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A ray of sunshine in the F3 |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of a Too Long Season:
- Yesterday they had their champagne breakfast feast sans any previous hamster guest hosts.
- They also got to see their videos from home -- the feeds were blocked for that.
- Jackson cried about his video, saying he wished he never saw it.
- I don't know why, maybe mommy issues.
- Lots of napping, playing cards, playing chess, napping.
- Nicole has been the only real source of entertainment on the feeds and has mostly remained upbeat despite really smacking her shin hard during Part 1. And, of course then losing miserably in that comp.
- They tie-dyed shirts before the feeds were cut tonight for Part 2.
- To their credit, Jackson and Holly are being very nice to Nicole, the third wheel in with a showmance.
- It's all Kumbaya.
- After several hours …well, three and change …almost four...
- Holly won, sigh.
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Cliff didn't smuggle Orwell out. |
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Their champagne breakfast |
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I will NOT miss this next week! |
Great job holly now the balls in your court the shot looks very enticing or even a bitter jury looks enticing you got 3-4 days to think About it with Nicole in your ear either way holly is the favorite! Clutch win
Thanks Jackie... I know I’m pretty much alone in my thoughts.... but, I have gotten to like Jackson over the BB season... and that’s OK. I also like Nicole and would have liked to have seen her win this part 2. It will be interesting to see how part 3 goes.
Sharing this from That DINGO (her quote and all credit to her)
"That's pretty much a wrap for the season as Jackson and Holly will compete in Part 3 live on Wednesday, and whichever wins will almost certainly take the other to finals. I've never seen the fanbase rally so strong and almost unanimously behind one hamster though, especially at the end, and Nicole should be very very proud to have earned so much love and respect from this jaded community." hamsterwatch.com
Agree. The end is predictable now.
Monty, you don't think theres a possibility of holly taking the shot?
I’ve never understood why they drag this final week out, other than having it end the same night Survivor begins. It’s so boring, I can’t even imagine what it’s like for the people left in the game. I wish they would have wrapped it up this past week and had a really long finale with more of a reunion after the winner is announced, like they do the Survivor finale.
Well, I mean there is always a possibility, but Holly is so dependent on Jackson (I think) and I don't believe she will even if she has the power to do so. It all comes down to F3 HOH comp and I just don't think she will win it #1 and cut Jackson #2.
I wonder if Jackson and Holly do a version of Analyse talk with Christie that Jackson overheard. Jackson could say Sis you asked who do Jackson and Holly have. They have no one. It's 2 vs 7. They can't win comps. They can't win HOH or Vetos. Then Jackson could say you are partially right. It's the Final 2 versus the Jury. I guess you were wrong about us winning Hoh's or Vetos.
Ugh- I can't believe Holly won...I feel for Nicole but she will see once out of the house how America had her back!
This just caps off the season for me.
I have barely watched as I have been busy with work and sickness in my family.
Good news is Moms latest scans show a decrease in tumor sizes.
I read the blog and comments daily.
hopefully I will be back to "normal" next summer. This season ranks with seasons 9 and 15 fo me.
Personally I think we need new casting company(although it wont happen)
Bring back the have/havenot comp
Change the comps- Its not fun watching the hamsters know what comp is coming up week to week.
Production needs to stop interfering like they have done in recent seasons.
Missed commenting with you guys this summer. Thanks you Jackie for all you do
See Yall next summer.
*but it would be hysterically funny if she did. I'd give her kudos for the move. :)))
Chacha, That is great news about your Mom.
Glad to hear your mother’s showing a decrease in tumor size Chacha... I will be praying.
Chacha, I've missed your comments this season and your take on things. Sorry about your Mom's health at this time. I'll keep her and you in my prayers. ♥
I'm a little further up on the scale for S15, but it has definitely been better than S9. OMG, no comparison, lol.
Hugs to you and your Mom
Ugh!! I was really hoping Nicole would win Pt. 2. That poor girl now has to spend 4 days watching them cuddle and whisper. They have been really nice and included her but knowing you are going out #3 would be miserable. I sure hope the bitter jury doesn't vote for Holly to win...she REALLY doesn't deserve it. Her biggest accomplishment is being Jackson's showmance.
Everyone needs to vote for Nicole at America's Favorite Player!!!!
This is NanaintheNW. I just can't get my name to come up.
I gotta say monty i think theres a 40% chance of her doing it especially after nicole gets in her ear for the next few days and she realizes all the money she could have even if she dosen't she still could win with a bitter jury either way shes got 4 days to think about it
Very true and spot on Nana. I never knew that you were now Unknown... you should have clued us in a while ago, lol :)))
That's true, moleman and I never count anything out in this game... like Josh taking Paul to F2. But, for me, it seems a stretch that Holly would cut Jackson. On the other hand, Brent at RHAP has an in with someone who knows Holly on the outside who sent him some stuff before the season started and that person indicated that she would definitely cut Jackson if given the chance... that was before she was in the house and sucked into this terrible showmance with him. I just can't see it happening.
