Monday, July 22, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Wee Hours - July 21-22

Yikes! Scary hair!

I'll never figure out why people with dark natural hair go in as blonds on the show. It always becomes a real rootsy affair. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dye Jobs Needed:
  • McCrae voiced his concerns to Helen that Amanda might be in trouble due to Elissa.
  • Helen told him she'd be fine -- they just need to keep all their votes together this week.
  • Both McCrae and Helen think Howard might be the MVP as he was in the Diary Room an extended time.
  • We know they're wrong.
  • McCrae and Helen's plan is to get Aaryn, Kaitlin, then Howard out. Candice and Spencer would go on to jury.
  • Several think that Elissa is just trying to stir up drama with accusations of being MVP.
  • McCrae and Amanda had a fake wedding with a ring he made.
  • GinaMarie, still stung by unrequited love for her kid Nick, was all ticked off about said fake wedding.
  • @@
  • Andy, McCrae and Judd have figured out that Spencer is a good liar.
  • If he was a bad liar like Howard, they would have figured it out long ago.
  • Spencer told Andy he'll be a great wife to someone someday.
  • @@
  • Amanda told Judd he has an accent combined with mumbling.
  • She's right. He can speak clearly at times, but it's often hard to understand him!
  • Judd snagged Nick's (McCrae's) hat and a towel, went running through the house as others screamed the twist is that Nick's back.
  • GinaMarie cried.
  • @@
  • Spencer called Helen Kim Jong Il. Not to her face, mind you.
  • Amanda keeps telling people that she thinks Howard is MVP.
  • Howard keeps getting ticked because Amanda keeps telling people he's MVP.
  • And on and on it goes, where it'll stop no one knows. 

Are we boring you, Candice?

Psychological pillow placement

Sitting up for doggie treats?


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening - July 21

Fun with camera angles?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Suspicious Sillies:
  • Candice told Helen that she thinks Amanda might have faked the tears after the Amanda/Elissa MEOW over the "stripper club" birthday for McCrae.
  • When asked, McCrae said he'd like a date night with Amanda for his birthday.
  • Didn't they have one of those in Judd's HoH bed last night?
  • There are continuous rumblings amongst the girls -- no way will there be any sort of solid decent-sized girl alliance.
  • Kaitlin is mad at Howard.
  • Elissa is mad at Amanda.
  • Kaitlin and Aaryn are warring.
  • And Andy just pops up everywhere.
  • Judd got released from his solitary confinement.
  • He shouted, "Mumble, MUMBLE!" with glee.
  • Candice again reminded Howard to be mindful of his social game.
  • Judd reminded Aaryn to try to be cool. She said she's learning to keep her mouth shut.
  • Yeah, right.
  • Amanda is worried about becoming the third nominee.
  • Spencer told Amanda that people have been comparing notes and found out she and McCrae have multiple deals going with others in the house.
  • Oopsie!
  • When Amanda asked him why it's her taking the heat and not McCrae, he told her that it's because she's the leader of the two.
  • Candice doesn't want Aaryn in the house.
  • Shocker, I know.
  • Helen's in for the night on her curfew.
  • So she can't weigh in on any of this.
  • Andy really really thinks America has the MVP vote this week.
  • He's really really right.

Three girls in a hot tub

Not playing the game I hoped for


Gussied up for the photo booth

Big Brother 15: Nominations, Food Comp Show Blog Party - July 21

Ready to party out there, folks? It's time for a blog party -- the water in the pool is just right, drinks will flow and snacks will abound. Opinions are bound to abound, as well! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

However, the real party is in the comments area. Put on your party hats and join on in!

After the recap, they're all worried about the twist Julie promised. Judd's HOH reveal and letter from home. Aw. GinaMarie's lack of proper vocabulary bit was funny. Onto the Howard and Candice relationship.

Have Not time ... three teams, frozen yogurt cafe - disgusting yogurts. The team gaining the most weight from it wins, least weight will be Have Nots. The Have Nots are Andy, Candice, Spencer and Jessie.

