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Watching BFF Bayleigh pack her bags |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Brouhaha!:
- Now, they knew I live on the East Coast.
- They knew I had to go to pool therapy (back surgery recovery) late this afternoon.
- So, what do they do? They sleep in late! Late in West Coast time!
- They owe me an apology.
- They NEED to apologize to me!
- Ahem.
- Just a personal note about me -- I've never demanded an apology for anything in my life. I actually don't believe in the idea. If someone does apologize to me for something, I love it. But a demanded apology is usually not a sincere one.
- I've caught up thanks to an extended feeds block tonight.
- Heck, I've even rewatched the brouhaha a few times!
- It all started with Haleigh calling a house meeting.
- She told them all that she was the Hacker, not Bayleigh. She claimed they all owed Bayleigh an apology for how they've treated her.
- She claimed she put Tyler up because of things he told Kaitlyn that got back to her such as he didn't think anyone would put him up and how he and Kaitlyn were working both sides of the house.
- And then it happened.
- Bayleigh went absolutely berserk on Tyler demanding an apology.
- She was a mad woman.
- Tyler just kept denying everything.
- And Bayleigh got worse and worse.
- It was definitely THE MOST EPIC SCREAM FEST ever in the BB house!
- She screamed so hard she started bleeding from her mouth.
- She went to the DR and Scottie asked her if she was okay.
- "NO! I'm NOT okay! I think I lost a tooth!"
- Say what?
- No, she didn't lose a tooth screaming. She actually bit the inside of her mouth while screaming. Still a bit scary.
- Afterwards she did start joking about she knew she could be a bit crazy, but she surprised herself by being so crazy.
- Yet I haven't seen her apologizing to Tyler?
- And, it bugged me that Sam went running after her when Tyler was the target of her ire and also not in great shape after that.
- Brett is making buddy with Fessy. But I have no doubt he's loyal to his alliance. He's a good actor.
- He told Bayleigh and Fessy he was just relieved not to be actually involved this time.
- Angela, Tyler and Kaycee say it doesn't matter -- Bayleigh still has her power. She needs to go.
- Both Scottie and JC talked to them at different times.
- The plan is still on. This changes nothing.
- The house is sort of back to its non-fighting self.
- But this was epic. I do hope they show it tomorrow night!
- After the feeds block I see Bayleigh working on Scottie. He's becoming as good an actor as our Level 6/4 Players. I do believe he will vote her out despite her promises of safety for him.
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No, I will not follow this recipe! |
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JC tries to talk game with Fessy |
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What? A house meeting? |
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Bayleigh goes berserk on Tyler |
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The aftermath of hysteria |
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Scottie to Tyler: "The plan remains." |
Thanks for the update Jackie!
Most of the time, I could care less if I have the feeds.
Today is a different story! lol
So happy for a new post, lol. Bayleigh lost her ever loving mind today but I predicted that she was just on a slow/low simmer with my friends that don't blog and feed. I told them she would blow at any point, and my Haleigh!?!?? My pool girl is gone to me... I'm rooting for anyone but the remaining FOUTTE. Anyone!
When Bayleigh realized she had a bloody lip/cheek/mouth, I was like "That's what you get for going so BS Cray". I have zero sympathy for her.
I'm just bummed that a certain spoiler person said that BB pulled the alcohol at the last minute from the half-way party tonight. I mean, I get why they did but it would have provided more drama. What a day in the BB house!!!
Tomorrow night's show better show a good portion of that bruhaha and not cut it to a short minute!!!
You'd think... if Bayleigh is so concerned she's damaged her reputation by being on this show, things like this certainly don't help. A good 'blood bath' is good for all us 'watchers' though! :D :D
All's calm in there after their party. Booo :(((
Sharon, Bayleigh continues to amaze me with her logic. It's nothing short of a complete break with reality. Seriously!!
As cray-cray as Bayleigh went today, do you think maybe BB decided it wouldn't be a good idea to provide alcohol and chance someone really going over the top nuts???
