As the show airs here on the East Coast I'll be live-blogging, constantly updating this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments section -- I hope to see you there!
Julie is acting like it's live. I'm currently sitting through the "previously on" as we all know anyway! Will both evictions take place in one hour? Will the second hour show ... what?
Julie is wearing a black slacks outfit with a long tapered vest. She talks about the Cookout achieving its goal and we pick up on the action after the Veto Ceremony in which Kyland did not use the veto. On the block we have Tiffany and Hannah. Tiffany thinks she might wiggle her way out of this with Kyland and Xavier.
Both Tiffany and Hannah talk, both seem to be proud of the accomplishment of the Cookout but a bit bittersweet over those who had to leave to make it possible. Hannah credits Tiffany and her master plan for where the Cookout is right now. She is right.
Tiffany talks to Azah. She tells her she knows Derek wants her gone. She throws Hannah under the bus when it comes to where Derek is concerned and tells Azah she has no desire to come after her as a target.
Once again the show edits a Derek segment to make him seem like such a good guy. @@ Then we get a segment of Kyland's non-sensical speech making to Azah. Kyland and Xavier talk. Kyland mentions he has over 100K in student loans and wants to help his family monetarily. Xavier talks about the recent loss of his brother and wanting to set money aside for his nephew. I remember Frenchie lied about donating the money to some school. At least Kyland and Xavier are being truthful.
Derek joins Tiffany in the HOH bed. She tries to tell him that Hannah will be coming after him. Then she tries talking to Xavier saying that she would be a target (shield) for him if she stayed. Xavier doesn't really know if he can trust her. We know he can't! Derek and Xavier talk. Derek, of course, really wants Tiffany out. They both compare notes. Tiffany did make some anti-Hannah points, though.
Julie talks to the Cookout. She congratulates them on achieving their mission. She says they have guaranteed that the first African-American BB winner will indeed happen. Tiffany talks about how they all stuck together in the goal. She talks to Hannah about side alliances and Derek X. Sniffle.
Jury house segment now. Sarah Beth arrives. She shows them the video with Tiffany as HOH. The High Roller nominates the same. She tells them about the alliance mentioned in the goodbye messages. She points out there has never been a Black winner in BB (Celeb BB is a totally different show). Kyland seems to be their least favorite.
Time for Claire and Alyssa to arrive at the jury house. Claire first. She tells them it was a double. She thinks it will be Alyssa and there Alyssa is, still clueless. They are shocked that Tiffany took out Claire on her HOH. Claire explains to them what Tiffany told her and she still supports Tiffany for the win. Interesting ... they show goodbye messages for Alyssa which we were not shown in the interview. Alyssa finally has a clue ... even though they all had to tell her.
To the living room ...
Julie tells them it's another double eviction. Heh.
HOH Comp. BB Ballers. Two Rounds. 12 balls at end of ramp, retrieve roll up a ramp to knock them off. First two advance to round two. Winner of round two HOH. Xavier and Azah move to round two.
Round two has them rolling ten balls up the ramp and only onto the grass.
Azah tells Hannah must go up as a pawn. She promised Kyland she wouldn't put him up. Her plan is to backdoor him putting Xavier and Hannah up hoping one will win veto. That's what she said before commercial break, at least.
To the living room ... nominations. Azah puts Xavier and Hannah on the block, saying she had to keep promises she made.
Power of Veto comp time. It's the standard "What the Bleep" comp.
Kyland chooses to remove Xavier from the block due to previous promises. Derek is the only option to go up with Hannah.