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I guess it's a bit chilly |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House and Yard of Split Up Squirrels:
- I'm glad I went to bed at a quasi-reasonable hour as the live feeds didn't come back on until about 4:30AM EDT.
- House Hamsters: Michael, Brittany, Taylor, Monte and Jasmine
- Yard Hamsters: Terrance, Kyle, Alyssa, Turner and Joseph
- Unfortunately, that keeps the Kyle/Alyssa showmance together.
- Fortunately, they are more in the open in the backyard so perhaps the 10 second sex romps will be controlled.
- They didn't seem to build much in the backyard. They have sleeping bags, air mattresses, a refrigerator and mini-kitchen set-up.
- They have freeze-dried and canned foods ... including Spam.
- There is a tent. Terrance has an air mattress in the tent. He says they have to ring the bell before going up on the balcony. I guess that's considered his HOH room although he seems to be planning to sleep under the tent.
- They have two PortaPotties and one outdoor shower which has only lukewarm water.
- Terrance told Kyle he promised Alyssa that he wouldn't put her on the block and Turner has had his back all through the game.
- His likely nominations will be Kyle and Joseph.
- Inside, Michael told Jasmine he thinks he might have to put her up on the block with Monte. Since there are only five of them in the house, he thinks everybody will play for veto.
- Jasmine immediately said that it's not fair because she is injured and Monte is so strong. She suggests either Brittany or Taylor as they are comp beasts. @@
- Hmm ... Jasmine said that Turner was Terrance's first pick. Michael agreed that Terrance chose Turner before he could.
- Jasmine reminded Michael that she's not there for the money -- she's there for her (deceased) father.
- Oh, geez. My sympathies go out to anyone on the loss of a parent. However, playing the Dead Parent Card is so wrong.
- Back outside, Turner suggests to Terrance he should put the showmance on the block, then put Joseph up if veto is used. Joseph out. Hmm.
- Terrance actually does want Joseph out. His second choice out would be Kyle.
- Terrance told Joseph that Kyle is his target. Joseph seems skeptical and starts promising all kinds of things that would make it valuable to keep him.
- Joseph says that if it's him and Kyle on the block, he knows he would go home.
- Joseph is scrambling saying how his alliance is Terrance, Alyssa and Jasmine.
- His double agent days are catching up to him, I say.
- It all boils down to Michael wants Jasmine out while Terrance wants Joseph out.
- Nominations later today.
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Doesn't look real comfortable |
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Not surprised Michael chose Brittany |
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House hamsters |
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Will Jasmine be on the block? |
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Has Turner claimed the hammock for a bed? |
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Argh, the showmance remains together. |
Ok let’s see if third time is charm and I’m copying my text this time lol Jasmine might finally get her muffin this week…. In the jury house lol unless she pulls veto rabbit, then Monte should be nervous I can’t see Michael sending Taylor or Brittany out. The outside crew it looks good for Turner and Joseph unless one of KAyllsa (yes I gave them a name lol) wins veto and saves the other with then it’s doom for Joseph or Turner. Sidebar, JackieI deleted my account and redid to see if that solves the pesky spam issue the other two comments were showing not my old name so I’m hoping this one will. Thanks for the update and only one more only murders in the building left lol I didn’t see that twist coming lol
Ok totally missed what you said about Joseph until I read again yeah that double agent thing might bite him this go round. Plus if it’s only taking either of them 10 seconds to TCB, then that’s just wrong on so many levels lol !! Jasmine playing the Dad and injured card, I am with you on loss and grief and that not something to be used for reality show game play. I’m telling you she is gonna fling herself down the stairs if need be, I’ve got a five on body cast before end of season lol
Thank you Jackie for this update!
Jon - It's not just you with the comments thing. Anyone who is commenting frequently during the show blogs is getting sent to spam. I am republishing the comments every commercial. It's something Blogger has done.
Thanks Jackie!
LOL, Jon re Jasmine. I really dislike her. She won't/can't/had better NOT win on the injured & Dead Dad card. What a scammer.
And on that subject, I put Brittany in that category (minus injury & death). She is riding Mike's coattails. Maybe she hypnotized him into thinking she was actually playing?(JMO)
My 2 least faves at the beginning of the season are now my want-to-wins: Turner & Taylor.
Oh, I am Unknown when I am at office - it's me, Petals.
Thanks for the update. I hope Terrence’s final moms are Kyle and Alyssa and the guys vote out Kyle. I so dislike everything about Jasmine and hope she goes, but she will probably win Veto. It will have to be something non physical since they have to do it inside.
*final noms not moms! :)
Wait, whoa, hold the phone...
Anon @10:21 - your name is Jodie????
Um, yes my name is Jodie.
Hey Unknown Jodie ... you do realize other people are named Jodie, right? Heehee!
I wasn't looking forward to the house split, but am now kind of enjoying the sheer optics of HGs having to live in the backyard for a week.
Would love to see either Kyle or Alyssa get booted from the backyard crew.
And, seriously Jasmine? So, your dad died and basically we all now owe you $750,000 for sitting around complaining alot, ordering people about, and not knowing how to use a fricking cane? Not to mention, wasn't your sprained ankle like ages and ages ago? I've had way worse injuries than that, and have been back on my feet way sooner, and I'm older than you, so please, please, send Jasmine home house people. Not to mention, Jasmine called Brittany and Taylor comp beasts?!?!?!? Jasmine I do not think the term "comp beast" means what you think it means.
I really hope in the future BB removes houseguests that get injured if it prevents them from competing in comps. I have a feeling Jasmine will limp her way to the end and I don’t think she even deserves to get 2nd place.
My middle name is Jodie…, lol I’m just kidding I wanted to get in on the Jodie action lol
Petals is Jodie too! It's just unusual, especially same spelling. Cool.
(and now, so is Jon, LOL)
Is spell check fooling you into adding a Bridget into the house? Could it be Brittany? ROFL
WOW!! Kyle is telling Terrance EVERYTHING. I mean everything
Yep, didn't take long for that 10-second sex dynamo to show he's the lily-livered sapsucker we all knew he would be! lol
I didn't mean to be anonymous.
SueGee ... I don't use spellcheck. It's my mind after four hours of sleep.
When I read the post a few hours ago I was like...who the heck is Bridget??? Then I thought, well, Jackie did say she was tired.
It's interesting to me how much my own impressions of these houseguests have changed this year. I liked Brittany/Bridget at the start and she's basically a non-starter anymore. I didn't see why people were trashing Taylor, and like everyone stood up for her - but she shows no gameplay. She could be an actress wanna-be I suppose. And Turner was ho-hum, but he has become uber entertaining.
Lol squeegee..I too was thinking who the heck is Bridget..then realized she meant Brittany. I hope Jasmine goes from inside but wouldn't blame them if they took out Monte As for outside it looks like my pool boy Joseph is in trouble. Hopefully Turner can get Terrance to break of the showmance and take out Kyle instead!
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