Wednesday, August 04, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - August 4


Did aliens invade the house?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Masked Marauders:

  • Welcome to the all mask all the time live feeds report!
  • No, they didn't have them on all day.
  • It's just that all my screen caps are the facial masks.
  • I'm silly like that.
  • Besides, not too much of consequence otherwise went down in the house.
  • Despite her seduction attempts, Whitney remains the target and we'll probably be seeing a house vote again. 
  • Perhaps not unanimous but a house vote nonetheless.
  • There was plenty of scheming and "if ____ wins HOH" talk going on.
  • Tiffany has now taken Hannah under her wing and seems to be willing to have Hannah take a shot at Claire.
  • Yet she still has a final two deal with Claire and they are working together.
  • Now, Claire is good at the game. But will she catch on that Tiffany is cut-throat enough to scheme against her?
  • Although it's been three men out in a row and now we'll have the first female, the girls are realizing that the men are winning the comps.
  • Well, not Derek F. 
  • The other men.
  • with all the scheming, this crowd is one of the first in years that really seem to like each other.
  • Azah injured her leg in the veto comp and, of course, Tiffany took that opportunity to work her mojo with her. 
  • Tiffany told Azah that she considered Hannah a full-fledged member of the Cookout. Azah and most (if not all) consider her sort of a peripheral member. Hannah didn't even know it had a name until someone (I forget ... Xavier?) let it slip.
  • So, Tiffany is trying to get more acceptance of Hannah -- not for this week against Whitney as that won't be an issue -- for a soldier in her own game. 
  • As I said, cut-throat player. But very good.
  • I can't recall a house past maybe the first year that gathered together each night and did something. Other seasons it happened on and off. But this house doesn't miss a night of gathering whether it be the Big Blue Couch Show, a nightclub night or an evening of facials.
  • Overall, the intelligence factor has changed as well. When I hear a Derek X referring to the pandemic as "dystopian" I can see some lingual hope for the younger generation.
  • That said, all the alliances are driving me bonkers. I can't keep up.
  • Now Christian and Britini have a final two deal.
  • So, Christian went to Alyssa and told her.
  • I thought they had a final two deal!
  • Darn. And people talked about Tyler and all of his final twos! I think everyone in the house this season has multiple final two deals!
  • It kind of cheapens the whole thing.
  • Oh, well. They don't know teams will be ending, probably this week.
  • Like on Survivor, I'm sure some will retain the team loyalty.
  • But the Cookout may trump that loyalty.
  • Whatever happens down the line, I still predict that Derek F will be the first one out of the HOH endurance comp this week.
  • Heh.
  • They also have no clue that's coming. Most have been studying days.

The red looked like crazed hunters with smeared blood.

Is she applying a facial or giving a lap dance?

Facial diversity

Yes, that's Azah. Really. Just a bit scary.

Alyssa should have color-coordinated
her clothes with the mask.


Petals said...

Thanks Jackie!

DX has topped Joker's HG ratings for many weeks now, and it's no surprise. He IS very smart, well-read and such an amiable guy. No wonder he's a fan (and my) fave.

I do feel bad for Whitney. She didn't do anything wrong, but is a casualty of the cookout.

Hannah has such a huge following outside the house; it's like she invented the color blue. I don't get it - I mean, she's smart for her age, she is very pretty & all, but she is not the second coming...
JM observations as of right now

CherryPie said...

Im not sure i care for tiffanys tactics....and all the alliances have me spinning. See everyone tonight.

Jackie S. said...

Since he came out of his shell, Derek X has become very popular both inside and outside of the house. Alas, his skills at mental challenges and physical challenges make him a huge target for them no matter how likable. There are many in this house that I could actually get along with in the real world (you won't catch me in that house). That's more than I can say for most years!

Judi Sweeney said...

I agree Jackie…. This is actually a pleasant season! Thank you!