Saturday, July 01, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds into Saturday Evening - July 1

You guys on 19 are so much better for me!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Social Butterflies:
  • Oh my gosh ... a whole lotta nuthin' happened.
  • No brouhahas to speak of.
  • Not even a real kerfuffle.
  • So, this is mostly observational tonight.
  • I watched Jess and Cody talking alone in the kitchen -- just talk about school sports they took part in and stuff. He came across as almost normal until ...
  • ... the BB voice told all the hamsters to go into the house. All of a sudden he became Mannequin Man, just sitting and staring. 
  • It's not like he doesn't know these people by now.
  • He makes my reaction in crowds look normal.
  • Paul is still Paul. He's overplaying his social game, methinks. He was telling them how much better they are than the BB18 cast.
  • Hmm.
  • He's definitely bitter over the vote last season even though he told them he liked Nicole the best of all in the house -- even over Victor.
  • He and Victor have grown apart since the end of the season. No surprise there!
  • Then there's Josh. He has calmed down and now seems to be scrambling to try to redeem himself.
  • Too late. He's already proved to be a loose cannon.
  • No, I don't know why Kevin told Paul he took the money. Perhaps so that Paul might have some kind of loyalty to him for getting him back in the house.
  • But, we know that if Kevin had hit his buzzer, most of the others tried.
  • He would have made it back in just as he did.
  • In the strategy arena -- Alex told Cody she'd save Jillian with the veto if he would protect her and put Jason on the block. Cody does seem to have something to prove with his loyalty to Alex, said he will protect her until they get to jury.
  • Hmm.
  • We still don't know how Alex ended up on the block in Megan's place.
  • Alex thinks Cody threw the PoV to her.
  • How did he end up putting her on the block? Gah! It's driving me bonkers.
  • There ya go ... 

Mannequin Man!

I'm ready for my close-up

Roaming Ramses carrying deep knee squats

Showing his sensitive caring Josh persona

BB19: Live Feeds Overnight into Saturday - July 1

No changes at the pool/hot tub

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hungry Hamsters:
  • Heh. Apparently (blocked to the live feeds), Kevin was a mermaid host for the PoV comp. 
  • I was wondering the thinking behind putting him in this cast, but now I definitely get it. His kids got him to apply. He doesn't know the show. He's old enough to be the father of his fellow hamsters. The guy IS funny. Plus, in a way, he's a breath of fresh air being so unfamiliar with the show and actually admitting it. We've seen so many recruits come in oblivious and pretend they're experts. I am entertained by him. He's very different from what we see most seasons.
  • Just to bring you up to snuff if you've been living under a BB fake rock -- Megan and Jillian were the nominees. Megan exited the house on her own volition. Alex was put on the block in her place. Alex won PoV. Jessica and Cody are the first showmance of the season.
  • Although she'll be safe this week with the PoV, Jessica and Raven want to target Alex next. They think she's too good at comps and also believe that Cody has a soft spot or wants to protect her.
  • Christmas also doesn't care for Alex -- she thinks Alex is too aggressive with everyone in the house.
  • Now, I myself am surprised by Alex. I had the impression of "bimbo" in her Jeff interview and she's turning into anything but a bimbo. She's truly a competitor. I like that. But, of course, if I were a house hamster, I'd think of her as a threat to my game.
  • Meanwhile, Cody told Mark that his loyalty to Alex is just a ploy to show the others that he can be loyal to anyone.
  • Um. Okay. 
  • We know Josh is weird, but so is Cody.
  • Just a different kind of weird.
  • Cody's bro-alliance doesn't seem like they're going to stay all that loyal to him.
  • He seems to have a fixation with his combat days in the service. Hmm.
  • Jason knows he's being considered for the replacement nom.
  • Even those closest to Cody aren't sure what he's going to do. He's very tight-lipped.
  • Cody is odd. He told a story about going to Ferguson during the riots "just to see if I would survive." Say what? 
  • Plus, he sits there like a robot half the time. He creeps me out more and more.
  • A staring robot.
  • A lot of them are sporting bruises, pains and scrapes from the veto comp.
  • They all went to bed early last night.
  • While I haven't heard the exact words from his mouth -- I had to skip all around the flashbacks to catch up on the feeds -- I do think Paul has the three weeks of safety. Someone was talking about it, but didn't exactly come out and say "Paul." but that seemed the case in context.
  • More later! 

