Friday, July 07, 2006

'BB7: All-Stars' Live Feeds Update (Quickie Report)

Just to let y'all know, I've had the feeds on since they started up. There's not a heck of a lot going on - no strategy talk that I've caught. Most of the HG are gathered in a big group; all are getting along well. The pool table is in use. The hot tub was in use.

About the only really worthy of report thing is that Erika is flirting big time with Kaysar, to the point where she jokingly suggested they get married. Her mom loves him, she loves him. She said he's the "new Omar Shariff." He seemed a bit embarrassed, but didn't reciprocate the intense attention.

BB gave them both wine and beer tonight.

BB has new annoying music they play with the fire/clouds each time they don't want us to hear what a HG says (usually something to do with someone who didn't sign a release to have info aired over the Internet). I prefer the bubbling fishtank, but that seems totally absent.

It would be nice if they split up a bit more, but it hasn't happened yet. I haven't seen any really decent screen cap opportunities. Eventually, I'll do a fire/clouds cap so you too can suffer.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Season Premiere

I think we're going to have a very interesting season in the Big Brother House. Of course, you would think that a few houseguests might want to think before scheming, but...!

Tonight's show began will Julie Chen gathering the Top Twenty contestants (announced on June 21). Similar to the nominations, she had a round podium with keys (or similar implements of entry). She announced she would draw the keys of the top four women voted by America and then the top four men, in no particular order. So, we don't know the top vote-getters themselves.

The top four women were Janelle, Erika, Nakomis, and Diane. They ran gleefully into the house and selected the room with the bed for four. Now, remember, Erika and Alison despise each other. Nakomis said she feels she's with a bunch of girly-girls. (I think compared to Nakomis, I'm a girly-girl and I'm so not a girly-girl!) I can't help but wonder how this rooming situation is going to play out. I doubt they'll be roommates for long together.

Then Julie named the top four men voted by America (or those who voted, anyway). Howie, Kaysar, James, and Jase headed into the house. Jase is plenty worried -- he's surrounded by BB6 houseguests! Can he con his way through the crowd? Is he as smart as he tells us he is? With Howie, it was all about "All-Star Boobies." Same old Howie, the ever-adolescent Jedi warrior.

Meanwhile, the rest of the twenty were looking very nervous. Cowboy was about to cry. Even the Evil Doctor Will looked worried. Then Julie announced six more were going in, not four more... for a total of fourteen houseguests. These were apparently the choice of the producers, as well as an attempt to have every season represented. The order in which she announced the six was: Will, Danielle, Marcellas, Alison, Mike, and George.

Once the houseguests were all gathered in the rather oddly decorated new house (huge bugs on walls, flames on another wall), beneath all the hugging and congratulating, the scheming started. Will and Mike teamed up, discussing how the BB6 players had to go. Will especially seems to not like Kaysar. Mike seemed to be the more mellow of the two, saying they had to play it cool. Everyone except the BB6 folks seem to be very worried about the sizable alliance they could very likely present.

With the HOH (Head of House) competition, Julie announced a new twist. There would be two winners sharing the HOH room. The winners had to agree on two nominations for eviction. If they didn't agree, they themselves would be put up on the block for eviction. The comp itself had half of the houseguests standing on a pedestal on a revolving round platform. The yard was done with stars all about and the other houseguests had to aim a 50-pound "meteor" suspended on a rope at them. Right away, it was obvious who was targeting whom -- not only to the viewers, but to the houseguests themselves.

Jase won the first round and when the groups rotated, Janelle won the second round. So, they're HOH. Danielle then did something that, as I watched, I thought was doomed to backfire. In thinking she was all that and such a superb schemer, she went about campaigning for Janelle and Jase to disagree on the noms, go up for eviction and then kind of backdoor (in a way) Janelle. She told George and Alison the plan. Alison went on to push it, but to also place some mistrust in Danielle herself, while George basically just laughed and said this is a totally different game than he played.

In the end, Janelle just got mad at both Danielle and Alison and Jase didn't want to take the chance of being booted. Janelle and Jase agreed on the nominations -- Danielle and Alison. Heh. I'd love to see Alison evicted, I really would. But I think Danielle may have put her own bad self out of the house by jumping into the scheming so soon. Oh, and Will better get off his high horse. I liked him in Season 2, but he's more full of himself now than he was then.

The live feeds should kick in at midnight (ET) tonight after the West Coast show. This could be very interesting, eh?

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' East Coast Update - 7/06

All right, it's AWN! No Monica, but AWN anyway! As I posted in my spoilers post, there are fourteen houseguests, not twelve. We have George, Will, Marcellas, Howie, Mike, Jase, Diane, Alison, Nakomis, Kaysar, James, Janelle, Danielle, and Erika in the house. I didn't want Alison, but I think I didn't want Cowboy even more, so it's okay.

I'll be posting a full show report a bit later and will be looking at the live feeds. However, I wanted to give the update for the West Coast viewers, especially.

There are two HOH and they must agree on the nominations or they will go up for eviction themselves. Jase and Janelle won (as I previously reported) and their nominees are...

Alison and Danielle!

Okay, let's get Alison gone. Please!

More to follow and, if you want the freshest post in this blog, sometimes if you hit the July archive button on the right sidebar, it may bring up something you're not seeing on the main page. And, if you come here via a post link, if you hit the blog title it will bring up the main page.

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' Countdown Time ON

Yep, it's almost here. I apparently didn't pick up on one thing in my report from yesterday -- there seem to be not one, but two HOH winners. Both Janelle and Jase seem to hold the spot.

Also, the pets seem to be tarantulas this season.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All-Stars' - Who's In Da House? - Spoilers!

Just as they've done in previous seasons, the feeds have spilled the beans. Avid viewers of the feeds have been watching what I described as angry clouds and what others call flames looping on all four cams. Then, lo and behold, by accident (yeah, right) the feeds actually got off the loop and went live with audio.

Beware, this article is full of spoilers. If you don't want to know, move along. There's a lot to see here.

Who's in the house? Well, we have Jase, Howie, Dr. Will, Alison, Nakomis, Mike Boogie, Janelle, Danielle, Erika, James, Kaysar, Marcellas, Diane, and George.

And, what's the talk?

  • Jase told Alison he wanted Janelle gone first
  • Janelle and Alison got into some sort of trouble for moving furniture
  • Danielle and Kaysar talked about Ivette and it looks like Danielle is trying to get in with the Season 6 crowd as they have the most numbers
  • When Jase and Howie were talking, it seemed that Jase wanted an alliance and Howie didn't think it would work
  • Howie told Jase that if someone needed to go, they can't be put on a back burner or it will "come back to bite you"
  • The (HoH?) competition had something to do with throwing stuff
  • Danielle told Kaysar that she thinks Marcellas is coming after her
  • Danielle thinks she and Will will be nominated
  • Howie called Marcellas "Marjealous" and talked of being a Jedi
  • George may have broken the washing machine
  • Mike and Will deny having an alliance to Jase
  • References Danielle made make it sound like Janelle may be HOH (Head of House)
  • Danielle, Alison and George are very worried that Season 6 houseguests will pick them off one by one
  • There is a lot of talk about "backdooring" someone - Jase, maybe?

That's all for now!