Monday, July 07, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Sunday night into Monday - July 7

The BB cornhole game is back

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sleep Deprivation:
  • Caleb tried to convince Devin that he should do what the Bomb Squad (or majority of such) wants with the PoV -- put Victoria on the block.
  • Of course, Caleb doesn't know that Devin made a safety deal with Victoria in return for not nominating her.
  • The voting for Team America finished and the new team members found out and accepted the "honor."
  • Derrick and Frankie join Donny as Team America.
  • We'll see how that goes. I knew Frankie would have to be in there somewhere.
  • Devin talked to Derrick about the possibility of putting Zach on the block.
  • Derrick warned him that Zach would probably blow up the Bomb Squad if he went on the block and would go wild until the eviction night.
  • Derrick thinks that Zach isn't thinking right due to lack of sleep and food while Devin thinks he's going rogue.
  • I think it's a mix of both.
  • Derrick advised Devin to talk to the other alliance members so it doesn't appear that he's making the move on his own.
  • Derrick apparently makes a good slop cookie.
  • I'll pass, thankyouverymuch.
  • Derrick and Donny talked about being in Team America and how they trust each other. Good. I like those two and wouldn't mind if either won it all.
  • Derrick is tickled that America must like him, Frankie and Donny the best.
  • He doesn't know America first chose Joey.
  • And we know what happened to her.
  • Donny told Frankie (who asked) that he has never approached anyone to be in an alliance.
  • He's honest about that. Only Devin has actually approached him. (Then nominated him although under Caleb's reign.)
  • It looks like the three feel very honored to be picked by the viewers and plan on sticking to this until the end -- stronger than the Bomb Squad.
  • Caleb, not from this area, questioned Cody about Jersey Shore people.
  • @@
  • Gah. I'm in New Jersey. I'm SO not into that show and know no one like those people. Well, maybe a few-ish. But they're from Staten Island!
  • While Caleb thinks he'll be a local celebrity in his own small town, Cody's not sure if his town in NJ will even care.
  • Devin still has his new-found crush on Brittany.
  • Thankfully it's not as creepy and stalker-like as Caleb's crush on Amber.
  • That's all she wrote.


Devin is reading this. Heh.

At least he's not crying

The girls

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Sunday evening - July 6

Zankie as Zach is ready to self-implode

Well, well, well ... for all of his big pre-season talk about being a con man, taking over the game and winning it all, guess who's now saying, "I don't care! Send me home! I don't care anymore!" Yep, that would be the Zachster. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Bombed Squads:
  • Since the house meeting last night when Zach brought up that "everyone" wants Devin out, he's been even more of a loose cannon.
  • Zach thinks he might be able to get Devin so mad that he (Devin) punches him (Zach) and then Devin would be booted from the house.
  • My thoughts on that is that Zach would also go home ... on a medical. I wouldn't want Devin punching me in anger! That could do damage.
  • Frankie and Zach talked about backdooring Devin.
  • Later Derrick and Frankie talked about it but say it's too soon.
  • Amber and Zach talked about how bad Devin is and how he needs to go.
  • But no one other than Zach has opened his (or her) mouth to Devin about these things except Zach!
  • Foolish little con boy.
  • Frankie told Zach to wait until after the PoV meeting before lighting into Devin.
  • Obviously, since Devin doesn't play the game personal, only strategy, Zach shouldn't have any fear of going on the block, right?
  • Right?
  • After all, he's a member of Devin's own alliance. He's surely safe.
  • Right?
  • Frankie and Amber also talked about getting Devin out.
  • But not to Devin!
  • As Zach and Amber talked outside, Devin told Donny he can read lips and knew exactly what Zach was saying.
  • Devin told Frankie he made a deal with Victoria (he did, after the deal with Brittany, pretty much same terms) and that an alliance member might go on the block.
  • Frankie told Devin what he wanted to hear -- there are some alliance members who can't be trusted -- Derrick plays the field and both Zach and Cody are time bombs.
  • Sheesh, Frankie!
  • Devin told Christine that he doesn't know what he's going to do with the PoV yet, but he's planning on shaking things up.
  • Zach hasn't slept and has hardly eaten in two days.
  • Devin told Caleb and Amber separately that he never called Brittany a cow, nor made gun gestures at her.
  • Keep telling people that, Devin!
  • Maybe it can come true if you deny it enough.
  • Devin also told Caleb it's down to a five person alliance -- Derrick, Cody and Zach are out.
  • He then told Caleb he probably won't use the veto.
  • Caleb, wake up! Devin is WHACK!
  • Caleb tells the others he'd rather the alliance stick together until jury.
  • Frankie told Derrick not to trust Caleb because he tells all to Devin.
  • Um, Frankie ... how about you? You do the same, it seems!
  • Devin told Zach that it wouldn't make sense for him to take Christine off the block and put him up.
  • Or, does it (in Devin's mind)?
  • Caleb later told Zach that the rest of the alliance trusts him even if Devin doesn't.
  • Hmm.
  • I'm getting SO confused!
  • Then, Frankie who never runs to Devin MUCH, told Devin that Zach is digging his own grave.
  • @@
  • Devin told Frankie that he has a big crush on Brittany since their long talk last night.
  • Rum, Brittany! Run as far as you can!
  • The photo booth opened for them and quasi-fun was had by all.
  • Derrick and Cody both tried to calm Zach down and advised him he needed food and sleep.
  • So far, no veto meeting although we kept have random Andy/Jeff interview photo bombs in the feeds last night and a period of the interviews today.
  • I really prefer the trivia with the theme music when blocking for comps. Bring it back, BB!

