Monday, June 27, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday Night - June 27

Frankly, he doesn't ...

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Hapless Hamsters:
  • Paulie is all antsy about Bronte, some comments she made and that he thinks she's hiding how smart she is.
  • Frank told him that she can't be too smart ... she's working with Jozea.
  • I say, if you want to get antsy, there are enough all over the house this season!
  • Meanwhile, Bronte wants to apologize to Paulie. She says she was just kidding.
  • Jozea thinks that Da'Vonne was evicted so early last year because the cast wasn't diverse.
  • I wonder what reasoning he'll use for his own demise?
  • Oh gosh. Paulie and Bronte had a talk and he actually ... caressed her arm! My eyes! My eyes!
  • Both Paulie and Cody are touchy-feely kind of guys.
  • Lots of weight lifting and working out today. Yawn.
  • Oh ... and chess, too. YAWN.
  • And napping. SUPER YAWN.
  • Frank told Nicole and Corey that everyone is boring today. I agree.
  • Frank and Da'Vone (and James) really can't figure out Bridgette. Frank thinks she's on Jozea's side only because she thinks he has the majority vote. 
  • Bronte doesn't want James to get HoH because she thinks he'll work with the other side instead of their team.
  • James started prank calling on the phones in the house. Yeah, there are phones, but they can't make calls to the outside.
  • Jozea is still confident he's staying.
  • Frank says that Jozea poisons the others -- they're fine when he's not around.
  • That's about it for the doldrums today.

Why oh why did he ally with Jozea?

Showmance? Bwahaha! No.

Is it the Girl From Ipanema?

A whole lotta hair goin' on.

BB18: Live Feeds into Monday - June 27

Late night Cheerio munching

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Excitable Egos:
  • Victor claims that he's mostly mad about James's pranks because James has been wasting food. His own mother would whip his butt for that.
  • Referring to the mayo in the lotion container, Natalie brought up that mayo is actually good for your skin.
  • Bronte says she can't even stand the smell of mayonnaise.
  • That just might be the only common ground between Bronte and myself. Ever.
  • Bronte has been declining in the approval of the returnees and their followers. They think that she's Frankie or Christine-like and will say nice things in front of you, mean things behind your back.
  • Nicole, though I like her, just has to grow thicker skin in the game. She's too easily hurt when she hears something bad was said about herself.
  • Hopefully Da'Vonne will convince her that she shouldn't care.
  • After all, I think back to season one with Eddie shouting "Hater!" Haters are gonna hate. No sense getting all hung up on it.
  • Jozea still retains all of his delusions of grandeur.
  • Paulie said that he knows Jozea was at an event his (Paulie's) company put on and that he is no celebrity.
  • Now, he was at the event ... so he must be somebody, right? But, think about it. There's a New Jersey connection at hand playing into it. Despite all of his talk, Jozea is from Bridgeton, NJ.
  • Ah, unseen by us, before the feeds went live, BB told Jozea and Victor to stop speaking in Spanish to each other. I have to admit, with so many hamsters fluent in Spanish, I was worried that some conversations would be in that language. Heck, I get get lost enough when they whisper in English!
  • Bronte wants all the returnees gone before jury.
  • I want them all to make it far. Who will win the want? Only time will tell.
  • There was movies talk, aliens talk, tattoos talk, shout-outs (not to me, wah) and such.
  • Their dinner looked good -- chicken and biscuits with gravy. It almost sent me cooking for a bit.
  • It was thanks to the new nominee, Bridgette.
  • Paul and Bronte showmancing? It's a scary thing.
  • James told the camera he feels he needs to throw comps because he's on a team who wants his alliance out.
  • Poor guy.
  • Jozea thinks that maybe one person will vote to evict him.
  • Ha.
  • Maybe one will vote to KEEP him (by voting someone else) ... Victor.
  • Bronte thinks on Thursday, everybody will be voting for Paulie to go.
  • Or, should be ... according to the World of Bronte.
  • She thinks James and Frank are with them now.
  • Little does she know ...
  • When Tiffany put on a beanie and got all kinds of comments about how much she looked like Vanessa in it, Corey had no clue who Vanessa is.
  • @@
  • Zakiyah does a killer impression of Bronte's voice!
  • Paulie is ticked because the other side of the house, believing he's going home and it's his final week in the house, are treating him poorly. He says he wasn't raised to treat people badly when they're down.
  • He does know he's (most likely) staying, but he's worried a bit nonetheless.
  • All are still asleep as I post this.

