Wednesday, August 11, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Wednesday Morning - August 11


Why always hugging a pillow?
Does he do that at home?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Voting Vipers:

  • Yesterday was a bit noneventful.
  • Oh, sure. There were a few quibbles. 
  • But no kerfuffles and not a brouhaha to be had.
  • There was a bit of a rift because it got out that SarahBeth said that Britini acted obnoxious after the veto and others rushed to Britini's defense.
  • Now, I think most of them tend to act at least slightly obnoxious after a veto win.
  • Why else would they keep wearing that silly necklace so long?
  • Plus, we know from watching and the other hamsters have witnessed how much she wanted to win a comp.
  • Oh, well.
  • Like I said, it didn't make kerfuffle level.
  • Despite people constantly telling her she's safe, SarahBeth has gone into a bit of a "woe is me" phase.
  • Christian still thinks he might be safe ... a bit. He's starting to worry as people he thought he had aren't really committing.
  • I don't know what's going on with his skin. For a while he had red splotches on his face where Alyssa kept popping his pimples (ew). But now his whole face looks red, sweaty and maybe even a little swollen. It's not a good look.
  • The other hamsters keep commenting on his stink. He hasn't been taking showers (ew).
  • I'm glad the live feeds don't come with smell-o-vision!
  • There were a lot of feed blocks yesterday.
  • We would see Kyland Jackass making sandwiches but see only a bit of Claire's cards toss.
  • Weird.
  • Alyssa and Christian keep campaigning for him to stay.
  • They really don't know all will be for naught. (I like that expression and don't get to use it often enough!)
  • Claire wants to tell Alyssa before the eviction that he won't be staying.
  • Why the heck can't they just let these things be a surprise?
  • No Big Blue Couch but Hannah gave them lessons in body language. It would behoove them to pay attention to that. Yes, I just wanted to work in "behoove" but it fit so well there.
  • Azah had them all cracking up with accent lessons. It was a hoot to watch.
  • That's where we stand ...

Schooling the others on accents

Has the most skin issues of anyone in the house

Time to make the sandwiches

Bucket hats and tiaras

Executive conference

They all tell her she's staying, yet ...


Petals said...

Jackie - Thank you for the update!
Yes - Christian does have a skin issue (hello ProAcrive script!) that he didn't secure before going into the house. LOL.

While he is actively working to secure votes, he is bedding with Alyssa. They really thing that "Chryssalys" is a thing? No dummy - you guys are Chyrssa, maybe.

Still, what a great cast!

Sharon N said...

If Christian wants to stay, you'd think he'd do what ever he could... like shower and get the stink off... if he wants to stay. Nothing says "you're gone" like body odor! How can Alyssa sleep with him smelling bad?

Nothing says NOPE for me like bad teeth and body odor! ick

CherryPie said...

Im with u Sharon...Jackie u crack me up with ur comments...cant wait for tonight...see yall latet on.

ETremain said...

Nothing wrong with hugging a pillow!