Holly and Jackson would have absolutely no chance to win against Nicole and I think they realize that. Holly’s only shot is staying with Jackson while praying for a bitter jury. IMO
Good point judi and we will see monty and don't forget about nicoles campaign im sure she will come up with something
Jackson and Holly finally made a Formal Final 2 agreement. They think they are the first showmance to make it to Final 2. They don't know that Mike Boogie and Erica did on BB Allstars.
I wish the final part of HOH was BB History, The next few days past Guests could tell there history. You could have Chicken George from BB 2000 that was later renamed BB 1. DR Will and Mike Boogie could represent Chill town and tell Jackson and Holly they started the Showmance Stategy and tell them about Boogie and Erica first Showmance final 2. Imagine if all the past BB legends came in to visit and tell their History. Then on Finale night that determined the Final HOH from a quiz.
Correct, Glenn. Someone, who shall remain nameless, argued with me that Boogie and Erica weren't a showmance. I called it a usermance, or something like that, but yes MicBeth is not a first. At least not in my opinion.
Nicole has been ranked #1 since Day 18 and it's Day 97 now.
She has never moved below #1 during that time and it's really quite amazing.
I can't recall seeing anyone staying #1 in the rankings for so long. Obviously, she's not ranked that high because of her comp abilities, but people are recognizing her as a really nice person who is often very witty. She has made me laugh right out loud several times.
Nicole also stayed loyal to Cliff, even when she knew (deep down) that it wasn't to her own benefit. In a "it's you or me kid" situation and it was Cliff's choice, I doubt he would have returned that loyalty in kind.
It's not easy to stay nice (or even pleasant) in the BB house, where morals are often left in the dust.
Jackson wins - MicBeth is over by Thanksgiving
Holly wins - MicBeth is over after Christmas
Sharon, there's a poll or site that I see referenced on RHAP and Brent says they are always right on the America's vote things, not just AFP. Nicole is running away with it no matter the outcome according to him. I hope he's right.
I want her to get rewarded for being the girl who survived the big alliance targeting her, I think the term bullied is overused these days but... yes, was bullied even by people she trusted (ahem, Jess and Kat) and survived over ALL of them. I don't think she ever really trusted Holly and for good reason. Holly was the one who told Jack to lock the door on her. She'll see all of this when she's out of the house. She'll be fine.
Monty, your assessment on how long they last, depending on who wins, is spot on.
If Holly wins, Jackson will stick around until after Christmas. Gotta stick around and get one last expensive gift before he dumps her. Go ahead, call me jaded! LOL
It’s Jackson’s to lose. I think the differing comments from the jury house segment were just to add suspense, like they were asked to evaluate all 3 players by production. Kinda like they do before a vote on Survivor even when you know what’s going to happen. To me, it seemed almost all of them were going to vote for Jackson. While there is some bitterness, I don’t think they will vote as a bitter jury. Sis even commented about not liking Jackson but respected what he’s done. I think Jackson wins versus either Holly or Nicole. Like him or not, he deserves it too. Don’t forget, he was also shunned by his group/alliance and survived some critical weeks where they were all gunning for him. And while cruel, his big move/lie about Tommy was classic BB and should be respected as good gameplay.
And sorry Moleman, Holly will most likely be bringing Jackson....or the sex stool....who knows?
It looks that way now but it could change but i respect jacksons game too
Exactly, Bizaro! Jackson wins over either one of them. I've said the only chance Nicole had was taking Holly to F2. She might have had a slim chance against Jackson, and hoped that she had a chance over him. Sad that we won't get to see that now, and she would have took Holly to F2 if she had the chance. Even she respected his game enough to know that she wouldn't beat him in the end. Oh well, he deserves it and has honestly played a great game... he is a jerk and 'roid rage' sort of personality, but he's done the most in there to get himself to the end.
Jackson will win BB, Nicole will get AFP, and all will be as it should.
P.S. And Holly will win a "friend" in Jackson...lol.
Jackson will win if he is in final 2. I just didn't see a butter enough jury.If Holly wins part 3 and takes Jackson it will be a 450k mistake.If she were to take Nicole,I think the jury would reward her with the win. Don't know if she has the brain to realize that though. Nicole should win AFP by a landslide though!!
Anyone who thinks Holly may decide to play Big Brother? Think again! She was supposed to be on Love Island. She was supposed to just "date" men all summer, not eat slop and hang on fake walls and talk to people she would never in-real-life deign to speak to.
Well, she found the "romance" she sought, or so she thinks. If this were High School, she'd be doodling Jackson's name on her notebook! She is practically picking-out china patterns...
Little does she realize...what WE all know will happen...the showmance will not last past the wrap party weekend in Vegas.
Well said but i still say she might do it!