Have Not vote is for brussel sprouts and bananas, raisins and ramen, mushrooms and marmalade.

After much pushing for an Aaryn and Howard nomination when he's thinking Kaitlin and GinaMarie, it's time for nominations. Key order: Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Candice, McCrae, Andy, Helen, Howard, GinaMarie, Amanda.

Aaryn and Kaitlin are on the block. Kaitlin, he doesn't think is going anywhere. Aaryn is a Texas tornado and he doesn't need her twist on words anymore.

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Sunday Afternoon - July 20-21

Birthday boy

I know I'm getting this report up a bit late. But, the hamsters slept ... so did I. And, dang, it felt good! Here's what's happened since my last report in that Big Brother House of Wayward Weirdos:
  • Helen's curfew punishment dictates that she neither talks, nor gets talked to, from 8pm until morning.
  • Judd's solitary punishment isn't in the Have Not room as in previous seasons. He's in the little settee (cockpit this year) room where they had the fortune teller last year, this year the photo booth.
  • He's no Dan Gheesling trying to save his game life in there. He kept trying to sleep even though an alarm clock woke him up on a regular basis.
  • Y'know, Chicken George's potato clock would have been a lot more quiet!
  • Candice reminded GinaMarie that, in the slew of activity, they never had the Nick memorial on Friday night. I was hoping they'd all forget.
  • But, in exit interviews, Nick professes to actually having feelings for GinaMarie and is interested.
  • Oh my. I called that one wrong!
  • They're all still in a quandary over who the MVP is this week.
  • Heh.
  • Most suspect it's America, but the fact that it's an Elissa nom and she's been voted MVP every week, they're confused.
  • I'm not. I suspect Aaryn and Kaitlin (the Mean Girls) were our first two choices and they were nominated by Judd first.
  • Spencer told Aaryn everybody wants her out.
  • Well, that was so nice of him, wasn't it?
  • He told her he'd work with her to try to save her.
  • @@
  • Andy, of course, ran to Amanda to tell her that Helen told him that she and McCrae can't be trusted.
  • I predicted that move!
  • Andy is still popping up everywhere at anytime. It's almost frightening how he zeroes in on every bit of game talk in the house.
  • There was some sort of power outage in the backyard, forcing them inside but with limited space as Judd's solitary is in the cockpit room.
  • Amanda dressed in lingerie while Spencer and Howard became robbers to hold down McCrae for his kinky birthday celebration.
  • That all was just a bit out there.
  • Elissa got drunk and melancholy. Get it together, girl. You have the PoV!
  • She thinks production hates her. I think they like past obnoxious hamsters and their relations way too much.
  • Elissa also lit into Amanda about the stripping party for McCrae.
  • Amanda cried because Elissa made fun of her.
  • Junior high, anyone?
  • Andy figured out that America probably voted to nominate Aaryn and Kaitlin and Elissa was a third choice.
  • Well, we'll see the fourth choice before long!
  • GinaMarie made mean comments about Candice's looks.
  • Candice, unlike GinaMarie, was actually Miss (Whatever state, I forgot), one year.
  • Amanda and McCrae did the deed AGAIN in Judd's HoH bed.
  • Ew.
  • Aaryn said she cried the most when told (by Amanda, not the show) that people think she's a racist.
  • Hey, her own words brought that down on her!
  • Apparently, their bathroom is really rank. Why don't they clean and disinfect it instead of whining about it?
  • GinaMarie told Spencer she wants a man to take care of her, more emotionally than financially.
  • That doesn't surprise me seeing her reaction to Nick.
  • Aaryn claims that, outside the house, she always carries a gun.
  • That right there is a call for stricter gun control laws, I say!
  • Judd's alarm in his solitary room kept going off. Half the time he slept through it.
  • Helen told Elissa she (Elissa) needs to win HoH this week to be safe. Part of Elissa's winning of PoV this week is that she can't play for it next week.
  • Candice continued to advise Howard to work more on his social game.
  • She makes some good points. Because Howard shuts down and doesn't talk a lot to others, they automatically think he's up to something or sneaky.
  • Judd, in solitary, asked the camera (us) if he should turn on McCrae and Amanda.
  • I don't know if he should actually turn on them yet, but be very wary.
  • Let the rest of the house turn on them, then join in.
  • Both Helen and Spencer are turned off by real public displays of attention ... couples hanging all over each other.
  • So am I.
  • Candice wants a showdown between the Howard vs. Amanda crews once the Mean Girls are out of the house.
  • Elissa reminded Candice that Amanda, although there are issues, kept them safe before. But then she admitted that the whole house kept her safe, not just Amanda.
  • Aaryn thinks she's wrongfully blamed for anything that goes wrong in the house.
  • Heehee!
  • Amanda said when she's not in control, her anxiety levels go up.
  • Y'think?
  • Elissa and Amanda made up for the stripper club fight last night, albeit they're still a bit leery of each other.
  • Howard gave McCrae a bible passage for his birthday.
  • Judd's still in solitary until the evening.
  • Lots more speculation about who the MVP is this week.
  • Stop by later for the blog party while the episode airs here on the East Coast! 