Zach and the weight of the world

Amber agrees that Devin is a liability

Devin speaking his Devinisms

Derrick and Frankie shake on it

Nicole doesn't want to exercise

Big Brother 16: Nominations/Battle of the Block Show Blog Party - July 6

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

When we last left the actual aired show, Amber and Devin (after it was revealed that Cody fouled in the HoH comp) were the dual HoH. Tonight's show we'll see the nominations, watch the nominees do the Battle of the Block and see either Amber or Devin dethroned. Us feedsters know the results, but still want to see it go down!

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this page with the major updates. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun and have a cyber-beverage or two with us!

Oh ... and if you haven't checked it out yet, the blog pool random picks announcement (Who's Your Hamster?) is at this post.

Replay of Cody's ill-fated HoH retracted win. And, then the HoH room(s) reveal. Devin got a letter from his Mom, Amber got a letter from her Mom. Aw, ain't that sweet. Caleb obsesses more over Amber. Devin apologizes for "passing judgment" on Donny. Donny is good about it. Then Devin calls a house meeting over it. What the heck is up with the dude? And he cries.

Caleb thinks Devin threw him under the bus as Devin said the Donny nom was because he didn't trust him, not because of who fell first. Devin decided that since Brittany was the first to point that out, she's his target. She "misconstrued" his words.

Hayden and Nicole flirt. So Nicole thinks she might want to work with him. Christine and Nicole approach him about an alliance. A secret one. He likes the idea.

Geez, now Caleb and Devin have a tender bromance moment and Caleb cries.

Devin whines about how sloppy the others are.

"Nominations Today" - the order in which they nominate is in an egg pick. Um, okay. Devin wins the draw. Amber thinks her two don't deserve to go home, but it's best for her game.

Devin -- Paola, Brittany -- Paola warrior, Brit because she questioned his integrity. Not personal, but ...!
Amber -- Hayden, Nicole -- chose them because they're strong, one guy, one girl.

Devin tells Nicole to trust him, she and Hayden won't be going home. He tells Nicole and Hayden that PaoPao will throw the comp and Brittany's his target.

Finally a Zankie segment.

Devin tells PaoPao she won't be going home, he wants her to throw the BotB and they pinky-swear.

A siren wakes them up to a comp in the backyard. It's a drinking based Jell-o shot, beer kegs set-up. Photos will flash on the screen and the first team to four points wins. The ones losing on the questions have punishments. Hayden and Nicole win, no surprise there. Amber is dethroned.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Sunday morning - July 6

