Good evening! Here we are at the beginning of the end. Four becomes three and we're into the final HOH by the end of the episode. I think we all have good idea and will be leaving tonight. We are also promised a jury house segment. I am still having difficulty of my typing. So I will only be posting the real major happenings on this show.
If you have not done so already and you want in on the blog pool for Survivor, please sign up on this link only.
Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Are you still in it? Check it out at this link. I had Sam -- I'm long gone!
If you have not done so already and you want in on the blog pool for Survivor, please sign up on this link only.
Lifeguard SueGee has updated the blog pool. Are you still in it? Check it out at this link. I had Sam -- I'm long gone!
Okay, the show is starting!
Jackson told Nicole that he's going to vote to keep Holly. She's not being mrrk in her response. She tells Cliff.
Jury house time. Kat and Nick are the latest BB21 romance. Tommy tells Christie he told the house they know each other. She hasn't told anyone. They tell the jury house.
To Cliff campaigning and planting seeds with Jackson. As per his custom he throws Nicole under the bus for the possible Holly eviction, also said he would swing the jury against him.
AFP voting is opening up.
Veto meeting and eviction time.
Surprise, surprise … he saves himself, Cliff goes up. Jackson votes out Cliff.
Jury house time. Kat and Nick are the latest BB21 romance. Tommy tells Christie he told the house they know each other. She hasn't told anyone. They tell the jury house.
To Cliff campaigning and planting seeds with Jackson. As per his custom he throws Nicole under the bus for the possible Holly eviction, also said he would swing the jury against him.
AFP voting is opening up.
Veto meeting and eviction time.
Surprise, surprise … he saves himself, Cliff goes up. Jackson votes out Cliff.
Hi folks
Hi Joe, Jackie and all who follow...
Here we go...
Hi Jackie Joe and Monty and all who come in
Hi Jackie!!!, Joe and Mmmmmmmooooonnnntttyyyy lol
Hey there Jackie, Joe and Monty and all who follow.... splash!
Hi Jackie and Joe and Monty. Hi Cheryl!
Cheryl and all the rest lol
Hi Jackie and Vincent. Thank you for hosting us.
Hi Monty and Joe.
I have nachos and cheese, margaritas, then Chocolate by Death for dessert.
H'lo Jennifer, Cheryl, Glenn and Jjjjjoooooonnnnnnnnnnn
Hi everyone... splashing in.
Let's GO!!! :)
Hi Jennifer. It should be an interesting show tonight. What deals will Cliff try to make?
Hog to the slaughter lol
Sounds delicious!!
Poor Cliff
Every deal he makes I cringe!
Hey Sharon
Hi Penny and Sharon, It looks like a good Jury segment tonight.
Hi all!!
Cliff, you made a mistake... Michie is not going to take you
My guy, David, was gone before it even really started this year.
I swear I love it when everyone expects everyone to keep there words but not them lol
Hi Jon. why do they think Jackson would keep Cliff?
I’ve brought Pinot Grigio and Riesling. Also, the last night of ‘s’mores fixing. Enjoy!!
In what world are they living in.. that they would think he wouldn't take Holly
Why are Cliff and Nicole "outsiders" and not Michie and Holly? Early on Michie was on the inside of a giant, short-lived alliance, but he and Holly have been on the outs with almost the entire house since. I would argue that Michie and Holly are as much "outsiders" as Cliff and Nicole. They also, mostly Michie, have been public enemy number 1.
By the way, they had a Final Four. It's the Final Four. I'm not sure why Nicole thinks there's much of anything else going on.
Hi Jackie and everyone! I made it! Why do these people think he would pick them over his girlfriend? They're nuts!
I know Sharon we lost David on the first day. Nicole does not want to hear the reason Jackson going against the Final 3 deal.
Hey Glenn and anyone missed lol
Sorry, Nicole, you are being an ass.
Hey tbc... yummy. Riesling and s'mores
Whoa... go girl!!
The LI in her came out
Nicole if you actually won a HOH maybe you would feel a bit more confident in your chances
Well, Nicole, Holly jumped down for you. She could have won the HOH. And, what's the difference than Cliff, Nicole and Michie or Nicole, Michie and Holly? I do not think Cliff could ever win this. And, Tommy could beat both Nicole and Cliff. JMO.
Oh Nicole... where was this strong girl!
