Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Wednesday evening - July 2

Funky chess

I'm ready for the eviction! I'm ready for action! While I do like these hamsters for the most part, one of them has to go. I'd also like to see a change in power. Today was so boring that I thought I'd do something different -- dedicate a song to each of the HOH, current and dethroned.

For dear Caleb, it's Obsession (thinking of his Amber creepy obsession) --

For Frankie, it has to be Frankie Goes to Hollywood with Relax (what else?) --

Okay, now one with your irregularly scheduled live feeds report:
  • Both Hayden and Zach think Devin is emotionally unstable with his highs and lows. Zach thinks he might be bi-polar.
  • Of course, Zach is no doctor. He doesn't even play one on TV.
  • All I know is that's one big dude to be having mood swings!
  • Victoria doesn't think she speaks English all that well. She learned English after moving to Miami as a child.
  • I think she speaks it just fine.
  • Lots and lots of small non-game talk today.
  • Joey thinks she's probably going, but is holding onto hope.
  • I think hope is going to let her down.
  • Caleb thinks everyone will choose him when they get Houseguest's Choice in PoV picks.
  • I'd say only his cronies.
  • And, that would be a good time to turn on him if he loses, too. He did horrible in this past PoV comp.
  • They went on an indoor lockdown as BB has to set up for tomorrow night's HoH comp.
  • Caleb claims he was asked to try out for Survivor and plans to be on that next.
  • Yep, he could be reminding me a bit of Brandon Hantz with a stronger physical persona!
  • Devin might be in trouble if he doesn't win HoH tomorrow. While he's Caleb's bromance, most of the Bomb Squad are ready to off him.
  • Not literally, of course.
  • Although, Caleb's latest on his obsession with Amber is that maybe Amber was saying those bad things about DEVIN.
  • Hayden offered himself up for cuddling.
  • No one took him up on the offer.
  • "Okay, I'll cuddle pillows."
  • Zach spoke to one of the cameras for a while, telling us how much he hates Victoria and how rude she is.
  • Whatever.
  • PauPau would rather not be nominated again this week.
  • It seems she has no hopes that she'll ever win HoH herself.
  • That's about it for now.

Derrick is off the radar ... for now

Nicole is fitting in better than expected

Cody is picking up a tan

Big Brother 16: PoV Episode Blog Party - July 2

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

I'm so ready to get this first eviction out of the way. Aren't you? As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings, including the PoV winner. Of course, those of us into the live feeds already know, but we haven't seen the competition itself. Refresh this page to get the latest.

That is, if my power stays on. We have a line of severe thunderstorms coming through and the power has flickered and knocked me offline twice as I wrote this so far. I do love a good thunderstorm, but I love having my power stay on, too!

The real party is in the comments area. If I should happen to vanish from this post, the info should be there, too.

A lot of recapping and the Donny/Devin non-relationship. Now slop has arrived, The Have Not room is like an ice chamber. Hayden, Cody, Joey and Zach pretty much volunteered. Silly hamsters.

Joey still wants to get the all girls alliance off the ground. The others aren't as excited about it as she is. After the guys suspect something, Amber lets it loose to Caleb that Joey was working on the girls alliance. Then Joey tells Devin. @@

Playing in the PoV comp are: Caleb chose (out of a bag) Victoria, PauPau --> Zach, Donny --> Cody.

Jocasta hosts it in a bug suit. In the yards, pink flamingoes, and a giant head with lice. Miami Lice Squad. They have to retrieve letters on lice and spell the longest word during a set time.

PauPau wants to spell calculator.

Zach - warning
Cody - competitive spelled wrong, out
Caleb - couldn't spell specialize, out
Victoria - tried pharmacist, out
PauPau - caltoru, out
Donny - splitters WINS POV

Caleb's number one target had been Donny, now it's Joey.

Veto meeting time. Donny uses the veto to save himself. Caleb puts Joey in his place. He says it's what the house wants because she tried to start an all girls alliance.

