Monday, September 10, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Sunday Night into Monday - Sept. 9-10

Hamsters reminiscing about departed hamsters

The "star-gazing" couple has returned to the Habitrail. And, no. It wasn't like in the years before when someone jetted off to the MTV Awards or Sheryl Crow played in the backyard. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Roaming Hamsters:
  • Before the loving couple (cough) returned, the three in-house hamsters (Jenn, Ian and Dan) reminisced about hamsters who are now gone.
  • When talking about Jodi, the BB voice announced, "Jodi, you have NOT done your Diary Room session today!"
  • When talking about Willie, the BB voice said, "Willie, smoking is NOT permitted anywhere but in the patio area."
  • Apparently the BB voice dude is as bored as the hamsters and feed watchers are. Kudos to him for spicing it up for a moment or two.
  • Ian cleaned the windows in the backyard. The BB voice thanked him very much.
  • Ian said he applied for Survivor and never heard back.
  • Oh, I can't see him doing too well on that show. Can you?
  • They said BB found Joe on YouTube. Dan wondered what search terms they used. Heh.
  • Shane and Danielle returned, bearing cereal boxes.
  • Okay ... two hamsters from the final five met the Fierce Five (from the Olympics).
  • They went to the tour show of Olympians.
  • At least they set up personal visits with the Olympians and hamsters.
  • Both Shane and Danielle were surprised that some people recognized them and called out their names.
  • Of course, with a camera crew filming them, they were noticeable.
  • Ian decided he's going to drink up all his HoH beers.
  • So much for "never drinking again."
  • Danielle told Dan that she would keep him in the house and boot Ian.
  • But we already figured that.
  • She told Ian she would understand if he puts her up instead of Dan.
  • Ian told her that's probably best.
  • NO! No, Ian! It's not best! Put up Dan or you will never make the final two!
  • Even putting up Dan, you'd have to sell Shane on voting him out.
  • TALK to Shane. You each know that Dan wanted the other of you out -- one when he couldn't get the other on the block.
  • Oh, silly hamsters under the Mist ...
  • Danielle thinks she's going to need to take three months off after spending three months in the house.
  • I'd need the rest of my life off.
  • Danielle told Jenn that all their names will be listed in Wikipedia.
  • They already are and some jokesters have already listed Ian as the winner, then as the winner.
  • No. That Dingo did not list herself. It was an unknown jokester.
  • No. It wasn't me. I would have listed Danielle's Picked At Pimple as the winner.
  • Dan, Danielle and Shane took some time to tend to their comp cuts on their hands.
  • We got to see Dan do his, "Peroxide, I hate you" dance once again.
  • Danielle and Shane are in the bed together again. Aww, ain't that just ducky.
  • Quack.
  • Dan told Shane and Danielle that Jenn was kissing up big time while they were gone.
  • They're all in bed now. The PoV meeting will be later today. We will find out if Ian has broken free of the mist.
  • Alas, I don't think he has.  

They returned with cereal, woohoo!

Danielle did look pretty - she needs more natural eyebrows, though

Sunday, September 09, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Sunday into the Evening - Sept. 9

Messy hamsters!

Gaming-wise, things aren't changing a lot in the house. What else has been happening inside that Big Brother House of Dastardly Dan? Read on ...
  • The big house happening isn't even happening in the house today.
  • Shane won a luxury prize when he won the veto. All he really knows is that it's a trip out, he gets to take someone and the theme is "A Night With the Stars."
  • Um, okay.
  • They could be going to a planetarium for all we know!
  • Of course, his date is the lovely Danielle.
  • With only the three in the house, there's been very little game talk.
  • Ian's done a lot of hammock rocking.
  • I'm waiting for that thing to crash.
  • Jenn went on and on to Dan about her band and stuff.
  • Dan and Jenn both think Shane is lying when he tells them he has no money.
  • I believe Shane. Perhaps not NO money, but just enough to squeak by with a low cost of living in Vermont. He wouldn't be able to afford a room by the week around here.
  • Ian and Jenn talked about their individual experiences in regard to 9/11, possibly smoothing Ian's previous offhand comment about the day (using it as a time measure).
  • After all, he was ten.
  • Ian went think-rocking on the hammock alone in the yard again.
  • The new hammock is now so loud that it's hard to make out his occasional mumbles.
  • He was definitely mentioning Dan and wondering if he could trust him.
  • He was saying something about pawns going home.
  • He was saying he has to win two more vetos.
  • Get to stepping.
  • Open book.
  • It sounds like he might be considering putting Dan up in Jenn's place. But would either Danielle or Shane vote to evict him? All he would need is one and he's the tiebreaker.
  • As I get this posted, the star gazers haven't yet returned. 

