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Who will he be against in the final part? |
This isn't a full-fledged report as they have done so little report-worthy. But the feeds were blocked for about three and a half hours for the second part of the HOH comp.
Guess who won? Remember, it was Azah and Derek competing to go up against Xavier in the last round.
Will Derek actually WIN a comp? Will it be THIS COMP HE WINS?
Azah won. She will go up against Xavier in the final round on the live finale show.
Yes, Derek is whining.
He has officially won absolutely NO comps this season. And, it wasn't because he was throwing them. He told Azah he can do nothing but sit around and eat. I will add in: lay about, dig in his ears, whine, fuss, curse, be catty, stick hands down pants, judge others, be misogynistic and be delusional. His only bragging rights might be cooking and cleaning.
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Um. Not the best in table manners |
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Hands down pants or fingers in ears ...! |
Who’s carrying who? 🤣😆
Anon - I'm just shocked he actually believes he had a chance to win it all.
Wouldn’t it be a total hoot if Azah could actually beat X for final HOH?? Not gonna happen but I’m chuckling just thinking about it.
That would be better than Derek winning because one of them took him to the final two!
sure would be more entertaining if azah and bid d were the final 2!
Thank you Jackie!!!
Ha! Although Xavier is more deserving of the win, just the thought of his expression if Azah won Part 3...
The only bad part... 2 people who did absolutely nothing would be F2. Contrary to our feelings, Big D does seem rather popular with everyone on the Jury, but then again, so is Azah.
It’s amazing how delusional people can be when they are thinking of themselves… extremely delusional
is it possible to see Azah & Derek F in the finale? Noooooo
Regardless, Big D(elusional) will be the runner-up for BB23. ::smh::
Since the final HOH is usually guess what this HG answered to a random question, Azah has a chance to win it and take Derek for the win. This I would like to see just because I want to see something happen other than the inevitable, not because either of them deserve to win.
They did not have the hide the veto competition this season I noticed.
What has disturbed me this whole season is everyone celebrating the way the cookout alliance was formed based solely on a persons....... NVM, I will stop there.
X deserves the win, and since he interacted with everyone more than Azah did in my opinion, I think he has the better chance in the final HOH to guess the correct answer if it is indeed the normal scales final.
I think my mind has changed again....i believe azah has a chance to win next to anyone cuz even tho we didnt see much action from her she did manage to make it this far and i just would love to see X's face when he realizes he didnt win and he wasnt in control of the game
Hope you are feeling better Cherry.
I think Xavier has played the best game and WAS in control of it, every week. He quietly influenced his more impulsive Cookout members when they were acting-up or going off-book.
Thanks Petals..
Part 3 has always been like a crap shoot but the way they’ve done it the past few seasons is more like “these things happened” and they give four things and the players have to pick the one that didn’t or is false. Azah could definitely win that. Oh boy!!
Cherry, just want to echo Petals’ concern too. My SIL has Covid also but appears to be doing okay. Prayers for your recovery from this. Hugs
Cherry..I hope are feeling better too.Keep rested and take care of yourself.
X deserves to win the game for sure But it would be fun to see Azah win part 3 and get to make the final choice!!Would she take Derrick her buddy from say ¹ ,Or has X got her thinking crazy enough to take him???
I am pulling for Azah to win. She seems to be a nice caring person. Also, I hope Derek X wins America's Favorite Player. He was smart, entertaining to watch, and kind. I will always remember how he turned down the $5,000 prize so someone else could have it.
Cheryl - if Az wins pt 3, she will take Big Delusional, and we will truly have Beauty & the Beast as F2.
After all of Xavier's hard work and planning, to have it all go to ... them. UGH
When did the Cookout members "act up or go off?" Like them or not they played a great game, they were respectful, no racist name calling or disrespect to others like so on many other players on past BB shows. They were able to do just what they set out to do since for the first time in BB history there was a level playing field, and they were successful in their plan by making sure a POC won. This is still America and everyone should be treated and given the same opportunities. I'm so proud of ALL of the cast of BB23.
The Cookout members did play a great game, with class, and I have no problem with what they did. They were certainly within the rules. But the part that worries me is what happens in the future when another group - race - tries to do the same thing. I wish in the future the houseguests would focus on factors other than the color of skin. That, to me, is racist. I hope the BB casting dept will be very careful in the future how they pick the houseguests and not have a repeat of this year. I think a lot of people were disappointed that good players who were not black didn't get a fair shot because of skin color, etc. JMHO
"Act up" or "go off book", in my opinion - and,as I wrote it - means just that. Tiffany in particular had a tendency to pop-off on people, stomp around.
And when she - Tiffany - DID, in fact, "go off book", she was repaid with an eviction.
I found nothing racist in this season. A group of like-minded, like-skinned people decided to make history. There is no wrong in it.
Remember the Nerd Herd? S6? Same thing happened, where "underdogs" banded together as an alliance they called "the friendship": POC/gays were in their core group. They ran the season against the "Alpha People". And guess what? A NERD won!
I'm sure BB will fix the problem, it's strange none of these comments were made in the past 22 other BB shows and there were really mean people who were almost vicious and stayed in the game through out the whole game, if I really remember correctly there were a few houseguest that lost there jobs because of their behavior on the show, there has always been alliances in this game, but somehow this alliance is a problem for some people, so if they go back to not having a diverse group, guess we'll see what we've been seeing for the last 20 years. It's a game, all of these people are in there for the win, I have watched BB from the beginning and will continue, Jackie's blog has been a life saver for me, I so look forward to her play-by-play comments, she and others here makes me laugh when I might feel a little down. She has given us a place to make friends and a forum in which can agree or disagree without malice. Thank you so much Jackie.
Thanks Monty
First time I posted a comment this year......