If I go, do I get paid for two weeks?

Social game bonding

Looking somber, turned to hijinks

Picture him as a mermaid

Friday, June 30, 2017

BB19: Live Feeds, PoV, through Friday Afternoon - June 30

This is so cool!
Instead of showing fish cam or Jeff interviews while the live feeds were blocked for the PoV comp, we got KITTIES! I'd rather watch them frolic any day than endless loops of Jeff interviews!

Tonight's live feeds report is going to be rather short, perhaps not too sweet (their fault, not mine). I'm coming off a hectic horrible chaotic day of work and my mind is a bit frazzled. I hope that excuse also covers any typos I might make!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wanton Wombats:
  • First off, not live feeds per se, this article is Megan talking to local reporters in her hometown about why she left the show. 
  • Lots of drama going on.
  • Alex won the PoV.
  • They're still trying to figure out who took the money and started the Paul/Cameron swap.
  • Alex will definitely take herself off the block.
  • Cody had said he wanted to backdoor Paul if one comes down.
  • Um.
  • If Paul gets chosen (rumor is he was, but I didn't see actual confirmation) for the Pendant of Safety, that can't happen.
  • Everyone seems to want someone else up there.
  • The girls are getting catty about each other.
  • Jason's name has been thrown in the mix for nomination.
  • I just don't know.
  • Cody is kind of creeping me out. He sits and stares whenever in with others. Well, except for kissy-facing Jessica. He probably stares at her and the camera angle just can't catch it.
  • I do know I'll be more awake and coherent in my next report.

Too early for this!

Drama, drama

Ghost of Audrey?

Turning into a little spitfire!

BB19: Live Feeds into Friday - June 30, 2017

Social circles

You know, it would be nice to see what happens on the first few days in the house. By the time the live feeds come on, they've usually been in there for a week or more -- we miss initial fights, bondings, etc. Grr! It's hard to butt in there and try to figure where everyone stands with whom. Oh, well. Here's what I garnered from the late night live feeds ...
  • You heard me. She's gone. Her photo is greyed-out on the wall and all -- like they do upon eviction. Since they haven't played for PoV yet, there has been no eviction.
  • But, she's gone.
  • In her place on the block is Alex. 
  • In other news, Jessica and Cody are all kissy-face already. It's going to be a long summer. Sigh.
  • They're all still trying to figure out who took the 25 grand.
  • Josh remains unbalanced. For someone who talked all so tough, he's like a small child at summer camp away from his family and homesick.
  • He;s driving everyone away, thinks he's being targeted as a man and a person, but loves them all.
  • Oh my, boy has issues!
  • Aha, they are on the 9th day in the house -- we've missed so much!
  • Wah.
  • Paul is mingling well.
  • Well, not with Cody, per se. He still will be backdoored if Alex or Jillian come off the block with the PoV.
  • They already have Have Nots -- Josh is one of them, heh.
  • I know. I have a cruel streak in me.
  • Dominique had a heated argument with Josh (because he's so annoying).
  • Poor picked on Joshie.
  • Hmm. Part of the Megan bit came about apparently because Megan told Alex that Jessica said a racial slur about her, but it wasn't true. They think Megan made it up to stir the pot.
  • Of course, we don't really know because the live feeds weren't live!
  • Alex thinks Christmas urged Cody to put her up.
  • We're not seeing much of Cody. He's too busy throwing himself into a showmance.
  • Kevin can't understand why some people just have the goal of making it to jury. Hey, I'm with him on that one!
  • That's all for now ... laters! 

