Ian's wearing a collar shirt for his Mom tonight |
Everybody ready for the big show tonight? It's going to be a double eviction. The hamsters were guessing at that on the feeds and may have been already told it today as they're all dressing up -- no physical comps expected. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major events. So, refresh the page to get the latest.
But, as always, the real FUN is in the comments! Bring your snacks and beverages, tighten your seatbelts on the comfy chairs ... we're in for a wild ride tonight!
Julie just told them it's a double eviction. Frank talks first, can't compete in next HoH, down in the game right now won't forget favors. Joe -- single biggest threat in the kitchen, been an honor, cherish everything, vote with your heart.
The votes to evict:
Dan -- Frank
Danielle -- Frank
Jenn -- Joe
Shane -- Frank
Frank is GONZO!
HoH Comp - Make Your Case - Quote from evicted houseguest pleas while on the block. Three-way tie with Jenn, Dan and Danielle. Tiebreaker time.
He nominates ... Joe and IAN. Wah! Ian. He claims it's because Ian hasn't been nominated yet. Grr, Dan.
Power of veto next. Swimming with sharks. Working a fin through a maze, return to start, hit the buzzer.
Ian takes himself off. Dan nominates DANIELLE! Oh, please ... but we know it won't happen. She looks shocked. She does that well.
Danielle speech - Love y'all, please keep me here. Joe - Thanks, loyalty love y'all.
The votes to evict:
Shane -- Joe
Jenn -- Joe
Ian -- Joe
Joe is gone. Everyone looked sad.
Sunday, another HoH (not live). Wednesday, another eviction (don't think live) and Thursday live eviction to get it down to the final three.
1 – 200 of 314 Newer› Newest»And we're off!!!
Hey Jackie... here we go!
I love roller coaster rides!!!
Hello BB people :)
Pool update... Here's where we stand going into tonight's double eviction.
Danielle Murphre - Laurie, Ayana, Petals, Terry in TX
Frank Eudy - Micaela, Donna, ORKMommy, Serina Cox
Ian Terry - Rbennie, Brenda, QuixoticElf, MEB
Jenn Arroyo - AmyTL, Jessica, Michi, Marlo Lee
Joe Arvin - bbbw_princess, Janice/GA, Karen from CA, Glenn
Shane Meaney - Buzzmaam, Jackie, SueGee, Sydney
Dan Gheesling - Nana in NW, Chris, PDXGranny, Brent McKee, Jennasmom
Jodi Rollins
Kara Monaco
Willie Hantz
JoJo Spatafora
Janelle Pierzina
Wil Heuser - Delee, Dierdre, Merrilee, Becky
Mike "Boogie" Malin - M&M, Lynn1, Tammy, Gaylos, Joey
Ashley Iocco - JonMD1267, Cha Cha, Monty924, Auntie Leigh
Britney Haynes - Nina, Alicia, Sister Sue, Sasha, Witt, Donna in FL
Let's hope this goes the right way tonight!
bye-bye Frank
Then who knows...
I'm all a twitter!
~*~*~*~*~*~* SPLASH ~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Yikes, what a night ahead!
Hey Ms Jackie & everyone!
Happy Birthday to Joe in NY! xoxox
I brought a HUGE cake (half choc/half white).
And 4 bottles of Asti!
Yay, me too Penny!
Hey Jackie, Meb, Susan, Jon, ORK, Sharon and everyone who shows up.
I have a pizza delivery so dig in
Orkmommy - I LOVE the profile picture!!
ORKy you reminded me that Delusionielle Von Munchausen is my pool chick.
Would love to see a Joe or Dan win, a Dani nom & a Dani exit! Dan could play the "woops" card, via mist.
Happy Birthday Joe in NY (not to be confused with Joe you know who).
I want Chocolate Petals.
Happy Birthday, Joe!!!!
Hey Petals!
Ready for some serious BB action tonight. I just hope it isn't Dan or Ian out the door second.
Hi All! We're LIVE!! Jumpin' in!
Hey, everyone! I decided to stay up as long as I can.