I am happy the COOKOUT made it to the final six,
I will be sad and disappointed if the final two are Big D and Azah.
The most deserving player is without a doubt X.
Reminds me of Derrick. Smart classy player.
Hope X makes to the winner and whoever gets the 2nd place...ok with me.
Jackie thank you for your blog....you are great!
I have been following since day one of Big Brother....I do enjoy the show and Jackies updates .
How many "Anonymous" are posting here?
Can't be the same person, b/c the posts are so different?
Would you mind leaving an initial, or an emoji or something, just so we can
keep you all straight?
I can be Anonymous "S". I am the one who is not especially happy to see that skin color dictated the outcome of BB this year, although I don't blame the players - or anyone for that matter. I just hope it doesn't continue on in future years. I truly do like all the players this year and I hope Azah wins. For some reason I don't care as much for Xavier as I do for the others. I really, really wanted Derek X to get to the finals and I will hope for him to win AFP! And by the way - this is my first year posting.
Hi Anon S.
I agree - I hope this doesn't set a precedent for division-by-color in future seasons.
The casting was amazing this year, IMO. If they can continue to cast like this in the future, we may have some GREAT seasons coming, fingers crossed!
Welcome to Jackie's! She is amazing, as you have seen. Intellectual,unbiased, witty and FUN! She puts in many hours following the action (and NON action LOL) for mamny seasons.
I've been with her at least 13 seasons (that I can remember, lol). We are a mature, loyal, fair and FUN group of people who care about one another and, if you feel the same, I hope you stick around.
Hi Petals,
Thanks for your nice comments. Yes, Jackie is amazing! I've enjoyed her commentary and wit and I hope she doesn't kick me out for expressing my views. I'll have to admit - I'm a senior citizen and can get somewhat opinionated!
Anon S
They are anonymous because it's most likely the same person just trying to race bait and rile up the comments. It's the last week of the game. All of these discussions have been had and addressed already. Don't fall for it. I would just ignore them. All of a sudden a bunch of Anonymous posters suddenly care about this topic here, seems very suspicious, and that's all I will say about that.
I don't agree Barney - I think it's just more commenters finally having something to say about the finale. One time I ended up posting anonymous because I hit the wrong button. (but if it is one person just trying to stir the pot - begone!)
Personally I think if Azah gets to final 2 she has a chance to win. I believe X played a much better game, but it's possible since most of jury stuck together simply based on being black, they just might be able to make the final vote about sex and there are more women than men on the jury.
Ok I know I’m late to the party as usual but Derek was robbed again by yet another rigged competition lol unless Azah has a watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat moment CBS should just write that check out now lol
I'll be glad when this season is over. Azah should've taken X out when she had the chance, as HOH! It would be hilarious if she beats X in the 3rd round and takes Derek to the end!
Every year, we each develop our preferences, but in reality (Ha), it's no skin off our noses who wins. We will rarely see or hear from the majority again. Even some of the past winners or people we liked best have faded into obscurity. Such is life for reality "stars."
So right Sharon N. I remember my first day favorites were Frenchie and Brittany. LOL I think just kind of over-the-top personality; but it got tiring quickly. Derek X and Tiffany are my choices for favorite player. And MVP is....Jackie! It's the main way I follow this game, I love her summaries and then I can just half-watch the show when it airs a few hours later.
Ditto, being on Mountain Time, the show comes on 1 hour later than Jackie's posts. Watching Jackie's site provides humor while also giving me a head's up for things to watch. And pool party remarks get pretty funny too. I know some don't like advance knowledge, but I don't mind at all... especially if there's a TV schedule conflict.
When you think back, POC tended to gravitate towards each other during past seasons but there were never more than two so they couldn't be a powerhouse alliance. That does kind of happen in life ... especially when so few are "different." This season, the Black hamsters looked around and saw so many and, with the history of no Black BB winner ever (Celeb doesn't count), it clicked to work together. It started just as not targeting or voting for each other and grew into an alliance. While it is achieving the goal of a Black winner, it robbed all of the hamsters in a way. The Cookout members couldn't play their own personal game and other players were targeted when they wouldn't have been if not for the Cookout. Now, the Cookout was only six members. That left 12 others who could have created a larger alliance. Also, in the beginning it was whites nominating and/or voting out whites. In some ways the Cookout was sort of a Level 6 but with a better plan (thanks to Tiffany!). I don't think we'll see exactly this scenario again as the goal was achieved. As a matter of fact, I think we'll see more people of diverse races working together with a "they would never think we're together" alliances. But, no. This season was not racist. The only rather ethnic slur was by a white person targeting Derek X.
I’ve really enjoyed this season and the work put in by the Cookout to get to the final 6. And let’s be honestly, they did do it at the expense of their own personal game and they quite frankly didn’t really like each other at times during the season. That’s dedicated and I appreciate it.
I still believe Tiffany ran the Cookout’s game and when X gets out, if he watches the season back, he will see it too. But he is a little bitter that Tiffany never had to sit against Claire and that is just not remembering the facts. Claire went up one time just so that X’s person, Alyssa, wouldn’t have too and another time by Tiffany’s own HOH. Did he forget that Tiffany couldn’t nominate herself against Claire? 🙄
But I’m still rooting for X first, if not Azah… basically ANYBODYBUTBIGD
See you all soon at the Pool!!
Honest not honestly… hate posting from the phone
Actually, in my opinion, Tiffany only "went off book" or "act up" in the eyes of some of her alliance members who were doing things the way THEY wanted. She played the game and is certainly more deserving of a place in the final three than Derek, in particular. That is something that did disgust me all season -- watching them give him the good guy edit. @@
Great analogy Jackie as always. That' why were here appreciate you.
Me too, Jackie!! As soon as he won those BB bucks, the producers really ramped up his edit. Hated that
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