Oh my, birthday stripper

Birthday robbers holding McCrae down

Judd's solitary room


Off Topic: That Was the (two) Week(s) It Was - July 21, 2013

It's Sunday morning, time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. This week is actually two weeks worth of photos as I was away last weekend. If you're looking for the Big Brother television show live feeds report, the last one I wrote is here at this link. Another one will be posted later this morning.

Last weekend I went up to Albany, NY, from my NJ home to (a) attend my high school reunion, the first one I've been to out of more than a few decades worth and (b) visit my brother Russ and his wife Debby and have a fantastic reunion with cousins from the Massachusetts, Vermont and New York area -- some of whom I haven't seen since I was a young child. Plus, my niece Carrie, her husband Ryan and my fantastic 1-year old niece Taylor joined us!

Although I've been miserable with the heat we have had here on the East Coast, the memories of this past weekend will long outlast my memories of the heat wave!

My first experience with Megabus was overall good. I'll definitely use them again and will probably visit upstate NY more often. The trip up cost me $5 as it was more popular timing. They work it so at least the first two trips booked on a bus get the $1 price. My ride home cost me a single dollar. Can't beat that with a stick even though that bus ended up being late. It costs twelve times that just to go through the bridge or tunnel!

Because I have so many photos, I'm going to get them started now ...

NYC photo IMG_8821a_zps07987ab6.jpg
NYC at 1:09am Monday morning

The problem is that the train I wanted to catch, the last train of the night on my line, left at 1:00am. The trains on other days run later. Oops.

Nipper photo IMG_8784a_zpsa13f9d5e.jpg

This 25 foot tall, four ton replica of the "His Master's voice" RCA dog Nipper is atop what's now a moving and storage warehouse in Albany, New York. Back when it was erected, the building was an RCA dealership. The "new" owners (it's been several years) not only kept Nipper there, but totally refurbished him and have kept him in pristine condition. I loved to look up and see Nipper when I was a child and must admit it was like seeing an old friend to see him last week.

Flower 4 photo IMG_8768a_zps50250d3a.jpg
Inside the bloom

You'd think a bee would be on this with all that pollen just sitting there for the taking! Hudson Avenue, Albany, NY.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Saturday - MVP nom, PoV - July 20

What's happening?