Jozea Doggie and his best bud

Meeting of the mindless?

Zakiyah stretching out that sweater

In with the In Crowd?

Whazzat tattoo on Jozea's back?

Whatever that tattoo is, it reminds me of the harnesses put on kids by the aliens in Falling Skies.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday Evening, PoV Re-Nom - June 26

Pool boys

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Rascally Rodents:
  • Today was SO boring for SO long.
  • Thankfully, the PoV meeting with the secret re-nom livened the evening up a bit.
  • But, first ...
  • Paul told the others he accidentally broke something during the Road Kill Comp. Yep, we saw that and his "I didn't do that." He actually made me chuckle watching it on the show.
  • Bronte doesn't feel well and blames it on drinking coffee in the morning. Um. Okay. If you drink coffee at night you'll be even more animated. Trust me, I don't want that.
  • Several people gave Paul the advice to take himself off the block with the veto. He was thinking it might be a nice gesture to use it to save someone else. @@
  • Frank told Tiffany his re-nom will be Bridgette.
  • Nah, she's not a target. She's not with them like Paulie, but it keeps the focus on voting out Josea.
  • James might be going a bit too far with some of his pranks. Frank had a hissy fit in the kitchen claiming that James booby-trapped some things which will draw even more ants. He said that Victor's upset with the pranks, too.
  • Frank and Da'Vonne are worried that Paulie is starting to get a bit squirrely even though they've promised he's safe.
  • Jozea is sure he's going to be a big movie star, host the Grammy Awards and more.
  • That boy is going to have a rude awakening.
  • There might be some hope for my blog pool boy, Paul. He went to Nicole, telling her how he knows that Jozea is irrational and he's been easing off because he doesn't want people to think he's like Jozea.
  • He told her that both he and Victor have been trying to convince Jozea that she (Nicole) isn't a huge threat.
  • Tiffany told Frank she didn't try out for BB. CBS told us otherwise. Hmm. It doesn't surprise me, though.
  • The feeds got blocked for the PoV ceremony.
  • No surprise to us ... Bridgette was nominated by the secret (Frank) Road Kill winner.
  • She's very upset and seriously thinks she will go home.
  • Jozea tried to console her while pumping his own self up. He's not going home. She's not going home. So, I guess he's saying Paulie will go home.
  • Bronte is squarely in Bridgette's corner. I'd guess she's planning on voting Paulie.
  • And the beat goes on ...

Just an excitable girl

Beard napping

New nominee in town

Playing a bit low key so far

BB18: Road Kill Comp Blog Party - June 26

Yep, there's a new comp in town! And, it sounds a lot more interesting than the Battle of the Block ... which I didn't like at all. As tonight's show airs, I'll be live updating this entry with the major events. Refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come watch the show with us!

But, first (in the words of the revered ChenBot) ...

Since we didn't know the returning players until after the pool cut-off and didn't include them ... plus, we had all these folks climbing over the fence trying to get into the pool -- the blog pool has been updated.

Also, with Glenn being the first boot when he barely had a chance to play, his pool people have been reassigned. No one already in the pool for hamsters other than Glenn has been changed. Yes, Petals, you still have Jozea and love him.

