Thursday, August 12, 2021

BB23: Live Eviction and HoH Comp Show Blog Party - Aug. 12


Good evening! Is it hot enough for you? Heh. Well, stay inside and watch some Big Brother! Last night's show left us off with a cliffhanger, a first if I'm not mistaken. So, the show should start out with the Veto Meeting. Oh, the suspense of it all!

I will be live-blogging, updating this entry with the major happenings, as the show airs here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Please feel free to join in on the fun there!

But first ... Lifeguard SueGee has kindly updated the blog pool. Is your hamster still running in the wheel?

Azah Awasum - Dr Celine, Krysta Gibson, Nickelpeed, Rbennie
Britini D'Angelo - CherryPie, Donna in Alabama, Jlaf, Sharon C
Derek Frazier - Glenn Allen, Jean from Tampa, Luckysmom, MikesGirl
Derek Xiao - Auntie Leigh, Kelsey NY, PDX Granny, SueGee,T town Chic
Hannah Chaddha - BB-Boy, Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Helenann2K, JoC
Christian Birkenberger - Jackie, Joanne Victoria, Shayne, Willie J
Alyssa Lopez - CherylNY, JessicaUnderwoodJames, Skyriverblue, Terry is a Texan
Xavier Prather - Aya Marie, Donna NY, Ed in Ohio, Petals
Sarah Beth Steagall - Andi, Brenda, Tilde, TS14Fan
Claire Rehfuss - KarlaV, Laura, Marthalight, Monty924
Kyland Young - chrob61, JonMD1267, Laura in GA, QuixoticElf, Tammy
Tiffany Mitchel - April, Indiana Jane, MrsKB2, tbc


Julie is dressed in tan and looking summery. Let's take the "previously on" segment time to gather our snacks!

We get the completion of the veto meeting and ... drumroll, please ... but first we're told it's the last eviction before jury and a huge twist in which we have a part is coming. Ohh ... while Julie talks they're doing the Big Blue Couch dance in their seats.

Oh, Britini saved herself and Derek put Christian on the block. Christian thinks Derek X is a coward and he will have the votes to stay. Derek F tells him he has him. He tells us he needs to check in with the Jokers and the Cookout to see where everyone is before he makes the decision.

Christian blames his nomination on SarahBeth. He thinks she lied about him to Derel. He's angry and snaps at Derek.

Claire gets her costume -- she's dressed as a playing card. Anytime BB tells her to she needs to throw the deck of cards in the air, then play 52 Pick Up by herself. Kyland gets his Jackass of Clubs donkey costume and must make club sandwiches on demand from the BB King.

Tiffany is talking to Christian. He tells her that her hug felt like a goodbye hug. She tells him that she feels she has to vote with the house. He replies that she and Claire would be the majority. She tells us he needs three more votes, not just her one, to stay. She talks to Britini and Azah about him pressuring her. She says that she will tell him that Britini is the swing vote. Britini tells us that she just doesn't know.

Derek F has a bug in his bonnet about Tiffany bossing people around. He threatens to drop out of the Cookout. She's not the boss of him! Whoa, he's getting way nasty about her.

Julie gives us a tease about an eleven hour flip. Tiffany tells Christian that, unlike what the others are telling him, he doesn't have the votes. She tells him others are lying and that Britini and Derek F are flipfloppers. She tells us that keeping him is better for her own game than is keeping SarahBeth. She talks to Xavier who tells her he feels the same way. She tells us that with her, Xavier and Alyssa on board, she would only need two more votes to keep him.

Claire is not so keen on the idea. She talks about not trusting the people they've worked with. Uh-oh, Claire seems to be onboard now. Christian tells Britini that Tiffany wants to talk to her. Derek F and Azah insist on coming along. Now Tiffany is mad. The Cookout has cracks growing.

To the living room --
Christian - Thanks friends/family, still here because he was loyal, knows it's a game, friends with all 
SarahBeth - Shoutouts, talks kindly of Christian, last week before jury, if on jury would be objective, love and respect all.

Julie asks how they know she doesn't have a twist up her sleeve about jury.

The votes to evict:
Hannah - Christian
Kyland - Christian
Xavier - SarahBeth
Alyssa - SarahBeth
Into commercial ...
Britini - Christian
Derek F - He sadly to evote Christian
Tiffany - Christian
Claire - Christian
Azah - Christian - Can her outfit get any more lowcut?

