Friday, July 29, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds Bulletin, Nominations - July 29


Could JOSEPH be nominated?

This report will be a bit abbreviated. The Leftovers remain an alliance and are still meeting up separately. Daniel has admitted his sympathy vote to keep Terrance but the others are pretty much trying to shift blame to cover their own voting block. Turner and Jasmine are the Have Nots.

Unfortunately, with Monte as HOH, it's unlikely that he will nominate his dear Daniel. And he doesn't. He nominated Alyssa and Indy, with the target being Alyssa. After seeing if Taylor would be okay with it, Nicole is the back up backdoor plan if POV is used. He is telling the others various excuses why he put them up -- they haven't been on the block yet, Jasmine recently fainted and her ankle, y'know ...

Or, could it be Daniel?

Enjoying Monte's HOH room

First week Taylor isn't worried she might go home

Indy talks with Monte


Anonymous said...

Jasmine is my spirit animal lol

Petals said...

jon, don't make me come over there & kick your monkey butt...

Chacha said...

Jasmine is the worst...She tells Kyle yesterday that she gains weight while not eating. Previous of the last 12 hours or so(pre have-not) all she does is eat.
If I was in the house I would probably eat all the time also.
I think to many past seasons where the women complain after the season that they gained so much weight in the house.
I can just picture Jordan(bb11) and all the cookie dough she ate. Speaking of her Taylor trying to figure out the L in roman numerals reminds me of Jordan trying to figure out quarter past and quarter till.
Not saying that Taylor is as ditzy as Jordan

Anonymous said...

Petals, you should know my warped sense of humor by now lol Only thing Jasmine has brought to the party is comedy relief lol she must have been coached by Raven pre show, plus props to whoever in production is with the sound effects for the scooter alone that is Emmy worthy, throw in that “accent” that is like Hee Haw times 72 (I get they have to be egging her on to play it up but still I’d be like really, I’m not saying xyz, I do have to go back home after this is over lol). Let’s hope our little alliance that could stays strong and doesn’t crack and they keep playing smooth. Everyone have a great weekend stay safe, healthy and hopefully cool wherever you are and Jackie hope you are continuing to get stronger and thank you for bringing us Leftovers together !!!

Sharon N said...

It's a little scary that a couple of the Leftovers are talking about who to bring into their alliance next. Why? I mean really... seems to me that's just begging for trouble.

Don't get me started about Monte. Although he seems to have let go of the nonsense about Taylor, he still doesn't quite trust her. On the other hand, he can't let go of the unrealistic Daniel bond.

Oh, and Daniel has ghost stories. @@