Joey and PauPau are on the block. PauPau feels a bit more secure now than she did when up against Donny. As she should.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Wednesday morning - July 2

Caleb really needs to smile more

I'm really ready for the eviction and the new HoH comp to kick in a bit more excitement even though I've claimed this cast to be a breath of fresh air over the hamsters last season. One great thing I'm not seeing is narrow-minded talk or actions due to gender or race. That is a good thing, of course. True, they scheme against each other; the boys scheme against the girls and vice versa. But I'm not seeing the hateful slurs as we did last season. They all basically get along for being in a game to get rid of each other.

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Cards:
  • The cold cuts they were given have gone bad. They want new cold cuts and ones they actually like.
  • Well, so do I. And no BB is going to run out and get me some!
  • Zach is scared that Amber will backdoor him if she wins HoH.
  • Christine and Zach talked about their mutual dislike of Devin. Christine claims Devin reminds her of her school days during which she was bullied.
  • Christine is the one who told Zach that Amber wanted to target him.
  • There are a gazillion alliances in the house. This is the Christine, Cody and Zach alliance.
  • Need I mention that Frankie is in an alliance with just about everybody?
  • But he's not doing things the sneaky way that Andy did last season. He's not reporting on each alliance to the other. He's just a part of them.
  • Heh. Christine and Zach think that Devin and Caleb have grown so close because each is built and each keeps talking about themselves.
  • That just might be true!
  • Cody, for all his classic good looks and fine body, has the heartbreak of psoriasis. (For those who remember the old commercials.) It affects his arms and hands.
  • Even though many were pushing for a showmance of Hayden and Nicole (including the Diary Room?), it just ain't happening. He's interested, she's not.
  • But he's not interested in a Caleb obsessed with Amber kind of way!
  • Joey pretended she was someone named Alex and interviewed the other hamsters.
  • Alex is a guy.
  • Okay, that's weird.
  • Caleb is getting bitter over Amber. He thinks she doesn't like him because she's having her period. He also thinks hamster-watchers are on Twitter saying she's stupid.
  • Delusional much, Caleb?
  • We're actually out here talking about how creepy your obsession with her is.
  • Zach and Frankie have the new nickname Zankie. While they playfully flirt, I doubt they'll ever be more than friends. And, I think it's as strategical on both parts as anything else.
  • Frank and Zach think the house is almost perfectly divided between those who have followed the show and those who haven't.
  • They're probably right give or take a hamster or two.
  • Devin is still a target of many. He's just so flaky in his game. He goes from being nice guy to crying to doing stupid stuff (ie - inviting others into the Bomb Squad without discussing it first).
  • Zach thinks that Caleb just can't stop talking about himself.
  • He's not the only one who thinks that.
  • Just ask Amber.
  • Derrick made slop taffy which was a big hit.
  • Probably anything different about the slop would be a big hit!
  • Caleb got to do his HoH tweet.
  • Then talked about it forever.
  • They talked about what they should wear for the live show, mentioning Judd wore his bear shirt every live show last season.
  • They decided to do acts which just happened to coincide with the After Dark airing last night.
  • Diary Room suggestions much, anyone?
  • Frankie and Zach spit grapes into each other's mouth.
  • Hayden fake-read fake poetry.
  • And so on. Hayden was the biggest hit and continued to fake-read fake poetry on and off the rest of the night.
  • Caleb told Cody that Amber told Devin she wants to be in the end with him (Caleb).
  • Caleb claims he's going to give her the cold shoulder just because she's treating him so badly.
  • That will teach her!
  • Heh. She'll love it.
  • So, we end the night with Caleb still obsessed with Amber, Joey still going home and Devin's moods affecting how others think of him in the game.
  • At least Donny is off the radar.
  • For the moment.
Hayden fake-reads fake poetry
It's not a pick (re: Seinfeld)

Derrick and Victoria chat

Okay, he can look Travolta-ish at times

Jacosta bundled and Bibled up

A threesome? Oh my!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Tuesday evening - July 1

