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Listening (or not) to Haleigh |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Veto Vultures:
- I forgot what a cleaning freak Scottie is. Unlike Sam's look busy but doesn't clean much approach, Scottie CLEANS.
- He could come over here for a few hours.
- Today is a day of waiting for veto.
- The veto players chosen are JC, Sam and Kaycee.
- Angela and Brett both wanted to play.
- JC didn't want to play, certainly doesn't want to win if forced to play.
- They just never know with Sam how she will do or what she will do.
- Haleigh spent an inordinate amount of time trashtalking Sam.
- She complained to Kaycee about Sam's stories and more and how much she annoys her.
- Now, Kaycee isn't exactly the right person for those complaints.
- Kaycee, if anything, is tighter with Sam than she is with Haleigh.
- She sees faults in Sam, but did speak up to Haleigh that she honestly cares for Sam.
- So, Haleigh complained to Tyler, Angela, Brett ... whoever would listen.
- Haleigh spent a lot of time with Tyler.
- Surprising, huh?
- Last week she was spending time with Angela.
- She also tried to distance herself from anything Fessy said or did.
- Oh no, they were never a showmance!
- Tyler didn't come out and say it, but has hinted to Haleigh that she's not the target -- he put her up because of her Hacker nomination of him while he put Scottie up because the house had previously voted him out.
- But I think they might still be leaning towards Haleigh eviction if the noms remain the same.
- Haleigh told Tyler that Scottie told her if one of them is taken off the block, the other will definitely go home.
- Well, yeah. Most likely.
- What would bug Haleigh more? Being on the block last week with Fessy or being on the block with Sam and being voted out?
- That would really irk her. She's already so ticked that she's on the block and Sam remains in the house.
- She needs to get a grip.
- The feeds have been down for more than a few hours now.
- Once they come back, I'll get the skinny on the PoV winner and get this posted.
- Aha, Kaycee won the Power of Veto.
- Haleigh is not a happy camper.
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Does not set oven fires cooking bacon |
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At least Scottie REALLY cleans |
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Are we boring you, Brett? Me, too. |
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Cuddle, cuddle |
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Listening to Haleigh trash Sam |
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Sam better follow me to the jury house |
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We have a Veto winner! |
I would love for Kaycee to use the veto on Scottie then have Tyler put Sam up but we know that won’t happen!!
Kaycee is starting to step up for Level 6. Now Tyler can help decide if Kaycee should use the Veto to backdoor JC or keep the same. Hopefully level 6 can have a meeting. Hopefully Angela will be able to stay in hOH bedroom to complete the trade that was made in front of Haliegh and Kaycee. Angela traded something in her HOH basket in exchange for sleeping in the HOH bedroom.
Kaycee will do whatever Tyler wants her to do with the veto. I don't think he wants it used -- why would he want more "blood on his hands" by making another nominee? He most likely would have to put up JC or Sam if it's used. It's better for his own game if someone else makes that move.
I agree Jackie. I think Tyler wants the noms to stay the same.
Jackie is right, and Tyler has already said Scottie was already voted out and needs to go out again.
As far as Tyler and Angela. I'm disappointed that Tyler has allowed himself to be dragged into a quasi showmance and they should STOP being so obvious. If you want to win the $$$$, save the dang relationship snuggles/cuddles for AFTER the show is over! They are all aware of the T&A (heh) relationship now, but Brett and JC are noticing the most... and they're concerned about their position in the pecking order. Rightly so.
I agree that Haleigh, while most think she isn't the target, will end up the target by the time Thursday roles around. And I'm sorry, but my pool girl spills so much information trying to fit in with the other side. I don't think she can help herself. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing her go to jury to be with Fessy this week.
Between Haleigh and Scottie, it probably doesn't matter that much to L4 which one goes.
There are 5 voting, so Tyler won't be forced to vote and openly choose.
It's incredible that L6/4 have controlled the game to such an extent that they haven't had to feed on their own yet.
Send Haleigh to jury and Tyler/Angela will have another angry juror. And rightly so, when you lie and deceive someone while looking them right in the face you get negativity (even if it is just a game). And regardless of how dignified the persons voted out leave (hugs all around) they know you played them.
Angela tells Tyler she was suppose to have been on Big Brother season 17. She had to make a last minute change since she had broken up with her ex and had to find new housing.
They ALL have to lie and deceive others in order to win the BB game and any real BB super fan realizes that. They’ve all had to lie and deceive at some point. The bitter jury comes when you have also been arrogant and a real a$$ hole to others... there is a huge difference between angry and bitter jurors....
