This group (Level 6 with JC and Sam) are not playing personal. They are smart enough ( excluding Fessy) to understand this is a game and nothing more. They don’t take a lot of personal shots at others and play very strategic. It’s how this game used to be played and why I fell in love with it in the first place. I’m curious how the battle back is going to change the game. Level 6 have been masters at taking every twist that has been thrown at them and using it to their advantage. Can’t wait for next week.
Yup, Swaggy 'ran the house' so well while he was there, he got run right out of it!! HAHAHAHA
Watching Hayleigh munch on her fingers, I have but one thought, "White or dark meat?"
Is Fessy taking Hot Showers as a havenot? It looked like it. If so he should be given a penalty. The other night Angela said JC took 2 showers with her and Haliegh said JC had taken showers with all the females.
I watched BBAD for a bit last night and was surprised at how hateful JC was being about Sam. He was trashing her up one side and down the other. I know she's not a picnic to live with, but he was unnecessarily hateful. He has also said really nasty things about Fessy... and I thought they used to be so tight. He just strikes me as someone who trashes just about everyone at some point and always gets away with it because... to be honest, I have no idea why he gets away with it. He isn't anyone I would ever want to know.
Jackie, by 'jury nullification' I was referring to what the OJ jury did...and I worry that most of the jury is going to be foute majority and they could be bitter and just deny voting for a level6 person ....like voting for Sam or JC just to deny level6. Now I realize it was kind of a stupid comment. Just sign me Auntie Fussy.
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