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Can he make it to Final Two? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Three Hamsters:
- When the live feeds returned after last night's live show, the final three were still in a celebratory mood.
- While Kaycee and Tyler talked about how much they liked Angela, JC's obvious jealousy over her kept surfacing.
- My gosh, I think his crush on Tyler is almost akin to the Tangela showmance/romance.
- But it's certain to be unrequited.
- Tyler is, without a doubt, head over heels with Angela.
- He has no interest in JC other than a friend and someone to beat for the win.
- Lots of chat about the season gone by so far and what the schedule might be for the remaining time.
- JC told Tyler that it's because of him (JC) talking to Kaycee that Kaycee voted out Angela.
- Yep, all his doing that Tyler remained in the house (and he should be grateful and possibly fall in love with JC).
- Of course, we (and Tyler and Kaycee) know otherwise.
- We know that the two are faithful to their final two deal made on either Day One or Day Two in the house.
- Whether they'll stick to that when it comes down the line, we don't know.
- I think Kaycee would win against either in the final two, but iffier with Tyler.
- Beforehand, Tyler and Kaycee had come up with a nod code to win/lose the first part of the HoH.
- Since some people get confused every season with this final HoH comp, I'll lay it out here -- Part One is always physical endurance and is done after the eviction of Hamster Four (in this case, Angela). It used to be on the live feeds and is no longer shown on the live feeds. They should be doing the second part on Saturday (also not on the live feeds). The final part will be done live on the finale show. The winner of Part One goes against the winner of Part Two in that live Part Three. The winner of Part Three chooses who will join him/her in the final two.
- Other events we will have (not shown on the live feeds, mind you) is that this morning they will tape the breakfast memory segment and Saturday there will be the Jurors Round Table with Dr. Will Kirby officiating.
- Oh ... you want to know who won Part One of the three-part final HoH comp?
- Tyler.
- After the live show, Kaycee had tried to get Tyler to throw Part One to her because she's better in physical comps.
- He didn't say he would. And, most obviously, didn't.
- In conversation away from JC, Tyler said he was going to let her win when she unexpectedly dropped.
- Now, if he wins Part Three, he'll have control over who would be with him in the final two.
- Kaycee will go against JC in Part Two tomorrow.
- When the live feeds returned after Part One, they were all hurting hamsters and covered with blue goop.
- Apparently it was some sort of hanging comp.
- JC went down first, then Kaycee, leaving Tyler in it for the win.
- Of the three, Kaycee seems to be hurting the most -- her hands and arms are sore and she's ice-packing.
- Once again JC tried telling Tyler how they wouldn't be there if not for him.
- He still thinks he should get all the credit for Tyler (and himself) being in the final three.
- JC also tried to get Kaycee to commit to a final two deal with him.
- She told him she was too tired and too sore to deal with thinking at the time.
- Plus, she already has a very committed final two deal with Tyler.
- But she didn't tell JC that!
- On it goes ...
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Ice bagging her hands |
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Will sit out Part Two now |
Being the last comment in the previous thread I thought I'd put it here as well.
Commenting on Glen Allen's comment about JC's obsessive behavior towards Tyler...
You know JC's delusion is far greater than anything Sam exhibited this season. I hope there is an intense post-debriefing of these guys and professional help if needed.
I remember way back to the 1st BB, Karen talked about her hubby like a dog and actually asked for a divorce while in the house. I can't imagine her post-BB life being easy at all.
Also in reference to comments in the "non-spoiler" post from last night (sigh) -- the winning bonuses are as follows, as far as I know:
Sam, 5th Place - $5,000
Angela, 4th Place - $7,000
Whoever, 3rd Place - $10,000
Whoever, Runner-Up - $50,000
Whoever, 1st Place - $500,000
Whoever, America's Favorite Player - $25,000
The first place winner cannot win AFP if memory serves. The top two only win their regular winnings, no bonus added.
Thanks Jackie! AND for reminding us how monies are distributed and AFP money works! So glad Tyler won part one and didn’t let Kaycee walk away with it. That would just give her another winning notch against Tyler as it is. If those two are standing at the end it is going to be a tight vote anyway. That’s just how I see it. Every man/woman for themselves now! Again, thanks Jackie!