Really messy hamsters!

Danielle gets ready to go with Shane to the mystery thingee

He even has the alligator in his mist

The house finally made her go bonkers

Ian even keeps his HoH room bed made

Big Brother 14: Second HoH and Nominations Show Blog Party - Sept. 9

BB12 Blogo 3

The show is delayed a bit more than a half-hour here on the East Coast due to tennis. While I'm putting this post up on time, nothing will be happening unless your local stations didn't carry tennis.

Once it starts, I'll update this post with the major events as it airs. Refresh the post to get the latest! However, as always, the real fun is in the comments area. Come join us!


Will Dan target Ian? He tells him he wants to put him up as a pawn. Ian doesn't like the idea. His target was Ian. Yikes! After Ian won PoV, he wanted Shane out but Danielle fussed.

The HoH is a trip down Memory Lane -- they have to remember dates and events mixed with rolling a ball down a lane. Ian and Shane tied, they go to a tiebreaker. Ian wins HoH! Dan uses his mist to keep off the block.

Pandora's Box once again. He's tempted by words of encouragement from someone who loves him. They show a picture of his parents. But the video is Rachel! The others get real videos from real loved ones.

Time for nominations. Key order: Danielle, Dan. The mist worked -- Jenn and Shane are on the block.

There will be another eviction on the Wednesday show, expected to be taped Tuesday.  

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Saturday Night into Sunday - Sept. 8-9

They've blindfolded him. When will he walk the plank?

Okay, so Shane has the veto. Will will the Dense Dude do with it? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Quazy Quackers and a Jenn:
  • Jenn apparently wasn't just bummed because she didn't win the veto. She got sick during the physical comp, passed out and was bummed.
  • All of them are sporting aches, pains and some little cuts or abrasions on their hands.
  • With the way Danielle and Dan (aided by Danielle) have guazed up their hands and fingers, you'd think it was a chain saw massacre.
  • Once the yard was opened up, Ian went to the hammock.
  • As he rocks it violently, it looks like his mind is moving faster than the hammock can rock.
  • He muttered a lot of things, most inaudible over the hammock noise.
  • "They're going to cut me."
  • "Renegades, renagades."
  • "Quack Pack forever."
  • "The mist ... the mist ... the mist."
  • Hmm. He knows of the Mist, Dan's own little Kool-Aid he passes about. But will he act?
  • Shane keeps joking that he'll use the veto on Jenn.
  • Of course, he's not telling Jenn that. He's telling Danielle that to push her buttons.
  • When Dan joins in on the button pushing, Danielle gets even more flustered.
  • Shane does intend on saving himself even though he's been assured that he's safe. Boogie told him what "pulling a Marcellas" means and does.
  • Dan, on the other hand, wants to try to convince Shane not to use the veto.
  • With winning the veto, Shane also won some kind of luxury prize. He won't know what it is or do whatever until later today.
  • As she's been doing for a good part of the summer, Jenn didn't hang out with the others, this time not really at all.
  • The Quack Packers put on their own "food challenge" by mixing various beverages, blindfolding and then guessing the mix.
  • Dan won over Danielle.
  • As in real life, too.
  • Danielle is seriously worried about being evicted if she goes on the block.
  • Why that would mean Shane or Dan or both of them would vote her out.
  • And Ian would be the tiebreaker if only one voted her out.
  • Oh my. Wouldn't that be horrible? NOT!!
  • Oh, I doubt it would happen, but I can dream. Can't I?
  • Shane told Danielle that she thinks Dan and Jenn might have a final two deal because they talk to each other too much.
  • Salt on the wound, gasoline on the fire there Shane.
  • He also told her that he thinks if Dan had won the veto, he would take Jenn off the block and vote him (Shane) out.
  • If Shane would just talk to Ian, they may come out of the mist!
  • Not that I begrudge Dan a second win. But I'm amazed at the gullibility of all around him. 
  • Earlier in the evening, Jenn seemed to sneak a candy. It doesn't seem like anything was done about it.
  • Well, at least she's not wolfing food like Enzo did when he was on slop!
  • Ian thinks they should tell Jenn about the Quack Pack out of consideration for her.
  • The others nixed the idea.
  • Danielle and Shane slept in separate beds. Not Danielle's doing, I presume.