Everybody hates me, but I love you all

Doesn't know BB, but plays the game

Paul is working the social game

New fish cam is weird

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Big Brother 19: First HoH Comp Show Blog Party

Julie Chen promised us tonight will be the first HoH comp show. She didn't mention eviction, so that should be on the slate for next Thursday. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be live blogging and updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! It  will be sort of a "the best I can" attempt as it takes me a bit to get the names down in the beginning of the season. The real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

The live feeds won't come on until 1am here on the East Coast after tonight's show finishes up on the West Coast. I have to get up early for work tomorrow. I'll try to have something for you, but I don't know what or how much right now! Once the feeds are constantly on, I' plan on posting two live feeds reports daily. That 1am is a killer for the first live feeds on the East Coast, though!

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight -- Those who had Cameron have swapped and now have Paul.

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL)
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Jillian Parker - Sasha, Janice from GA/FL, DFT, jessica UNderwood
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Megan Lowder -Jenn G, chrob61, Marthalight

Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Just a reminder -- please keep the comments PG-rated, please don't attack other commenters, please keep the comments towards things the hamsters can control (not looks and such). Any hate speech will be removed -- we don't need that here!

Hamster watchers ready? 

We must endure a recap of last night ... 

Paul tells us that Christmas should have been the target -- she's the biggest threat. He's right, of course. But, personally, I think I'd rather spend the summer watching her instead of Cameron. I found Cameron annoying. He was too cocky. 

The girls are already thinking that the guys have an alliance. While I saw no actual alliance last night, it was mainly the guys voting to oust Jillian, the women went for Cameron. Josh and Jason went for Christmas.

Megan, Alex, Ramses and Jillian are the only outright alliance I've seen. They're scheming as I type. They want to target Josh, Paul and Mark. 

Oh, geez. Tough talking Josh is crying. Who comforts him? Christmas! He tells us that he made a mistake voting for her last night and she has a big heart. He thinks he can work with her. She thinks he needs to toughen up or he won't last. But she doesn't tell him that.

The doorbell rings. NICOLE walks into the house! Kevin has to be told who she is, of course. Paul isn't too happy.

She's not there to stay. She's there to host the first HoH comp of the summer. She has to read off the rules. Teams of four -- two men/two women per team. 

Gah -- I have to catch up with the teams! Garden of Temptation, rotten apples, one team member must retrieve one apple, two per person total. First two teams advance, other two eliminated. Golden apple -- safe for the week, with a consequence the rest of the team eliminated from playing for HoH. 

Kevin has to throw HoH. 

Josh took the golden apple! Jillian is ticked. Kevin is probably relieved because he didn't have to really throw it. Josh blew up at them saying he knows he's a target. Josh screamed at Megan, blaming her.

Ramses feels responsible for his team's loss.

The final leg has them using two of each team, the others could still be up.

Balancing apples on tree.

Paul is against Cody right now. It's kind of like the comp where they had to balance stuffed animals on trees.

CODY wins the first HoH comp! We know that he's really irked at Josh for being "selfish" in the beginning of the game and he wants Paul gone. Will Paul be a nominee? It's hard to tell. Hmm. Josh has safety.

Cody tells us he wants to draw lines in the sand and divide the house. Oh my. 

Josh once again tells Megan she's disgusting. He once again accuses her of rallying against him. This dude has issues. Maybe even a subscription. If anything, he's going to make others want to protect her. 

Paul makes chaps and "bullrides" Jason to lighten the mood. Cody is not impressed -- he wants Paul out. 

Mark, Matt and Cody start an alliance. 

Good ... Josh is really truly apologizing to Megan. The dude is whacked. He claims it's the first time he's been away from his family and blah-blah-blah. 

Christmas, Raven, Domnique and Elean have attracted Cody's interest as "babes" he could work with. He thinks Jessica is great, but distracts him.

Cody tells Mark that they can't trust Paul and he needs to be backdoored. Mark trusts Paul, but it's Cody's call. Cody thinks others are "outsiders" in the house.