Sharon - She is embarrassed to an extent -- she keeps saying no way will she ever let her children watch her go crazy. But I don't know. I've had some temper tantrums in my life. We probably all have. But I don't think I have ever been that out of control since I was around three years old. I was ready for them to rush in with restraints!
LMAO, true. I can remember a couple of pre-teen tantrums myself.
As an adult, nope.
Your description gave a good idea how bad it got today.
It makes me believe that just might be the reason BB pulled alcohol from the party.
I'm sure it's why the alcohol was pulled. I don't think Bayleigh would be an issue. But JC is all hyped up. I don't think Fessy drinks at all anyway. Haleigh would probably drink and cry. Oh well. They NEED to show the brouhaha tomorrow! It wasn't really long and, believe it or not, it wasn't even cursing.
WOW... in a house of oft-cursing, I'm absolutely amazed there weren't a few "words" flying.
I can't imaging going so NUTS that you bite yourself and bleed. Insane.
The producers probably had the show almost all scripted until this happened. lol I hope they show it all and they don't cut into the Granny Panties segment too much. That should also be funny to see. Sounds like it should be a good show.
Now to see if anyone uploaded the brouhaha before it gets taken down. =)
I'm 100% sure it's why this is the first year that they've done the half-way without alcohol. Today was insane and they couldn't risk it with the atmosphere in there. Don't blame them but it would have been funny. js
Before it disappears... there are 3 video clips here, including the explosion today.
Hahaha, Sharon. I was just coming here to post a youtube of it. If anyone wants to see it, you need to watch soon. CBS will make youtube pull these so fast, lol
Thanks Sharon. I had already found another shorter one, but that one covers more of it. lol
I bet CBS will show the setup for that blowup if they do show it, by showing the original conversation. Maybe in the previously on BB. Not looking very good for Bayleigh in more ways than one tomorrow if that happens. Either I saw it happen on BBAD, or they have already shown the conversation once on the show. I don't remember which.
Here's a Twitter four part version -- https://twitter.com/J_PopCultureFan/status/1027293704636309506
David, they did show it. That's the crazy part of all of this. They showed Tyler asking her if a power was used would you put up Angela and she said yes. It's so insane. Bayleigh has a screw loose and just believe what she makes up in her mind. She gets all of her conversations confused with each other and just chooses to believe what she wants to. It's that simple.
Thanks Monty. I wasn't sure where, but I knew I had seen that, maybe both times. So a previously on BB would be an easy add there just before they show the screaming demanding an apology for telling the truth. lol
She went after Angela this evening a bit in the kitchen, but Angela just said she is not having this conversation and walked away with Bayleigh saying Angela should apologize to her for not talking to her. @_@ Angela did throw her a finger after walking into the HOH room.
Jackie -
When this was going down yesterday, I told my coworkers, "Oh wow - Jackie will
LOVE this. This is no mere 'kerfuffle'- Jackie likes a kerfuffle; this is a
full-on brouhaha!" {no, none of my coworkers had ever heard of a kerfuffle or brouhaha. Sigh}
I am so angry at Hayleigh for this desperate, crazed effort to save Bayleigh. Scottie was
smart - he advised Hay to vote OUT Bay if she doesn't think there are votes to save her.
Finally! There is someone who shares my views on forcing someone to apologize. It’s one of my Pet peeves & it means NOTHING when you demand it from someone! Carry on, just has to comment
Agree Colette!
Can you guys believe there are groups of people that are on Bayleigh's side? Many are saying she is a target of racism, many think Tyler was actually mean to her all week (what?) and others just hate L6 for being successful. @@
I was able to watch the brouhaha on YouTube yesterday. I understand that they are locked away from the real world and that alone can be stressful. However, Bayleigh really did go overboard on Tyler. Kayleigh asking everyone to apologize just showed her immaturity level. It sure made for great viewing! I hope they show it tonight. My family will love it.
Did Sam, at any point, comfort Tyler? Just curious.
