Thursday, August 25, 2022

Big Brother: BB24 Live Feeds into Thursday - August 25


Giving up, not giving up

Here's the latest from inside and outside that Big Brother House of Dogged Despots:
  • Don't expect any true blindsides tonight.
  • Inside the house, the four Leftovers have been talking about letting Jasmine know as much as they can still abiding by the rules.
  • They aren't allowed to come out and tell her she's being evicted.
  • However, they can dance around the issue with statements like "I can't guarantee you my vote" and such.
  • They all feel that Jasmine has not been bad to live with at all this week.
  • She isn't asking any of them to wait on her.
  • They don't want to be mean or cruel to her.
  • (They also want jury votes.)
  • So, they let her know yesterday.
  • While she became a bit subdued, she told them she's grateful they let her know. So, she will be prepared.
  • Probably prepared with a fake accent!
  • In the yard, Joseph goes between looking dejected and trying to plead for his life in the game.
  • He won't be surprised at all if he goes even though he, at times, seems to think there's a chance he might stay.
  • Turner seems to have gone to the Dark Side and is saying he will work with Alyssa, Kyle and Terrance against Michael and Company inside the house.
  • Of course, with Turner and no way for him to be alone with cameras or seeing Diary Room segments, he could be lying.
  • I think the only one in that group he really likes is Alyssa.
  • Inside the house, they are saying if Joseph goes home, they know Kyle is behind it.
  • I'm not sure they will feel the same when they find out he was on the block with Joseph.
  • So, there will be no blindsides on the evictions tonight.
  • There could very well be blindsides when the two groups come together again.
  • It's a shame the live feeds always remain blocked until the West Coast show is over.
  • We're going to miss some good stuff!

Surely will dump Kyle after the season ends

Has he gone to the dark side?

It won't be a blindside. She knows.

Wanted to let Jasmine know

Definitely good on the eyes!


Petals said...

Wah, g'mornang Ms Jayckie! Ah shore dew ahpersheeate your recayups!

JonMD1267 said...

Susan (Petals lol), you almost made me do a spit take laughing lol I’m hoping with you Jackie that it’s just Turner not having much of a choice and just saying what he needs to get through this week. As much as we all liked the little alliance that could we all knew the implosion was gonna happen and now that more so with it getting down to the end game. Tonight’s show should be good and for sure the next HOH will be a big win for whoever gets it and a real game changer for the whole house I think. I do feel bad for Joseph though since it’s pretty obvious at this point and you can genuinely tell this has taken a toll on him this week. I do get on a level Kyle doing what he did it just really is a scummy thing to have done and over a showmance reasoning, and that’s not shaming Alyssa, because to me it makes her minus the Taylor stuff in the beginning me feeling a bit of sympathy towards her because Kyle played her as well and the only reason he told any of them about it all is because he knew his butt was on the line, and I don’t like his justification of how he is trying to play it off as protecting her by keeping her in dark about it all, it just to me ( and no it’s not the same by any means equivalent ) but like treating someone bad for there own good type of mentality. I love this show but at times I really question the casting and these evaluations they do and how they screen these people and I do hope they have people in place after the show is over to help them deal with things and that is by no means to excuse the behavior that they exhibit in that house that is on them alone and they are responsible for their own actions within that house of what they say and or do. That’s just my Lucy 5 cents take on things lol or was she charging a quarter I can’t recall I’m old lol

Cheryl in NC said...
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Cheryl in NC said...

What the hell is Turner thinking?? He's going to have some 'splainin to do inside the house if he indeed votes out Joseph. Personally I would make Terrance break the tie. Did Joseph not tell him that Kyle sold them out??? I just don't get where Turners head is at. Maybe he's thinking Joseph is dead in the water any way, so he can make this side of the house feel comfortable going into the next hoh comp and then if he wins it ,he can hit them hard for some revenge for my pool boy. At least that's what I hope

Sharon N said...

I'm hoping Turning is just feeding those 3 "what they want to hear." Although he knows the LO's alliance is 'out' now, so he might feel like playing both sides until he sees which way the wind is blowing. Dangerous route to take... as Joseph can now testify!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping it is a tie and Terrance has to break it, votes out Kyle, since he betrayed his alliance and shows the rest he is not putting up with it. He took care of the one person who outed the alliance and would get in good graces with the rest of them. HUM can only hope

Sharon N said...

Keeping a showmance/traitor is a mistake because Kyle won't have a problem traitorizing Terrance too!! (Yeah, I know. That's not a word, but it works. lol)

Terrance wants to wreak havoc and thinks Kyle would be key to pulling that off. He doesn't know the Insiders already decided that if Joseph has poofed, Kyle did the dirty deed.

Michael is sharp, but the Insiders trust Turner. That could present a glitch for a while unless Turner was just agreeing to whatever to save himself. Who knows, but I'm hoping he spills everything to the Insiders asap.

Anonymous said...

Cherry here yall...i think Kyle needs to go...he spilled the beans before Joe did and he betrayed Alyssa .....just my two cents

monty924 said...

I'm hoping that Kyle is the first target once they all get back together, but he'll manage to worm his way out of this one way or another. ugh