Nominations ceremony time --
Jillian and Megan.
He says that he doesn't like Megan much and Jillian aligns with Megan too much.

He, of course, is still thinking of backdooring Paul if he can. 

I'll try to have a little something on the feeds in the morning, but I can't promise much. I will have a full report tomorrow evening!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Big Brother 19: Season Premiere Blog Party

Okay, hamster watchers! It's HERE -- the two-hour season premiere of Big Brother 19! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll be updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! Tonight will be sort of a "the best I can" attempt as it takes me a bit to get the names down in the beginning of the season. The real party is in the comments area -- I hope to see you there!

The live feeds won't come on until 1am here on the East Coast after tomorrow's show and I have to get up early for work Friday. I'll try to have something for you, but I don't know what or how much right now! Once the feeds are constantly on, I' plan on posting two live feeds reports daily. That 1am tomorrow is a killer, though!

Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight -- 

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Cameron Heard - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL)
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Jillian Parker - Sasha, Janice from GA/FL, DFT, jessica UNderwood
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Megan Lowder -Jenn G, chrob61, Marthalight
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Just a reminder -- please keep the comments PG-rated, please don't attack other commenters, please keep the comments towards things the hamsters can control (not looks and such). Any hate speech will be removed -- we don't need that here!

Hamster watchers ready? 

Julie promises us the most tempting season of Big Brother and lets us know there will be three tempting offers -- 25 grand, fan favorite back in game, one might go home. Oy. I don't want a returning hamster!

Then we're into the key receiving introductions. I will not be posting play by play with that. Christmas starts off.We meet half of them first. Julie hints at temptations. Alex, Mark, Ramses and Elena enter first. Alex is liking it to a Garden of Eden already and thinks Mark is a hottie.

Jason, Dominque, Kevin and Christmas enter next.

Now we're meeting the second half of the hamsters.Matt, Raven, Jillian and Cameron move in next. Finally, Cody ... Jessica, Josh and Megan enter.

Once all gathered, it's introductions and champagne to start things off. Dominique lies and tells them she's a motivational speaker, not an engineer.

The editing is definitely pushing showmance potential stuff. 

Julie tells us that before the night is up, the hamsters will be tempted by money, safety and power ... but each will come with a consequence. 

Julie calls them all to the living room. She tells them of the summer's big twist. Says it's the biggest, wildest, most tempting of the game. It starts right now. She tells them they'll be tempted by money, safety and power. 

First temptation -- 
Head outside. BB's Garden of Temptation. They must each pick a (huge) pod. Who could use 25 grand? First person to push their button when a light in front of them turns green wins. The first twist of the summer will release. It will be anonymous. Kevin did it. The first twist has two consequences, one personal and the other for the entire house. Kevin can't win the first HoH. The second will be revealed in "due time." 

Oh, geez. A former houseguest "fan favorite" will be entering as the 17th houseguest. I DID NOT WANT A RETURNING HAMSTER! 

Lots of speculation over who did it. And, ack, it's Paul from BB18 (as per the rumors). Kevin has no clue who he is. @@

Julie calls them again to the living room. Paul is not moving in simply to play the game -- he's taking the place of one of the hamsters. One will be evicted tonight.

Second temptation -- Safety. If one wants to stay in the game, one must tempt Paul. Paul retrieves a box. Inside are nine friendship bracelets. He is to have one, hand out eight to others. Those eight will be safe. 

They all get a few moments with him. Very odd.

Julie calls them to the living room once again. Paul tells us he wants to keep a mix in the house. Paul saves Kevin first. Then Raven, Dominque, Mark, Jason, Jessica, Ramses and Elena.

Josh thinks by not being selected, Paul likes him. 

The eight without bracelets will go to the backyard to compete for safety. 