Sorry Hayleigh.. I got Hacker autocorrected
My thoughts-
This brouhaha was very exciting to watch.
Bayleigh just lost it
Tyler didn’t act nuts
Scottie and the convo with Hayleigh gives me the jitters.
He then told Tyler about it so I believe he is sticking with the plan.
I have my fingers and toes crossed that Sam follows Level 6/4 votes.
I would love to see Fessy after the vote that he didn’t vote “right” again.
IMO- Scottie will take a shot at Tyler before Tyler takes the shot at Scottie-
Tyler should have told KC, Brett and Angela last night when he had the chance that he has the app. This may hurt him if level6/4 doesn’t win tonight.
Nah, Tyler is smart being quiet about the power app. He's the only one who knows to keep his mouth shut.
Since Tyler's app only allows him to keep himself off the block in either a HOH noms or Veto re-nom, and he has to guess when that would be, it does him no good to tell anyone that he has it.
If he uses it correctly, and as long as no one knows, he may be able to say someone else had it and used it on him as it was expiring and needed to be used to keep the blame off himself.
Bayleigh asking, err demanding an apology from Tyler? Uhh girl he wasn't the one who put you on the block. I don't understand most of these hamsters logic because it lacks common sense ( which is in short supply even out here in the real world ) I think right now there are only two maybe three contenders to win, that's Sam ( who I'd like to see win ) Tyler ( who appears to be the one the producers really want to win ) and then there's Scottie ( who is just enough of a wild card that he might just pull it off ). But of all of them I really hope Sam gets the win, she's been very likeable, hasn't tried to pull anything over the top, and appears to be fairly level headed, but then since I don't watch the live feeds I'm only getting what the producers want me to see.
Hi everyone! Wow so much has happened this week. The last blast of summer has kept me busy and I haven't been able to watch anything live. However, I have been reading and reading and reading all of Jackie's posts and everyone's comments to keep caught up. I have a few thoughts I'd like to share.
Bey, wow, she has no one to blame for her reputation, but herself! She's delusional so I'm sure she'll continue to blame everyone else & her actions & her skin color for the reason she didn't win.
Tyler, what a game he's playing. I've enjoyed him all summer! Love the fact he has kept his power a secret and how he's kept ppl guessing exactly who he has been aligned with. That is very hard to do. Very impressed!
Sam, dear sweet Sam. Everyone is right, she is just not cut out for this game. Although, I'd still like to see her do Survivor.
Kaycee....who are you again? My pool pick..as soon as L6 is done with her she'll be gone. Rightfully so.
Scottie...ugh don't know how to feel about him. Like him, don't like him. At one point I was board by him, then...was wow, ok he's a bit devious with those hinky votes, maybe he's someone to watch. Now... not so much.
J.C. I have enjoyed watching him this season. He has had some hinky votes, and he's been running between both alliances purposely not telling the exact truth about he said/she said...it's the oldest strategy in the book, but fun to watch.
Brett...hee hee love his block speeches, he stirs up some $#!t with those speeches and then sits back and watches it all unfold.
Angela...glad she finally showed up to play the game...better later then never!
Fessy....still waiting for him to show up to play the game. #lostpuppy
Rockstar....ugh, I just can't with this one. She's annoying, everything from her funky styling to her fake urban accent. "Glad you guys picked up on that too. I wasn't sure if anyone else noticed" Not impressed with whatever her strategy is in playing this game.
Hayliegh...should have NEVER told anyone about being the hacker. That will come back to bite her...not so smart, smarty pants.
All and all I thought casting was pretty good this year. I like that they picked ppl who doesn't have this game completely figured out and how they picked ppl who sort of maybe do, and I bet they had no idea that Tyler completely has this game nailed down...lol I'm sure he "played" production too!
Personally, my favorite part of BB this season has been being a part of this AMAZING group of people!
I'm in Petals neck of the woods so I too will miss you all tonight with the Cheifs game airing instead of BB! Hopefully I can splash around with everyone Sunday if not before!