Tiffany Rousso - meb, SueGee, David, Jessica UNderwood
Natalie Negrotti - Sharon N, Jackie P, QuixoticElf, Orkmommy
Jozea Flores - Sasha, Merrilee, Tammy, Petals, JonMD1267
Bridgette Dunning - Brian, Indiana Jane, Caela, Chauncey, Paula Bell
Paulie Calafiore - Joel, Chacha, Sally, Ed In Ohio, Buzzmaam
Bronte D'Acquisto - Jean in Tampa, elee86, Russ, Cheryl, Donna in FL
Zakiyah Everette - Tilde, Jo C, Jenng326, Ayana, jennifer
Corey Brooks - Fred aka TwoBlackAces, Barbara B. W., Dierdre, Cheryl in NC
Paul Abrahamian - Jackie, Arf Barf, WolfpackRed, chrob61
Victor Arroyo - Helenann2K, RBennie, Janice, Monty924
Michelle Meyer - Rich, Chase, Glenn, Anonymouse, Delee
Nicole Franzel - Kelsey NY, Grove Wiley, Nickelpeed, Sharon C  
Frank Eudy - Dr_Celine, Dennis Comfort, Stephanie in Baltimore, PDX Granny
Da'Vonne Rogers - Donna in Alabama, uncartie, MarthaLight, Donna NY
James Huling - Becky, Donna in Alabama, Sharon S, Willie J

Ready for some hamster watching?

Gee, starting off with a recap for a change. Heh.

All the hugging after nominations is a bit much too much. Jozea thinks that Da'Vonne is his buddy. Oh, he's so wrong! Meanwhile, Paulie knew it was coming. He's not thrilled, but he's not mad. Jozea is mad. He rules everyone, y'know.

Jozea decides to talk to Nicole. She tells him everyone else came to her and asked that she not put them up. He tells her he's 100% real and that he won't suck up. She claims she just wanted to get her team further. He does NOT tell her she's his target from the start.

They have to gather in the living room. A new comp and, if you don't win, you could end up BB Road Kill. An RV will arrive weekly, each will compete, winner will be secretly told and will (also secretly) nominate a third nominee for eviction.

Jozea, talking to Paul and Paulie, thinks Frank should go up. But Jozea's not worried -- he's sure he will get all the votes. Apparently, he doesn't know the votes are to EVICT. Heh. He just might get his wish.

Da'Vonne recruits Zakiyah to their side. It's a willing recruit. She thinks the newbies are erratic and don't know how to play the game. She's right. Michelle wants to join them, too.

The eight newbie/returnee group try to decide on a name. Eight-Pack, it is.

Time for the Road Kill Comp! Nicole is in the RV first. She has to take off her clothes and get down to her swimsuit while "driving" to the lake. Three buttons must be constantly pressed. With each one let go even for a moment, the timer goes faster.

Whether they win or not is in a clue inside a tackle box. It's secret, but they can share if they wish. Frank wins Road Kill!

Frank tells James he got it. The new crew is trying to figure out who won. Frank is faking it with them. Jozea is sure Paulie got it. After all, according to him, he's always right.

Now Frank tells Da'Vonne he won.

Bronte, Bridgett and Natalie want to form an all girl alliance ans show girls can stick together.They decide they're the Spy Girls and give themselves code names. They don't know Tiffany is watching.

Frank works with his main alliance (the vets) to decide who is going up. (Yes, Nicole is in on the secret, too.)

The Category 4 team gets their mystery punishment. They must wear nothing but pixels for the next week. The cardboard pieces barely cover their privates.

Road Kill reveal of the third nominee. It's PAUL! He takes it better than Jozea.

Jozea still thinks he's totally safe because "everybody loves me."

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - June 26, 2016

Good morning! Since it's a Sunday morning, that only means one thing -- it's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. If you're here strictly for Big Brother, feel free to skip over this post. You can find all of my latest on BB18 at this link right here. There will be at least one more live feeds report much later today (they're sleeping) and live-blogging/blog party tonight at 8pm ET. BB only lasts three months; this blog is year 'round and the off topic post is a Sunday morning staple.

Now, with Big Brother starting this week and working my real job, I'm already running on empty. Every year I wonder if I'll make it through the summer! But, I always do. It was a lot easier when I had knee surgeries keeping me out of work a few summers.

Thankfully, I only have a three and a half work day week looming ahead. I'm taking a day and a half vacation at the end of the week leading into a week off. Yay!

