Monday, August 22, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds (and Lack Thereof) into Monday Evening - August 22


Someone should tell Jasmine to change her shirt

Here's the latest from ONLY INSIDE that Big Brother House of Live Feeds Rip Off:

  • For most of the day the live feeds were blocked. 
  • Yep, inside and outside the house from just after they woke them up until about an hour and a half ago.
  • Can you say, "Refund please?"
  • Since they came back on inside the house, they really haven't said anything about the veto meeting or any renom.
  • I would think that the meeting went down and the nominations remain the same.
  • I would also think that Jasmine is still the target.
  • They have not talked game at all since the feeds returned this evening here on the East Coast.
  • As for the backyard, there have apparently been two quick moments of feeds with no game info.
  • I guess they probably had the veto meeting.
  • But it looks like BB is going to continue the outside live feeds block until eviction night.
  • The house is SO boring.
  • Outside is probably boring as well.
  • But we won't know now, will we?


Shefnbama said...

So, you saw them outside. I was so hoping the rumor was true that they had been moved somewhere else. I so hate this backyard idea.

Jackie S. said...

Yeah, they're still out there ... it seems.

cctru said...

I know people have been unhappy with Kyle's choice to give up The Leftovers to Terrance, but ulitmately - isn't that the best move for HIS game? If he's looking down the road this seems like he made his choice. He may be able to still save face with the inside Leftovers, if he's lucky. If Terrance just decided to put Joseph & Turner on the block, Kyle has to vote out someone in the Leftovers - he just has to choose one. And Joseph and Monte are (in my opinion) VERY tight; and Turner is close behind - so if I'm Kyle I would want one of them out. I don't think Kyle or Alyssa are going to get to the end; so it's all moot. But of course we are talking about Big Brother so we must expect....the unexpected. LOL

Cheryl in NC said...

I don't think the powers that be thought this, whole live in the backyard for a week,through very well

Sharon N said...

It sounds [to me] like Production made the choice of not showing the feeds... so they give provide a "big surprise" to TV watchers. Whatever the case, it seems like some poor decisions are being made by production this season.

Anonymous said...

I heard it's fans at the walls again! and then BB has to play music to cover them up, which they can't show on feeds. Then some people claiming to have insider knowledge are saying "something huge" happened to cause the feeds to block. My guess is Terrance heard the wall shouters and it actually affected the game. who knows.


Jackie S. said...

I mentioned the possibility of wall yellers in a previous report. But if they're playing music 24/7 to drown them out, that's torture! Just hire guards!

JonMD1267 said...

Then they being CBS should just blast music that they outright own and would be no issue with playing, I mean if they are going to thunderdome these people in the house and or in this case outside with these kind of twists and how long have they been dealing with these things of shouters or planes with banners over head outside ( if that’s the case this time ) and at this stage of the game with them doing it every year how about prepare for the unexpected themselves lol so go all out and just loop like the theme from Gillsgins Island, or Full House lol drive them even more bonkers and really push them psyche evaluations to the test lol plus it’s not fair for them to play fast and loose with the live feed watchers.

Anonymous said...

What are they going to do if the planes starting flying over the BY? Can't have them go inside.

Anonymous said...

I also don't understand why they wouldn't hire people to guard the area. As soon as they said they were living in the backyard my first thought was people yelling over the wall. This twist could have been so good to shake things up, but it's kind of ruined since we don't get any footage of what is happening in the yard. How are they going to even show their VETO ceremony and eviction?


Anonymous said...

For SURE kyle did the best thing for himself. Live to fight another day…and he is.

Anonymous said...

Outside feeds are back

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a temporary cover has been out over the backyard (like a sun shade)

Jasonuwp (can’t log into my account to comment)

Anonymous said...

Turner just said he is off the block.
