Greetings and felicitations. I hope everyone is doing well. We're here for the second post-Covid world episode tonight. With the private jet we are guaranteed bunching points throughout the rest of the season. I guess if one team was hours and hours behind, perhaps they get Philiminated or penalized? I don't know. I read that the two returning previously Philiminated teams -- Arun/Natalia and Mike/Moe -- had to do a Speed Bump that they didn't have time to air last week. I've been watching the Penn/Kim episode recaps on YouTube. They give quite a bit of insight and a bit of insider information.
I will be constantly updating this entry with the major events as they air here on the East Coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!
Kim & Penn - chrob61, Donna in AL, Jennifer
Akbar & Sheri - Indiana Jane, Nickelpeed, Krysta
Raquel & Cayla - Brenda, Skyriverblue, Marlo L
Lulu & Lala - Debbie, Judi Sweeney, SueGee
Dusty & Ryan - Mike Barer, Willie J, PDX Granny
Arun & Natalia - Glenn Allen, Jennasmom
Mike and Moe
Are you ready? Let's GO!
We're starting off with the Previously On, of course.
Teams will be checking out of the Pit Stop in the order they checked in
groups of three. Still in Switzerland.
Highest bungee jump in Europe with the involvement of the Travelocity
gnome. This is a Roadblock.
Just a note -- I'm having technical issues.
Sheri has to do the Roadblock and she has a fear of heights. Raquel and
Cayla are pleased with how they're doing. Dusty goes first and doesn't
die, Kim is up next. Penn is so worried he's in tears. Lulu/Lala next.
Akbar/Sheri arrive. She lives through the jump. Cayla and Raquel took a
long route and found out they're in 5th place right now. Arun and Natalia
just make it way behind the pack.
Route info - drive to a town and then on foot to the clue.
Detour - Bartender race or Sausage Encase. First has them racing up
stairs with bottles of wine and bags of chestnuts. The second has them
putting sausage in a casing. Dusty/Ryan and Kim/Penn choose the race
while Lulu/Lala choose the case.
Arun/Natalia once again are having directions issues in getting there.
Dusty/Ryan are taking multiple trips up the stairs. They are having prob-
lems, so I can't see the others doing well with the task. Akbar/Sheri go
for that task as well. Lulu/Lala did very well with the sausage.
Akbar is pushing Sheri once again. I wanted to like them but he is turning
me off. She is staggering up the stairs and ends up dropping and breaking
at least one bottle of wine. Cayla/Raquel having sausage issues.
After the Detour, teams have to find a picture on their gnome, figure out
where it is and go there to the Pit Stop.
Dusty is down with a severe leg cramp but still ...
Pit Stop
1. Dusty/Ryan - won a trip to Dominiqua
2. Lulu/Lala (will leave with Team One)
3. Penn/Kim (second departure time)
4. Cayla/Raquel (second departure)
5. Akbar/Sheri (second also)
6. Arun/Natalia - greeter had to go as they are so late. Non-Philimina-
tion leg and they will be leaving last.
Hi Jackie. Thank you for the blog!! I hope you're doing well.
Hey everyone. Happy wednsday!
hi folks
Hi Jackie and Penny and Marlo and Joe
Hi Marlo, Joe and Glenn
Good evening, all!
Jackie willwe do a Celebrity BB Pool?
Hi Brenda!
Hi Brenda
Howdy everyone!! I'm back from a Dentist visit this afternoon and still numb!!
Hi Sue!
We are planning to do a BB pool. Hope they tell us who is playing soon!
Hi Sue Gee!
This poor woman
Thanks Sue Gee. They did a commercial showing some of the Players!
Jackie want me to post the pool here in comments?
I've never had the desire to bungee jump. Go figure I want to go sky diving. LOL
Well, he's not helping much.
I'd be saying the same thing over and over.
Celebrity BB starts one week from tonight!! One month and done...hope there are interesting people in the house!
Nope sorry not doing that. I like some of the Celebrities. Might have to watch!!!
Father and daughter seem to always have problems. Feel bad for them.
Switzerland is one of my favorite countries
my gosh, those stairs!!!!
My Team Arun and Natalia lost
Yes, there will be a CelebBB pool once we know who is in it.
I'm having severe technical issues with the blog, second week in a row. Sentences keep running over the edges, nightmare. Never had this happen before.
Just found the BB cast on Facebook. Look for an entry from People Magazine
Thanks Jackie!
Thanks Jackie. Maybe Google is playing games with you....
Oh no, Jackie. As a blogger, that would be a nightmare.
He's not very nice to his wife. Akbar is mean.
It was released today.
I was thinking the same thing Nickel. Nate when teams behave this way to each other.
Akbar is abusive. CBS needs to send him home.
The problems I'm having come after I paste the pool in. They used to make the html easy to read but I can't find what tag is causing it.
My poor husband is so irritated. He has to use the truck tomorrow (I have to go to work in the car), but it is stuck in the snow. He parked it on the grass and it his wheels just keep on turning. He put cat litter down, but it didn't work. Such a pain. I think he'll run out of gas if it doesn't start working.
Jackie, will it let you start another one? Would it that work? Then you can just leave this one?
So done with winter. Michigan here and this cold is horrible...
Gosh, they are going to take forever. They do more arguing than competing.
I was tied up today but will check out the CelebBB list and hopefully figure out what's going on with the blog.
Thanks Jackie. Night everyone
I Start another what? Entry? It's too late. Blog? Not and leave 15 years of history on this one.
Thank you Jackie. Appreciate it. See everyone next week.
Well Arun and Natalia saved by a Non-Elimination Leg!
Thanks for coming!
Thank you Jackie!
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