It's a good thing I have no plans to go anywhere today. There's a big bike race event tying up all the streets any bus I might want to take would go. While the bike race is good for the city of Plainfield promotion-wise, it's not all that great for those living in the area. I'm just outside of the taped off blocks. Of course, I could walk anywhere on foot. But I don't want to walk on foot! People in the taped off blocks can only escape by foot unless they've parked their cars elsewhere. While it's tempting to walk downtown and photograph the action, I feel more like staying in today.

I don't really have much more for you this week. Work has been work. Summer has been summerish. That's about it. Onto the photos! Clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger version.

Love me some flowers

Don't bite off more than you can chew

The full Strawberry Moon on Monday

"See, hear and shut up"

Why has this nasty MS-13 gang graffiti remained so long right off of East Front Street in the business district? Although it seems like black gangs may have been more involved in local violence recently, the history of the Latino gangs in town is deadly. We ought to start a Normal People Sick of Gangbangers Gang.


BB18: Live Feeds into Sunday - June 26

Leaning on the fish

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Lonesome Losers:
  • Jozea picked up on something which already caught my attention this season -- when Da'Vonne speaks, she often covers her mouth with her fingers. I don't recall her doing that last time. I thought it looks like she's covering bad teeth (but her teeth seem okay). Jozea thinks it might be covering lying to him. But she's doing it all the time, not just to him. Hmm.
  • Now that I mentioned it, you're going to be seeing it all the time, as well. Very odd.
  • Do Paulie and Zakiyah have a thing going on? It seems like it might be getting there!
  • Da'Vonne and Tiffany had a long talk. They're a bit suspicious when it comes to Corey and, to a lesser extent, Paulie. They're also leery of being completely honest with Frank, James and Corey as they think the guys are in a bit of a boys alliance. Of course, they're in a girls alliance, so ...
  • They think they need to stick to their alliance of eight (Tiffany, Da'Vonne, Michelle, Nicole, Frank, James, Corey, Paulie, Zakiyah -- I count NINE -- I guess Paulie is their iffy one) for now. But then they'll just be loyal to each other.
  • Frank thinks Jozea calls for meetings so he can get air time on TV. No sh__, Sherlock!
  • Jozea is still sure he rules the house and everybody loves him. There is no worry about being on the block because no one would vote him out.
  • Ha. I so hope the majority house target remains Jozea and he gets the boot on Thursday. Epic. Legendary. Not a night to miss!
  • Frank told Paulie he needs to act like he's worried about going home so that Jozea won't get suspicious.
  • BB gave them more alcohol. Whooppie!
  • Lots and lots of small talk.
  • Nicole thinks alcohol makes her flirty and chooses to abstain.
  • Zakiyah tried to take a bottle for the girls later on and got called out on it.
  • Frank was apologetic for yelling at Tiffany earlier in the evening.
  • So thrilling.
  • Tiffany's mother got kicked off the live feeds chat room last year, probably getting upset with what was being said by Vanessa.
  • Victor is still clueless about BB in general (as is Jozea, Paul and some others). Nicole had to remind him again that she can't vote this week. He probably thinks the nominees can vote.
  • James is pranking again although he said earlier that he let loose last year and this year he's in it to win. He put Cool Whip on Paul as he napped.
  • Jozea continued to talk about how great he is. Did you know that even though he's gay, he's strong? (As if they're mutually exclusive.)
  • James's pranking is addictive. Accompanied by James, Nicole sneaked up on a sleeping Corey, put shaving cream in his hand, then tickled his nose.
  • Things turned into a shaving cream war.
  • They're easily amused.
  • As I post this, all are in bed.

Girls hang out - note Da'Vonne's pose

Not quite a Blue Bloods table gathering

What's with Victor?

Is Paul becoming human?


Oh my

Saturday, June 25, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Report - Into Saturday Evening - June 25

Searching for the meaning of life?