Thumbs up from Donny

It's after 11am here on the East Coast and we have Zach and Christine still up, the rest of the hamsters sleeping. Zach and Christine are cooking up a slop concoction. Um, okay. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Liverwurst Non-Lovers:
  • But first ... if you signed up for the blog pool, the random picks can be found at this post. Who's your hamster?
  • If you missed the bulletin I posted, Devin won PoV.
  • PaoPao threw the comp as Devin had requested.
  • But she did it so obviously that everybody knew she threw it even though she generally sucks at comps.
  • Silly little girl.
  • After winning the PoV, Devin told Frankie he was thinking of taking Brittany off the block, but doesn't know if he can trust her.
  • Say what? She was his nemesis and main target for DAYS!
  • Fickle much, Devin?
  • Frankie, like most in the house, wants him to put Victoria up in her place if he does save her.
  • Devin claims that an enemy will work with you while a friend will become jealous.
  • Whatever. I personally think he knows that his BS buddies -- oh, that's Bomb Squad, but it could be that other BS! -- might split the vote and vote to keep her against his commands.
  • So, he had a REALLY long talk with Brittany during which she sold her soul to the devil ... er the DeviN. She agreed not to nominate him if she's HoH and to save him with the PoV if she wins PoV and he's on the block. He agreed vice versa.
  • Then he said he still hasn't made up his mind.
  • But then he told Caleb and Cody that he has to leave PaoPao on the block even though he promised to save her.
  • Huh. He promised Brittany now, too.
  • A man's word is his bond, y'know.
  • (Although, mind you, I do prefer Brittany stay in the game over either PaoPao or Victoria.)
  • Dang that ORKMommy -- she gave me PaoPao in the pool-pool!
  • People are getting a bit more suspicious of dear Frankie. Devin doesn't seem to trust him like he once did. And Derrick, right after telling Frankie he trusts him (and Frankie then left the room), turned to the camera and mimed to us that he does NOT trust Frankie.
  • Zach is upset because Frankie told him that Devin says he can't really trust him.
  • Now, Devin indeed has been saying that. So has Caleb. They look at Zach as a bit of a wild card in their Bomb Squad.
  • But I think Frankie should have kept his mouth shut. In BB it's better to be all ears than to run and tell!
  • Sigh, but then Zankie hugged and made up. 
  • Foolish boys.
  • Caleb told Zach and Frankie that Devin will probably go home next week.
  • That's another reason Devin is scrambling to make a "save me" deal with Brittany. No sense making any deals with PaoPao!
  • Geez, after a talk with Caleb and Zach, Frankie told Zach he (Zach) said too much to Caleb. He did, but Frankie needs to watch his own issues.
  • After Devin promised her he would be saving her, Brittany returned to the other hamsters telling them things don't look so good for her right now and she's probably going home.
  • Good, Brittany, stay with the story!
  • PaoPao told Zach she had his back and he's safe if she wins HoH.
  • Victoria thinks that Devin will save PaoPao and she will go on the block against Brittany. She says she'll self-evict if that happens.
  • Oh my. She's quasi-right. It looks like she'll probably be on the block with PaoPao and they'll vote her out, not PaoPao.
  • Unless she self-evicts, that is.
  • Zach wanted to call a house meeting sans Caleb and Devin, exposing the whole Bomb Squad thing. Derrick advised him against it.
  • Everybody still wants Devin out; a Brittany HoH win may be his only chance to stay next week since he can't compete for HoH.
  • Brittany told Derrick that if she (Brit) goes home, not to trust PaoPao because she threw the comp.
  • But everyone knows she threw the comp!
  • Brittany kept her act up well through the evening so far. Let's see if it can last until the PoV meeting.
  • Zach thinks he's already out of the Bomb Squad. But, of course, he does have his boys Cody and Derrick.
  • Oh noes! Cody thinks he's out of the BS, too!
  • They want to team up with others and target Devin, Caleb and Amber.
  • I love how Donny, Nicole, Christine and Hayden are just sliding on by in all of this kerfuffling.
  • Cody, Derrick and Zach told PaoPao they know about all of her lies (ie: swearing on her mother's grave when her mother is alive, etc.)
  • Meanwhile, Caleb has planned out his first real date with Amber. Too bad it probably won't come to fruition because she's just not that into him!
  • Caleb went and told PaoPao that Devin might take Brittany off the block.
  • Loose lips sink ships, soldier! Sheesh!
  • He also told her that if he wins HoH, he will target the weakest players.
  • "But I try to win, I just can't!" she cried.
  • Being in the cold Have Not room has changed Victoria. She actually wants to sleep with one of the guys because it would mean body heat and extra bed covers.
  • And, the guy she asked?
  • Her mortal enemy, Zach. I guess they're frenemies now.
  • But Zach eventually got up. He and Brittany are still up as I post this.
  • She's keeping the secret.

