Friday, September 04, 2020

BB22: Live Feeds Nominations - Sept. 4


Yes, the nominations are in. As expected from her earlier conversations with others, she went and put Bayleigh and Da'Vonne on the block.

Even before the nominations went down, Christmas gave Twitter some fodder for shades of racism. She was talking to Tyler then Nicole and said something along the lines of "What if she cuts me?" "What if I get stabbed with a fork?" "I'm so afraid and I don't spook easily."

Digging her social grave as I type ...


Petals said...

Wow. I knew it was going to happen, but now that it's actually happened it's terrible and sad and scary. She truly is the evil person that she proved herself to be in her last season. And with such a flimsy excuse. I'm glad she did it though, because I want nothing but the worst for her. And now she's brought the worst on herself, wait till she gets out of that house.
I'm re-watching season 16. It's very emotional! I'd forgotten about Frankie's grandpa. And how sweet Donnie was. And when they showed Brittany her kids right after she was evicted. What a great season.

Sharon N said...

Maybe we need to end every sentence with... YO.

Judi Sweeney said...

Yup... Christmas is exactly how I remember her.... mean!

Judi Sweeney said...

Thanks Jackie!!!

Cheryl in NC said...

I guess she didn't pay attention to the sensitivity training bb gave them.Irs like they forget that everything they say and do is being recorded. I just don't get why she targeted them as a duo when she had so many other options??

Lili said...

Not a lot left to look forward to this season of rampant Janellosy. Sigh. Well, I will enjoy the inevitable, when one of the guys puts up Dani and or Nicole and evicts them. No matter how many seasons we have of BB there is always someone like Nicole who believes she will go to F2 with an alpha male that literally spends his entire day with his fellow bros. Mostly complaining about how the women in the House and or their alliance are.....too emotional, can't be trusted, are making, gasp, side alliances, etc.

When a female goes to F2 with an alpha male, it is always as a pawn. As someone who barely ever won a comp, was in an alliance of two with said alpha male the entire game, always did his bidding, and could be held up as utterly undeserving of the win by the F2 alpha male. Isn't that what Derrick did? Or am I thinking of a different season?

Dani, Nicole, Bay, Day, ya could've teamed up with Janelle. Well, maybe not Nicole. Ya could have gotten out Enzo, Tyler, Cody, etc. Kept Nicole A, Keesha. But no, ya chose to be satellites to alpha males, ya chose to not only boot, but openly disparage fan favorite Janelle. Am gonna enjoy seeing Christmas, Dani, and Nicole leaving. Will be utterly bored watching Cody, Tyler, Memphis, or Enzo winning.

And if Ian is counting on Kevin to be a solid partner going forward? Good luck with that.

If Bay and Day stay on the block I hope Bay goes. Not a fan. I find Day, my pool person, much more strategic and interesting.

Petals said...

Yo - I just finished watching S16, yo. It was tight, yo.

Seriously, tho - I am embarrassed about this season (and the past few!) for the lack of game play. I am ashamed to tell people that I watch Big Brother. That pisses me off.

Sharon N said...

Agree!! BB has become Our Disappointing Summer Indulgence.

Cody won the final HOH and chose Derrick as his #2. Derrick only won because Cody was too loyal and chose Derrick to sit with him.
Nicole was F2 with Paul. She certainly didn't win because of her game-play. It only happened because everyone turned on Paul. As much as I disliked Paul and the way he played (and didn't want him to win), he still should have won...both season).

chrob61 said...

Thanks for the update Jackie- I am not feeling sorry for big mouth Bayleigh after she went and blabbed all of Ian's secrets to the blob alliance!! As far as I am concerned, she gets what she deserves. The only hope left for me this season is Ian.

Anonymous said...

I agree...I am Team Ian now too. This is a horrible season and Cody, Nicole and Dani all have attitudes I am not fond of. What are Kevin and David even doing there? I think casting needs an overhaul.