Just a note: You can tell by the number of screen caps in an entry how exciting the day was. The more screen caps, the more ... BORING. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of They Opened The Yard, Let's Laze Away The Day:
  • Frank was up and out in the yard alone for quite some time. He talked to us! Yay! That's one thing I always liked about Evel Dick -- he took the time to talk to the live feeders.
  • Overall, Frank's happy to be working with the vets, happy to be back in the house. He fussed about how uncomfortable his pixel-naked costume is and how he won't be able to work out in it. He fussed about the ants and talked to the birds. He also mentioned how the newbies hammed it up for the cameras.
  • Paulie eventually joined up, also lamenting on the pixel-naked uncomfortable costume.
  • Paulie thinks Jozea is lying to others and working to get him voted out.
  • Frank assured him that they're just playing Jozea along and Paulie is safe.
  • (If they can keep Jozea thinking he has it in the bag, this eviction will be epic!)
  • Jozea trusts Da'Vonne.
  • BWAHAHAHAHA! She's taking him for a ride ... right out the door! She's been against him since he made that "I'm the Messiah of the house" comment.
  • But, more seriously, Paul seems to be liking the vets more and more. Yes, he who spearheaded the Get Them Out Plan. Now he's finding out he actually LIKES Frank and James quite a bit.
  • Victor is still snowed over by his friendship with Jozea. He thinks Jozea is playing a good game and no one would ever vote him out.
  • Ha. I think Paul is leaning towards voting Jozea!
  • The fish are already being neglected.
  • Jozea and Victor turned on Bridgette because she went to the HoH room instead of Jozea's "meeting."
  • Oh, geez. Politics raised its ugly head. I'm not even going to go there on this blog!
  • Jozea thinks he's going to be a star or, at the very least, the next Mario Lopez. Keep dreaming.
  • Not a heck of a lot going on. Have some screen caps!

Frank talked to us

And talked some more

Paul does have a very impressive tattoo

We should all love each other and me

Girl talk

Jozea doesn't know she's his nemesis

Victor, you're known by the company you keep

Now Zakiyah has gotten into the hat craze

BB 18: Live Feeds Report - Into Saturday Morning - June 25

Shades of Cody

Yep, Paulie has Zakiyah sprawled all over him, caressing him. At least she's not a married woman with a husband watching from home!

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blowhard Buffoons:
  • Paul may have the record for wearing his PoV the longest. 
  • I forgot to mention in my last report that an unfortunate happening goes on when the feeds are blocked for a comp (so far) this season -- we got the Jeff cast interviews with commentary between each one with Jeff and JESSE Goddard. Eek. Give me back neverending fish and the theme music loop, please!
  • Jozea admitted that his real name isn't "Jozea" and that's just his "stage name." It sounds like he's really your average Jose.
  • It seems like it might be Frank naming the nomination replacement. Perhaps because it's Frank's Road Kill nominee? I could be wrong on that.
  • Frank, Tiffany and Michelle talked about putting Bridgette up.
  • Of course, the others on the Dark Side don't know that it's Frank who put Paul up on the block in the first place.
  • Meanwhile, just watching her, I don't think Bridgette is entirely comfortable with the side she chose. 
  • Jozea wants to call another house meeting even though everyone went to bed and his last meeting called never happened. Heh.
  • Tiffany is a bit suspicious about Paulie. Hmm. Paulie is quite in with Jozea and Paul. Hmm.
  • Others might be, too. Paulie doesn't know it's Frank who put Paul on the block.
  • After all, loose lips sink ships and all.
  • Frank thinks Victor needs to go (after Jozea) while Corey wants Paul out.
  • Corey has worked his way right into the veteran's bunch. I believe he's loyal to them, not a double agent. The newbie crowd not in with the veteran's already bunch him with them.
  • Paul told Paulie that he won't vote for him to go. Huh. So, he'll vote Jozea or the Mystery Replacement?
  • Once again, Corey mentioned he doesn't want his family (or others) to think he's gay. This time it was because Jozea flirted with him. Corey seems to be a nice guy overall, but he does seem to have some kind of issues with either self-identity or homosexuality. 
  • He also told his bunch that, at eviction, he wants to say "I gaily vote Jozea out." The others squashed that. Good.
  • For most of the meeting, Jozea kept talking about how they're running the house and running the show.
  • We'll see about that.
  • Oh ... and James was in on the meeting! Like Jozea has any loyalty from him ... AS IF.
  • Paul is pretty sure the live eviction is Sunday. The rest of the world knows better. This is what happens when you bring in a hamster because he has a beard.
  • Bronte and Natalie continue to bond. Not that they'll have much power ever with the rest of the house.
  • Frank, for the most part, is playing quite low-key at the surface. I think he's going to be one to watch for the win, though. He's personable and knows the game. I would have liked him better in his own season had he not clicked with Boogie.
  • Frank told Paul that a comment he made to Nicole, calling her a female dog, wasn't cool. Paul said he'd apologize and knows it was wrong. Hmm.
  • Frank also doesn't think it's right that Bridgette feels bullied, mostly by Jozea. (Also Victor and Paul.)
  • I'm not so sure she'd be the best nomination replacement for them. I bet she'd swap sides. She's getting quite upset with Jozea and Victor. Paul made an effort to talk to her more sincerely at one point during the night.
  • Interesting -- James told Tiffany he still talks to Shelli, but not to Clay. (They broke up.)
  • James is also playing a great social game. I'm not too keen on returning hamsters with newbies but they made some good choices with this group, methinks.
  • BB gave them alcohol. It's the equivalent of one and a half beers or wine each. Go wild with that, kiddies.
  • Natalie doesn't drink. (And yet they allowed her on the show?)
  • In their big drinking game, Victor had to streak naked through the house.
  • Frank thinks he can flip Bronte, Paul and Natalie. Hmm. He has done a lot of work (socially) on improving Paul's social game. 
  • Jozea remains the number one target. If Paul's stupid and saves Jozea with the veto, he'd go home. He's not BB-savvy, but I doubt he's that dumb.
  • Meanwhile, Jozea keeps sinking his own ship as he keeps talking about how great he is. I think Victor's the only one remaining loyal in his camp.
  • They're all asleep as I post this.
  • And, no ... Corey is not sleepwalking!