My, my ... it's been a busy day inside that House of Unhappy Hamsters:
  • Spencer and Howard tried to talk Judd into putting McCrae on the block if the veto is used so "Aaryn would owe them one."
  • The Amanda pairing with McCrae is putting a growing target on their backs.
  • Aaryn guessed it last night; Elissa guessed it today -- America has the MVP vote this week.
  • Of course, they really don't know for sure.
  • We know, though.
  • Jessie complained to Judd that Amanda keeps telling her what to do.
  • A lot of people have a problem with Amanda's bossiness.
  • Except McCrae, that is.
  • When it came time to announce the MVP nomination and the PoV players, we got fish.
  • Oh, my! America voted to put up ELISSA as the third nominee!
  • She's really not taking it well at all. She went from important Queen Bee to Nominee. (Dig the rhyme!)
  • McCrae told Amanda he thinks Elissa got the MVP and nominated herself.
  • @@
  • Despite my eye roll, that rumor is running rampant through the house still, now many hours later.
  • Amanda is sure that America didn't vote because America wouldn't vote her MVP every week, then put her on the block.
  • Hey, we're a fickle lot -- expect the unexpected!
  • Elissa thinks the MVP must be Aaryn, GinaMarie or Kaitlin.
  • Amanda still wants a backdoor Howard plan if someone comes off the block with the veto.
  • McCrae nixed it as he's sure the votes wouldn't be there to get Howard out over whichever nominees remain.
  • McCrae and Helen were the two players besides nominees and Judd (HoH) to play in the veto comp.
  • GinaMarie is all in a tizzy because she thinks Elissa is blaming her for being MVP and nominating her.
  • Yeah, like GinaMarie is in the running to be favored by America!
  • Elissa wondered if Jeremy picked the MVP nomination.
  • @@
  • Judd and Helen think the only way they can figure out the MVP is if Elissa comes off the block -- see who the replacement is.
  • My personal guess would be GinaMarie or Spencer. Mind you, I could be very wrong.
  • Elissa was then sure it was Howard who did it.
  • Candice nixed that and insisted it must be Kaitlin.
  • This is actually working out quite well on a mystery nomination kind of basis. They're way worked up!
  • Elissa's alliance(s) wonder if it might be a test of loyalty.
  • Aaryn claims she's not stupid enough to put Elissa on the block.
  • It's a kerfuffle!
  • A kerfuffle isn't as entertaining as a brouhaha, but better than watching them play chess.
  • So, then they played chess. Argh.
  • Soon the feeds were blocked for a rather lengthy PoV comp -- it was the reward/punishment one.
  • Elissa won the Power of Veto! Now we'll see the next on the list.
  • McCrae got $5,000.
  • Judd got solitary confinement. Too bad it's not in his HoH room, huh?
  • Helen got an 8pm curfew. (Big deal.)
  • Amanda's allies are starting to grow weary of her. Helen told Howard that Amanda wants him gone.
  • I don't think he's all that surprised. He's been pushing for Amanda to be gone for a good two weeks now.
  • GinaMarie is planning on steering clear of Elissa. She thinks that whoever nominated Elissa will pick off those who hang with her.
  • Amanda thinks that when Elissa has power she's confident and nice, when she's nervous, she's really nervous.
  • But she's no longer as nervous since she won PoV!
  • Helen went and told Andy that the house wants McCrae and Amanda out.
  • Shh ... it's a secret, Andy.
  • She might as well hire a banner plane to spread the news!
  • Lots of suspicions abound ... mainly between Amanda and Howard and their closest allies.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin are both super confused.
  • I would assume that Elissa is smart enough to take herself off the block.
  • Let's see who goes up next!  

Put a shirt on, McCrae

Oopsie, my game is falling apart

Howard-a-Day, bonus Candice

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Friday Night into Saturday - 7/19-20