Jocasta and Victoria

If I'm bored, these hamsters must be going out of their teensy little minds! They've been in the house for nearly two weeks without an eviction. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Men Who Cry:
  • Donny thinks BB needs to put a birdfeeder in the yard.
  • That's not a bad idea, I don't think.
  • One thing which bothers me about Donny is that he's fidgety. He can't sit still. Either his feet are tapping or his fingers are twitching.
  • Cody thinks Caleb is going to win all the comps.
  • Devin is trying a different path with Caleb -- now he's telling Caleb that Amber is just using him.
  • @@
  • Brittany said that now that she's gone through indoor lockdowns, she's never going to tell her kids they can't go out again.
  • Donny rescued a bug that was scaring the girls and set it free away from them.
  • What a guy, huh?
  • BB gave them all sunglasses. I wonder from what dollar store they purchased them?
  • Jocasta's bible study classes and Frankie's leading meditation sessions rank right up there with watching hamsters play chess for me. Boring!
  • Caleb told Nicole he needs to focus on the game and not worry about Amber anymore.
  • Minutes later ...
  • Caleb heard that Amber said he was all about himself. And now that's bugging him. He wants to ask her why she said it.
  • Sheesh.
  • Derrick and Zach really don't like Devin and want him out sooner rather than later.
  • They heard Devin say he wants Brittany gone next week. They say they won't let that happen.
  • The Have Nots are weathering the cold, but really want real food.
  • Joey's still marked for eviction.
  • That's that.
Me? No, I wasn't checking out his butt!

Definitely not as fidgety as Ian, but ...!

The golden glow

Ew, she's picking at her feet

Not in danger

The cool kids?

Zach attack

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds overnight into Tuesday - July 1

Consoling Joey

Yes, this is a bit late. You have my apologies. Without further ado, here's what's been happening in that Big Brother House of Love That Will Never Be:
  • Derrick's daughter had her operation. He didn't think it right to be out tanning and having fun while his wife and daughter were going through that. He stayed quiet, sleeping most of the day. He didn't really mingle until evening.
  • But he didn't cry (cue Devin, cue Caleb). He explained the situation to the others and just didn't want his family to see him acting like nothing was going on at home.
  • Jacosta lost her bag at the airport and all the clothes she's wearing aren't the ones she brought.
  • Since Caleb had the talk with Amber, he's been retelling the story of the talk to just about anyone he can.
  • He embellishes it a bit more each time.
  • He just doesn't seem to understand that Amber has no interest whatsoever in him.
  • He said that because she's part black, she said she only dates black guys.
  • He asked Devin if he should tan more.
  • @@
  • Everyone is trying to hint that he should stop.
  • But he's not listening.
  • Devin even told Caleb that Amber first had an interest in him (Devin), but he's not there for a showmance.
  • Caleb thinks Amber will probably date him after the show is over.
  • He went on to say how deep, complex and many-layered she is.
  • And he really wants to get to know her better.
  • Devin told him that when he finds the right girl, it will be mutual.
  • Well, maybe she's just this way because of the show.
  • Oh. My. Gosh.
  • Donny's fitting in much better although he heads off to bed early while they stay up.
  • I think I've heard almost every girl in the house express their love for Donny.
  • Mind you, it's not like the love Caleb has for Amber! A totally different thing!
  • It's pretty definite that Joey will be going home. They're basing the decision on her loose cannon mouth about the girls alliance.
  • Several have picked up that Caleb and Devin were both pretty "threatening" about it being a unanimous vote.
  • That is putting a target on Caleb's back as if he didn't already have one being HoH, the unrequited creepy love obsession with Amber and he was very removed and moody most of the day yesterday.
  • Frankie, although one of the first HoH, seems to have no target whatsoever on him and both the guys and the girls love him.
  • Derrick and Christine think a fan of the show should win, not a recruit who never watched the show.
  • I agree.
  • The hamsters think HoH will be two separate comps again.
  • I just don't know.
  • Although they can be a bit odd and sometimes boring, this group is a breath of fresh air compared to last year's cast.