Frank looks like a '70's high school guy...kind of remniscent of American Grafitti/Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Hey Petals, Monty. Frank has reached the speed of stupid if he actually thinks he is safe tonight.
Monty, I agree.
Dang, Petals, I want to be at your house! LOL
Hi all...this should be fun...just hope Ian survives the night.
Have a Good One Joe!!
Poor Frank... he really believes he has the votes.
Don't worry Son you will be in Jury before nights over ha
Hi Ed!
Oh, and raising my glass to the birthday boy. Happy Birthday Joe!
Hope its 2-2 so Ian sends him out the door and he thinks he "missed it that much"
I'm anxious to read what goes on tonight.
Depending on you guys to keep it going!
(show isn't on till 9:00pm here)
I watched this fruit smoothie on BBAD, and with the conversation you'd think Frank would be more than nervous.
Quit yelling Joe.
Quit rocking Ian.
True, Ian... true, true, true. But Joe's actually been pretty good since the renom. Proud of him!
By that much
Hey Frank! Smell smoke again? That's your butt getting burnt one last time!
Penny - dig in. I brought the cake & Asti to the party!
Jon - I know. Frank is "misted". He did it to himself, tho.
I'm hoping Ian isn't the second to leave.
Bwahahaha, Danielle shot in her pimple cream.
BB Joe doesn't buy the mist!
LMAO, hahahaha
That was HILARIOUS!! Joe didn't realize Dan was Dan?
"What's up?"
I choked on my Oreo OMG, Joe my little Rain Man OMG
What an idiot! That was uber-funny
Barney Rubble! LOL! that is hysterical!
NancyB, LOL!
Sharon - recap so far. Julie surprising them with the DE news!
Oh gosh..stupid Joe. I so want Frank to leave...
Joe not in a UK or Chef shirt. This is a first. :)
Frank actually showed more smarts when Boogie was still there. Frank would guess some things and Boogie always said no-no-no.
Lol...oh, Joe
Did BB give Danielle spackle for her crater? You can hardly see it!
I hope these dummies pul the trigger and get Frank out now...
Humble Joe is nice!
Yikes! I wonder if Frank will be gracious, or a bull-douche.
Wonder if he will yell "PREESH"?
Finally! Frank is gone!
Buh-bye Frank!!
ORKy, I was wondering the same thing.
I think the special effects team from AMC's The Walking Dead must've lent a helping hand with her makeup. LOL
Frank...what goes around comes around!
Bye Frank!
*several slices of cake plated...*
I left the big candle in the middle, to light when Joe gets here.
And with that I'm out of the pool! My fingers were getting wrinkled anyway!
Danielle Murphre - Laurie, Ayana, Petals, Terry in TX
Ian Terry - Rbennie, Brenda, QuixoticElf, MEB
Jenn Arroyo - AmyTL, Jessica, Michi, Marlo Lee
Joe Arvin - bbbw_princess, Janice/GA, Karen from CA, Glenn
Shane Meaney - Buzzmaam, Jackie, SueGee, Sydney
Dan Gheesling - Nana in NW, Chris, PDXGranny, Brent McKee, Jennasmom
Jodi Rollins
Kara Monaco
Willie Hantz
JoJo Spatafora
Janelle Pierzina
Wil Heuser - Delee, Dierdre, Merrilee, Becky
Mike "Boogie" Malin - M&M, Lynn1, Tammy, Gaylos, Joey
Ashley Iocco - JonMD1267, Cha Cha, Monty924, Auntie Leigh
Britney Haynes - Nina, Alicia, Sister Sue, Sasha, Witt, Donna in FL
Frank Eudy - Micaela, Donna, ORKMommy, Serina Cox
wow. Not gracious. No hugs, Wow. He really was surprised.
Really you gonna take the bear.. Lol
That looks like a bug zapper next to Julie's couch!
SO, did Frank look shocked or do/say anything obnoxious as he was leaving?
Or did he just accept the eviction?
Frank is piiisssed. Thought he had Dan's vote and Shane.
Howdy everyone!! Cooking ribs on the BBQ - anyone want some??