The tides shift again

Another long and late night for the hamsters. They are indeed nocturnal little rodents! Here's the overnight happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Rambunctious Rodents:
  • Ew. Amanda and McCrae used the HoH bed and Judd's new HoH gift blanket to either do the deed or, at the very least, have a strong make-out session. Ew.
  • Judd is too nice to everyone. They're just going up there, eating all his food and using his room for whatever. 
  • I'd lock the door.
  • Elissa is still worried about possibly not having the MVP this week. That's been her only game strategy outside of being friends with Helen.
  • Spencer and Candice are already worried about what's happening in the real world as they've been out of it for about a month. Spencer saw a black band on an EMT who checked his blood pressure and wonders if there's been a disaster. Of course, that could have been something very local to that area, but Spencer doesn't know.
  • Aaryn is upset that Elissa has forgiven Kaitlin for her misdeeds and yet holds a grudge against her (Aaryn).
  • After all, Aaryn is obviously such a lovable little pretty gal!
  • Aaryn thinks the "unexpected" twist is that America will vote the MVP.
  • Ding, ding! We have a winner!
  • Howard confronted McCrae about his lie about being MVP last week. Amanda told Howard it was because the entire house wanted him (Howard) gone last week.
  • Howard now wants in on the Amanda/McCrae duo alliance.
  • There are so many alliances going on that it's really confusing at this point!
  • When Aaryn asked Amanda if she thought Elissa got the MVP again, Amanda lied and said she thought so.
  • Aaryn thinks Amanda is lying.
  • Kaitlin thinks that Elissa probably has a different contract with BB and is only in the house for a limited number of weeks.
  • Well, if she gets voted out, it's limited! I personally wouldn't doubt that BB sweetened the money pot to get her aboard as they think it's automatic ratings, but I'm pretty sure she's there until she's not there.
  • Amanda is getting scared that she will be the MVP nomination.
  • She probably should worry although her Diary Room sessions on the show might endear her to the television show only general public.
  • I think Amanda and McCrae are both destroying what could be great strategic gameplay with their showmance.
  • GinaMarie and Kaitlin keep harping on Aaryn's negativity bringing down the house.
  • Spencer, Judd, Howard, GinaMarie and Kaitlin now want to work together.
  • This week's target is now on Aaryn.
  • But the MVP nomination and PoV have yet to happen.
  • We'll see.
  • If Aaryn does go this week, it will be a very interesting conversation with Julie Chen!

Not the target

Andy is always everywhere

King Howard-a-Day

He bears a slight resemblance

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into Friday Evening, Nominations - July 19


GinaMarie would never be able to fit Nick's ball cap (which is really McCrae's ball cap) atop that mountain! Here's what's happened tonight inside that Big Brother House of Krazy Kats:
  • The Have Not comp seems to have been the blended food icky one.
  • Poor hamsters.
  • Judd changed his mind again on his noms and he's back to Kaitlin and Aaryn, possibly GinaMarie.
  • Aaryn thinks it's like high school and they're the outcast nerds.
  • GinaMarie thinks it's because they're the pretty ones (and everybody else must be jealous).
  • They also complained that the three hottest boys were gone.
  • @@
  • Dang, it MUST be high school!
  • GinaMarie did correct herself and said all the girls in the house are pretty.
  • Too bad we couldn't say that of the guys, including the ones she thought are hot.
  • The feeds were blocked for nominations and Judd finally made up his mind.
  • Kaitlin and Aaryn are on the block.
  • So, all the votes we voted for Aaryn were for naught. 
  • Judd told Spencer he doesn't really want Kaitlin out just yet.
  • Aaryn cried and once again said people always twist around what she says.
  • Keep telling yourself that, Aaryn.
  • Elissa is getting antsy about the MVP. She told Judd to tell her if he gets it.
  • They still don't get it.
  • Amanda is worried that Judd won't backdoor Howard.
  • If she really, really wants Howard gone that bad, maybe she should have won HoH herself.
  • GinaMarie fussed about missing Nick again. 
  • The nominations went down when the planned "funeral" was supposed to take place, so I'm not sure what will happen with that.
  • They think the twist might be that the HoH can decide whether to keep the MVP or not.
  • Wrong!
  • Candice told Howard about Howie's jackshack.
  • Heehee.
  • Nothing else much going on!


Managing to stay off radar

Have not


Friday, July 19, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds, Have Nots, Friday daytime - July 19

A smelly comp, messy too?