Thanks Jackie.... a lot of work! I hope you are feeling better... Hug Vincent for us
Tyler just asked Angela for her Phone number after the show!
Sanday, it honestly doesn't matter. They have to vote for one person to win and so far, they all love Tyler. That's a fact. Yes, Bayleigh wanted to come back in and target Tyler, but she did because she recognized his game at the point she was voted out. Tyler won't take Angela to the F2, as far as I know. I believe his best bet would be against a Sam or JC. I don't see that either, but there's a lot of game left to be played. Too early to start guessing jury votes.
Anger is about a present hurt; bitterness is about a past hurt. When we feel angry it's because of something that just happened. Bitterness leads to resentment and holding a grudge. If some of the jury is telling the truth about not knowing the game they will have these feelings. I think those playing to win should consider this it can affect votes.
I watch this show to study human behavior and reactions when faced with others decisions. I don’t care who wins.
Sanday, I'm not sure what your point is. If they don't send Haleigh out this week an make her bitter, then they send her out next week an make her bitter. [If bitter is the only option. You could recognize you got outplayed. You can hate the Grandmaster for being a better player or you can applaud them for being that talented.]
Everyone but the Final 2 are going to "get got". You are either an adult about it and accept that they played better than you or got luckier than you or whatever, or you are a petulant child about it and scream to the gods and Julie Chen that it just isn't fair.
Joe, I think Bayleigh falls into the second category, maybe RS also when around others of like mind. lol RS was almost normal in her exit interview, so how much of her persona and views is act, and how much is real, I can not say.
I think the meeting and discussion with Dr. Will is supposed to make the bitter jury members think about it, and reconsider voting based on hate or game play. They have shown so little of the meeting the last couple of years that I am not sure if that is still true or not.
If I was giving a final two speech to the jurors, I'd remind them that the BB fandom and twitter-verse hates bitter jurors or people who don't vote for the best game play. Social media is all these kids think about, so why not put that pressure on them and make them think about what they might encounter online when the show is over. I think something along those lines would be good to bring up. Get them out of their own heads and thinking about their reception online afterwards.
Sharon N said...
"It's incredible that L6/4 have controlled the game to such an extent that they haven't had to feed on their own yet."
I disagree and say Not really. All the L6 members knew something about the game or at least a little bit. The others had no clue.
Foutte had no strategy whatsoever going forward other than forming the alliance. Swaggy immediately hooked up with Bayleigh and both disappeared. The rest of them sat in a room by themselves most of the time gossiping. Their first nomination was Sam/Steve with Sam as the target. They lose that vote 7-6 as a direct result of not having any type of social game that might have alerted them that Steve was in trouble. Swaggy then goes ballistic,acts like a complete jerk and easily gets voted out 8-4 because of his behavior.
We're in this long boring holding pattern because CBS insists on recruiting people that have no idea of how to actually play the game. In the future they should cast either 16 Tylers who know the game or 16 Fessys who don't.
OMG...Uncartie~~~~I TOTALLY AGREE with you regarding how they recruit people who know nothing. It does NOT make the game more interesting. So much more of a game when everyone is on the same page. So glad to hear someone saying that. :o)
A game with all Fessys?? What a riot that would be. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
Now that's a thought to ponder... a game with 16 Tylers or 16 Fessys!! LOL
It's tough, trying to imagine 16 Tylers and if all the backstabbing and conniving would even work. How would the HGs work against each other if they all have the same basic knowledge, plans, and mental capacity? They'd also know when/how/why everything else happens as well.
The season might devolve into what Fessy thought BB was all about, "whoever wins the most comps wins the game." That alone tells us what a season with 16 Fessys would be like. LOL
On the other hand, is it possible that ALL newbys could prove to be challenging?
Never know. After all, the very 1st BB season, NOBODY knew anything about the game. The HGs didn't have videos from previous season's to preview. Thinking about that makes me wonder...did Production give them a run-down on what's expected and what's allowable behavior? Or could it be that those HGs were just a bit more self-aware, smarter, and not especially seeking fame and fortune?
Great counter point, Sharon N!! ^5
Only thing I would change is that S2 would be the better comparison. S1 was the guinea pig and America had everything to do with it. S2 was the season that was groundbreaking for BB and it's been a fun ride ever since. :))
That first season was so different from all the rest. I mainly remember there was a woman who decided to leave her husband. It all seemed very raw...which I liked.
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