Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Celebrity BB3: Live Feeds into Tuesday, New HOH - February 15


Lime and a HOHjito

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Celebrity Seagullibles:

  • The feeds were blocked for hours after the live show ended.
  • During the block, they played out the HoH comp.
  • It definitely had something to do with drinking, maybe something on gambling.
  • Well, at least someone won who wasn't Miesha. Or Todrick, but he's also Miesha.
  • Now that I think of it, kind of like way back when with Negan on The Walking Dead, they are all Negan Miesha. And, they are all pretty much walking dead.
  • Anyway ... Todd won the HOH.
  • The HOH winner could decide two people who had to be tethered together in costume -- one is a lime, the other a glass for the drink HOHjito.
  • Todd chose Todrick to be the lime because he thought he would have fun with it. Todrick has been wanting a costume.
  • He chose Lamar to be the glass, mainly because he and Lamar go back and forth deliberately annoying each other.
  • Lamar is indeed annoyed.
  • After all, he's a grown man and doesn't like people laughing at him.
  • Has he ever watched the show? Not even in sequester?
  • He warned Todd that he will get him, better lock that HOH door!
  • They ought to play bouncy music as Todrick the Lime walks with him. Heh.
  • No talk about nominations but it's pretty much down to eating their own or Carson/Cynthia -- the New Kids on the Block.

I don't understand the shades inside.

He likes to dress like he's taking that Old Town Road

Targets will remain targets

Lamar could never do slop

There's a new HOH in town. Hmm.

He fell ... hook, line and sinker.


Anonymous said...

Kind of at this point I’d like Lamar to win it because he is so clueless and has no idea, and he just has impressed me with how he is in the house as compared to his past shenanigans. Carson and Cynthia made one of the most classic boneheaded moves. Love them or hate them but Lilo and Stitch flipped the script and you have to admire how they pulled that rabbit out of the hat lol

Jennasmom said...

What I didn’t get, Todrick was in an alliance with Carson in the beginning and was going back & forth with info, but everyone seemed to forget that. Only Shanna was the double-crosser. Just amazed at how dense Carson & Cynthia were, and at their inability to listen to Shanna or consider that Todrick & Miesha just might be trying to pull on over on them. Of course both of them would say the same thing about Shanna. They are obviously working together. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anonymous said...

Toddrick and Cynthia spent the past few days trashing Shanna over and over and over for things that for sure Toddrick had been doing all along. All they talked about was integrity. Really??? Who in there knows that this is the Big Brother GAME? I am so glad to know Toddrick and Meisha are at the BOTTOM on Jokers ratings. Willis will do whatever Toddrick and Meisha want and at this point....who cares. I was team Carson and Cynthia and now and hope they are both on the block. lOVE YOU SHANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharon N said...

Wearing sunglasses inside hide 'shifty-lying' eyes. :))

Color me surprised that Carson actually fell for Todrick's snow job. I thought he was smarter or at least more "people aware" than that! I mean really, WHY wouldn't he think, "hmmmm... Miesha and Todrick know I've been wanting to get them out, so maybe I should consider the source???" sheesh

Lamar is so out of his element... but then, he's probably out of most elements. Julie appeared a tad annoyed with having to demand his eviction vote as he sat there biting off a fingernail looking totally nonplussed. Priceless. LOL

Judi Sweeney said...

So frustrating… Thanks Jackie!