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Resting easy ,,, sort of, kind of. |
The feeds were blocked for the veto meeting as per the custom. I guess they don't want us to know how many retakes it takes to shoot it.
Based on conversations, it's expected that Michael will save Brittany and Turner will put up Kyle as the renom (and new house target). However, I am waiting for confirmation that he's on the block before I post this.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh my. Yes, Kyle was the renom against Taylor. BUT Terrence is suggesting to Monte that they might be best keeping Kyle to "let him grow." Argh. Monte isn't overly receptive to the idea.
Unless something drastic happens between now and Thursday, I expect the vote will be 4-1 with Kyle evicted.
Obviously, Terrance is trying to keep his After Party alliance going. The only way to do that would be to keep Kyle. As of right now, the only After Party votes to keep Kyle would be Terrance/Alyssa, but 3 votes are needed to keep Kyle, so Terrance wants to flip Monte's vote to keep Kyle.
Terrance appears to be bitter that Michael kept the Kyle info quiet, saying it was 'convenient,' but Michael had the Veto, so he was already safe when he spilled the beans. I don't think keeping it secret was meant to be for his convenience... but ended up working out that way.
Michael for the WIN
Joseph for AFP
Yes Sharon
Michael for the WIN
Joseph for AFP
I think Michael will win - although sometimes strange things can happen.
I would wonder if Taylor won't get a lot of votes for AFP, and if Michael gets the boot then I think he would be AFP.
Terrence is super shady. He makes no sense. I have no respect for him.
It kind of felt like about 15 minutes after Dyre Fest started it all turned very Lord of the Flies very quickly. Kyle went into full betrayal/slander mode. Terrance wanted to pit ally against ally, turning the screws tighter and tighter. Turner happily dumped the LO that he had been so loyal to, and Alyssa was completely down to blame all the carnage on Joseph who she declared was a big liar, to his face, for not telling her about the alliance her own boyfriend didn't tell her about. Whatevs Alyssa. Pretty sure if she managed to get to F2 she wouldn't win no matter who she's sitting next to.
Terrance now thinking let's toss Taylor out on her behind and keep the clueless white idiot, Kyle, so he can grow and flourish and become less clueless? Eeww. Like Monte said, people need consequences not coddling.
It could be argued that Michael should have outed Kyle about 15 minutes after he verified that Kyle meant what it sounded like he meant. But I think Michael was reluctant knowing Kyle would face a lot in and out of the game. But I think Michael and Brittany just got to a point where they felt less inclined to protect Kyle from his own actions. It had been clear since long before the split that Kyle would choose his showmance over the LO. Every time, without fail, so why protect a person who had technically dumped the LO, long before he outed them to Terrance?
ANOTHER horrible BB season. Try watching BB Canada...Its 1000% better in EVERY way!!
💯 Agree With Lili! Good summary of events✌🏽
BINGO on Michael and Brittany keeping quiet about Kyle. Agree 100%. I know lies and backstabbing are part of this game, but sometimes it goes a little too far. Consequences become the real learning experience.
Terrance and Kyle became good 'smear' partners (like minds and all that), but Alyssa and Turner were happy to hop on that train too. I'm glad Monte knew Joseph well enough not to swallow the crap being spewed... and that he hasn't agreed with Terrance's reasons for keeping Kyle.
I maintain that Terrence still despises Taylor. Of course, there is neither rhyme nor reason. But why else would he be willing to keep KYLE over Taylor, especially after all he's learned.
PS - Turner for the win; AFP Joe (not so much for his gamesmanship, but for the backstabbing he received from his closest allies).
Michael may be the Big Brother GOAT…if he can make it the end, why shouldn’t he win? What has Turner done in the GAME to win? Yes, he stood up to bullies and has been entertaining in his dislike of Jasmine (expressing what everyone in AND out of the house felt) but I’d love to know why some prefer a Turner win over a Michael win. Michael has been genius in this game and truly a comp BEAST! And he’s been inclusive, thoughtful and kind. Turner seems like a decent guy and all but I am truly wondering why some prefer him over Michael! Just curious! No disrespect.
Dr Celine - None taken.
I hated Turner initially. Then as I learned more about him, I warmed to him. He is a different breed of cat - van-dweller, rug maker, philanthropist, etc. He seems to embrace life without life embracing him, if that makes any sense.