Jenn, you've slept too much already this season

Ian does his thinking rocking violently in the hammock

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - September 9, 2012

Good morning, world! Or, at the least, a little bit of the world. I don't think I'd want the whole world here anyway. I'd have to get out of my fuzzy slippers. This is my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. If you're looking for Big Brother content, you might want to skip this post and head here instead.

Thinking back on the week, it wasn't really all that remarkable in the greater scheme of my life. Yes, it was a four day work week at my day job and I did have an extra day off. But, with the BB live feeds coverage going on, a day off doesn't necessarily mean a day off. However, the end is in sight -- the finale is September 19. The live feeds cut down drastically before then.

The weather here hasn't been cooperative in light of my photo taking, either. It's been immensely humid and/or raining half the time as I made my commute back and forth. Since I didn't really go elsewhere with my camera(s), my photos this week are a bit limited.

A few random thoughts from the week:
  • It's bad enough that some high school age kids called me "ma'am." But when an Emminem thug lookin' wannabe in his mid-20s wearing a "wife-beater" shirt called me "Ma'am" ... GAH! I feel suddenly OLD.
  • I got hit on by a drunk Mexican man downtown. Why? Very annoying. I pretty much had to turn him around and give him a push to make him go away. He didn't respond to "Shoo!" with my hand motions.
  • Vincent hasn't done not a thing around the house. I would expect he'd at least do the dishes now and then or Swiffer up his own cat fur. 
  • One morning on the train, I saw two deer and a snowy egret. Alas, the train was going too fast for clear photos. But I like to think it's a lucky day when I spot wildlife on my way to work.
  • I should clarify -- the deer and egret were not ON the train. I saw them out the window.
  • Once the leaves start falling, I'll be able to see more. In a way, summer makes my train ride more boring as it hides things with all the leaves.
  • The days seem to rapidly be getting shorter even though we aren't anywhere near losing Daylight Savings Time yet.
  • I like the new angles from the sun, especially in the mornings.
  • Starting today, the oppressive humidity we suffered through for most of the week should lessen. Good.
  • We were under tornado watches for several hours yesterday. I had my camera ready, but no tornadoes here -- the closest one struck in Brooklyn.

That's just about it. Onto the photos -- clicking on an image will open it in a new window, clicking again will result in a larger image. Closing out that window will return you right here.  

Lonesome dove
Lonesome dove

I believe he (she?) was indeed lonesome. I believe mourning doves pair up and are  monogamous for life. This sole dove perched atop the flag pole in front of the Plainfield Police Station, observing traffic and probably thinking, "Look at those silly humans."

Man vs. nature
Man vs. Nature

The skies were spectacular one morning. You'll see that I took advantage of that for several of my photos this week. This one was taken looking through the parking lot fence at Union County Community College on Church Street in Plainfield.


Saturday, September 08, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Power of Veto Update - Sept. 8

Danielle's picked-at pimple crater won the PoV! 

Who woulda thunk it?

Er, no. It appears Shane won the Power of Veto. No one has come out and said it although there were some "it's a good feeling" references by Shane. The veto necklace was hanging on the side of the Memory Wall near no one's photo per se when the feeds returned.

Danielle was upset. Jenn seemed down and climbed in bed. Ian, Shane and Dan acting normal.