Sorry bey, blame everyone else FOR her actions.. not &.
The only thing I can't figure out is why she's mad at Tyler. Tyler didn't nominate her. The whole conversation about Angela really has nothing to do with Bay's current predicament. In fact, Tyler did NOT use the veto which actually kept Bay from having to renom someone else.
Why is she not yelling at Angela? Angela nominated her. Angela accused her of being the hacker. Angela was supposed to be her "friend".
you have a point, I agree that he is the only one to keep his trap shut.
It may be that I just don't want him getting hurt by the app.
I thought it was funny that Bay thought the cloud on the screen meant whoever may have had that app had to use it this week because it cant last longer than hers.
She is very dillusinal...
Jenna, Petals
if you go to hamsterwatch.com there are links to catch the show airing live.
This is what most west coast alum use to watch the show in realtime.
Yes Teeb - Sam went upstairs & had a long, tearful hug w/Tyler.
Not sure how many share my view, but I think that Ty/Sam have an alliance that is above L6
Thanks chacha! Great to know for the future...family is all about the game tonight. New QB to check out. Unknown..Petals, maybe? Lol!! Yes, I think that too! Love that alliance. Would like to see them in final.
Thanks, Abyss!
Hmm, an alliance with Sam and Tyler does make sense.
Joe (and anyone) - I asked someone (who knows more black women than I do) about why Bay is directly her hysterical rage at Tyler instead of the actual girls responsible. The
answer makes sense: A guy would never get in her face, but another woman WOULD. Like Angela did in the kitchen later.
Yes, I am Unknown when I am in the Abyss, lol sorry! Lemme fix my name...this darn spreadsheet at work messes me up!
Yes, I may have to use the link to watch the show & see what kind of crazy Bay unleashes this evening.
I don't think Bayleigh's attack on Tyler had anything to do with race. Yeah, she's said she doesn't like any of those crazy white people. But, not everything has to do with race. I think it had more to do with her personal pride. She sees that Tyler is liked by all, probably playing the best game of all and is the most likely to win. She feels she should be in those shoes and she's not.
Race plays no real part in it. She's just trying to bring down the person she herself sees as the best player. She's jealous, she's bitter and she's lashing out.
Bingo Jackie!!!
I haven't been this excited for a BB episode in a long time. Yes, I watched all the videos on Youtube, but I just want to see the edit on tv. Also, excited to see who wins HOH and what happens next!
I don't comment often, but I always read the updates. Thank you, Jackie!
Bayleigh is projecting all her stuff/insecurities on everyone around her!
Not everything has to do with race but SHE brought it up...and YES...Race is Race just like white is white. Why does Bey make it about white rich people????????
Anon - and Rockstar seems be VERY affluent-phobic, but she seems to forget that Bay is not from a poor family.
The Hive seem to think/believe weird things. Maybe that's what keeps them together.
Anon - I'm not about to have a big race debate here. I will say that, however affluent Bayleigh's family might be, people of color often face different circumstance than those who are Caucasian. While a white person's thought is not about race issues in their lives, people of color live it throughout their lives.
Tyler just spilled the beans about his app to Sam- presumably to secure the vote to boot Bay-
Sam would know that the cloud was one of the choices-
Tyler just told Sam about his Cloud App. He told her it was almost exposed by the glitch,
I think Sam is probably the only person he could tell and be fairly sure it won't go any further if he tells her not to tell.
YAY! That's why I believe Tyler's ultimate alliance is Sam. At least I hope it is.
Tyler has played a clever game and he's made friends with almost everyone at one point or another. On the other hand, Sam has made friends with almost everyone in the house, soothed hurt feelings, and she's been chief cook & bottle washer.\
The only concern I'd have is a bitter jury, and it usually is... Sam could easily win.
It doesn't really matter if she's oblivious to how the game is played... oblivious/nice can win in that situation. I'd much prefer someone win who put real thought into how to proceed, and how successful that process was. In the end, it only matters what how Jury thinks or feels.