Zach and Christine bond

Thumbs up from Hayden

Looking like a HS grad indeed

Are you saying I'm RUDE?!?

Selling her soul to stay in the house

Late morning quadcam

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - July 6, 2014

Welcome to my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way! If you're looking for my latest Big Brother television/live feeds posts, check out this link. This here off topic post is a year-round staple on the blog. Yeah, I know it has nothing to do with television. But, of course, life isn't ALL about TV ... right?

This week was a bit of a rough one for me. I had some sort of stomach virus which kept me sick for most of the week while I was still working at my real job and doing the Big Brother coverage here on the blog. Thankfully that ended pretty much by Friday -- in time for me to have a rare three-day holiday weekend off from my job. Yay!

On the holiday itself, I didn't do much. The weather was a bit iffy and one local parade was canceled. However, yesterday's weather was gorgeous and perfect for a parade! And, it just so happens that my city's parade was already planned for Saturday, not Friday. There's also a three-day holiday festival going on downtown which I plan to check in on later today.

Due to feeling icky and icky weather for most of the week, I don't have a ton of photos. After the jump, I have a slideshow not of flowers this week, but of parade photos. On with the show ... clicking on an image will open it in a new Photobucket window. From there, you can make the image larger twice with the magnifying glass icon at the bottom right of the photo. To return here, just close out the Photobucket page.

 photo IMG_4284a_zps25634d79.jpg
Take a picture, it lasts longer!

This wet bunny seems to resent the intrusion of the paparazzi (me). East Front Street, Plainfield.

 photo IMG_4270a_zpsfb59b79b.jpg
The chicory is in bloom

Although they keep mowing it down, the chicory at the Plainfield Train Station is determined to keep coming back.

 photo IMG_4380a_zps429c1ccf.jpg
Gotta love the haircut!

I love how Afros and flat-tops are coming back on the kids. I just hope they don't start wearing platform shoes again. Those things were dangerous! I took this photo at the Plainfield 4th of July Parade (held on the 5th). The parade slideshow is just after the jump ... check it out!


Big Brother 16: Blog Pool - Who's your hamster?

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

That way cool ORKMommy has made the random picks for those who signed up to be in the blog pool. How cool is she?

I'll be posting the latest live feeds in a bit. For now, cherish your chosen hamster:

Amber - Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny, Jennifer
Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E
Caleb - JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924, Janice from GA
Christine - ReeseB0329, EileenH, Willie J, Ronda, Rbennie
Cody - Delee, Nickelpeed, WolfpackRed, Nell the Southern Belle, Sally in Indiana
Derrick - Ed in Ohio, Jessica UNderwood, Marlo, Stormy, Erinkate
Devin - Donna in Alabama, Lili, Sparty, Merrilee, SarahT
Donny - Buzzmaam, Tami, JonMD1267, Margo, Kelsey Gronda
Frankie - Aya, JOKATS, Ninboh, Tammy, Becky
Hayden - Donna in FL, Chacha, Sasha, Uncartie, Clover
Jocasta - Brenda, Kelly Davey, Cheryl in NC, Old mom, Maquinn78
Nicole - Jo, Witt, Celticskye, Tilda
PaoPao - Jackie, Lisa Bishop, Chrob61, lynn1
Victoria - Dr_Celine, ORKMommy, Sharon N, Faye
Zach - Brian, NikkiB, Kathy, David
Oh my. I have the best player ever ... Paola!

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Winner - July 5

Uh-oh. Devin won the Power of Veto. If he keeps his promise to PaoPao and takes her off the block, he could replace her with someone who should be safe (Cody, Derrick, Donny, etc.) to make sure his target (Brittany) gets voted out. PaoPao and Amber are talking about trying to get him to put Victoria up.