Although no one has come out and said it, I'll call Shane the winner. If he isn't, I'll correct this.

Now, if he takes himself off, Ian is likely to put up Danielle as per earlier discussions. Jenn would remain the target.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Friday Evening into Saturday - Sept. 7-8

Dan knows his noses!

Oh, yeah. There were nominations Friday night. What a shocker! Jenn is on the block. Can you believe that? Yes, I'm being sarcastic. It's also so not a surprise that Ian put Shane up there with her. Had he put Danielle or Dan up, we'd be talking real shocker. But that didn't happen. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Ducky Dupes:
  • Danielle complained to Shane that Jenn snapped at her when she told her she was sorry she's on the block.
  • After all, she (Danielle) never did that when she's been on the block!
  • Um. Well. Jenn knows she's on the block to go home and only has surface friends around her.
  • With surface friends, they talk nice to your face, but have no interest in you at all.
  • Shane, also on the block this time, told Danielle it's because she (Jenn) has been on the block so often lately.
  • Jenn had no dishes to wash, so she cooked. Rather violently. As she did, she muttered something about special powers.
  • Sorry, too late in the game for special powers.
  • Dan told her she could hit him or something to get her frustration out.
  • He also told her the way she was acting might affect whether she will stay or not.
  • Oh, I don't think so. If the noms remain the same, Danielle will vote for Shane to stay. Even if Dan votes to evict Shane, Ian is the tiebreaker -- Quack Pack to the end. All the ducks in a row.
  • They're on indoor lockdown.
  • Dan thinks it might be the morph comp and he's been studying all the face parts on the Memory Wall.
  • Jenn eventually calmed down for girl talk with Danielle.
  • She told Danielle that a big part of the problem is she has no outlet for her frustration. If she were home, she could play music or write in her journal to get the steam out. Instead, with so little privacy, it all boils up until she reacts poorly.
  • I actually understand that.
  • Danielle told Jenn she thinks Shane might just be playing her and might not have any interest in her at all.
  • Y'think?
  • Ian said that with no "madlovecooking," they can actually prepare their own food.
  • I recall he talked early in the summer about not liking someone else decide what he'd eat every night.
  • I totally understand that one.
  • Jenn thinks Dan "got in Ian's ear" and that's why he wasn't nominated.
  • Nope, more like he got in Ian's AIR and spread the mist.
  • Danielle assured her that Dan and Danielle will vote Shane out.
  • @@
  • If Jenn believes that, she's a fool. She needs to win veto to stay in now.
  • Jenn told Dan she doesn't trust Ian.
  • Jenn really shouldn't trust anyone in that house. She's been odd woman out since Day 1 without a true alliance.
  • And now they sleep ... 

BB proves CD Walkmans are still on the market

Body language

Obviously she hasn't learned her lesson

Jenncity from the block ... again

Friday, September 07, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Into Friday Afternoon - Sept. 7

