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Gave HoH room to Nicole, yet canoodle anyway |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Scampering Squirrels:
- Jackson does seem to have quite the thing for Nicole.
- Thankfully, not a sexual thing.
- When she won the first HoH, he started beaming like a proud father.
- Now, she already had Cliff doing that role.
- So, let's call Jackson her brother. It is that kind of true friends, sibling relationship going on.
- He ordered Backstreet Boys for his music for her as that had been her choice. While the first HoH in a double gets basket goodies, they don't get the room or music.
- Then Jackson told BB he would give up his photos to let her move hers to the HoH room.
- Then he gave up the HoH room to Nicole. At first she didn't take it, but then broke down.
- Not to take anything away from Jackson's Nicole-Love, but I will. On Thursday night when no one had the room, he was telling Holly he preferred the room they were in over the HoH. He doesn't like the temperature in the HoH and he thinks its dark and dreary atmosphere affects him.
- I've been having to really lighten up any screen caps I take of the HoH room as it's so dark. So, I guess it's not just dark on the live feeds, but in person, too.
- Nicole is still in heaven.
- She talked to us from her HoH bed last night. She thinks that whatever's meant to be will be and really hopes one of the four win veto.
- If she herself wins veto, she'll take Cliff down -- "you don't take risks with your number one."
- In that scenario, the only person Jackson would be able to put up would be Holly.
- Technically, Cliff and Nicole (who would be the only ones voting) could turn on her, keep Tommy and vote Holly out.
- I don't think either would break their word, though.
- It might be different if they had a shot at Jackson.
- Today Nicole told Jackson that she will take Cliff down if she wins veto and her reasons behind it.
- Back to her conversation with us last night -- she said if Cliff wins the veto he would take himself down. She understands and figures Jackson would put her up with Tommy instead of Holly. In that case, she hopes loyalty will come through and she would still be safe.
- She figures that if Holly or Jackson win the veto, the noms would remain the same.
- I think she's got things pretty well pegged there.
- The only real threat is that if Tommy wins veto -- it would be quite likely Cliff would get evicted.
- Due to BB having the same comps year to year roughly at the same time in the season, they're all pretty sure it's the BB Comics comp.
- Not every year, but almost every year they've been on a zip line and it's quasi-athletic as well as mentally challenging.
- The comp has been playing out for some hours now as I type this up.
- Y'see, I type to the beat of the BB theme music with the feeds minimized.
- Tommy, perhaps thinking that Christie would blab in the jury house anyway, more likely some sort of ploy for sympathy -- went and told Holly and Jackson about his long time outside of the house previous relationship with Christie.
- Tears streaming, of course.
- We ended up with blocked live feeds the second he mentioned his aunt.
- Since Christie and the aunt ended their long relationship on a bad note, I doubt she's signed a release for them to talk about her. Thinking back, when they were alone both Tommy and Christie talked about some previous life things, but never really talked about the aunt.
- So, either there's no release or BB is keeping the drama to themselves.
- Tommy begged Jackson and Holly to keep the information secret and not tell the others.
- Hmm.
- I'm hoping they remember that Tommy was full of accusations that Nick and Nicole knew each other not all that long ago.
- I'm really not sure how this poly might work into things.
- I didn't see Jackson and Holly stepping up to Tommy and telling him that they sort of kind of knew each other because Jackson followed Holly's Instagram until his then girlfriend made him stop.
- However, that's totally different than going to grade school with someone and having a sever-year relationship with his aunt, going to family doings for nearly a decade and all.
- I guess Tommy might have been going for the angle that he had to play Christie's game or adapt his game to it and wants the chance to play for himself?
- I don't know.
- I just wish the comp would end and the feeds would return.
- Just waiting and waiting.
- No sense posting this then usurping it with a PoV winner post.
- But really.
- The feeds need to come back on. The comp needs to be over.
- YAY!
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I will win veto! I must win veto! |
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Definitely smitten in a sibling way w/Nicole |
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If I win veto, I'll take Cliff off the block |
If Holly does go up they are crazy if they don’t vote her out. I can’t remember if Jackson can play in the next HOH or not, but it’s way to close to the end to do what someone else wants you to do.
Yay Nicole!!!!