Here's the happenings so far inside that Big Brother House of No Jeremy:
  • Amanda told the guys there's no girls alliance.
  • Doesn't she think they can tell? 
  • Judd told Spencer he's safe this week. Not a huge surprise.
  • Amanda is still harping on getting rid of Howard this week.
  • Of course, last week Howard was harping about getting rid of Amanda.
  • Judd is worried about too many guys leaving -- all three evictions have been male.
  • Judd also doesn't want Aaryn to go this week. McCrae tried to tell him that Aaryn is working with Kaitlin.
  • Judd told his alliance he thinks he'll probably put up GinaMarie and Kaitlin.
  • Um. Okay. America will probably raise him an Aaryn.
  • They tend to think Kaitlin more dangerous than Aaryn. Aaryn causes issues in the house, but Kaitlin is smarter and can win comps.
  • I say she's meaner, too!
  • Aaryn's just kind of oblivious to right and wrong, good and bad. Kaitlin knows what she's doing when she's cruel.
  • (The above is my own observation.)
  • Judd went around talking to everybody, even those he's likely to put on the block.
  • The feeds were blocked for a long time as the Have/Have Not Comp went down.
  • When the feeds came back up, the hamsters looked a bit greasy and were complaining about the smell.
  • We should be thankful we have no scratch-n-sniff monitors or televisions!
  • Andy, Jessie, Candice and Spencer are the Have Nots.
  • Nominations will be later tonight. It sounds like he's going to put up Kaitlin and GinaMarie.
  • They think that Elissa will get MVP again and she'll probably put up Aaryn.
  • Well, they might have the latter part of that right.

Jumping jacks and jogging


Jessie talking strategy

Listening, not mumbling

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into the Night - July 18 - 19


Jeremy's gone and the house dynamic changes even more. Soon they'll have to kill off their own. Eep. Here's what's happened since the live show ended in that Big Brother House of Manic Mumbling:
  • Judd didn't really want to win HoH just yet. He feels it's too early.
  • But he won't be offering to return the crown!
  • GinaMarie cried some more. This time it wasn't missing the faux love of her life -- she thinks, due to the question in the HoH comp, that America thinks she's stupid.
  • Well, um ... at least over the Nick thing, she is!
  • In addition to Julie's warning, there was a note in the storage room telling them to expect the unexpected.
  • Amanda thinks it means they're eliminating the MVP, possibly because Elissa keeps getting it.
  • Hey, she can be crude and crass, but she just might be onto something there!
  • Judd told Amanda he's thinking that GinaMarie needs to go on the block.
  • Amanda wants a Howard eviction.
  • She thinks he's too dangerous to keep because he can probably win comps and no one ever really knows what he's up to.
  • Everybody was pleased with the manner in which Jeremy left the house.
  • In the past, we'd call that a class exit. But, for me, using the word class and Jeremy in the same sentence is a bit of an oxymoron.
  • Amanda keeps pushing her Howard agenda on Judd.
  • Now, if she wanted to run the HoH, perhaps she should have won it herself!
  • Not that I like Kaitlin (I think she's a mean girl), but she's so much better about Jeremy going than GinaMarie was about Nick's exit. And, unlike the Nick/GM faux-pairing, she actually had a relationship with Jeremy.
  • I'm just glad I don't have to watch them all over each other anymore. Yay!
  • Judd and Elissa will work on nominations together, shunning Amanda.
  • Oh, but not to her face, mind you!
  • Elissa's allies think she's acting weird and is worried about the new twist and MVP.
  • She probably suspects it's the first time she won't have the power, but they haven't any idea America will vote.
  • Judd's letter from home in his HoH room was from his parents. They're proud of him and sound as country as he does ... but I don't think they mumbled!
  • Still locked in the house, the smokers (including Judd) are fussing about the lack of smoking. Most are Have Nots, making it even worse.
  • Aaryn and Kaitlin fussed as they were told this would be the season of no floaters due to America voting for MVP.
  • How'd that work out for you, BB? By having that twist in there AND putting Elissa in the house, the Mean Girls are right. You shot yourself in the foot.
  • Or something like that.
  • Amanda told Elissa that McCrae really makes her happy, but she's wondering how it will go with family and such when they get out of the house.
  • Aaryn thinks Howard is throwing comps.
  • Welp, another part of his strategy shot -- he lied badly and now his throwing comps is becoming obvious.
  • Judd is pondering backdooring Howard. It seems like GinaMarie, Kaitlin and Aaryn would be amongst his possible nominations.
  • BB gave them a small amount of booze and the Have Nots were able to eat at midnight.
  • Otherwise, ho-hum.