The pimple that ate Cleveland unhidden

Welp, the big excitement is over for a day or so now. The double eviction on the live show last night, the HoH comp in the wee hours and, then today, it was the return of the Pandora's Box. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bamboozled Besties:
  • Danielle told Shane that when she was on the block last night and the vote was about to go down, Dan threatened Ian telling him "I'll cut your face off if you vote her out."
  • Oh my.
  • I don't recall that happening. Do you?
  • Methinks she embellishes just a bit.
  • Once again she was all over Shane petting him like he's some kind of puppy last night.
  • Watching them, I can't help but thinking he'd rather be sharing his bed with his beloved dog Dozer.
  • Ian slept with his stuffed snake and teddy bear. He looked a lot more comfortable than Shane.
  • Danielle not only has that monster pimple on her forehead, but another the size of Tampa on her nose.
  • You'd think an LPN would know better than to pop and pick at them until they get into this state.
  • BB announced an outdoor lockdown.
  • When they returned, the table had shrunk. I'd say it's way too small. It looks like a table for two to me! Move those three spare chairs!
  • Danielle got ticked at Shane because he was "following" her around and she couldn't talk to Dan alone.
  • Well, whose fault is that, Ms. Stalker? YOU wanted him, you got him.
  • But not like you'd want him, eh. Picky, picky, picky.
  • But then ... excitement! Well, trivia for us, excitement for them.
  • Why, it's another Pandora's Box.
  • And Ian went for it.
  • This one turned out baddish for Ian, good for the other hamsters.
  • Ian got a videotaped visit from Rachel.
  • Gak.
  • The others got videotaped visits from loved ones. 
  • Jenn tried to campaign a bit with Ian.
  • But we all know what will happen.
  • Jenn and one Quack Packer will go on the block.
  • As long as Jenn doesn't win veto, she will join her buddy Frank in the jury house.
  • Ian is telling everyone the nominations are arbitrary -- it's the veto which packs the power this week.
  • He mentioned to Danielle that the only nomination against Jenn which might be iffy would be Dan.
  • Huh.
  • Maybe that's what he should do, eh?
  • It would be nice if Danielle, Ian and Jenn all talked -- they all have deals going with Dan. Shane, not so much.
  • Ian said that last night, when he handed the HoH key to Dan, Dan told him he was the pawn.
  • Yet Ian went to town on that power of veto, didn't he?
  • He knows pawns sometime go home.
  • But I think Jenn will be the next one out.
  • Nominations are later tonight.
  • But they're arbitrary, remember.
  • It might as well be Jenn and Jenn because Jenn will go.

And the little bear said. "The table's just right!"

Annoying and Expendable, together again

Listening to Danielle put him in an odd trance

Listening to Danielle put him to sleep

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds and New HoH Thursday Into Friday - Sept. 6-7

Who wants to see my HoH room?

"Oh my goodness, what a night," - Ian Terry

The kid is right. After last night's double eviction show, there was another HoH comp held in the wee hours. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Revolving HoH Winners:
  • When the live feeds returned, Dan had to use his mist to the utmost as he tried to assure Danielle he knew she had the votes to stay.
  • She wanted to know why he didn't put up Jenn.
  • He told her he panicked.
  • Yeah, right. 
  • She was not a happy camper.
  • Even both Shane and Ian telling her she looked beautiful didn't help.
  • Of course, she re-covered the crater on her forehead (which she wouldn't have if she had left it alone!).
  • Dan also had to remist Ian, but that went down a lot easier.
  • After all, Ian is a renegade, not a woman scorned.
  • But ... the unhappiest camper of all?
  • Oh, not Shane. Be real. He's like the Scarecrow, without a brain in the game.
  • I'm talking Jenncity.
  • She brooded. She was so down, I swear I saw a personal storm cloud floating above her head.
  • Really.
  • She eventually got called to the Diary Room.
  • After she washed just about every dish in the house, when Danielle tried to help her, she walked away.
  • Jenn told Ian that she was close to him in the comp.
  • I just remember that Joe and Shane were just about tied for last.
  • They did hear the crowd cheer as Ian got his fin out of the maze.
  • Ian, with his extra energy already, paced wildly with adrenalin for more than a few hours. I didn't think he'd ever settle down.
  • Ian told the others that Jenn feels all alone.
  • Well, she is. She knows it.
  • Jenn told Danielle the fact that Shane wasn't touched by Dan at all means that he has a deal with him.
  • Huh. We know Dan has separate deals with Danielle and Ian. He nominated both of them.
  • We know that Dan is only really faithful to himself. And his wife, but she isn't in the house.
  • Dan got his HoH basket and a letter from his wife.
  • Upon seeing her photo, Jenn claimed she's been "out-chicked." Um. Wil probably out-chicked Jenn.
  • The feeds were then blocked for the HoH comp.
  • And ... oh my goodness, IAN WON HOH!
  • Jenn once again said she almost won.
  • Shane thinks it will be Jenn out this week.
  • But which of the Quack Pack will go on the block with her?
  • Jenn is talking again. She says Frank did himself in with his ego.
  • Alone in a room, Ian said to himself (and us) - "A socially inept loser made it to the final four."
  • His HoH room was full of all kinds of junk food and a letter from his grandparents.
  • Aw.
  • Dan seems to really have him in his mist.
  • Ian may have made a mistake when he told Dan he'd like to see Danielle go home.
  • Dan told him he should nominate Shane and Jenn, then replace Shane with Danielle if he wins veto.
  • I personally think getting Dan out should be a must for ANYONE left in the house at this point.
  • But I haven't been misted, they have.
  • Nominations should be later today. Until they happen, I'm not really sure who's going up.
  • It will all come down to who wins the veto this time.
  • Oh my goodness. 