Maybe I'm cheering for him so much because I misunderstood him so much, at the beginning. I'm over-compensating?
AND we've had so many "Michaels" already...I want an oddball to win.
Petals I totally agree at first I didn't like turner either but now I just love him I SO want to c a final 2 turner and michael I'd b happy with either of them to be BB winner
Got it! I wouldn’t mind a Michael/Turner final two myself! But I am pulling for Michael only because I think he has earned it 100%. I mean they all would like to get him out of there and if he lasts until the end, I will just be super impressed!!! Thanks for sharing your love for Turner! I do see things I like about him. I guess I didn’t like that he was so quick to use Joseph as a scapegoat when it was Kyle who spilled the beans about the Leftovers!
I have enough stuff going on that I don’t need to hear even the slimmest chance Kyle might be staying over Taylor this week wtf people lol I get why Michael saved Brittany but she had a much better chance of staying because of all the previous Taylor foolishness so why give Terrance or anyone a talking point of trying to save Kyle. And anyone trying to defend Kyle, nope not today, I will grant you his age, lack of knowledge with show and I’ll even throw in his possible sheltered upbringing but at the end of the day he did this to himself and if we all have to own our stuff and take accountability for our actions, then little sister Mary sunshine has to own his and the blowback because no one put him in this position other then himself. I will step off my soapbox now lol
Michael is without-a-doubt, the strongest player in that house! I would be happy if he wins the whole thing! I’m also hoping that Joseph gets AFP! I can’t believe how much they threw him under the bus after he was already gone, and before he even left…such a shame!
This is why Kyle must go: yuck
Jon - At 29 (and unemployed), Kyle is one of the "older" hamsters in the house. I understand Terrance would rather keep him for his own game. But Terrance has been anti-Taylor since the first week.
I didn’t know he was that old Jackie and that’s not even old, honestly I thought he was way younger like maybe early or mid 20’s if that (I’m horrible with ages as is) but everyone is a kid to me at this stage sadly plus I’m in that get off my lawn phase and yelling at squirrels lol I know Terrance has no love for Taylor that’s why I was like why take that chance of all that rearing back up again against her, it was hard to watch and see her or for that matter anyone go through that with no fault on them. But If everyone eligible to vote this week really thought about it the honest and sad no brainer would be to actually keep Kyle in the game because it would be beneficial to everyone’s game, it would be an incredibly crappy thing to do to Taylor and more so sending her out up against Kyle this week but hopefully that won’t go down, and personally I do think it’s high time Kyle meets JCM this week !!!
The only hope Terrance has for keeping Kyle... flip Monte.
I don't think Monte is inclined to do that, but stranger things have happened. With 5 people voting, Turner won't have to make the final decision.
Like Jon, I didn't realize Kyle is 29. Fresh-faced with no pimples, he looks more like 21 or 22... but acts like 16. :D)) At that age, still unemployed and living in mom's basement, he's not showing much initiative.... or he's just very spoiled. Somehow, I think it's the latter.
I don't know much about Kyle's personal timeline.
Was he home-schooled? I'd say not, since he thinks Paris is in the UK. If he WAS, his mom was a bad teacher.
When did he leave the church? 1 yr, 5 yrs?
Some of his "racial remarks" might be explained by just plain, ol ignorance.
I actually did wonder (and prolly commented about this on this blog) if every season of BB would now be a house divided.
CLEARLY that was NOT the case this season. All the black people hated Taylor on sight, and made no secret about it. Especially the "mature one", Terrance; his detestation of Taylor is really odd...
I'm thinking Terrance's issue with Taylor could stem from a combination of things.
1) In the beginning, Taylor did spend more time with the men. A lot of women find that threatening... being a beauty queen didn't help.
2) From the get-go, Paloma decided to dislike Taylor and diligently worked on the other HGs to have the same opinion. IMO, jealousy ran amok (see #1).
3) Some personalities just instantly clash, and Terrance genuinely might have felt that instant dislike.
I don't get why Terrance dislikes Taylor so much. Didn't he get the memo that Paloma did nothing butlie about her??
You'd think Kyle's fate would be set in stone, but...
Monte is starting to hedge his bets... just might flip his vote to keep Kyle,
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