Frankie and the girls

People are liking Donny more

Hayden and Brittany rockin'

Cody can be a goof!

Frankie and his other girls

Caleb and his obsession

Pining for Amber while others have fun

Derrick tries on a wig, refuses make-up

Monday, June 30, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday afternoon - June 30

At least he's not crying

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Wayward Children:
  • Frankie thinks the HoH this week will be endurance. I personally wouldn't mind that since I actually have Friday off due to the holiday this week. Usually I have to get up before dawn. So, bring it on, BB!
  • Hayden thinks Derrick is big threat in the game. Yep, I'd say he is. He gets along with everyone and should do decently on most challenges.
  • Caleb is still obsessing about Amber.
  • He needs to quit it. She's not interested.
  • Several (PauPau, Caleb and Jocasta) were complaining that they can't be themselves in the Diary Room. They're told to speak proper English.
  • Um. Okay.
  • Caleb had a long talk with Amber to tell her he likes her.
  • Her reaction?
  • It was kind of "Oh, that's nice. Thank you for the kind words."
  • Heh.
  • She then later told PauPau and Jocasta that she doesn't know where Caleb got the idea there's a "vibe" between them.
  • Christine and Frankie think they're the smart bombs of the Bomb Squad.
  • I'd toss Derrick in there, as well.
  • Both Zach and Devin told PauPau not to worry this week.
  • There's a reason they're saying that.
  • Victoria thinks Brittany talks down to people.
  • Hmm.
  • Joey wants Caleb to talk her up to stay.
  • Bwahaha!
  • That's not happening.
  • Meanwhile, both Caleb and Devin are talking to people saying they want the vote to be unanimous or else the ones not voting with the house (even if they're not sure who) will be targeted next.
  • And, of course, that vote would be Joey out.
Donny has himself some city shorts

Hanging out in the bathroom

Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up

Being told to vote out Joey

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - June 30


For those of you who missed the bulletin yesterday -- Donny saved himself with the veto and Caleb put Joey up in his place. What a shocker, eh? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bodacious Beauts and Brutes:
  • More than a few people (Caleb and Brittany come immediately to mind) told PauPau she's safe this week. Caleb told her to play things cool and be on the quiet side.
  • Derrick and Christine, both true fans of the show, are relieved not to be first out the door.
  • Donny seems to be working his way into the bunch a bit more. Christine told Derrick that Devin almost made Donny cry. Heck, I'll take sympathy stays on Donny if that's what it takes to keep him in the house.
  • Joey thinks PauPau is going home. Devin told her she has his vote to stay. They gave each other advice on how to get along with others.
  • @@
  • PauPau doesn't want to campaign against Joey and say bad things about her.
  • PauPau is really little like her edit/intro to the show watching public. She's actually a lot more bearable.
  • Caleb needs to watch that chip on his shoulder. He keeps talking about how no one better dare put him up on the block.
  • Meanwhile, Derrick and Cody have bonded and talked about how Caleb has to be backdoored after Devin goes. Or, even before as Devin is more of a self-implode threat.
  • They think everyone would be on board to vote Caleb out as a replacement nom, even Frankie.
  • Victoria got sent to the storage room by BB to either change her batteries or take another mic. She was unsure what to do and stood there saying, "I'm confused" over and over again until the feeds cut to fish for the producers to tell her what they wanted her to do.
  • Heehee.
  • Devin cried more talking about his daughter. It turns out he hasn't even seen her for three months. Here I thought, as a "single father," he had custody. I guess not.
  • Want a creepy obsession hint? Caleb has been wearing one of Amber's dresses around his neck like a boa most of the day.
  • Eek.
  • Devin cried some more.
  • Joey apologized for being mean to Caleb.
  • Joey cried.
  • Sheesh.
  • Caleb went on about what a nice guy he really is.
  • Zach told Frankie they're playing the game among idiots.
  • Actually, I'd say Zach himself would be one of the idiots.
  • Derrick who, unlike Devin, doesn't cry about his daughter, told the others his baby daughter is having surgery on her ears. He said he'll only hear the result if it's bad.
  • The house keeps wanting Hayden and Nicole to be a couple.
  • No way says Nicole. She said Hayden is in a place she grew out of (irresponsible?) and she won't regress.
  • Hayden told Nicole that he had been talking about an alliance with Caleb.
  • Hayden is totally in the dark about any other alliances.
  • BB gave them booze.
  • No brouhahas ensued.
  • Rats.
  • They also celebrated Nicole's birthday.
  • After layering their clothes on the Have Not beds to make them softer, BB told them to take the layers right back off.
  • Frankie thinks that BB needs to give Devin alcohol nightly as he's funny when he drinks, not so much when he's sober.
  • There's been a lot of dancing to the music in their heads ... often choreographed by Frankie.
  • That's about it.
Relaxing gals