Petals, I’m just curious... do we know for a FACT that Jackson and Holly actually tried to get on Love Island, but they didn’t make the cut... so then BB decided to solicit them for BB!?! I’m just wondering if these are facts or are they just rumors by those who don’t like Jackson and Holly OR their showmance? I’ve seen a few people here suggesting this and I’m wondering who the source is!? Thanks!
Many things are merely rumors.
How depressing. Jackson and Holly at the end. Could not have turned out any worse.
Nicole for America's Favorite is all that is left.
OK... thanks Jackie! Hope you’re feeling better!
Ugh. This is not an “expect the unexpected” kind of season. Too expected. As much as I dislike Michie, he has been playing the game to win. Holly doesn’t deserve it in my opinion. I don’t see either one not taking the other to final 2 though. Maybe the unexpected will happen! Lol. Nah, they’ll take each other.
I am also of the opinion that some of the BB21 contestants were Love Island rejects.
Nicole for AFP!!
There has not been a season of TRUE and exciting unexpected thrills for a long time. Its been follow the leader most of the time. Boring. Holly, NO NO NO. I wanted Nicole to at least get both the 50k and AFP at least.
Holly still might take Nicole she said last night that it made more sense to on a game level so the dr needs to get in her head and push nicole to get in her head
Well-put, Teeb.
Nearly this entire season has been totally EXPECTED!
Maybe next season CBS should broaden their casting net beyond the CBS wall? Maybe not just grab head-shots from the desks of the other reality shows' desks.
Maybe actually travel and interview FANS!?!?!?!
sorry- just saw the redundancy in my post...my apologies.
RHAP with Taran, re: Nicole's game and general rehash of the summer.
It was great, Sharon. Several people should watch it on youtube to understand Nicole's path in the season. Here the youtube link:
He did Holly's road to the F3 yesterday and Jackson's tomorrow at 11:00 am. If you want to have any of the RHAP podcasts at the ready, I suggest subscribing to Rob Has A Podcast on youtube and you will always have them, the old ones and the newest available. :)))
Nicole thinks the Feeds are off now. She thinks they are blacking out the feeds so that people don't know who won part 2.
She was obviously a TV only and never a feeder.
Ya she has talked about that in the past
Remember the show starts at 8:30 tonight
Emmys tonight! GOT!
Dang, that means it will probably be a Jackson/Holly F2, no matter what.
Petals, I'm looking forward to the emmys, too. GO GOT!!
It was interesting to hear RHAP/Taran talking about so many things that happened throughout the entire BB21...until now.
Primarily, Taran talked about how Nicole was so instrumental in many of the things that transpired in the house, including the break up the G8ful alliance.
Plus, how the % of physical comps have increased yearly since BB15.
Monty can probably verify this, but I think Taran said that the more physical comps have increased from 15% to over 60% during this span of time.
In BB21, BB wasn't really geared for people with different capabilities.
IMO, it's pretty obvious that they are going to continue to gear up the % of physical comps each season, and I suspect they will eventually only have girls/guys of Jackson's ilk. If that happens, they might as well change the show's name to "American Ninja Warriors Stuck in a House." Brainiacs and those older than 30 need not apply.
Yes, Sharon. This year it was well over 60% physical at the end when compared to under 20 just a few short years ago. It basically doubled every year for the past three years.
^^ have - has
Why is it so easy to go back and catch such simple English errors > after clicking to post? :(
Thanks Monty.
I was pretty sure Taran gave those statistics, but didn't want to go back and listen to the entire clip again.
Not understanding all the Nicole accolades. She does the same thing she is saying against Michie... and it looks worse on her since she has been Miss Goodie Two Shoes the entire time... until now. SHE does not deserve to win over Michie... and I'm so glad she is 3rd now. Anyone who thinks she deserves this is either hating on Michie to the point of just justifying Nicole is such a great player... or clearly not watching the same show as me. Hope there is no bitter jury. As for the surprise that Holly and Michie are being nice to Nicole... ??? why not? They have been for quite some time. In the beginning when they didn't know her well would you all rather they have a fake relationship with her? YAY Michie. He better win this thing over Holly... he is so deserving. And no, I don't like his personality... never rooted for him until now... but can look past all that to root for the BEST player and that is Michie.
Exactly how I feel Anonymous... thanks for sharing how I’ve been feeling.
In my (just my) professional opinion, Jackson DOES have feelings and does really care about Nicole and others for which he struggles with in trying to win BB. Jackson has an insecure streak and works hard to hide any vulnerability. So when he breaks down upon thinking of the path he has taken in order to survive BB (like Tommy and Cliff) or when he wins a do or die competition, it’s a real vulnerability that he can’t contain or control... a real release. He is obviously very close to his family (especially his mother) just as Nicole is to hers. Wednesday will be a tense time for all BB fans who let alone the remaining Houseguests...
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