Update: Now Devin is telling his boys since people would be likely to vote out Victoria, he'd have to leave PaoPao on the block. He was planning to tell her when Brittany burst in and tries (not very well) to convince him she meant him no harm. Now Devin is denying he said anything about cows regarding her, nor shot a gun finger at her. He claims he wanted to talk to her because he wanted to see if they could work together. @@

They agree they won't nominate each other and will use the PoV to save each other if he saves her. We'll see.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Saturday daytime - July 5

I'm so misunderstood

As I post this, the PoV comp hasn't gone down. The hamsters are hoping it's today rather than tomorrow. I feel the same way. Bring it ON! Here's what's been happening inside that Big Brother House of Pernicious Pips:
  • Caleb thinks that Devin blows things out of proportion.
  • Y'think?
  • Of course, Caleb isn't the best one to make the observation. Unless he's talking from personal experience, of course.
  • Amber thinks being HoH has gone to Devin's head. 
  • I'd say 'y'think' again, but Devin was flighty before he became HoH.
  • Devin told the boys that he meant his relationship/alliance with Caleb was over, not the Bomb Squad.
  • Devin is sure that he is out next week unless he wins PoV (can't play for HoH).
  • He could very well be right.
  • Frankie and Christine discussed whether Devin might put Caleb up as a replacement nominee if PoV is used this week. Both said he could very well be voted out if that happens.
  • Hmm.
  • Zach, Derrick and Cody seem to be the tightest more than two alliance in the house.
  • Unfortunately for them, others are noticing.
  • Frankie told Christine they might be better teaming up with Caleb and Amber than trying with the Trio.
  • Caleb told Frankie that he thinks Amber likes him (Caleb).
  • @@ 
  • Meanwhile, the Trio thinks they'll be in fine shape once Devin is out the game. They feel they need to be careful what they say around Frankie.
  • They're probably right. Not as bad as Andy last year, but Frankie's in with everyone in the house.
  • The Trio definitely want Christine to stay in the house.
  • Devin might have a rude awakening.
  • We had fish (blocked feeds) for an extended period of time.
  • When the feeds returned, it turns out that Devin had chosen the Have Nots.
  • Derrick and Zach volunteered beforehand as a ploy to cover the Bomb Squad -- each week, if volunteer Have Not, the guys plan on rotating.
  • The other two Devin chose were Brittany (no surprise there) and Victoria.
  • Oh my ... Victoria will have to sleep in a room with MEN!!!
  • They have extras this week with the slop -- bok choy and Braunschweiger.
  • I can't believe most have no idea of Braunschweiger liverwurst sausage! I could live off that for a week!
  • They chose players for the PoV - Devin, Brittany and PaoPao are playing with Zach, Derrick and Amber.
  • The only worry most have is that PaoPao wins (BWAHAHAHAHA!) and takes herself off the block or Devin wins, takes PaoPao down, replaces with someone who ensures Brittany will go.
  • Donny is hosting the comp.
  • They still don't know when it's going to happen. 

Not giving up Frankie's HoH robe

Made alliance shirts for past seasons

Cracks her knuckles one by one

Bok choy and liverwurst have arrived

Amber decorates PaoPao

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Saturday morning - July 5

Frankie has oodles of cuddle buddies

Okay, a bit o' action last night in that Big Brother House of Huffy Hamsters:
  • First, blocked to the feeds but shown on BBAD (what's up with that? We PAY for the feeds!), the hamsters watched fireworks on their living room screen.
  • They couldn't go outside because there was music and fireworks able to be seen in the yard.
  • On BBAD they never showed the screen, just the hamsters watching.
  • Later on in the evening, the hamsters made their own fireworks.
  • Thankfully, no gun powder involved.
  • First, Jocasta tried to calm Zach down a bit over his hatred of Victoria. She told him that perhaps in her culture, they don't use the words "please" and "thank you."
  • There is a sleeping arrangement kerfuffle going on with the girls.
  • PaoPao doesn't want to sleep with Victoria because she wears perfume and PaoPao is allergic.
  • Victoria won't sleep in a room with men.
  • PaoPao also doesn't want to be in a bed with three even though she's a logical choice because she's so tiny.
  • Zach offered to sleep in the Have Not room, but not if they think he's doing it for Victoria. @@
  • In this particular kerfuffle, I admired Jocasta's reasoning skills. You can tell she's not only a mother, but someone who actually listens well to people and tries to diffuse situations. Kudos to her!
  • But that wasn't the big kerfuffle of the night. 
  • Alas, I don't think I can bring it to the level of calling it a brouhaha.
  • Rats. I love a good brouhaha.
  • What happened was that Amber and many others in the house talked and many would prefer Brittany stay in the game rather than PaoPao. 
  • Yes. they're viewing PaoPao as a weak player and Brittany more deserving of the spot right now.
  • That goes against Devin's wishes. He's adamant that the target is Brittany and he wants it to be an unanimous vote.
  • Oh my. Trouble in Hamster Heaven.
  • Well, Devin heard rumors and talked to Christine (of the Bomb Squad).
  • Caleb and Derrick thought Devin intimidated Christine and Caleb told him so.
  • Devin, reminiscent of Norman in Psycho, pretty much pleaded that he wouldn't hurt a fly.
  • Caleb told him he didn't treat the women with respect and that they're afraid of him.
  • Caleb also pointed out that Devin said the nomination (and targeting) of Brittany was personal, now he's saying strategy.
  • That was THAT.
  • The bromance is OVER.
  • Caleb and Devin are no longer BFFs!
  • The Bomb Squad itself seems rocky, as well.
  • Caleb told Christine not to talk to Devin unless there was another guy around. He said Hayden counts as a guy.
  • Well, that's good.
  • I think Hayden thinks he's a guy, too.
  • The rumblings amongst the girls not only targets Devin, but they're leery of Caleb, too.
  • Too much testosterone in those two, I say!
  • Derrick and Cody are laying as low as they can. Derrick got more involved than Cody. Cody admittedly hates drama.
  • Cody, Derrick and Zach thinking they're sitting pretty right now with Caleb and Devin on the outs with most of the house. They are determined to keep Brittany.
  • Caleb, at this point, wants to keep Brittany ... mostly because Amber wants to keep her.
  • Cue dramatic music.