Thanks Jackie! I totally spaced out about how the bonus amounts and the distribution... and then couldn't find the info again.
In the past,I know the AFP never went to the winner, but the way Julie worded the announcement the other night, I thought maybe they changed that rule this year.
Personally, I have mixed feelings about the AFP award.
I do enjoy seeing the $$ spread out,and seeing a HG's joy at knowing they've been voted AFP.
At the same time, I can't help feel like the "favorite player" should be the HG who receives the most votes.
Good thing it's not up to me! LOL
Jackie, that's what I always assumed as well about the top two being ineligible for AFP, but Grodner said earlier this season that the top two were eligible. There was a lot of questions about it because Ross won AFP in Celeb BB and finished in top two.
I'm going out on a limb and giving JC a few props for working the remaining house. I need to put into perspective how little JC knows that L6 (and us)know all.
AFP Brett!!!
Angela surprised Tyler by leaving her Hilton Head Sweatshirt in Tyler's Big Brother Duffle bag. Angela also left the little beanie bag thing that she had used as a baby. Tyler said Angela was going to take it but left it. Tyler had put it on top of Angela's bed as he called it. JC got jealous last night when Tyler tried to wear it. He told Tyler you are not wearing this in the house. He also put down Tyler's speech about Angela saying that at least he had not talked like he was in love with some random girl on national TV.
It will be great if Tyler wins final HOH and tells JC you are not as smart as you think you are and tells JC about Level 6 and about Angela and tells JC for your own good you are evicted.
JC truly thinks he is the master manipulator - but as we've all seen, he was just along for the ride. I wonder if he watches the season if that will make it more clear to him.
Imagine the outrage if at every chance Tyler got he was to tell JC you are straight and you know it. You are a coward JC for not admitting it. you know that who you say you love is not true. Then to go on with the example Tyler would have got one of the lady houseguests to go seduce JC because JC didn't know what he wanted.
BB would have received a ton of protests and would have probably punished Tyler. It seems like BB is scared to do anything. JC is mocking production saying Tyler I know you want to kiss me but you are scared because Production does not want a gay showman.
That is true Carol. Why are houseguests not allowed to talk about their Diary room sessions with other guests? It would seem like a houseguest should be free to tell someone what they said. Why does Production not tell JC to stop talking about production when mocking their rules for him? Why does Big Brother not make the Good Bye messages available on the Website?
It looks like Big Brother will be back next season. On last nights broadcast they were telling how to apply to Big Brother.
My theory: if they were allowed to talk about their DR sessions, it would become obvious just how much the HGs are fed and led by Production.
Re JC and Tyler:
After secretly pit-kissing Tyler (while he was asleep and didn't know) a few weeks ago, Production did tell JC he couldn't sleep with Tyler anymore. BUT they could have done more to squelch JCs "love obsession' with Tyler. JC is totally unrealistic and obnoxious, and I have to agree, there would have been twitter-outrage if Tyler had even uttered one of the things JC has said to Tyler.
I am disappointed with what production and BB has let JC get away with. The touching and kissing of Tyler in his sleep and the door open to the toilet with Haleigh and there were some other issues with some poking the girls in private area's. How is that okay? I hope he gets evicted. He should have gone long ago. He in no way deserves AFP. JMHO
Although JC has been problematic throughout the season, some of those incidents were blown way out of proportion on the Internet. Show fans were much more outraged than were the other contestants in the house. I do think JC should have received some sort of penalties for disobeying production for more simpler matters such as constantly singing and not stopping when told. It sounds minor, but it's a big pain to have the feeds blocked so much because he sings or hums and won't stop. It's NOT Big Brother the Musical!
As for not discussing the Diary Room sessions with other houseguests, sure they don't want the hamsters knowing the questioning they get in there -- it might blow someone else's game. Plus, I think back to Danielle Reyes losing what would probably have been her first place win on her season because the jury saw her DR sessions and what she said about them. Another minor possible reason is that a hamster could be untruthful about a DR session content and make it seem like the DR was against another hamster.