Why did Dan nominate ME?

Ian's real only trusted ally

Jenncity feels like Godzilla is stomping and snarling

Dan re-mists Danielle

I should have been HoH, not Ian!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Big Brother 14: Live Double Eviction Show Blog Party - Sept. 6

Ian's wearing a collar shirt for his Mom tonight

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Everybody ready for the big show tonight? It's going to be a double eviction. The hamsters were guessing at that on the feeds and may have been already told it today as they're all dressing up -- no physical comps expected. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major events. So, refresh the page to get the latest.

But, as always, the real FUN is in the comments! Bring your snacks and beverages, tighten your seatbelts on the comfy chairs ... we're in for a wild ride tonight!

Julie just told them it's a double eviction. Frank talks first, can't compete in next HoH, down in the game right now won't forget favors. Joe -- single biggest threat in the kitchen, been an honor, cherish everything, vote with your heart.

The votes to evict:
Dan -- Frank
Danielle -- Frank
Jenn -- Joe
Shane -- Frank

Frank is GONZO!

HoH Comp - Make Your Case - Quote from evicted houseguest pleas while on the block. Three-way tie with Jenn, Dan and Danielle. Tiebreaker time. 


He nominates ... Joe and IAN. Wah! Ian. He claims it's because Ian hasn't been nominated yet. Grr, Dan.

Power of veto next. Swimming with sharks. Working a fin through a maze, return to start, hit the buzzer.


Ian takes himself off. Dan nominates DANIELLE! Oh, please ... but we know it won't happen. She looks shocked. She does that well.

Danielle speech - Love y'all, please keep me here. Joe - Thanks, loyalty love y'all.

The votes to evict:
Shane -- Joe
Jenn -- Joe
Ian -- Joe

Joe is gone. Everyone looked sad.

Sunday, another HoH (not live). Wednesday, another eviction (don't think live) and Thursday live eviction to get it down to the final three.  

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Wednesday Overnight into Thursday - Sept. 5-6

He rocks on the hammock all night long singing his song

Hey, what's up with those lovable hamsters in that Big Brother House of Scheming Demons? Read on ...
  • Since they weren't locked in, they're assuming the HoH competition will be a quiz that doesn't need huge set-up time.
  • Ian's doing his best to wear out the new hammock. As nice as it is, I don't think it was meant for that much rocking.
  • Danielle told Frank she doesn't like the sock monkey because its head is too long -- it's the kind of thing that will sneak up in the night and kill you.
  • Dan loves his sock monkey, though.
  • Joe and Frank talked. They said they think they have one vote each for sure. When Frank asked Joe if his was Shane's vote, Joe told him it was Jenn's.
  • Hahahaha
  • Frank told Ian that, if he stays, he can shield him.
  • Yeah, that's just great.
  • Danielle said she won't vote for Frank to stay if a pot of gold and glitter fell from the sky.
  • Of course, she didn't say that to Frank.
  • Dan and Danielle think the whole house still believes they're against each other.
  • They continue their plans for the final two.
  • And, they talked about continuing the ruse that Jenn is in the final three with them.
  • Dan talked to Ian about the Renegades and their final two.
  • Dan talked to Frank about getting down to business and the final two after the eviction this week.
  • My gosh. There must be a mist. Anyone else in a house with so few hamsters would find out about all these final two deals!
  • Danielle has popped and picked at the pimple on her forehead so much that we can just call her Cyclops.
  • She puts gobs and gobs of makeup on it.
  • Danielle would prefer a final three with herself, Dan and Shane.
  • Dan doesn't want Shane in that mix ... probably because Shane might win a comp and would choose Danielle over him.
  • Jenn told Frank she's scared that he's going home.
  • Well, wouldn't that be better than YOU going home, Jenn? Sheesh.
  • Joe, ever the one to float to power, now acts like Ian is his best friend and ally.
  • He claims that the perfect final two would be Ian and himself.
  • Yeah, that would be okay with me.
  • Because Ian would win!
  • Joe thinks that Ian needn't worry if Jenn wins HoH in a double eviction tonight because she's probably working with Dan and she'd go after Shane.
  • I don't think they need to worry about Jenn winning HoH.
  • Danielle got all upset at a comment Shane made. She told Joe that he's probably a mama's boy and is inconsiderate. She wants a MAN, not a BOY.
  • @@
  • Well, he never really wanted her in the first place. I think he has grown fond of her in a friend sort of way, but that's it.
  • As he thought she was also upset with Dan, Joe told her that Dan takes the game very seriously and that he only said that she was dead to him in the GAME, not in life.
  • And on it goes ... where it'll stop, no one knows. 

