Monday, September 06, 2021

BB23: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - Sept. 6


Getting a bit too controlling I say!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cracks in the Cookout:

  • But first ... I want to grouse a bit about the aired show editing. How come they are intent on editing Derek and Xavier as the good guys and Tiffany as a villain? The men are doing the same things she's been doing, perhaps even a bit more forcefully and Derek has spent an inordinate amount of time cussing out others and the show itself. Yet they are portrayed as the good guys? Give me a break!
  • Although they definitely have a group goal with the Cookout, it's limiting good players more than any previous alliance in the history of the game.
  • It's at the point where even since Derek X, some Cookout members have strong bonds with their non-Cookout counterparts and would personally rather work with them than some Cookout members.
  • And that's where we are now. 
  • Azah wants to tell Claire about the Cookout and the reason she will have to go on the block to replace Alyssa when Alyssa saves herself.
  • Tiffany also wants to tell her.
  • "Oh NOES, you do NOT do that!" says Xavier.
  • He doesn't want his buddy Alyssa to find out about the Cookout.
  • Then she would know he's just been playing her.
  • Just from watching the feeds, I can see that Tiffany was NOT "just playing" either Derek X or Claire. She has genuine feelings for them, more so than she has for Derek F or Xavier.
  • It was heartbreaking to watch Tiffany explain to Claire why she has to put her up as the renom.
  • Word got out and about to just about everyone except Alyssa that Claire had been told.
  • Claire told Tiffany she understands and won't hold it against her.
  • Claire cried as her dreams have been crushed.
  • But she did straighten up and mingle with the others before going to bed a bit early.
  • There was a bit of scuttlebutt with Hannah, Tiffany and Kyland about voting out Xavier, but I don't see that really going anywhere.
  • The veto meeting will be later today.

Derek and Xavier have been
getting on her nerves.

Has probably cost herself the game

Tiffany explains it all to Claire. Claire cries.

Hannah still does weird things with her mouth,
like chewing the inside of her lip.

Would he even be in the house if
 his father wasn't famous?

What if she finds out Xavier has
just been using her?


Anonymous said...

I really like Tiffany, and I never thought she would let herself get played by X. She keeps talking about that $750,000 and she is just going to hand it to X. X is going to take either Derek of Alyssa to the end with him. Because the jury would not vote for either one of them, because Alyssa is not black and Derek is just too stupid and too delusional. Why on earth is she going to put Claire up when she has said all along that keeping Claire in the house was good for her game. Of course Hannah and Azah don't have a glue. The players in the house will vote for Xavier, because he has made sure to make all the other Black player to look like villains and the sole reason for all of their departures. While telling us he was the mastermind behind the Cookout.

Petals said...

Thank you Jackie, for the update.
It was heart-breaking, the Tiffany-to-Claire admission of the "Mission".
How can anyone say they are against it? You know? But to be a casualty of it,
for no fault of your own? Meh...I guess they will have to get their own therapy for that.

We are watching the end of BB as we know it, IMO. I feel (fear) that future seasons will not build bonds/friendships/alliances based on individuals, but on color.
Like Jackie mentioned, some of the moving parts of Cookout have bonded more strongly with their "pawn" than with their pledged alliance.

We'll see. This season is now becoming interesting again.

CherryPie said...

Thanks Jackie....i thought i noticed the cook out about to crack and i think it will be every man or woman for themselves soon.

Auntie Leigh said...

Sacrifice your own interests for the survival of the group vs be selfish and greedy. Which will win out in the end? Human nature....

Cheryl in NC said...

I hope the girls tell Allyssa what's going on.They need to build trust with her in case she wins the next hoh,they can make her understand the importance of putting up 2 of the guys. I am really disappointed in X lately from what I read of your blog Jackie.Like you said the show edit seems to be against Tiff.And I kind of fell for it.smh.Thank you Jackie for giving us the real scoop here.I am back hoping for a Tiff win but I really wouldn't mind any of the ladies winning.I am so over the guys!!

Sally said...

I think the key issue in the tension among the Cookout is whether Tiffany agreed to the Cookout plan to throw the HOH competition to someone who would nominate Claire. I don’t have the feeds, but that seems to be the case from what I’ve read online and from the reactions of the rest of the Cookout. If so, I can understand why the others are upset that she went rogue after the plan was in progress.

The honorable thing to do, when working with others toward a shared goal they deem bigger than the game, would have been to let people know that she wasn’t in on the plan before the competition. It would have been easy enough for her to give a lot of reasons for her position, as she’s good with words and not a shrinking violet. To agree to the HOH plan beforehand, which was part of a larger agreed-upon strategy, but not follow through after the plan has started, seems selfish and would affect my trust in and respect for that person.

CherryPie said...