What did I do?!?!

Calm it down, Devin

The bromance is OVER! Huff.

Her bowtie is really a camera

Girls alliance?

Friday, July 04, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds into Friday evening - July 4

Happy 4th of July photo happy70408.gif

I forgot to wish y'all a happy 4th of July this morning with all I had to report. Happy 4th of July weekend! The talented Zoetawny made this for me a few years back. Cool, huh?

Since the hamsters were up all night doing comps, they slept a good part of the day. But, here's what's happened in that Big Brother House Men Who Cry and Women Who Don't Love Them:
  • Caleb cried and made Frankie have a house meeting to tell everyone that he's crying because of his time in the service and the fact that it's the 4th of July. He will seclude himself and ask they respect his feelings.
  • @@
  • Mind you, I'm not rolling my eyes at the "he served our country" bit. Not at all. I do respect that.
  • My father served in WW II. My grandfather served in both WW I and WW II. Friends of mine served in Vietnam and wars since. Not a one that I know, no matter the horrific things they might have experienced, sat (or sit) around and cry over the 4th of July.
  • If I were Donny, I think I'd have to say, "That doggone boy jus' like to cry fer attention."
  • Every time he cries, he reminds me more of Brandon Hantz.
  • That's SO not a good thing. Make him stop crying over nominations, crying over Amber, crying over the 4th of July, crying over this, crying over that. Stop it, Caleb!
  • In other news, Brittany is very upset that Devin made gun motions at her.
  • Derrick and Cody all but told her that her fears that Devin was going to go for the unanimous vote bit again, this time against her, are correct.
  • Just about everyone (except Caleb) still wish Devin could be out this week.
  • Both Cody and Hayden are kicking themselves for coming so close to winning HoH, then screwing up.
  • Caleb claims he made it through a few of the rounds to get on The Voice.
  • Um. Okay. Did he cry for them, too?
  • Speaking of singing, I finally saw Frankie's sister, Ariana Grande, tonight on TV. I'm not really impressed, but like the idea that she had clothes on.
  • Cody and Hayden studied for some memory comp they expect.
  • I think Amber's crushing (not in a romantic way) on Donny. She really seems to enjoy spending time talking with him.
  • Maybe it's such a relief to be near a "safe" guy what with being the object of Caleb's obsession.
  • PaoPao is upset because people think she's a weak player.
  • But, that's because she is!
  • Devin told Zach that he told PaoPao if he wins PoV, he'll take her off the block and put Victoria in her place. He said he'll stick to that.
  • Of course, that makes Zach a happy camper. He thinks Victoria is the rudest person on Earth.
  • Really not much happening today ...

Crying patriot

Counting days, memorizing stuff

Caleb wishes he was Frankie

Quality time with Donny

Not just a big goofy dude

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Into Friday Morning - July 4

Will power go to his head? Rhetorical ?