Christian is evicted and is mature about it but for his huge kiss for Alyssa. Julie cuts it short, doesn't show the goodbye messages as they are short on time. Once it goes online, I'll post the extended interview on here if I can.

The new twist is -- Julie tells the HG that they all made jury. High risk/high reward. New room at BB Beach Club -- the high rollers room, inside three unique BB Casino games and three powers. Skill, luck, BB Bucks -- a special currency given each week with the ones voted by America getting the most. Bigger powers cost more.

We get a good night without an HOH Comp.

You can go to for information, text 97979 with the HG name you want to win the most. Top Three get $100, next three get $75, others all get $50. It looks like all they are doing is the text vote this season.


Glenn Allen said...

Hi Jackie and everyone!

monty924 said...

Hi Jackie, Glenn and all who follow...


Glenn Allen said...

Hi Monty.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jackie, Glenn and Mmmmoooooonnnntttttyyyyy lol

Petals said...

~*~*~* SPLASH ~*~*~*


jennifer said...

Hi all! Happy eviction day!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Petals

monty924 said...

Ahhh, this pool feels good. Our heat index is 98* but it feels even hotter than that...

Anonymous said...

Why do they always need to tell people what they plan on doing lol

monty924 said...

Hey Jjjjoooonnnnn, Petals and Jennifer

monty924 said...

Julie looks all casual this evening

Petals said...

So the Cookout falling apart is on Tiffany, IMO. They way she dictates and scolds the other members... I'm over Tiffany. She is cooked. LOL

I was annoyed by Brit for a little while, but she is such a fan and really doesn't seem to have a mean bone in her body. I don't mind her anymore.

Oh shut up SB - weirdo, LOL

Petals said...

Monty - read my mind...that's terrible. Bad color, bad match, bad bad bad. It's dog poop brown!

Brenda said...

Good evening all! it's currently 92* in MD!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Jon and Petals and Jon and Jennifer

Petals said...

It was 98 degrees at 3pm in KCMO; storm moved thru now it is 72 !!!!

monty924 said...

We waited almost 24 hours for that? LOL

Petals said...

:: Christian angrily tosses his mophead as he takes the nom chair ::

He acts like he's never heard of a backdoor. The point IS to make sure you can't save yourself, idjit.

Anonymous said...

Monty made me almost choke lol

monty924 said...

I hope wee get some relief soon, Petals. It's too hot and humid to even be outside.

Anonymous said...

Just Breathhhhhhhhh lol

Petals said...

I'd love to see Big D or Azah win HOH!

jennifer said...

Christian made me laugh… I don’t get a chance to save myself…. Isn’t this the point in big brother at times?!?

Petals said...

What a sh*tty punishment. (bwhahahahaaaaa)

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Brenda

Anonymous said...


monty924 said...

Off Topic: The yankees and white sox are playing on The Field of Dreams. I have it on the TV in the kitchen. So cool

Ed in Ohio said...

Hi all! How's everyone.........HOT? Today was a real scorcher!!

Anonymous said...

What channel is that on Monty?

Jackie S. said...

Live feed watchers -- did you catch them doing the Big Blue Couch dance from their seats in the background while Julie talked?

monty924 said...

I wouldn't mind Big D or Azah winning, but what are the chances of that?

monty924 said...

It's on Fox 11 here

jennifer said...

We are flipping around, when the show is over, we will watch!

Glenn Allen said...

I wonder what the Twist might be

Anonymous said...

I got it I’ll flip lol

Ed in Ohio said...

Baseball in a corn field......Field of Dreams!

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Ed

Anonymous said...

Now I want a fn club sandwich lol

jennifer said...

My daughter wants it to be America controls all evictions!

Petals said...

I didn't dig Field of Dreams. I'd read the book prior to movie and it wasn't a "fantasy"; he was nuts! LOL

Those sammichs look goooooood

monty924 said...

Hey Homie! The Field of Dreams is so cool 😎

Petals said...

Kyland jackass costume will fetch a good amount on EBay

jennifer said...

Love the hee haw sound

Anonymous said...

Yes it’s good now Monty lol

Joe in NY said...

They tried that once. America wasn't up to the challenge. LOL

Anonymous said...