That bunny hat gets around

Cool table, I miss the key box

Naked and afraid

Will make it further this season

Friday, June 24, 2016

BB18: Live Feeds Report into Friday Evening, PoV Winner - June 24

Corey bunny

Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Clueless Recruits:
  • Well, we found out why it sounded like there were three people on the block.
  • It's not that Paul was the chosen one to take place in a possible PoV save.
  • It's that Paul, Jozea and Paulie are all on the block.
  • And, it's Frank's doing, but Paul and his buddies are unaware of who exactly did it.
  • Apparently, they had some competition (before the feeds went on and, remember, last night's show wasn't live) called Roadkill.
  • No one was told the winner. It was Frank. And, it gave him the power to put a third person on the block.
  • So, he did. He told his inner circle, but neither Jozea nor Paul know who did it.
  • Heehee.
  • Natalie and Bronte are developing a strong alliance of two. They think they need to play more like Michelle and Natalie, not allowing the guys to manipulate them.
  • Oh, by the way ... Jozea's big meeting for 2am never happened.
  • Silly boy.
  • The veto players were chosen: Nicole, Paul, Paulie, Jozea, Corey and Da'Vonne. Michelle will host. I'm not quite sure how those numbers work out or how they did it. If the HoH and each nominee for eviction picked someone, there should be eight.
  • Jozea kept saying how he thinks production rigs the comps and has a set outcome. @@
  • When he was talking to Michelle and Bridgette, Jozea showed how absolutely clueless he is about BB. He didn't know who Ian Terry is. He knows who Frankie is, but not that he's Ariana's brother? 
  • That says right there that he isn't a show fan. We knew all too well -- Frankie didn't let us forget!
  • The feeds were down for a few hours for the PoV comp.
  • They're back.
  • Lord have mercy, Paul won.
  • Jozea and Paul are wearing dog costumes.
  • Michelle is wearing something very red. Is she a tomato? Ah, she finally stood up. She's a fire hydrant.

James is James is James

Hanging out (or not)

Frank had the power and used it

Nicole making a point

Waiting for the comp

Jozea doggie

Lord have mercy ...