It's a whirlwind! Two HoHs, nominations and the Battle of the Block in less than twelve hours! Here's what's happened since the live show in the Big Brother House of Better Than Last Year But Odd In Their Own Ways:
  • Amber told Frankie she didn't want to put up two girls and she won't put Donny up.
  • Devin told Donny he won't put him on the block.
  • Good ... now if Donny can sail through into September ...!
  • Jocasta thought because she did so poorly in the HoH comp, she's going to be a target.
  • Jocasta cried.
  • Donny tried to console her, telling her to just lay low and let the other people off each other.
  • Derrick also came along and told her that he did horrible in the comp himself.
  • Amber told Caleb that she needs to put up weak players, but they're her friends. Caleb told her she could put him and Derrick up and they'd win the BotB. If she puts up strong players, she loses the HoH-ship.
  • It's a quandary!
  • The hamsters talked about how surprising it was that Joey seemed shocked with her unanimous eviction.
  • So was I. If ever there was writing on the wall ...
  • Cody found out in the Diary Room that it will be a few days of no Have Nots.
  • Some people sighed a sigh of relief with that announcement.
  • Brittany thinks that Devin will put her up and she will be the target this week.
  • Heck, they might as well fast forward to Thursday because she's absolutely right. Well, at least about being Devin's target.
  • Derrick and Zach are a bit burnt by the Bomb Squad. Derrick thinks Devin is thinking about nominating him. Then Zach pointed out it was Caleb who volunteered him.
  • Derrick said that if he's nominated, he's tempted to throw the BotB and they could backdoor Devin.
  • Brittany is sure not only will she be nominated, but Devin will go around telling people it needs to be unanimous like with the Joey vote.
  • Brittany cried some more.
  • Aww, even Zach is trying to make Brittany feel better.
  • Zach would prefer that Victoria goes on the block. He really despises her. I think it's to the point that every little thing she does annoys him. 
  • I think we all have had people like that in our lives. You know the kind -- they could walk into a room and say hi and we cringe inside.
  • Not that I mean Victoria, per se. She actually doesn't bother me.
  • PaoPao says that if she goes on the block again, she wants to go with a strong person.
  • Hmm ... if she goes on the block, it's very likely she will be the weak person teamed with the target, don'tcha think?
  • Hayden put on the louse costume from the previous comp and moonwalked (like Michael Jackson) in the living room. He can actually do it well!
  • They had the big HoH room reveal.
  • And fun was had by all. 
  • You know, all those fake laughs and quasi-interest.
  • They're always more interested in the foodstuffs in the baskets!
  • Amber cried while reading her letter from her mother. No surprise there.
  • Amber is taking the little side HoH room while Devin and Caleb (are you shocked) will take the larger main HoH room.
  • Yes, it's the HoH Trio!
  • Uh-oh. "Nominations Today" is already up on the screen!
  • Amber refuses to let go of her HoH. She doesn't want the winning team.
  • The consensus is that Brittany is indeed the target.
  • Devin told Nicole she'll probably go on the block, but he loves her. He told her when she's sees the pairing, she'll know she's safe.
  • Meanwhile PaoPao is the weak person in the lot.
  • Amber put Hayden and Nicole up, Devin put Brittany and PaoPao.
  • Can we guess the plan?
  • Sure, we can.
  • Before we knew it, feeds were blocked for the Battle of the Block!
  • Sheesh, can't I even take a nap here?
  • As expected, Hayden and Nicole won, Amber is dethroned (but keeping the room) and it's PaoPao and Brittany on the block.
  • Brittany is the target.

Safe friends

The HoH trio

Hayden moonwalks in a louse suit


The small adjacent HoH room

Now he has the glasses

Thursday, July 03, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party

Big Brother summer on Make A Gif

Once again, a line of severe thunderstorms is passing through as the show airs here. So, if I vanish, it's possible my power went out. But ... if the power stays on, I'll update this entry with the major happenings as they air here on the east coast. Refresh the page to get the latest news!

As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun and watch the show with us!

Reminder -- the blog pool match-ups will be announced after the first hamster gets evicted! (Well, not the moment of eviction, of course.)

Are you ready?

Recap, recap!

Heh, Julie mentions that the first Team America houseguest selected might be the first to go. Heh. No one seems to really have her back. Devin is telling people that the vote needs to be unanimous. He's ticking off Victoria and even Zach.