Awww gooodbye hug lol

jennifer said...

I went to the field in 1997, it was really cool!

Joe in NY said...

Who was "that bitch"? Tiffany or Britni

Cheryl in NC said...

Hey jackie and all

As a fan Tiff should know we hate house votes

Petals said...

My "field of dreams" is Hever Castle.

Hi Joe!! xoxox for the Purple Rain

monty924 said...

Hey Joe - Tiffany

Joe in NY said...

Derek is losing me with this tirade. It's not that I like Tiffany that much, but he's attitude and language is a bit beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

Can he say the B word one more time lol

Petals said...

Love Derek & Azah for figuring it out about Tiffany. Cut her loose!

jennifer said...

Cookout is about to be rained out!!

Ed in Ohio said...

Yes it is Homie. MLB & FOX putting on a cool show

Joe in NY said...

Thanks, Monty. I sort of got my answer when Derek started ranting. LOL

Ed in Ohio said...

Good one Jennifer!

monty924 said...

My computer picked a crappy time to restart, ugh!

Glenn Allen said...

Big D not happy with Tiffany!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer with the Zing lol

Jackie S. said...

Derek is definitely more street than anyone else in the house.

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Cheryl!

monty924 said...

Back to commenting from my computer. I hate commenting from my phone - ugh

Ed in Ohio said...

Last minute strategy at play

Petals said...

The HGs were all wondering who is the wealthiest outside the house and decided on Frenchy or Big D. Nope - it's Travis, who sold his tech company and retired at what, 22 ?
( I liked Travis, btw )

Has Tiffany/Hannah's campaign to get rid of SB trickled down to Ky/SB? Soon those lips may put a bigger target on Tiffany's back than the one on DX's.

If America's vote is to protect someone, all my votes are going to DX, baby! Because tennis.

Glenn Allen said...

Flip flop attempt to betray DX.

Nickelpeed said...

Hi everyone. Thank you, Jackie and Vincent.

We just got our power back on. I'm glad I didn't miss anything, yet.

Anonymous said...

Lol drama rama

Nickelpeed said...


Petals said...

All this scrambling was happening on Tues or Wed night and I was so tired I couldn't keep up! Glad they are showing it.

monty924 said...

This went on ALL day yesterday and last night. I didn't go to bed until after 2:30 this morning.

Petals said...

I think Big D being gay makes him almost immune from Tiffany's mamabear attitude.

Nickelpeed said...

Oh boy. Foiled and now she's on the war path.

Petals said...

IKR, Monty!? I was sooo tired but I couldn't stay awake

Anonymous said...

Then talk to her on the dl not send someone into demand her lol

Glenn Allen said...

Hi Penny. Cook out could be falling apart!

monty924 said...

Hey Penny, Cheryl and anyone else I missed... I was going back and forth from puter to phone and back to puter LOL

Ed in Ohio said...

Exactly Jon

Cheryl in NC said...

Ok I am about over Tiffany.

@Monty..that is why I can't have the feeds.I am afraid I would never

monty924 said...

You're right, Petals. It all started on Tuesday and carried on into yesterday ALL day and night, LOL

I got tired of updating my friends and family who don't mind being spoiled, LOL

Anonymous said...

I think Tiffany went on peoples radar this week more then she wanted with all this.

monty924 said...

Cheryl, when Christian said "House Meeting", I was ready to pull an all nighter, LOL

monty924 said...

Definitely, Jon

Anonymous said...

Why Julie got to say stuff like that before vote lol

Glenn Allen said...

time for the vote.

monty924 said...

Way to give him false hope, Julie @@

Nickelpeed said...

Tiffany wants to get rid of SB because she was pushing to get Hannah out. If someone else is smarter about it than her, she's angry. I really do not like bullies. They got rid of Frenchy because of this.

Petals said...

wow - smart speech from SB, b/c CHristian threatened to poison the jury against DX.

Nickelpeed said...

That's so funny.

monty924 said...

Wonder what Derek F will say this week?

Petals said...

oh, what I'd give to be able to wear a dress like Hannah's... LOVE IT

Nickelpeed said...

This might be really close. DX should watch his back.

Petals said...

Showmance? What showmance? LOL

jennifer said...

I liked it best when they were voting they kept family comments quite and just did little signals

Petals said...