Red wine, no Jeremy

Not Rachel

King for the week

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Eviction, HoH Show Blog Party - July 18

Greetings, hamster watchers! I'd say hamster fans, but there's not too many really likable hamsters in this year's habitrail. Tonight is the live eviction and HoH comp show. As it airs, I'll update this post with major happenings -- refresh the page to see the latest!

As always, the real party is in the comments! Come join us ...

Aaryn and Jeremy are both campaigning to stay. Spencer, not so much. Or, to be honest, Spencer's not campaigning at all.

Amanda and all hid GinaMarie's Nick memorabilia and she's freaking.

Amanda and McCrae's families will be weighing on on their relationship. That should be interesting.

They plea their cases -- Jeremy: No mystery, winner, champion (knows he's leaving). Aaryn: roller coaster ride, thank you. Spencer: Thanks employer and family, best experience.

The voting:
Candice - Jeremy
Andy - Jeremy
Howard - Jeremy
Elissa - Jeremy
Kaitlin - Spencer
GinaMarie - Jeremy
Amanda - Jeremy
McCrae - Jeremy
Jessie - Jeremy
Judd - Jeremy

Bye-bye, Jeremy!

America is the BB MVP - we will decide the third nominee. The voting opens tonight and closes tomorrow night.

Big Brother Royalty - Titles voted on for the hamsters, they need to guess A or B, most deserving of title.

Andy, Amanda, Candice and Elissa out.
Aaryn, Jessie, GinaMarie out.
Howard and Spencer out.
Tiebreaker time.

Judd is the new HOH!

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Into the Night - Wed. - 7/17-7/18

Are her days numbered?

'Twas the night before eviction and all through the house, all the hamsters stirred, even the louse. Um. Sorry about that! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Foolish Foes:
  • Aaryn cried because she thinks Kaitlin and GinaMarie are getting closer to the majority in the house and she's all alone.
  • Too bad, I feel so sad. Not.
  • When Howard told Helen about it, Helen said it's Aaryn's own fault due to her treatment of others and racial remarks.
  • Helen is still tormented about the night Jeremy went off on her about the wine.
  • Ah, I have fond memories of that night -- entertaining live feeds!
  • Helen and Howard really like Elissa.
  • Others are thinking Elissa needs to go fairly soon.
  • Not that they don't like her, mind you.
  • Helen thinks they need to be a better cast for the show.
  • Nope, I'm not kidding.
  • Jessie says that career people do come on the show.
  • I say, few and far between. That is unless you call bartenders career people.
  • Nothing against bartenders ... it pays the bills. But it's a job where one can jump around employer to employer.
  • Aaryn is crushed because her allies/friends are throwing her under the bus and working to get rid of her.
  • Amanda says she's "oozing love" for McCrae.
  • I hope the BB medic can get that under control.
  • They did their little talk show to coincide with BBAD.
  • Eh. It's been done before!
  • But, since it's this cast, something different happened -- When they said they needed two black napkins, Amanda said Candice and Howard should get them while Jeremy made a reference to Amanda and called her "Jew girl." 
  • It got uncomfortable and Amanda left the group.
  • Jeremy said, "The Jew got Jew'd."
  • Sigh.
  • Judd mumbled, "This show is getting too dangerous."
  • Judd also mumbled that GinaMarie makes comments just as bad, but gets a free pass because she's funny. Andy and Spencer agreed with him.
  • GinaMarie doesn't want to vote for Jeremy to go due to "loyalty."
  • Judd actually believes that McCrae got the MVP.
  • Oh, come on, Judd. Don't make me lose faith in you!
  • Howard is regretting getting into an alliance so early in the game.
  • A bit late now!
  • Nothing else is really happening.
  • Jeremy is the house vote to be gone.