They call me the Mist, I keep misting down the road

It's in the cards, Frank. It really is.

Pretty, I'm so pretty ... with my third eye.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Big Brother 14: Power of Veto Episode Blog Party - Sept. 5

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This should be good, but nowhere near as exciting as tomorrow's live double eviction show. Nonetheless, we're here to party tonight. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this post with the major events. However, as always, the real fun is in the comments area. Come join us and raise a cup of cheer!

Frank thinks he has an alliance with Dan and Danielle. Everyone but Shane was chosen to play for veto. Frank thinks it's a better idea for Dan to use the veto to save Jenn if he wins it. Heh.

Veto comp time -- a UFO has crashed on a farm. It's OTEV, the absent-minded alien. He needs them to search for corn. Typical OTEV type comp. Danielle out first. Ian out second. Joe out next. Jenn out -- it's down to Frank and Dan. Dan wins it and it wasn't an easy win at all.

Veto meeting time. As Frank suggested, Dan saves Jenn. @@ Ian put Joe in her place.

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Wednesday Daytime - Sept. 5

A giant hamster eating ball sneaks up and devours Danielle

Ah, I suppose I can only wish that Danielle was devoured by a hamster eating beach ball. Sigh. Between that voice and those immensely fake high eyebrows, it's getting so I'm irked at just about everything she does. Why can't she be invisible like Jenn?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wasted Days and Wasted Nights:
  • Frank told Jenn that Danielle asked him if Dan had approached him for a final two deal.
  • Hmm ...
  • Frank also told Jenn that he's sure he has the votes to stay this week, just needs to work on Danielle a bit.
  • Yeah, he has the votes. He really does.
  • It's too bad they're the votes to evict him.
  • Joe has a new alliance and name for it -- The Quad. It includes himself, Shane, Danielle and Ian.
  • I'm sure it's going to be just as much a force in the house as was the Headhunters.
  • Joe now has "blind faith" in Shane.
  • Why does Dumb and Dumber come to mind?
  • They've been having late night talk/strategy sessions.
  • Meanwhile, Jenn told Frank she doesn't see any sense in keeping Joe in the house.
  • Well, that's not the point, Jenn.
  • The point is getting Frank OUT of the house. To do that, Joe must remain. Yeah, that makes sense.
  • It rained in L.A. this morning. Oh my.
  • Danielle doesn't think the upcoming HoH will be an elaborate set because they weren't locked inside today.
  • Jenn told Dan that keeping Frank in the house is in his best interest.
  • Now, she does NOT know the prior deal between Frank and Dan.
  • But I have a feeling that Dan can definitely figure out what's in his best interest for himself.
  • They had an outside lockdown to enable BB to fix the Memory Wall Dan broke yesterday.
  • BB announced they had to clean the bathroom today including the mirror.
  • That's probably because Danielle keeps popping her pimples onto it.
  • Joe told Dan he has an alliance with Shane and that Shane won't be voting for Frank to stay.
  • Well, um. I believe Dan already knew that.
  • But he acted surprised.
  • Jenn worked on Danielle for the Frank vote. She poked and prodded about Danielle's trust or mistrust in Dan. Danielle told her that she's trusting him more since he saved Jenn.
  • So much for the Dan/Danielle hate fest "we're not an alliance" act, huh?
  • Danielle told Jenn she doesn't trust Frank.
  • Frank and Jenn think that Danielle is the only vote he might not get to stay.
  • Jenn told Danielle that if Frank goes, she (Jenn), Danielle and Dan should work on being the final three.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Jenn is coming to the realization that Frank is only her friend when he needs her.
  • But then again, she's Jenn. She's going to be expendable in any alliance. She sleeps most of the day and has no strategy whatsoever.
  • Danielle, Loose Lips Sink Ships. told Jenn that Shane will also be voting Frank out.
  • Jenn told Frank that Danielle thinks that he comes across as arrogant.
  • Y'think? Frank? Arrogant?
  • That's pretty much it for now. Laters!  