Sally u put that wonderfully..i like u wasnt clear if they had agreed to Tiff throwing the comp or if itbwas just something they all assumed...either way i wouldnt have wanted to give it to Ky i barely think hes loyal to anyone or the CO.

SusanS. said...

I'm getting tired of X bad talking Tiff about winning. He could have won but chose to throw it like he does most of the time. If he wanted things his way he should have won.

Unknown said...

Isn't the cookouts a bit racist? Kind of surprised cbs allowed this faction to form. What if the roles were reversed and six whites formed an alliance with 6 person's of color everyone would be outraged. I agree the big brother as we formerly have known it is no more.

Sharon N said...

This is a totally male-dominated season, as shown by Xavier wanting 100% control.
Kyland and Derek F would like to be considered the ones in control, but it's Xavier.

In the past, Tiffany has actually offered alternatives, but each time, she's been immediately shut down. She realizes Xavier and Kyland are trying to build their comp-win resumes, but wants to build her own resume. They are just ticked that she didn't follow "their plan" and took one away.

In reality, why does it matter so much (to Xavier) which one (Claire or Alyssa) is evicted this week? Yeah, Xavier has been OTB for 3 weeks, but he actually CHOSE one of those as a comp punishment. So his argument holds no water and comes down to... briefly losing his precious control.

Whether Tiffany went along with the Cookout or not, she will be OTB next because she's actually a comp threat. Xavier can't have that.

Unlike other Cookout members who actually developed friendships with their non-Cookout person, Xavier has ZERO feelings about Alyssa. None. It's all about control and winning the game and technically, that's what we "should" expect... but rarely end up liking That Person.

Re: Azah and Derek F. They are both dumb as rocks. Although Azah's heart is in the right place, she wasn't a good BB pick for this game. Derek F is a lazy, coat-tail-riding delusional DOLT.

cctru said...

I wonder if the women might bond together enough to turn their backs the cookout and vote out the men instead. That would make me happy now that Derek X is out. I was impressed the cookout lasted as long as it did, but I admit I also felt it was somewhat racist - because they did not include all POC. But then I realized that if they had included Derek X and Alyssa then it would be more of an anti-white group; and I prefer to think it is not that. Tiffany has shown herself to be a real competitor, so that's probably why she did not throw the HOH challenge. If she gets it all figured out, maybe she will find a way to shake things up and make the show more exciting.

RiseandShine said...

I'm remembering back to the early seasons of BB where there was focus and spent energy on talking about the "social experiment" aspects of the game.
In that vein I find it interesting how the cookout/non-cookout relationships were initially formed for strategy, but became strong friendships and tugged at the loyalty question for the cookout member of the pair.
I also find it interesting that the cookout seemed to bond under the (loose) banner of lets make sure "someone who looks like me wins the season", but in previous seasons an "all girl alliance" (aka: "females bond together to win the game") never was able to come to fruition.
I read a bunch of googled old stuff about Derek F, but can't piece together how that equals the guy we're seeing on the show.
I think in the end this will be a men try to take the women out while the women try to take the men out scenario - same as it ever was.
I agree with both points of view about Tiffany - being selfish and greedy by not sticking to the group plan while at the same time playing for her best interest and a side order of feelings for Claire.
I have no idea how I want this to end at this point - so torn.

Sharon N said...

The funny thing about "for the good of the Cookout"...
So far, everything has worked in Xavier's favor, even if he is crying "foul" over Tiffany's HOH win. He's not in danger, so it doesn't matter if it's Alyssa or Claire is the chair next to him. He's just ticked that he lost an inch of control.

monty924 said...

Jackie, I actually cried with Tiffany and Claire just watching it. There's true feelings and friendship there and Claire gets it. It just sucks so bad that Alyssa won veto, but Claire was going to go out next week if not this week unless she won HOH. Xavier is just meh to me now. He's more whiney than the two year old that I've had at my house for this past weekend... seriously!

Anonymous said...

Why would you say this episode of BB is racist, when almost all of the previous episodes have had all white alliances. I'm not getting to a racial squabble. Just confused about your analogy of this group of players alliance.

Moving right along, I hope ALL the ladies in the house come to their senses, and figure out what these guys are doing, for some reason women just will not stick together and not just with this group, in all of the previous BB. Has the game change so much that no one is really coming on the show to win the money for themselves, all of a sudden players are being called out for wanting to make a play to win the game for themselves. So do we really think this group of players just had in mind to make sure a black person wins and not thinking about themselves winning. For me self preservation is the ONLY law of nature. Taking care of myself can always profit my love ones and friends. Get a grip ladies play to win. Is Tiffany really being selfish and greedy because she came on the show to try and win the $750,000, I would be willing to bet Xavier sure did.

Petals said...

uhm...5am in the HOH room. Plan on about 10 minutes.


Petals said...

confirmed. Uhm. Yes. HOH room.

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that the ladies are planning on voting out Xavier. Cross your fingers.