Those pajama pants need to go

Livin' the dream

Duh. I'm the best ever! Duh.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Big Brother 15: Live Feeds Wednesday into the evening - July 17

What a rebel!

Why is Jessie a rebel? After she got quite a bit of sleep in the backyard, BB finally reminded her that sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms. Sleeping on those airplane seats in the Have Not room just isn't all that relaxing.

Here are today's happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Rabid Rodents:
  • Spencer put more pressure on McCrae wondering about his choice for nomination since McCrae lied and said he himself was the MVP.
  • Judd thinks he might have succeeded in getting GinaMarie to throw HoH tomorrow.
  • That said, tomorrow's HoH isn't anything they can either throw or not throw. Online we had to vote who'd be most likely voted as different "royalty." 
  • I personally thought it was poorly put together.
  • Judd and McCrae think it's disgusting that Howard uses his religion as part of the game.
  • Amanda added in his religion AND race.
  • Amanda thinks Howard tried to make Aaryn look like a racist when she flipped Candice's mattress.
  • Um, that wasn't what's caused the racial issues with Aaryn, Amanda.
  • Amanda wants either Howard or Spencer out next week.
  • Hmm.
  • Judd advised GinaMarie to vote with the house (Jeremy) so she won't be on the outs with people.
  • Jeremy is still trying to squirm, worm and deal his way out of eviction.
  • That ain't happening, Ego Lad.
  • Spencer actually ran laps around the yard today. His trampoline experience must have scared him into it.
  • Andy thinks Kaitlin will win the next MVP because girls who win their showmance always get sympathy.
  • Um, no.
  • I don't think Kaitlin stands a chance at it.
  • Kaitlin tried to work on GinaMarie to keep Jeremy by saying they won't last long in the house with Aaryn there.
  • Heck, Jeremy would boot them both to save his own butt.
  • Andy tripped over a loose board on the bathroom floor. When Aaryn said the house is a hazard, I thought, "in more ways than one."
  • Judd and McCrae are worried about Jessie and Spencer getting too close. 
  • She needs a buddy, y'know! And Spencer's more than willing to use her.
  • Silly needy girl.
  • Kaitlin tried to convince McCrae to vote out Aaryn instead of Jeremy.
  • Silly desperate girl.
  • I still think it's bye-bye Jeremy without a doubt.


Finger miraculously healed, eh?

"This house is a hazard."

Big Brother 15: MVP Nomination, PoV Show Blog Party - 7/17

Ready to party? It's the MVP and PoV show blog party! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. I'd like to thank the blog readers, Shannon in particular, for helping with the updates for the last episode!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun! Swimming suits optional, beverages a must!

Elissa got the MVP again. What a shocker!

The plan is to backdoor Jeremy. They want to put up either Spencer or Howard as MVP. McCrae and Amanda want Elissa to do the dirty work and put up Howard while she wants to go for Spencer.

PoV Players and MVO nomination -- Nominated - Spencer. Players - GinaMarie, Candice. Backdoor in motion! Judd is the host.

Veto comp time! Hmm ... works of art in the yard. They each bounce on a trampoline to see artworks "next door." Then they have to copy the wall in their own home. Famous paintings with hamster heads. This is a timed comp.

Candice - 8.46
GM - 8.56
Spencer - 12.19
Aaryn - 9.50
Kaitlin - 7.09
Helen - 8.55

Kaitlin wins PoV! But will she use it? She knows the backdoor Jeremy plan and Amanda told her that she would go home instead of Aaryn if she doesn't save herself.

PoV Ceremony time -- Kaitlin does indeed save herself. Helen does indeed put Jeremy on the block.