SueGee on the Left Coast
Glad to see frank go, but it was Dans first mistake. He should have made Ian break a tie and picked up a jury vote.
GONZO, good word, Jackie.
Wahhhh...Frankie's whining...
Frank was grasping at straws thinking he had a legit alliance with anyone but Jenn
Sharon - he was shocked. He didn't say anything. He kind of rushed out, grabbed his bag & Ted, and Jenn kind of waylaid him for a hug, he hugged her & split.
He sounds choked up.
Bye, bye, Frank. Brit will be thrilled to see you.
Look at Julie with the interviewing Frank.
I'm glad they didn't show Dani's message, she claimed she was "epic" in how mean she was. She is disgusting. Dan's was awesome.
Good messages and great response from Frank, lol
Jon - she seemed to be plucking his heartstrings, right?
Frank HAS to know that he was a threat for the win and he can't possibly have expected the other hamsters to keep him there! Was he drinking from Delusionelle's cup?
Well after all folks, he tried for 3 years to get on BB, so he DESERVED to win more than anyone else. Like nobody else gave anything else up to be there. He continued to bury himself with those words and actions.
Frank made no mistake saving Dan, but it really was a lose lose situation. He needed to save Dan to have someone other than Jenn on his side, but he should have known Dan would betray him.
2nd houseguest sent packing - PLEASE GET RID OF Dani von MUNCHAUSEN!
Oh, Petals. I see a new crush on your horizon. :)
Dani is dressed to meet Julie. At to me, lol
I know, I kind of liked Frank, he just made the biggest mistake in ever taking Dan off the block, but that says how good Dan is that he pulled that off. I really think Dan needs to go if Ian has a chance at winning this.
Now let's get rid of one of these floaters (joe and jenn) I'd love to see an all-Quack Pack F4
* POP * goes the bubbly
The spumante is flowing. The flutes are plastic (but Chinet, to show how much I care, LOL)
Not to mention... If he was such a huge fan of the show, he has to know how much Boogie was hated and he stayed loyal to him even after the coaches came into the game. For someone who claims to know this game, he sure was pretty dumb!
I like Frank-- he played a great game and was a great competitor. His final mistake was trusting Dan, who has lied to everyone. Dan swore on his wife, his grandfather, and the bible. He lost my respect.
Who Monty?
Somehow, I doubt it will be Dani leaving yet. :(
Now these newbies need to make the hard move and take Dan out....I like Dan but he's won before and he will win again if they dont get him out.
Hey Monty speaking of Dani's dress.. what do you call that?
Chewing my nail polish off.....
Come on DAN
Would it be hysterical if Dan was next one out... all depends on who gets this HOH... Cannot wait!
Ian looks so little in that big chair! Like he's at work with Daddy! :-)
Joe or Jenn first out any takers lol
Tippin a glass of Asti to Joe in NY & to Franks eviction
Ed, I call it an unflatteringly large floral pattern
Drinking with Ed
No matter what, Dan needs to fight for everything he can win till Shane, and probably Dani, are gone.
Anybody but Delusionielle
all even, yikes.
As in dirty MOUTH, yes, JoJo
I'm hoping it will be Shane out next, or Dani. But if the QP wins HOH, it will probably be Joe or Jenn.. unless they decide to get smart and evict Dan.
Man Joe & Shane don't have a clue!
Come on DAN
oh no. oh no. oh no.
I can't take Dani in the HOH again. She was a demon last time.
Danielle + Math = Total Confusion!!
Lol, Ed. I don't know but she wore it to the derby
thank you GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Godfather is HOH!
Dan's the man! Who's it gonna be? Jenn & Joe are my guesses with Jenn leaving.
There goes Joe or Jen
Dude better not pick Ian.
For twenty minutes
Bad for Ian
Wow! Dan! Wow!
DAN won HOH? YAY!!!!!!!!!!
If he's smarter, owns gone.
Sharon (not S)- Dan won. He has a commercial break to consider who to nom.
Well, there goes Joe and Jenn up. However, he could target Ian.