Speaking of win possibilities... Brett.
Spot on Jackie (11:50)
I think Tyler did it to protect the vote and insure that Sam votes with them to evict Bayleigh, but I agree that he has a close alliance with Sam and trusts that she would never tell anyone. I believe she will keep it between her and Tyler. I'm hoping he never has to use it so he can say to the jury that he had the power all along but never used it. :)))
Jackie...does this mean Bayleighs power is uselessto her? I thought she could change the block???
Terry, only before nominations. It's useless now.
It appears Kaycee has had a hard time getting Sam to vote out Bayleigh.
Way too soft-hearted for this game. I'm still not sure she will do it. :(
I'm getting worried that DR got in Sam's ear...I counted the votes, and Bay could stay.
Ty & Angela can't vote.
She's going Petals
From your keyboard to God's ears, Monty.
Tyler can vote... even if Hayleigh nullifies his vote or anyone on L6 voting side, it won't matter. It's only Hay and Fessy voting to keep Bay.
Eight votes and if it is a tie, Angela breaks it
So, Sam had tears in her eyes when Tyler was put up, but was also nodding her head in agreement when Hay gave her speech. What's up with that? Conflicted, I suppose.
Did you guys notice that they changed the Russian voice? I heard a female voice without a trace of an accent when they played the female hacker voice part last night.
When Tyler was explaining, once again, to Bay how their conversation about Angela going up really went, and got to the part where Bay said "yes", I saw a flicker of recognition in Bay's eyes. I call BS on her - she might not have remembered it correctly at the outset, but there was definitely a flicker there and she then remembered. I know that flicker when I see it :)
I'm not a fan of Bay but I would love to see a level 6 blindside or maybe some BB
'Expect the Unexpected' nonsense.
If I'm counting correctly their will be 8 votes casted tonight. So maybe Hay, Fes, & Scotty voting to keep Bey. Kaycee, JC, Brett, & Tyler voting Bey out. So Sam if she votes for Bey to go then she's gone, but if she votes Bey to stay then Angela breaks the tie sending Bey home so the way I see it Bay is going tonight...unless I have it wrong in what I think ppl will vote...I don't have feeds...oh wait can't Hay cancel a vote?...oh that could help Bey to stay...oh it's another nail biter tonight! Dang Cheifs football game!
Ihope Sam doesn't go against Tyler and Angela and keep Baileigh and with Sam knowing Tylers power it could get messy. I was hoping Tyler could save it in case of a double eviction.
JC could throw another hinkey vote...
Hamsterwatch has no link for watching show online? ANyone know anything?
I found it: bmx-tv.net and videobrother.net/live-stream
For Jenna, too!
She said it was on the left... glad you found it, Petals. Good luck to everyone else
I'm with you Petals, football preempting. Of all the shows all summer, this is the one I wanted to watch live. Any ideas anyone on how to watch the show online somewhere?
Wolfpack - you must be in KC!
Hamsterwatch has three links (East Coast Air Shows in red) on the Left Sidebar just above the Donate button
JC and Scottie both want Bayleigh out so the only one who might vote with Hay/Fess is Sam and I don't think she'll do it.
Can't wait for showtime :)))
Lucky here... I have two CBS affiliates and only one of them has football
Here in Chicago the Bears were not only kind enough to start their game at 6PM,they televise it on Fox. :)
Rumors are that Sam may have walked. Spoiler says she has been in diary room for 15 minutes with only 45 minutes until broadcast. Others are claiming she has either walked or is going to refuse to vote.
realvegas4sure says she was going to refuse to vote and DR told that she could do that (spoilers aren't confirmation)
Latest spoiler about Sam: She said when they call her to the DR during live show she is going to refuse to vote. She was told she can't do that. She stayed and cried most of the time. Then tried to leave the DR through the side exit (which would be a self eviction) but was asked to stay.
This is just ridiculous
Petals, I'm in NC as in NC State Wolfpack.
Pre-season is boring at best So thanks to hamsterwatch I got to see the show.
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