Broken alliances, broken memory wall (thanks, Dan!)

Waiting for Godot?

What electrical socket fashioned that hair?

Creepy sock monkey for the win!

Big Brother 14: Live Feeds Tuesday Into the Evening - Sept. 4

Frank thinks he might stay with a 4-0 vote

"We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Deception Perception:
  • This morning we got a huge dose of The Frank Show. It was a mix of Dick at Night and Boogie Early Morning Talks.
  • He definitely has nagging doubts which crept into his talk now and then.
  • But, then again, he thinks he might be staying with a 4-0 vote?
  • Talk about deceiving yourself indeed.
  • He called everyone "scalliwags."
  • Well, that was different.
  • I give him two points for coming up with that.
  • He's blaming all the game's problems on a "21-year-old kid."
  • I don't know. I think that kid is just as in love with the game and knows as much, if not more, about it than Frank.
  • On and on he went about how Boogie and him would have brought Ian to the final three.
  • I'm not sure Ian wanted to play the game on anyone's coattails.
  • Frank feels he (Frank) deserves to win.
  • He may ... if he can last to the end.
  • If he's in the final two, he'd win based on his gameplay.
  • That's why everyone wants him out sooner rather than later!
  • Danielle is having a severe pimple problem. I'm sure it's devastating. Maybe it's shingles. @@
  • Frank tried to tell Danielle it was he who suggested that Dan try to smooth things over with her from the "you're dead to me in this game" bit.
  • Of course, she knows otherwise. She didn't let on.
  • She can do some things well. She has Frank believing she believes him.
  • "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves."
  • Perhaps because he wants to believe so badly?
  • I guess it's really hot in L.A. -- they all fussed about the heat.
  • Danielle ran to Dan to report her conversation with Frank.
  • She then, alone in the room, turned to the camera and told us Frank isn't very smart.
  • Dan talked to Frank, once again giving him the impression that they will go to the final two and ride off in the sunset together.
  • Ian got the HoH camera and fun was had by all.
  • When Ian climbed atop the pool table and posed with an empty wine bottle, the BB voice yelled at him for climbing. It should have just told him to get off the pool table NOW.
  • Joe talked to Jenn. He brought up many valid points about how neither side will take them to the final two and they should stick together.
  • He'd like her vote to stay, but will understand if she chose not to.
  • He talked quietly.
  • Yes, Joe.
  • Really.
  • Danielle told Shane it's hard in the house because she's "the only girl."
  • Huh, maybe Jenn isn't in the house after all!
  • Nope. I see her. She's there.
  • Dan managed to break the memory wall. Britney's photo is now all pixalated. He broke an urn thing in the yard the other night.
  • Then the cards came out again.
  • I've been thankful that they're not always playing chess, but now the cards are just as bad.
  • That's where we stand. It looks like a blindside a'comin' for Frank. 

Auditioning to play a dead body on CSI

Ian would love a tie to boot Frank himself

Jenn's still in the house

Ian passed out on the pool table with the wine bottle