Jocasta loaned PauPau her bowtie

Donny mingled!

Yep, a thrill a minute

Dance class

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Big Brother 16: Nominations, Battle of the Block Show Blog Party - June 29

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Okay, let's see how this Battle of the Block goes down! As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

Remember -- entry for the blog pool closes tonight at midnight, EDT. To sign up, head to this post. Any entry requests on other posts might be missed. Our plan for the first hamster to be gone before the pool has gone a bit kerflooey with the twists this season. But, at least we know most of the hamsters a bit. It's not like one going out on the first night we see the show.

Hamster watchers ready?

Ah, a new show opening reminiscent of So You Think You Can Dance, BB style, of course.

The HoH room reveal is for both Caleb and Frankie. It's actually two rooms, the main one has a bird's nest kind of bed. Nicole and Christine click due to similarities. Frankie offers to work with Caleb. The "boys" -- Devin, Frankie, Caleb and Derrick decide on an alliance, called The Bomb Squad (thanks to Caleb). Cody and Zach are also invited. Cody and Derrick have some doubts but aren't telling the others, just telling us.

Nominations Today is on the screen.

Frankie wants to put up the first two who fell in the HoH. Caleb wants to put up Hayden, he thinks putting a guy and a girl up would conceal the existence of the Bomb Squad.

They draw to see which HoH decides on noms first. Caleb went first. Frankie doesn't want blood on his hands.

Only two keys to a box, Caleb announces Donny and PauPau, first to fall off in first HoH comp. Frankie nominated Victoria and Brittany. Difficult decision, first two who fell in second HoH comp.

Caleb is crying because others cried. Aw. Frankie is trying to convince Victoria that Caleb chose first and took the ones he wanted to nominate.

Devin thinks the Bomb Squad needs a few girls and tells, recruits Christine without checking with his bros first. Tells her who all is in it and all! Then he repeats it with Amber! Silly boy! He tells Caleb they need two girls. He tells him they know.

Devin tells the rest of the group. The others aren't thrilled.

Battle of the Block - Big Brother Bash - a 1920s ballroom glam look according to Frankie. Must swing from chandeliers handing off champagne to your partner. The partner in turn tosses champagne at a flute. PauPau can't get her swing going for anything. Victoria and Brittany are doing great. Donny and PauPau finally get into the swing of things (heh) and advance as the girls fall apart. Now the girls have rhythm going again ... and Brittany and Victoria win the Battle of the Block. Frankie is no longer HoH.

As the show closes, it's Donny and PauPau on the block, Caleb the sole HoH.

Big Brother 16: PoV Meeting Bulletin - June 29

No hard feelings

Although the actual ceremony is blocked to the live feeds, we always find out. This time it was the moment the feeds returned.

As expected, Donny removed himself from the block with his PoV and, in his place, Caleb put Joey on the block.

She says she understands and that it's just a game. Uh-huh.

A full report will be filed later tonight!