Always the voice of reason with thoughts about 'stuff' and DR sessions. :)
In the BB handbook of rules, HGs should be informed that they will receive no more than TWO warnings for infractions... doesn't matter if it's singing, breaking HN, or whatever.
Breaking those rules will result in a punishment, i.e., auto-vote against them OTB. For each additional infraction, a cut to their stipend. Warnings only work if you get'em where it hurts!!
Agree Jackie!
I just rewatched some of the old HOH interviews. One of the interesting things was that Angela said that Tyler was her biggest Ally in the Game. Tyler answered the same question said that Kaycee was his biggest Ally and that JC had done the most work for him. I hope that Angela will not feel hurt when she sees this.
When did people get so sensitive? JC is sometimes obnoxious and problematic, but the way some people talk about him (Twitter) is baffling to me. If the person he's talking to, or doing things to, isn't offended than everyone else should just mind their own business. So much virtue signaling in the world these days. Judging people like they've never done or said any stupid sh*t in their lives. Tyler actually seems to enjoy trolling JC about his crush. All I know is times sure have changed. When I was growing up, the more humorously offensive you were, the better.
BB fans have always had the outrage screamers in their midst. I can think back to BB1, a season run by AOL, where I created message boards and monitored them and chats. The live feeds were on AOL that year. I watched as Chicken George was going to the kitchen door with his hands full. Pugita, the dog there at the time, got underfoot and in his way. Yes, he took his foot and used it to move the pup aside. NO, he did NOT kick the dog or hurt her in any way whatsoever. Yet, the reaction on the message boards and in the chat rooms had him practically drop-kicking Pugita across the kitchen! Whose reaction was that? People who had often posted anti-George posts all along. That situation made me more aware of how it was to be. That's one reason I don't get all excited when I hear something awry. I check it out and try to report without bias.
Interesting Off the Block with Ross, Marissa and Dr. Will (2nd guest).
Part of their discussion was thinking it was an error for Kaycee not to evict Tyler instead of Angela. It's easy to forget that Kaycee plays football, a TEAM sport. Although she really likes both Tyler and Angela, I think her mindset is "linemates" stick together, and Tyler is her #1 linemate... and her decisions come from her team-mentality + loyalty.
With that said, if Tyler or Kaycee are in the position to make the final decision on who to take to F2, it will be interesting to see what choice either would make. If the opportunity is there, L3 had said they wanted the best at the end, so I personally think they will both stick with each other.
I love it that Tyler has Angela's Hilton Head Sweatshirt and Heart Emoji pillow in his bed and Angelas pebble pillow. JC told Tyler he loves watching Tyler suffer. After JC leaves the Blue Bedroom he helps Kaycee study days.
I love it too Glenn! Thanks for the updates! Hope things are going better for you! Still praying....
Thanks Judi!
Sharon, I just watched the Ross and Marissa video. I agree with everything Will said, but I still don't think that the jury will look at it through his lens... if that makes sense! I know he's good at redirecting them when they tend to go off on tangents, but you can only say so much and they have to be receptive to looking at the game from a different view. I've seen people say (mostly on RHAP) say that Kevin changed his vote while he was thinking about it in sequester, but he didn't. I think Kevin left the game believing Paul played the best game and in the end he voted for Paul.
I hope that Haleigh and Scottie still respect Tyler's game like they talked about in the jury segment, and I think Fessy will vote with Haleigh and Scottie, but they all love Kaycee so much. This is going to be a tough one to predict. Still rooting for Tyler for the win, but I'll be happy with a Kaycee win. JC not so much because I don't think he deserves it, and that is a legit reason for opinions on it according to Dingo, LOL. I always love her rank a Hamster/Winner gem she rolls out at the end of every season. Haha :)))
Amazing, lots of gray hair now, but even (almost) 20 yrs later, Dr Will still looks young and fit.
I'll be happy with either Tyler or Kaycee winning (my pool girl). Both are genuinely nice people and stayed pleasant and low-key... and avoided hurting feelings as much as possible.
As far as JC, no cheering for him here.
I think, for the most part, JC has been comic relief. For me, it wasn't until recently, when he realized Tyler had eyes for someone else, he became obnoxious.