Joey, after being told that Devin and Caleb control the vote, becomes "Alex" -- her manly man alter-ego and runs around basically being an idiot. She's yelling that everybody's afraid.

A segment on Caleb's obsession er, "crush" on Amber. Love the music! She is SO not into him!

It's to the living room! Each can make a brief statement -- Joey pushes that she's the stronger of the two noms. PauPau -- Loves all, hopes she's kept, positive energy and "funness."

The voting:
Devin -- Joey
Derrick -- Joey
Frankie -- Joey
Cody -- Joey
To commercial ...
Zach -- Joey
Brittany -- Joey
Nicole -- Joey
Christine -- Joey
Victoria -- Joey
Jocasta -- Joey
Hayden -- Joey
Amber -- Joey
Donny -- Joey

It is indeed unanimous, sheeple they are!

Joey is funny with her Julie interview.

Julie hints that the women and men compete separately for the HoH. But, first ... a commercial.

Greek Week - Sorority sisters first. Frat brothers next. BB Ranger is the comp, balance beam, move kegs to front of frat house and stack them. The ones on the balcony (guys now) have frisbees they can throw at them. Amber is in the leage. Gah, Brit is out -- her keg fell. AMBER IS THE FIRST HOH.

It's the Frat turn now. Caleb can't play, but Frankie can. Derrick fell. Dang! Hayden was about to win when he fell! CODY IS THE SECOND HOH. Wait, was there a foul of some sort? They're reviewing the tape. I can't review the tape because I'm not taping!

DONNY is the second (first) Team America member! He says he won't let all y'all down. Now the voting for both other members will be online. I guess they want to get them in before they're voted out!

Cody is NOT the HoH, he hit the ground before hitting the button! DEVIN IS THE SECOND HOH. Oh, geez.

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds late night Wed. into Thursday - July 3

Brittany reminds me of someone. Who?

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Harried Hamsters:
  • Zach told PauPau that if he got HoH, there are some people he'd never put up -- her, Frankie and Cody.
  • PauPau said she wouldn't put up Amber and Donny in addition to Zach's lists.
  • Like she could ever win an HoH!
  • Derrick and Frankie talked about how expensive the fish are this year and how BB is getting top of the line food for them, too.
  • Perhaps since so many fish died in previous years, they stopped buying them from the dollar store.
  • (Yes, great fish this season, all kidding aside.)
  • While Nicole thinks by cuddling with Cody, she's just cuddling a really cute guy, Victoria told it that it would put a target on her.
  • Christine told Nicole that they can use PauPau as a weak player until they don't need her anymore.
  • Caleb thinks Amber owes him an apology for "mean things" she said about him.
  • Of course, that was when she said she wasn't interested and told others Caleb is all about himself.
  • Caleb says that on a date, especially a first date, he would treat a girl (Amber?) like a princess. He would want the date to be in Atlanta with a horse-drawn carriage.
  • Devin continues to rub some of the girls the wrong way. With his size, he can be very intimidating even if that's not his intent. He just wants to help his bromance boy Caleb.
  • Frankie told Amber she needs to talk to Caleb herself instead of letting Devin tell him everything.
  • Amber cried.
  • Devin called a house meeting.
  • Amber didn't want to go to it.
  • Amber told Caleb she didn't know what Devin was telling him, but she was good. She gave him a quick hug.
  • He'll probably have sweet dreams of that hug for months now.
  • Amber told Caleb that she thinks Devin called the house meeting just to get people to feel sorry for him.
  • At the meeting, Devin admitted to being behind Donny's nomination.
  • He said he plans to be honest as he can from this point forward.
  • Devin cried.
  • Huh, Amber might be right about why Devin called the meeting!
  • Let's all sob for poor misunderstood Devin!
  • Frankie told Victoria that Devin managed to turn the whole house against him.
  • PauPau thinks that Devin blew up not only his own game, but Caleb's game as well.
  • Zach tried to console Devin in the storage room (gameplay, I'm sure) and Devin cried again about his daughter.
  • So, now they've all skipped over who's going home tomorrow (Joey) and are thinking of who to get rid of next week (Devin).

A pow-wow without PauPau

Jocasta sans bowtie

I'd treat her like a princess