Penny - I know! I'm worried about DX

Anonymous said...

Julie you know America cannot be trusted lol

jennifer said...

That is so true Jon!

Cheryl in NC said...

lol @ Jon

monty924 said...

jennifer, I'd love it if they went back to pre-taping the vote to cut out all of the shout outs and the time wasted with all the Live voting

Petals said...

Maybe America's vote will be that we can BLOCK someone's Jury vote?? That'd be fun

monty924 said...

Lol, Jon! Preach...

Cheryl in NC said...

Might we get a blindside tonight?

Jackie S. said...

Cheryl - You can read the feeds reports on the blog! But we don't talk about the live feeds happenings in the show posts because some people just watch the show and don't want to know.

Jackie S. said...

There isn't going to be much time for the HOH comp ...

Anonymous said...

Here we go

Cheryl in NC said...

Oh I read all your posts Jackie..I know

monty924 said...

No blindside... he needed the Jokers and there Derek went and evoted Christian

Petals said...

"Sadly to evote" Again? Wassup with that Big D?

Anonymous said...

She looked kicky tonight

Nickelpeed said...

After all of that, Tiffany and Claire vote Christian???

Petals said... beautiful!

Glenn Allen said...

Big D by saying Evote is technically not voting to Evict Christian. He can say he Evoted.

Anonymous said...

Here we go my man love me eyeroll lol

monty924 said...

Penny, their minds were made up late last night. CBS had to show all the drama though

Petals said...


Nickelpeed said...

But will they now target DX?

Petals said...

you are pals with it. She'd have been with Travis if he'd lasted more than a minute.

Cheryl in NC said...

oh please

Nickelpeed said...

Christian has beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

Three weeks lol

Sharon N said...

Yeah, beautiful eyes... if you can get past the BO. :D))

Hi everyone!

monty924 said...

Who wants to bet that Xavier goes after Alyssa now? lol

monty924 said...

Hey Sharon

Sharon N said...

Xavier does keep everything pretty close to his chest. No telling what he'd do.

Nickelpeed said...

LOL @ Sharon

Nickelpeed said...

I'd love to go to the Field of Dreams. They won't be playing on the original field. MLB built one close to it. They wanted to preserve the original.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh lol

Nickelpeed said...

Okay, who should we vote for? I do like Azah. Of course, she's my pool pick.

Petals said...

I'm voting DX, Azah & Brit

monty924 said...

DX, Claire and Britini for me

Anonymous said...

To pick Julies outfit lol

Petals said...

X is my pool pick and I like him, but I want Brit to advance a little bit. She has my heart b/c she is SO enthusiastic.

And DX b/c tennis.

And Azah b/c calm beauty.

Petals said...

LOL Jon! I think Stevie Wonder selected her outfit this evening.

Ed in Ohio said...

BB Casino! I really don't have a top 3 Hhhmm?

Anonymous said...

That’s just wrong Petals lol

Glenn Allen said...

They are rigging it Text only instead of their Web Site.

Nickelpeed said...

Thank you, Jackie. Appreciate it.

Will see everyone Sunday. Have a great weekend. I'm going gambling tomorrow night. LOL

Petals said...


I did remember to stop by to donate to the pool fund. If this week taught me anything, it's how difficult it is to stay awake & follow these lunatics as they have wee hour flips & frenzies.

See you all soon - XOXOX

Anonymous said...

I may go with Azah

Ed in Ohio said...


Cheryl in NC said...

THanks as always Jackie..Goodnight all

Petals said...

lol Jon. Had to. Her outfit is that bad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie!!!! Everyone have a safe and wonderful weekend!!!

Jackie S. said...

Well, I'm sure the HOH comp will be blocked to the live feeds. But I will report the winner once I know. I would think it will go down later tonight so as to not mess up the entire schedule for the week.

Thank you for coming by!

Petals said...

wait - how do I vote?? Text only? Did anyone remember the code/number/etc?

Jackie S. said...

I put the text number in the blog post.

monty924 said...

Thanks Jackie... everyone have a great weekend and will see you in the comments

Petals said...

TY Jackie!

ETremain said...

Why doesn’t Julie(or production) correct Big D about how to say the right thing to vote someone out??? “Evote” is not a word. It annoys me every week!