The comp is called Tempted by the Fruit. Three will remain on the chopping block at the end of the comp, one will be voted out. They have to stand on a trapeze. If they fall off, they must eat an apple. Four are "good" apples giving safety, four are "poison." The longer they stay on the trapeze, the more clues they get for finding the good apples. 

Jillian(?) falls first, takes an apple from a red snake (more likely to be good). Megan goes out next, picks an apple. Josh jumps and thinks he picked a good apple. He thinks he's smarter than all. Cameron is down, forgets the clues and just goes for an apple. Christmas deliberately goes down, picks an apple.  

Three houseguests left, two apples. Cody, Matt and Alex remain. Matt goes down. Alex is down. Cody wins safety! 

Poison apples: Christmas, Cameron, Jillian 

Julie reveals the final temptation of the night. Power. Will only offer it to the three on the block. They get to choose how they want their fate determined. They can have the house vote or they can fight for safety in an eviction comp. They vote for it.

Jillian -- Vote, doesn't think she can beat Christmas
Cameron -- Compete
Christmas -- Vote (to see where she stands)

Eviction vote wins, 2 to 1. They get some time to campaign for safety.

Paul can only vote in the event of a tie since he'll be taking the evicted's place.

They're not showing the votes! Wah!

Julie tells them the votes are in. Christmas, 2 votes, safe. 8-3, Cameron is evicted.

There goes my pool boy! He was too cocky, methinks.

By the way, the blog pool people who had Cameron will now have Paul. I can't win for losing, eh? 

Tomorrow night is the first HoH comp, Sunday is the Den of Temptation -- the Pendant of Protection, protects holder through the next three evictions. We get to vote. Of course, there will be a consequence. 

Ah, the guys are the ones who voted to evict the girls. The girls went after Cameron.

Big Brother 19: Blog Pool Match-Ups are IN! And ... Regarding the BB Blogging

The blog pool random match-ups are IN! As per our usual custom, the folks assigned the first hamster out will be re-assigned another one to cheer on! I feel that's only fair because we never get to cheer on that one, right?

Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Cameron Heard - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Cody Nickson - MikesGirl, Chacha, Donna in NY, Delee
Dominique Cooper - Ed in Ohio, Monty924, Delores in Hollywood (FL)
Elena Davies - Uncartie, Fred aka TwoBlackAces. Sharon N
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman
Jessica Graf - zombiehospice, Jean in Tampa Bay, Merilee
Jillian Parker - Sasha, Janice from GA/FL, DFT, jessica UNderwood
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Mark Jansen - Buzzmaam, Judi Sweeney, Cheryl C, Sharon S
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Megan Lowder -Jenn G, chrob61, Marthalight
Ramses Soto - tbc, Pupis, Babs, Tammy
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora

Remember -- we have a two hour long season premiere tonight starting at 8pm ET! I'll be live-blogging the show and hosting the blog party for the duration. 

Unfortunately (for me), the live feeds won't come on until 1am here on the East Coast and I have to be up early for work in the morning. So, it's likely my first live feeds report in the morning will be slim pickings. But that will all improve as the days go on. I expect to post  live feed reports twice a day (occasionally more, rarely less), live blog all the episodes, hang in with them during endurance comps and hang out with you guys here. I do work a full time real life job, so I do not post 24/7 on every breath these hamsters take. There are other sites out there which do that! If you feel moved to do so, I do accept Paypal donations -- see the sidebar. 

Hamster watchers ready? 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Big Brother 19: Blog Pool OPENS!

Big Brother 19 starts Wednesday night, June 28, at 8pm ET/PT. This year, it's a two-hour premiere! The regular schedule will be Sunday and Wednesday at 8pm, Thursday at 9pm.
The time is right to jump into the blog pool!

I want in! What do I do?
If you want in to the blog pool, you need to sign up in the comments of this post and this post only! Please don't try signing up on any other posts -- we might miss your comment.

Is there money involved in this?
Of course not! You needn't pay anything to get into the pool. You don't need to buy a seasonal beach pass or anything! Mind you, you don't win any money either. What you do win is bragging rights until the next season and the smugness that goes with it.