I also don't think it matters to Nicole that Cliff leaves. She really doesn't want to be next to Cliff at the end. And, frankly, if the Final 3 were Michie, Cliff and Nicole, what are the odds that Cliff wins HOH to take Nicole to the Finale? Nicole was always going to have to win her way in.
Lies, deceit, betrayal lol
I agree, Nickel
That right Joe, final four...all bets are off, the gloves are off, you made it to the end, now fight like hell for the win!
Hi Everybody! It's the Cliff show tonight!
Oh, Cliff, your lie isn't as bad as Michie's lie? Really? You actually believe that?
Let’s see what deals Cliff comes up with
Hi Jon, Jenna, Jennifer, Glenn, Cheryl, tbc, Sharon, and I know I forgot someone. LOL
Tommy and Nick
100% right!
Give me a break Ckiff...pot kettle black Cliff...Hypocrite...YOu have been throwing Nicole under the bus for weeks...I hope Jackson tells her that he and Cliff had a FINAL 2
New romance in the Jury house?!?!
Hi TBC. Is Nick and Sis the new Romance or Jack and Kat the new romance lol?
Joe, she feels bad because it was her idea to flip and not Cliff's. Cliff also had a F2 with jackson that he backs out on because of what they "thought" about doing. That's all it is. Understandable to me, but it is what it is. MicBeth were never going to turn on each other and Cliff and Nicole should have just pulled the trigger when they had the chance to. Their fault.
I know a lot of people really can't stand Michie, but there is no difference who goes home. Holly will not win, nor would Cliff. He can barely win competitions. Michie has played the game hard.
Howdy everyone!! Tried to type and my batteries were dead on my wireless keyboard!!
This is really making me anti-Nicole and anti-Cliff. And if Nicole wants to be mad at anyone, it should be Cliff. Cliff talked her into keeping Holly. And Cliff had a FINAL TWO THAT DIDN'T INCLUDE YOU, NICOLE. A Final Two that he is now claiming was a blood oath. Wake up, Nicole!
H'lo Penny, Jenna and Ed
Jury time!!
Hi Penny!
Here we go lol
Monty, I know why she "feels bad" but she's blaming all the wrong people.
Sometimes Kat needs subtitles, she mumbles to much lol
Hi. No internet, and too difficult to blog from phone.
The scream heard around the world, lol
The fall heard round the world lol epic lol
Jinx Monty lol
How many comps has Michie won total?
Ewww. Kat and Nick????????????????????
So the finale is going to be Wednesday after Survivor? Loooonnnnggggg night
Hi Monty
Jack called Michie the GOAT. "Greatest of All Time"
Michie has won 7 comps so far.
Lol, Jon!!
This is funny.
The social game is going to come back to bite Michie, but he's still playing the best game.
Did Christy really walk in to the jury house Crying????
And did Nick really sleep with kath?
Nick...…..Bella who??
Hey Petals
Petals word lol
What's the record for comps won?
Funny that Christy was lecturing Nick for not respecting her game at the same time she was complaining about Michie's game. You want Nick to respect your game, maybe you should at least consider respecting Michie's game.
I feel kind of bad for Bella. She seemed to really like Nick.
They really need to start doing jury house episodes, I mean they allotted 87 hours a week to that ( sorry Jackie ) love island train wreck
Oh, Kat... hold out for Brett
Joe, I agree with your assessment. Everyone has been after Michie. He's not on the inside. He is an outsider, also.
I think Janelle still holds single season, but Dani D. is right up there with her.
Christie... you're slipp'n girl
More tears!
Energy tears lol
Poooooor Nick lol always a bridesmaid
If that was 7, isn't Michie now up to 8 with the Veto?
That's the key to the winner. Now they are really seeing Nicole's other side.
Yes, Joe. 8 wins total now.
That was an interesting jury segment(s). The jury is still up in the the air as to who should win as it should be. Notice that none of them talked about Cliff, lol.
Joe Jackson has tied Kaycees record of a total of 7 HOH and Veto comps total. Jackson also won the Field trip plus Jackson won the Luxery Comp and won the Camp Counselor vote.
Michie has 3 HOHs and 4 Vetos
I think if Nicole can get to final 2..She has a real shot at winning with this jury.But tht is a big
Hi SueGee.
According to BB Daily, Janelle is #1 at 9 and Paul (eek, Paul!) is second at 8 for single season total HOH+ POV wins
Lol oh cliff
That's right Joe. I forgot about Paul's record. Dani has to be close from S8.
Scumbag. Bitter, bitter, bitter.
This was hilarious last night. I'm sorry, but it was!
