Janelle will always be a BB legend |
Yes, I skipped posting yesterday. To be honest, there wasn't that much happening in the house as far as new and exciting. There was no breaking news. For those who know me, I do have some health issues and they've been kicking in as of late. Plus, I anticipate an endurance comp tomorrow night and should reserve my strength and energy. How else will I win it? Oh, wait. I'm not in any of the comps. But anyway ...Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Evil Weevils:
- Janelle is trying to campaign to stay. Kaysar is fine with that. She is not campaigning against him; she's just campaigning her own merits.
- Both Kaysar and Janelle realize that the immediate target this week is her, with him probably being next.
- They feel there are more worthy targets -- Nicole because all she does is whine and hang onto people, Kevin because he instigates and whines, Dani because she lies and instigates.
- Right now Dani is concentrating on Janelle in her lies and instigations. She knows Janelle would be loyal to her. So, once Janelle is gone ... what friend will she target next?
- Then there's David. He still is not getting the grasp of the game.
- He never should have been cast in this season.
- Bayleigh and Da'Vonne had an interesting talk about David. On the live show, viewers got a little insight into the complexities of being Black even among Black folks when Da'Vonne talked about the darkness of her skin causing her to be taunted, etc.
- The talk concerning David had to do with upbringing. Y'see, some tried to get David together with Da'Vonne as they are both single. David is not meshing with her at all. Bayleigh thinks it's because David was brought up in a mostly white suburb of Atlanta and is "preppie." She thinks that Da'Vonne, brought up in a more urban and Black-populated area, may come across as intimidating to David. Bayleigh herself was brought up in a suburban environment and thinks David thinks of her as a Black white girl. She thinks it might be her voice.
- I say it's not her voice. Sorry, Bayleigh ... but no one of any race, color or creed should have that voice. It's like chalk on a chalkboard. Someone done did you wrong there!
- Now, I am white. But I live in a predominantly Black city. I actually totally understand what Bayleigh is saying -- I see things like that happening here. Being Black is much more complicated than many white people think!
- Christmas is still talking too much but saying little of any consequence game-wise. She thinks she's in with everybody. But nobody really wants her for anything other than a number.
- Enzo is having problems being a Have Not. He ate mostly catsup yesterday.
- That saud, I think Enzo is playing much better than I thought he would. At least, so far. He's won two comps and basically gets along with everybody in the house.
- One interesting point to ponder -- Janelle previously said on the live feeds that production told her she wouldn't be going home until mid-September at the earliest. Yet, both Keesha and Nicole have not been sequestered and are home (or at least free of BB). Hmm.
- Oh, well. It still looks like most of the house consider Janelle the bigger threat and she will be evicted.
- I guess we'll see.
Kaysar is always so intriguing! |
While Kevin is so annoying! |
I'd like to see Ian stay in it a long time |
They can go sooner rather than later |
Bay and Day talking about David the Preppie |
Let’s all hope for a you got got moment and both of them can somehow re enter the house together because more then likely they one staying will follow the other next week.
The one thing we can always count on to be interesting is your blog. Thanks Jackie :)
I’m not retyping sorry I missed the typo the lol everyone stay safe !!!
Thank you Jackie
“The Whiners” (Kevin, Nicole F) can most definitely leave! The earlier the better! Kaysar really needs to start playing! Is it me or does he seem a little off? “The Yo Like” twins are seriously getting on m nerves! As well as Day and Bay, those voices, UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beachbound Gmom,
I've kind of thought that Kaysar seems "off" as well and I've wondered if he regrets accepting the invite. The last time he played, he was much younger. He's more mature and serious-minded now, so it has to be a little difficult relating to most of the houseguests.
Because the younger set has pretty much ostracized Kaysar and Janelle. Although they still enough each other's company, they aren't having fun. When Janelle leaves, it will be interesting how he deals. Will he just throw in the towel so he can go home to his family... where he'd rather be anyway?
David is dead to me. I've heard how he speaks to people (not just Jaysar) - he has an attitude, a bad one, an imperious one. And a strange sense of entitlement, considering he doesn't even know where he is or with whom he's dealing.
Because he was truly forgettable last season, from where was he recruited and WHY?!?
See you guys later - party ON
Whoa... just read my last post. The ol' mind was going in too many directions and didn't read that mess before posting!! Hope y'all know what I meant. LOL
As far as I’m concerned David, Kevin, Dani, Nichole F, and Christmas can GO! I remembered Kevin being entertaining and fun. Not this insecure shit starter that he is now. Am I miss remembering?
Kevin is playing the same victim game he did before with all the lies attached.
He loves to cry and feel sorry for himself.
David who? Good-bye Janelle. How 'bout getting out the ones that have won before?!
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