How does it work?
We make random picks betwixt the hamsters and the blog folks. You cheer on that hamster all season until they either win or get evicted along the way.

When is the cut-off for entering?
All pool requests must be in comments to this here post and submitted by MIDNIGHT Tuesday, June 27. Be there or be square. 

REMINDER -- If you post comments anonymously, you MUST come up with some sort of sign-off name!

Are we ready for our summer fun?

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 25, 2017

Good morning! Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I took along the way.

This photo post is a weekly feature on the blog year 'round, unlike the Big Brother which is just a season. Well, of course, last year BB was two seasons with BBOTT online, but ...! Big Brother 19 makes its season premiere with a two-hour show this coming Wednesday, June 28 at 8pm ET/PT. All of the posts I've made/will make regarding the show can be found on my BB19 blog label. I will be announcing the opening of the blog pool later today. I've been waiting for a response back from the person who usually does it. If she doesn't respond by afternoon, I guess I can come up with the random match-ups myself. 

Not much has been going on here -- more heat, more rain and work, work, work. This coming week, I only work four days (yay!) and then it's onto staycation. I really need it and timed it so it covers the 4th of July holiday week, plus the full first week of the BB19 live feeds to get me into the swing of the new faces and twist of the show.

I really didn't get great photos this past week. A lot of the days, it was either rainy or windy. Oh, well ... onto the photos I took this week -- clicking on an image will open a larger version in a gallery setting.

The Stalker

A male pigeon puffs himself all up and stalks female pigeons at the Plainfield Train Station. Kinda like human behavior ...

Burst of orange!

Day Lilies


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Big Brother 19: Julie Chen House Tour and Season's Theme Twist

This season has plenty of new twist to it. No, nothing that's been done before, no same old/same old. No returning players. No relatives.

It's going to be all about temptation. When I first heard the "Summer of Temptation," theme, I thought they were pushing showmances and cringed. But it's not that at all. 

Viewers will decide each week which hamsters they want to enter the special "Den of Temptation." In the den, the chosen will be tempted with all kinds of stuff which may end up altering the course of the game and/or affecting the rest of the hamsters. The temptations could include money, power and safety in the game. But they need to be wise ... each temptation comes with a consequence. It could come back to bite them in the butt!

Cool. Let's shake it up!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Big Brother 19: Meet the Cast - Part 4

Cameron Heard is 24, originally from North Aurora, IL and now resides in Woodridge, IL. His bio on lists him as a microbiologist. Hmm ... I'm of two minds regarding Cameron. I like that he names Ian Terry as his favorite. I like that he's smart, a gamer kind of guy and a rather newly-hatched BB superfan (BB14 start). He has watched the live feeds and follows RHAP and all.

That's all in his favor. What I don't like is that he is a bit cocky about it. True, he might have a better social game than either Ian or Steve (which he mentioned) ... but don't knock them until you bring home the moolah, Rubik's Cube Boy! 
Megan Lowder is 28, originally from Cathedral City, CA, currently living in Phoenix, AZ. Her online bio lists her occupation as a dog walker. Another professed superfan, at least of the last five seasons or so, her favorite previous hamsters are Frank Eudy, and Victor/Paul from last season. 

In her Jeff interview, she brought up her Rachel-like laugh. Oh, geez. In her bio info, she mentions that she will need to control her constant analyzing everythin because she doesn't want to end up like Tiffany Rousseau. I guess we'll just have to see how it goes.
Matthew Clines is 33, from and still living in Arlington, VA. His online bio lists his occupation as a renovation consultant. In that bio, he lists Donny Thompson as his favorite -- cool beard, fun guy he says.