I believe if Tyler takes Kaycee, she will win. Tyler promised too many people F2. He said things he never meant. Even though it's part of the game, he lead too many people on. It might come back and bite him. I really do not care who wins between Tyler and Kaycee, though. I believe JC will have to do a lot of talking to win this game. JMO.
Jackie, I remember the AOL boards so well. I always felt sorry for the moderators because there were some people who were reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally bad. I remember one from California who was always warned. She fought with everyone. Called them names if they didn't agree with her. I think she was finally banned for good.
Penny I was on the Aol board as well for season 1 and loved Jackies moderating!
It looks like Angela is upset with some of the secrets Tyler told her in his GBM. Tyler had told Angela he hoped she would not be mad at him. I hope Angela realizes they were game secrets and not personal.
Angela: Tyler and I need to clear the air
Gosh, I wish I had been around for those 'golden daze' of the early BB. I don't even remember a dog in season one. But I do remember the woman who asked for a divorce. Wish BB would have a "where are they now" episode.
LOL!!! Go to 1:06 BBT to flashback on this. Kaycee just went Evel Dick on JC who is napping because he was yelling stop at the noise they she and Tyler was making in the kitchen. It started out as a misunderstanding because JC was yelling at production, but KC thought he was yelling at her. He then did tell her and Tyler to stop so she grabbed a pot and spoon and went ED on JC, lmao. Watch it on Quad view for the full effect :)))
1:06 PM BBT today
Thanks Monty I will have to see this. So first Rockstar and now Kaycee went ED and Josh!
Lol, Glenn it's hilarious. You have to follow it all the way through JC calling her Rockstar Bitch and then some. :)))
Looks like Part 2 is starting a little earlier tonight. :)
Woooo Hoooo! Thanks Sharon
I'm waiting it out and will put up a new post when I know who wins.
Thanks, Jackie! Waiting it out here too.
Monty that was hilarious with the pots. Tyler was right she should have added the circus noise.
I am waiting it out also. Hurricane Florence update is that supplies still hard to get into Wilmington. I know of one relief truck at least that didn't make it in. The Governor and local officials are still telling people that left to be careful if they decide to return. Duke Energy had to close part of their power plant in Wilmington because part of their Dam broke. They are worried about Coal Ash killing the Fish in Sutton Lake and hoping it doesn't get into the Bays etc. My Brother is a Commercial Fisherman and has not been able to work for a couple weeks now. He doesn't know when the Bays will reopen. We are still monitoring the Cape Fear River to see when it will overflow. Their is still the potential for Hurricane Florence to reform as Kirk.
Glenn, it's just heart breaking when these things happen. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and really everyone in Wilmington too. I've lived through the damage of a F5 tornado and I know what it takes to fully recover from it. People and communities are resilient though and I know from experience that it will eventually get better.
The longest I went without power was around a week when I was five years old and my parents managed to keep us comfortable and made it like fun for us. A lot of grilling food, and campfire food in the backyard, etc. Having said that though, my hubby went two weeks without power about 15 years ago. I know how it effected him and his parents at the time. It's awful. Hope your town is back to normal soon.
BBAD is on and they are saying it was the wall climb, put things in order comp. I can't tell who won though from their conversations other than it was really close. With the way Kaycee is pacing around.......
I can't tell either David and I'm dying to find out. Evidently it was timed and they're waiting... to find out.
I think Kaycee won since JC wants to know if he'll get to watch Part 3.
yep, has to be. JC left the room and Tyler/Kaycee started silent cheering. :)))
Thank you so much Monty. Thanks for sharing about your experience with a F% Tornado. Hurricane Florence was the longest Hurricane I have ever experienced. It seems like it left more damage then the other Hurricanes. It moved so slowly and was over 400 miles wide. That is crazy.
Yep!!! Kaycee won!
That is great news about Kaycee winning part 2. Level 6 can get F2 now and hopefully tell JC soon about Level 6 and their F2 deal. Maybe Tyler can joke with JC and say don't you wish Angela was here now instead of Kaycee.
Yup, Kaycee won. Dang JC's thick accent. I had to rewind that 4 times to hear what he said. lol
New feeds post is up. Thanks Jackie =)
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