I take that back. I think Joe will be the target because of his stupid mistake in the dark.
LOl Monty would luv to see the hat that goes with that dress!
LOl Ork Mommy Dani & Math!
I think he'll nom Shane & Joe.
SHane is dead weight.
He needs to go to final with Dani and Joe... as much as I hate to admit it, so getting rid of Ian now as much as I hate it, is probably his best bet right now.
Hey, I just downed a glass of Asti! Thanks, Petals. Mmmmm
Why didn't dam throw that it was best two possible for him.
But Joe is no threat in any kind of comp...
I doubt he wil target him
Drinking to Joe in NY and BB JOE, lol
OMG!!! He nominated Ian!!
Ohhh, noes
I am a happy girl right now. Not only is Frank out but Dan is safe too.
OMG, Ian & Joe.
Wow. A POV!!!! Thank goodness. An Ian win would mean a Shane nom. Good.
He wants Ian gone.....not cool Dan...l
If the quack pac stays true, Ian should be safe veto or not.
I have no nail polish left :(
WHAT!! SHOCKER! ian???
I joked with myself that he would put up Ian and just backstab everyone he could for the fun of it, but he actually did it!
Sorry,I know almost everyone loves him, but Dan is scum. Ian???! Really?!!
Wow again... said it but didn't think it for real. Ian! He's my pool pick. Get that POV Ian!
I wish NYJoe would hurry up & get here.
Pass the bottle Monty... I'm starting to have an anxiety attack waiting for the next news!!
He should have nom'd Shane and Joe. Grrrrr
Back on the first day when Dan had to evict one of his team, who was it who advised him to get rid of Jody, because "she would create drama in the house"?
Wasn't that Delusionelle?
Come on Ian ..win that pov."and then next week you take out Dan..lol
I just don't get everyone hating on Dan. He's there to WIN a game and Ian is a threat! Should he keep Ian and just give him the money? I think Dan can win with the jury against anyone there except Ian!
Exactly, Monty! Should have been Shane.
Who'd he nom... who who?
He ahoulsve nominated Shane and Ian so Ian wud go. And Dani and jen send ian out
Shane should be his replacement if necessary
Knew he'd target Ian. He's his biggest competition. The others are too stupid
Passing the bottle to Sharon. I'm right there with you, girl EEEK
Honestly I don't think Ian has a chance unless he gets veto, Joe is pretty much useless and not a threat what so ever so they would keep him.
Ian and Joe?
I agree Jon...let's go Ian!
Yes, Ian and Joe
Yes Sharon, Ian and Joe.
Well at least Ian is able to win comps, unlike Joe. Dan can always replace Ian with Jenn if he wins the POV.
Yes, Silk. It was Delusionelle
This is made for Ian!!
Come on IAN, you can DO IT!!!
survivor type POV, I'd like it but I'm too nervous to watch.
I can't remember if Dan and Ian discussed putting Ian up as a pawn during BBAD. Surely Ian wouldn't have swallowed that line...
Or maybe not
C'mon IAN!!!!!
Come on IAN
Go Ian go!
Eee - AN
Eee - AN
Eee - AN
Way to go Ian! This is getting interesting!!!
GO IAN!!!!!
YES!!!!!! Ian wins! whew
Come on Ian
Hell yea!!
Will it be Shane???
yah ian!
I just drank the last of the bottle. Pass me another one. WHEW
Times like these you gotta love BB!
I'd love to see Delusionielle go out through the BACK DOOR!!!
Now let the games begin ha
Ian performed as expected...now who's going up and who's going out???
Sharon, great minds think alike :))
* POP * goes another bottle 'o' bubbly
glug glug
That was flat-out designed for Ian!
He'll prob'ly put Shane up?
PETALS.. bottle please!
Lol..Jon...you got that right!
Oh my, I started a new page, I'm so excited.
...or Jenn.
Pass MEB another bottle, Petals. I'm still shaking from that or I would, lol
Monty - I am already crushing Jon Penner. I loved him on his season. Dunno why. He was cool. Who did you think?
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