Hmm. He mentioned in the Jeff interview that he's actually in sales, not the renovations themselves. For the Jeff question about losing but being loved or winning and being hated, he chose losing. Not a great sign right there! He also mentioned how nice he is several times. Y'see, in my book, nice guys don't need to mention how nice they are. Prove me wrong, Matt. Right now you're not on my list of favorites.
Alex Ow is 28, from Thousand Oaks, CA, currently residing in Camarillo, CA. According to her CBS bio, she's an eco-friendly marketing rep -- whatever that is! In that bio, she also thinks she's adorable. Sigh.

She loves Nicole Franzel and claims to be a huge show fan. Yet, in her Jeff interview she started talking about a BB wedding and it didn't even dawn on her until Jeff mentioned it was his wedding. Oh my. Yes, her boobs are fake and she admits it. She will miss seeing herself on TV while she's on TV. Um. I don't think there will be too many mind-provoking late night talks with Alex! 

While this is my last Meet the Cast installment, there will be more to come as I post about this season's house and twists in the coming days! You can catch all my Big Brother 19 posts at this link right here.

Big Brother 19: Meet the Cast, Part 3

Mark Jansen is 26, from and still residing in Grand Island, NY. His CBS bio lists him as a personal trainer. Being originally from New York myself, I had to look up exactly where Grand Island is -- it's in Erie County in western New York. Y'know, I honestly LIKE this guy. He seems like such a nice, well-balanced good guy. Alas, that isn't always the best candidate to win the show.

His favorite previous hamster is Brandon. I'm not all that keen on that choice, but Brandon too had a lot of nice guy kind of qualities. I do understand his choice. While Mark comes across as a nice guy, he also seemed interesting and intelligent enough that he won't bore me. But he just might be too nice a guy to win it all. He will need to throw some sneak in there. 
Raven Walton is  23, from and still living in DaValls Bluff, AR.  As per her CBS bio, she's a dance instructor. I need to get this out of my system -- I'm not a fan of Mickey Mouse ears hairstyles with bows. I'm just not. That said, I kind of like this gal.

Mentioned in the Jeff interview, but not her online bio, Raven has a pacemaker and takes life on as a second chance to live. Very admirable! Yet, she did turn me off with mentioning Frankie as her favorite previous hamster. It makes me wonder if she'll treat this opportunity as some kind of audition much as Frankie did. Gah! I'll have to play a wait and see game whether I'll enjoy her on the feeds or not.

Dominque (the Dominator) Cooper is 30, originally from Tuskegee, AL, currently residing in Woodbridge, VA. Her CBS bio lists her has a government engineer. While she claims in that bio that her hair and skin mean everything to her (and she's very pretty), this young lady is anything but shallow!

She boasts advanced degrees, likes to write and is definitely a very intelligent woman. What is she doing on the show, I ask? Well, she's a fan. Hopefully her people skills and intelligence will keep her in there for some time to come. I'm a bit tired of vapid folks in the house.
Cody Nickson is 32, from Lake Mills, IA, but currently residing in Plano, TX. I actually liked a lot of things in his CBS online bio -- he knows the show, he has never taken a selfie shot, his favorite previous hamster is Evel Dick, he's a show fan, he will never allow himself to be put up as a pawn, like Cameron (to be delved into in my last installment) he's into Rubik's cubes, etc. 

But his Jeff interview was disappointing -- he came across as boring, hating his job and rather distant. Some of the things he mentioned in one or the other is that he never cries, never wore a suit, never wore cologne. Hmm. Will the real Cody please stand up? 

More to come! You can catch all my Big Brother 19 posts at this link right here.

Big Brother 19: Meet the Cast, Part 2

Jessica Graf is 26, originally from Cranston, RI, but now residing in Los Angeles, CA. According to her CBS bio, she's a VIP concierge.  She's a fan of the show, listing Janelle as far back as BB6 as her favorite player. She says her boobs are real. Um. Okaaaay.

She wants to team up with a strong male competitor. She claims that, when she was young (!), showmances made the show for her. Yuck, I say. She isn't adverse to being in one. I'd be willing to bet she just might try her hardest to get in one. Next!
Christmas Abbott is one of the "older" hamsters at 33, originally from Lynchburg, VA but now resides in Raleigh, NC. Her CBS bio lists her as a fitness superstar. Now, I personally have no clue about any fitness superstars. But I am impressed that she has written a bestselling book and just published a second book. Her favorite previous hamster is Helen Kim because she could manipulate people.