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 29, 2014

Hey, folks! This is my weekly off television topic photo post! If you're looking for the latest Big Brother 16 stuff, you can find it at this link. In this post, I reflect on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

I've had some trouble with my Firefox browser freezing or the blog freezing my Firefox this morning. So, I'm running late at everything! Gah.

I really don't have much to report on this week. BB started, so I'm way busy. I'm working my full-time job atop of it, so I'm way busy. With the exception of some early week rain, it hasn't been horridly hot here this past week. Yay!

I think it might be best to get this up while Blogger and Firefox are working together well ...

 photo IMG_4180a_zpsa3cec794.jpg
Here's lookin' at ya, kid!

I thought this bee might be sick or dying. Then he turned and looked at me. Eep. I'm allergic, dude! He then flew away. Phew! Bridgewater, NJ.

 photo IMG_4194a_zps227067bf.jpg
A flower jungle out there

The house at the corner of Richmond and East Front in Plainfield is a cacophony of color!

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Flower slideshow ahead

The flower slideshow of the week is just after the jump if you're reading this from the main blog page!


Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Sunday - June 29

Brittany in girl talk with Joey

Gee, I wish this bunch would start feuding already. They're getting along way too well despite all the scheming and alliance pursuits in the house. Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Namby-Pamby:
  • Caleb still has his unrequited love affair with Amber ... to the point of obsession and creepiness.
  • Joey thinks that she's probably going on the block.
  • Well, duh.
  • Brittany thinks Devin stirs things up and finds him intimidating.
  • Well, yeah. He's a HUGE dude who makes most of the house hamsters look like the teensy rodents they are!
  • Jocasta and PauPau had a bible study session and a lengthy discussion on how to address the profanity in so many rap songs.
  • Yawn.
  • Joey announced to the house that EVERYBODY needs to talk to Caleb regarding his re-nom.
  • She thinks Devin should be put on the block instead of her.
  • She thinks that Caleb isn't talking to everyone and, if he did, he'd find out most want Devin out.
  • Derrick gave shout-outs to hamsterwatch and jokers. I just wish one day one would shout out to Jackie's!
  • Frankie keeps leading meditation sessions.
  • Talk about boring ...!
  • Devin picked up on what Joey was saying and went around telling everyone that Joey thinks he should go.
  • Now Nicole and Victoria are worried that they'll become targets due to Joey's actions.
  • And Donny is ...? Who knows?
  • Oh, wait. He's with Jocasta telling her she should mingle more. Oh my, take your own advice, Donny!
  • He also told her that he thinks Joey is hoping Devin will explode over her actions and get himself voted out.
  • Then Joey went and apologized to Devin.
  • Rats. I wanted a real brouhaha! Despite his size, I'm sure Devin wouldn't actually hurt anyone and that would have been entertaining to watch!
  • Frankie thinks Joey is both a hot mess and a liability. He said she needs to go home.
  • Devin told Caleb to act like he's going to nominate him (Devin) and let Joey think she's safe, then WHAM. Joey on the block!
  • And PauPau has to be feeling very good about all the Joey kerfuffle. She's pretty much no longer a target at all.
  • Amber hopes she doesn't look like an idiot in the DR sessions. (I don't think she does.) She also hates her voice. But, dang ... she is a pretty girl! (I said that, not her.)
  • Brittany and Devin had an argument, not sure what it was all about except it had to do with the Joey thing.
  • Brittany went off to cry.
  • Wah.
  • Zach stayed up later than usual.
  • As usual, Donny was nowhere to be found most of the night.
  • Derrick thinks it's way cool that he found the heart that McCrae scratched into the bathroom door.
  • Joey is upset about being a Have Not. She really wants to eat real food. She also is hoping to make the jury.
  • Sure, like those things are going to happen. Well, she'll be able to eat real food soon. But she won't make it as far as the jury house.
  • And, what of America's Team? BWAHAHAHAHA!

Devin is always paranoid

Nicole and Cody, not a Nicody though

Frankie relaxes again

Is that a badge Derrick's wearing?

I'm sure everybody hates me already