Jackson looks 😤 angry
Don't listen to him, Jackson!!!
Cliff told him he could throw him over the balcony when he left the HOH, lol
Dani, Vanessa, and Kaycee all at 7. I don't even remember Vanessa. LOL
Who should bet the $25,000? I won't give it to Cliff. I'm almost considering Michie, almost. LOL
Dude look what you did to keep Holly...why wouldn't he throw out all the stops to stay in the game himself...these guys and their righteous indignation..i can't even with any of them
Lol, Joe! How could you forget her, lol. The crying professional poker player.
By the way, number one all-time is OUR BOY PAUL (FRIENDSHIP) with 14 total wins to Janelle's 13.
I think I might go Ovi with votes
^5 Cheryl!!!
ooops **get** not bet.
Penny.. I was thinking Nicole for afp..but now I am thinking David
OMG, MOnty. I remember the crying professional poker player. LOL. But I forgot her name was Vanessa. smh...
Lol @ Joe
Ovi sounds good. It definitely will not go to Michie or Christie. Not too many liked either one of them.
Now Jackson with 7 also of HOH and Vetos, Cliff and Nicole did not keep their final 4 deal they forced a new Final 4 deal to keep their old deal. Then Cliff got caught making crazy deals and now threatens jury votes. So by that logic Jackson could demand Cliff and Nicole forfeit final HOH to Jackson in order to keep Cliff.
Vote David as AFP since he didn't get to play this season really. Imagine if someone not on the show really won AFP.
Here we go!
I wonder if Michie will cave. I hope he doesn't. Although, it'll be funny to see Cliff's face when he gets no votes. LOL
He should save Holly and have her evict Cliff. Then Michie would have kept his word.
Good point, Glenn.
No surprise.
Has Holly added even more stunt hair tonight?
Lol Joe...even he ain't that crazy to take that chance
You should have stayed on that rope, Holly
If Holly makes it to final 2, she'll blow it with her jury questioning and speech. She's horrible on the spot.
Monty, I was thinking the same thing.
About the hair
Hey everyone!!!
I agree, tbc. She should have never jumped.
Hi Judi.
LMAO... Jackson @@
I don't think Holly has a chance with jury. Even though she did play well, she's going to be in Michie's shadow. Even a bitter jury may have to give it to Michie in the Final 2 against anyone. But I do think anyone next to Holly wins.
I agree Joe
Next Wednesday ought to be interesting. LOL
Hi Judi. Jess will vote for a female probably.
The bad thing for Cliff is ha probably would have won afp hands down until his game play just floated away because that's all his game was ...floating to the power...ughhh..and I so wanted to like the old guy
Same here, Joe!
I agree with you Joe. The way some of them talked, though, they could give it to Nicole. I guess it all depends on the last competition.
I felt the same way.
Good question
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. LOL. He was going to break the deal, but expected Michie to keep his word? He's so delusional. LOL
Do you cliff lol
I’m out y’all, thanks Jackie! Have a great weekend 🤗
Yes!!! Sounds like they're doing away with the season recap!! Thank you BB gods!
Thank you, Jackie. See everyone Sunday. Will they show the last HOH on big brother 24/7
G'nite All!
All the Best Jackie!
It all comes down to HOH, Nickel, in my opinion. If Michie wins, he takes Holly and wins. If Nicole wins, she takes Holly and wins. If Holly wins...I wonder what she would do. She has to think she has a better chance against Nicole.
I may have to cheer for a Holly victory just to see what she does. LOL
So sad I won't be around next Wednesday. Yep baseball game 7-9. Have a great week everyone. I'll catch everyone for Survivor. Thanks Jackie!❤
I'm off. Thanks Jackie and everyone here tonight. Have a great weekend and will see you in the comments!!
Thanks as always Jackie.Goodnight all.See ya'll Sunday!
Thanks Jackie!!! Continue to mend!!! Everyone have a great rest of the night and safe weekend !!!
Won't be on the feeds, HOH, But I will know once they talk about it
Thanks for coming!
Really no way cliffs gone but he was such a great player especially this past week!
Link for America's Favorite Houseguest. They make it so hard to find!
Nicole gets all of my votes
Hmm should i vote for kemi or tommy im torn
What a shock!!! Smiling....
My husband and I were just watching (catching up) Wednesday’s BB show and that was a lot more intense and emotional POV than I had realized!