That aside, I liked her in her Jeff interview -- she made me laugh! If they can get me in that interview, they just might have me on their side for the entire season. We just might have a contender in Christmas.
 Elena Davies is 26 years old, originally from Fort Worth, TX but now living in Dallas, TX. Her CBS bio lists her as a radio personality. She lists James Huling as her favorite hamster because he made things fun. Okay. Not sure I'd want to be the recipient of his pranking, but I have my own James soft spot. 

We know her boobs are real -- she mentions that she had a breast reduction. Now, that's different for a BB hamster! I kind of like her. Will she win it all? I just don't know.
Jason Dent is 37, the second oldest hamster. He is from and still resides in Humeston, IA. I have no clue where that is. From his Jeff interview, I see he has no clue about BB. So, we're even. His CBS bio lists him as a rodeo clown. And that is what he is -- a rodeo clown named Whistlenut.

I've seen rodeo clowns -- they're the ones who distract the charging bull. They have to be very fit. If he makes it to a slip and slide comp, he should fall well and recover! While he doesn't know the show, he realizes that he can't really set a strategy beforehand because conditions may change. Many of the big show fans going in don't realize that. He, like Christmas, made me laugh a bit in his Jeff interview. I think he will be entertaining.

More to come! You can catch all my Big Brother 19 posts at this link right here.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Big Brother 19: Meet the Cast, Part 1

Jillian Parker is 24, originally from Celebration, FL but is currently living in Las Vegas. According to her bio on, she's a timeshare sales rep. She says she's bubbly. Hmm. I'm not too keen on bubbly. One thing not in her bio online is that she told Jeff that she has lost 50 pounds since January with weight loss surgery. 

Her favorite BB hamster is Daniele Donato. She has this convoluted strategy of an alliance of guys and giving them information from the girls. We'll see how that works out. I say ... I doubt she'll win it all.
Josh Martinez is 23, originally from Miami, FL and now residing in Homestead, FL. According to his CBS bio, he's in hair care sales. My gosh, this guy is jumpy. I watched his Jeff interview and he couldn't keep still. Plus, he seems to have no control of his cussing in an interview like that! 

He's way too confident in his own bad little self. He might rub people the wrong way, I think. His favorite previous BB hamster was Evel Dick in BB8. I liked Evel Dick, but I'm not sure I like Josh.
Kevin Schlehuber is 55, from Boston and still residing there. According to his bio on, he's a stay at home father. Oh geez, BB did it again -- stick ONE person who's more than 20 years older than the rest of the cast! Gah! He likes Derrick, possibly because he met him. It sounded to me in the Jeff interview that his kids wanted him to try for the show. He has seven of them!

Huh. He was Mr. Massachusetts in 1986 and won a Hunk contest on Geraldo Rivera. Oh my. He came across as mellow. I think I'll like him, but I don't think I'll like him for the win.
Ramses Soto is the youngest hamster at 21. He's from Grand Rapids, MI and still resides there. According to his CBS bio, he's a cosplay artist. I watched his Jeff interview. He comes across as a bit Floyd-ish (TAR fans will get the reference). He's a comics fan. I like that! He calls himself a superfan, but he's only two years older than the show!

His favorite previous BB hamster is Dan Gheesling. Well that's a good choice. He has all these big strategical plans that I feel will all fall to the wayside once he's in the house. He thinks his social game will be strong. That I do believe. 

I will be following up with more tomorrow evening ... and at an earlier hour than this!

BB19 Cast Reveal on CBS All Access Today!

Unfortunately, due to my work schedule, I won't be able to post immediately today on the cast. Expect me to delve into a few of them late tonight, more tomorrow evening and I should have a look at all of them posted by Wednesday!