Anon - if they don’t get Tommy out, he will win against anybody. Why take Holly out when the biggest threat is sitting on the block? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see Holly go, but that isn’t the best move with Tommy on the block.
Thank you for the update Jackie. I am so thrilled for Nicole!!!
Whether she had help (from Cliff) winning the HOH or not, she's winning comps at the right time, and she's already verified she's taking Cliff down. So, Holly will go up and that's when decisions will have to be made.
Will they choose to keep ooey-gooey Tommy or whiny-snappy Holly?
Holly has won 2 HOHs, 0 Vetos
Tommy has won 1 HOH, 2 Vetos
Basically, it would seem Holly has Jackson in her corner to the end. Or does she?
It might come down to his deciding he wants to WIN and get the $$, so I wouldn't place any bets on it!!
Good Job Nichole,!!!
Jackson can't play in the next HOH. I still think it is better to get rid of Tommy over Holly. Holly I think would lose over anyone left in the house in final 2, except maybe Nichole. Keeping Tommy over Holly would be too dangerous in my opinion. Yea, if he won HOH he would go after Jackson, but then Jackson could win Veto and Cliff and Nichole are boned then.
The next HOH and the Veto winner if different than the HOH, automatically go to the final 3. I think Nichole and Cliff have a better chance against Holly than Tommy for the HOH. I would like to see Cliff or Nichole take the next HOH and the other win the Veto. That would be interesting who they would keep, Holly or Jackson.
Over the moon thrilled for Nicole and Cliff. I was out to dinner with friends and kept checking my phone but cannot post here for some reason on my phone.
Jackson and holly need to tell cliff and nicole about tommys secret and that Christie will have alot of jury votes waiting for tommy and that should scare them enough to stick with the f4. By the way Nicole is coming on strong they might want to evict her instead of cliff at f4 but she is finally playing the game RESPECT
Now you've gone and done it!! Making me rationalize what would happen IF a Nicole/HOH and Cliff/Veto actually happened. That's a tough one. So, sitting here with armchair knowledge... 'whoever' might want to consider keeping Jackson. Even though he HAS won a 5 comps (so far), to my mind, it's a mostly female jury that may very well vote against him.
As fond as Jackson has become of Nicole now, and if he gets the win to make the choice for F2, he 'might' choose to take her. Funny thing is... if Nicole was sitting next to any one of those 3, she'd have a very good chance of winning now. However, NOBODY 'should' want to take Tommy.
She beat Tommy by a full three minutes plus. This was her comp and I can't wait to watch it this week (Wednesday)!!
I can see it now... checking your phone, and saying, "sorry folks, I've got a situation that requires my attention." :)))
Crazy that you can't post from your phone. I wonder if it has some kind of setting that blocks posting on websites? At least you were able to see results!
It was exactly that way, LOL. I checked a little after 10:00 and said, "Nicole won the VETO", then had to say, "Oh, I watch Big Brother"!! :)))
Monty, that is so funny!! 🤣
Obviously, Cliff and Jackson want Tommy gone.
Before talking with anyone else about her Veto plans, Nicole assured Cliff that she's using the Veto on him, but would like to vote out Holly. Cliff said no, because Tommy is more dangerous.
Realistically, the only way for Holly to be voted out is for Nicole to use the Veto on Tommy... or if there's a tie-vote and Jackson casts his vote against Holly. At this point, I can't imagine either happening. Nicole won't chance Cliff being voted out... especially after saying she is using the Veto on him.
Wait a minute is Nicole flip flopping she actually should use the veto on tommy and blindside everybody then when its cliff and holly on the block holly and jackson should expose tommys secret then they might vote out cliff and they will know that they cant trust Nicole and it would be 3 shooters at the end. By the way holly welcome to the block!
Monty, on your phone go to the bottom of the page where it says web version and click that. It brings you into another page where you can click post and it brings you into blogger. Then you can stay in blogger and post.
I think the smarter move is evicting Holly. No way will Tommy/Jackson take each other to final 2, so Cliff or Nicole have a better shot at F2. Tommy may be well like, but so is Cliff. Tommy hasn’t done much more game wise than either one of them. With Jackson and Holly still in the game they will definitely take each other to F2.
Tommy is a much better competitor than Holly.