Cliff is a terrible deal maker and with all the demands Cliff was making and the way he played... to ME, he earned his way out the door. Cliff has been ruining Nicole’s game playing too many times. Plus Cliff and Nicole have been in a showmance without the “mance”... Both couples were breaking promises like all the BB houseguests do!
We won’t be able to see tonight show until later (West coast), but I just had to check in to see who walked out the BB door!
Now it’s all in Nicole’s, Holly’s and Jackson’s hands when it comes to game playing! Thank you Jackie!!!
Thanks for the link Monty!!!
Buh bye weaselly CLIFF. He seemed great for about 2 weeks until his true colors shone through.
DAVID totally deserves AFP, because this whole season sucked, and I hate the thought of rewarding those other dullards.
Michie and Holly both played the best games this year. Nicole only won things thrown to her, and waffled on everything and everyone. There really wasn't a single person to root for this season.
I hate the thought of anyone from this season winning LOL. Nicole just doesn't deserve it. Holly and Michie were such entitled asses the whole time. Sigh. Can't wait for next year.
Sorry Nicole did win things on her own! She had no choice to go along with other people at times. Love her ❤️
^5 Anon 12:06
People don't give Nicole enough credit
Feeds back after HOH part 1... can't tell who won
Holly and Jackson are pretty cheerful
I think Jackson won because Jackson and Holly are talking about Part 2 and he's encouraging her.
Jackson won
Hoping the second part is mental and Nicole takes it. I don't want the finale to be predictable.
Nicole's got a pretty good size lump on her shin. She has an ice pack on it.
Must have been a physical competition Monty
Still like holly to win the game but at least nicole lost
Please, please, please let it be mental for Part 2
Lol, I hope Holly didn't burn out her mediocre comp abilities with this one and can give Nicole a run for it. That's sarcasm right there. ;-)
If Part 2 is mental, my money is on Nicole! :)))
moleman, Holly won't win the game unless she cuts Jackson at final 2 and she has to get there to do that. js
From the sound of it, Nicole was very close to Jackson...enough to make Holly sweat!!!
It's almost impossible for anyone to beat him on the really physical comps.
Nicole did win the comics, and it was physical, but not nearly as hardcore as the comps Jackson has been winning.
I think Nicole can beat Holly in Part 2... if it's mental. I just hope Holly is feeling comfortable enough that she doesn't spend a lot of time studying.
Nicole losing Part 2 would almost be worth it...just to see Jackson's face if Holly cuts him!
Not even manifesting that, Sharon! LOL ;-)
I think Holly has more of a chance winning against Jackson rather than Nicole if it’s a bitter jury. Holly knows Nicole would be VERY popular with the jury, where as the jury would be bitter towards Jackson and her.... I think Holly realizes all of this...
Judi, I would agree with most of that, but I believe in the end if it is Jackson/Holly then Jackson wins and I believe he will beat Nicole as well. The jury was impressed with his comp record, but his problem is owning his game so you may be right. He needs to own his cutthroat game and if he does that, he wins hands down.
Too funny Monty! I hope this is the last time "manifest" is inflicted on us.
Detest buzz words that are used over and over again...somehow thinking big words are supposed impress anyone. Don't like Nick, but loved his "manifest" reaction to Christie's jury entrance. Lol
I completely agree with you Monty! That’s how I see it too...
I'm thinking that Sunday may be a part 2 like Jordan and Natalie and it's live. Hope so!
She can win without cutting jackson but cutting him would be the stronger move
Nicole is in hollys ear again about cutting jackson and it looks like holly is considering it while she bonds with nicole
I think part 2 is Saturday
I'm alrrady anti nicole and cliffvosba weak player
Nicole for sure !!
VOTE NICOLE VFP!! It would be great if the next BB had all of the first voted out from every season in the next house. Thay all deserve it !!
So Michie won forst part of the final right? Even though he told Holly to throw it? Does this set them up for final 2?
Pretty much unless holly stabs him in the back
On internet on aol my mom called me and said a lot of fighting on big brother in the production. Seems Jackson was a plant all along by production and comps geared towards him. I'm looking for something on internet to confirm...anyone hear this?
Saw nicoles goodbye message i think she asked cliff to put in a good word with the jury for her that shows me that she was genuinly distraught about cliff leaving and wasn't thinking of herself at all and she may not be evil after all and the way that she put cliff ahead of herself like she did shows me just what a wonderful person she is and it shows that she is not selfish and dosent have a black heart!
In case you couldn't tell i was being sarcastic but i really hope you could
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