Also Holly is sick all the time . Not sure if it’s sick or just lazy and she knows if she’s sick they won’t be on her about napping
Nicole isn't really flip-flopping. She's really trying to use her brain and rationalize (every direction) which person would be best to evict... for HER game. In the past, the attitude has always been "separate the couples," and Nicole has managed to separate Tommy/Christie. Now she is seeing her F2 opportunity limited by the Jackson/Holly duo, figuring Jackson would definitely take Holly to F2 (I'm not sure he actually would).
The glitch in Nicole's thought process... if she manages to get Holly evicted, I think she will be seen as the bigger threat, so it would be more likely for Cliff to be chosen for F2 (with anyone).
The way this is heading, I don't see Nicole/Cliff making it to the F2 unless Cliff wins the next HOH and then Nicole wins Veto. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Thanks tbc :))
Good point sharon ,but this isn't the first time that Nicole has been unsure and your right she much more of a target than cliff ever since her two comp wins i see tommy getting revenge for Christie and if she dosen't win hoh/veto i could see her gone next week and also i think the only person in the f2 she could beat would be cliff. I don't see the fascination with her but she did make the biggest move of the summer on thurs i give her credit for that at least!
Praise Jesus....so happy for Nicole. At this point I can't decide how I'd do anything...but I do know Holly will be on the block and Nicole and Cliff could vote out anyone.. I would just not be surprised if Jackson tells them to vote out Holly cuz I think he is not so into Holly as he plays out to be...JMO...Who will be the one?
I just think Holly will be easier to beat than Tommy in the next HOH and veto
The fascination with Nicole is that she has stayed a genuinely NICE person in the house, and that's despite being treated as not only a non-entity through the first few weeks, along with being treated poorly by Bella. Through all that, Nicole never changed as a person, nor has she ever been mean-spirited.
Fans are seeing that Nicole has watched and picked up on pairs/alliances (when nobody else was), and despite the majority of people thinking she had NO chance of winning any comps, she's now won 2.
Fans like genuine, nice people who don't get "warped" by the house or other HGs, and don't have to use nastiness or mega amounts of tears to get further. It only gets better when that nice person actually wins a couple of comps. Fan appreciation is shown by her #1 ranking since Day 18, and it's now day 84.
Holly will definitely be easier to beat next week in the two comps than Tommy, imo, so I would cut Tommy here. You have to get to the final three to actually be in the spot to win it.
I wish Nicole would too, but doubt Nicole can get past the "split up couples" idea.
Jackson/Holly or Cliff will have to come up with something really good because she's really stuck on that issue.
If Cliff really prefers Tommy gone, the best thing he could do is not say anything and vote out Tommy. Let Nicole vote out Holly, forcing Jackson to break the tie. It would be funny if he chose to boot Holly. :D
Ok listening to Cliff and Nicole reason it out Holly going makes more sense. To beat Holly in the final three they have to get there. If Cliff wind HOH and Jackson wins veto its Nicole going home for sure if Holly is still there. Same if Holly wins the veto she keeps Jackson one of the other goes. Where as if Tommy is still there either one of them (Jackson or Tommy) would likely vote out the other and they feel Tommy has a better chance of beating Jackson in a veto. It’s all valid
Sharon. I still get mad remember Jack and Christie’s convo when he was up for eviction. Christie said all you have to do is talk to her she will be thrilled and Jack was like yeah girls like her never get a chance to talk to guys like me. Every time some one talks about Nicole and Jacks talk on the hammock Tommy says that meant so much to him and my skin crawls because I know why he was really there
Brandi, there's an argument either way and I can't figure out which is best. I can't see Holly winning F4 veto though. That comp would play more to Nicole's strengths than any of them.
She is having a good week at least but im still not convinced that Nicole is a puppet master and she did get bullied early on she does love the game but i think the fascination with nicole is because shes not as mean everyone else we will see how many more comps she wins before f2
Nicole's rationale makes a lot of sense, and it has always been the best plan to split couples every other season. But my gut says Jackson is only tolerating Holly now because he's sorta stuck with her... and wouldn't be sad to see her go.
Sharon. I was kinda thinking the same thing. I think that’s why he was trying to talk her into throwing the final 4 HOH
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