Wednesday, July 19, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/19

My, oh my. What a tangled web we weave...

When I last updated, Kaysar's plan to eliminate the floaters and have the power players in the end game seemed to be faltering. Now, un-Kaysar-like, his plan included lying to the floaters and giving them the false impression that they're safe. Or more safe with the S6 Players than with Chilltown.

Let's play "What If." What if the floaters think it's more safe for them to join up with Chilltown? What if...?

Here's the lowdown on the events (and a few non-events) that I found interesting in the late night and overnight hours in the Big Brother House of Rising No-Stars:
  • Similar to his approach to James, Jase tried convincing Marcellas that he should be in the final three with him. The third? Chicken George! [Editor's note: That would be a very odd final three. Jase is pulling straws and legs with his scenarios.]
  • Jase also told Marcellas that he wanted Nakomis to go home before. But now with the Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance rumors (Jase, Diane, Alison), he wants Diane to go home just to prove the point. [Editor: Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! He agreed with Chilltown to vote out Nakomis. He's trying to manipulate Marcellas. Will Marc catch on...?]
  • Jase then reported back to Mike Boogie that Marcellas is voting with them to keep Diane. He wanted to know where the work on George stood. [Editor's note: Remember, Chilltown went out to get both George and Marcellas to vote for Diane to stay. They needed two more votes. They have Will/Mike, Jase, Danielle and now... Marcellas and George. 6 to 4 will keep Diane. A tie would give Kaysar the ability to keep Nakomis.]
  • Jase and Mike Boogie discussed how Janelle controls Marcellas and thinks he may flip-flop.
  • James and Jase started trying to jump over the narrow end of the pool. With too many injuries so early in the season, BB snapped at them -- "Stop that! Stop that NOW!" BB yelled at them about a half-dozen times. Good. They need to be yelled at.
  • Jase tried to feed a moth to a spider out in the yard. Symbolic, I say.
  • In a private talk between Jase and Mike Boogie, both admitted they wouldn't mind seeing Kaysar win as he's a good guy. They like both him and Howie. Mike also said that Chicken George can stay a long time -- he's cooking and cleaning. He's nice enough, though a bit weird.
  • Nakomis talked with Kaysar in the HOH room. She told him that she wants to ally with S6 because they don't "strongarm" people like Chilltown. She also knows that before the show, Diane told her to trust Jase. So, there may be something to Mrs. & Mrs. Smith.
  • Nakomis said if she stays and wins HOH, she would put up Will and George. Then she'd rally to keep George.
  • She also asked Kaysar why he didn't nominate Will/Mike. He told her it was because that was the expected move. He wanted to see who would ally with whom. He also told her he knew something was going on between Diane and Jase.
  • James asked Danielle if she would vote to evict Diane. Danielle told him she already gave her word to Diane, can't change it.
  • Marcellas had a blow-up with Kaysar over his vote. He said that he's voting to keep Diane and that's it. He voted last week to keep Danielle, but he can't vote Diane out this week. He told them they should talk to Diane because he believes she'll target Chilltown. [Editor's note: Yeah, right.]
  • Marcellas sees Nakomis as a monster - her cards are all too close to her chest. [Editor's note: Huh?]
  • It was a huge long verbal brouhaha. Kaysar was trying to manipulate, then said he can't manipulate. Marcellas doesn't want to be pressured. And on and on. And on.
  • James thinks the floaters are planning the demise of S6 Players.
  • Marcellas told Erika that Diane will go after Chilltown. He also said Nakomis is a stronger player than Diane. Erika wonders why Kaysar is determined to keep the strongest players in the game. Marcellas told her that he thinks S6 Players are pushing the floaters towards Chilltown by being such an exclusive group.
  • Marcellas is being like the Energizer Bunny with his rant. He even seems to have forgotten to rant about having to eat BB Slop. Is there an on/off switch I could use?
  • Kaysar is very upset about the vote changes. His plan is backfiring.
  • James freaked out saying that if the votes don't come their way, they're screwed. [Editor's note: Okay, he was a bit more graphic. I try to keep this blog on a PG level. ;-)]
  • Erika told James that she'll vote along with the HOH needs. But, even if she votes for Nakomis to stay, it's still 6-4. They would need to swing someone back to at least get a tie where Kaysar would make the deciding vote.
  • Marcellas got into another snit with Kaysar and James. Kaysar brushed him off and James actually got into an almost physical spat with him. [Editor's note: Are they insuring he'll vote to keep Diane if it's not already set in stone?]
  • Marcellas and James kind of sort of kissed and made up. Okay, they hugged. But it was such an emotional moment. Someone pass me a tissue, please. [honk]
  • S6 Players are considering dumping their plan and all voting for Diane to stay. "Our adversary just grew," said Kaysar. [Editor's note: That's what you get for being sneaky, K. You should have nominated Will/Mike and gotten rid of Mike -- the actual leader of Chilltown.]
  • Danielle teamed up once again with S6 and they talked to her about Diane. [Editor's note: Now, here's the actual best player in this game. She's in with both groups. Unless Chicken George has a devious plan, Danielle is the best sneak in the house.]
  • The rest of the time was small talk, Internet talk and nothing too exciting.
  • As usual, a good portion of the houseguests stayed up most of the night. They need a bedtime! They're all sleeping as I post this entry.

The voting is today, but once they vote the HG are not allowed to talk about the votes cast. Right now it's looking very bad for Nakomis. Very, very bad. That's a shame as I personally would rather see what she could do in the game and I never cared for Diane, the girl without a plan. Oh, other to cry about how her life sucks and she has nothing. @@ There. She deserves eyerolls from us all.

Once again, graphics by AOL's own Zoetawny. I love this one!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into The Evening 7/18

James confronts Kaysar
<---- James confronted Kaysar telling him that he's working his butt off to get information from Chilltown, Janelle called him out in front of them, and that Kaysar kept secrets. I think I'm going to call him James Dangerfield -- he never gets any respect... at least that's what he thinks. Of course, no one in the whole house trusts him, but that would be another nickname entirely.

It's been an evening of scheming, changing vote plans and more. Here's the skinny from the Big Brother House of Fickle Fates:
  • Will and Mike Boogie tried to figure out why everyone isn't aganst the S6 Players. They're wondering if they came on too strong.
  • They also talked about making a "real deal" with S6. [Editor's note: Hmmm... does that mean they didn't make a real deal with Kaysar and are/were planning to break it?]
  • Boogie can't figure Janelle out. At all. [Editor's note: She's a buxom blonde, Mike!]
  • Chicken George listens as Danielle sings the praises of Diane
  • James told Janelle that Nakomis won three HOH comps. Janelle told him HOHs don't send people home; people send people home.
  • When James pried for info on the alleged Mr. and Mrs. Smith alliance (Jase, Diane and Alison), Boogie claimed he was in an alliance with Jase called the Ambiguously Gay Duo.
  • James went back to Kaysar to report that he thinks there is no Smith Alliance. Kaysar thinks there is and told James to trust his judgment.
  • James then ranted once again about taking out a worthless player when they could be removing Will or Boogie.
  • James kept the confrontation going with Kaysar and I noticed that Kaysar did NOT explain his strategy to him such as he did to Janelle. He told Janelle that he wanted all power players at the end.
  • Kaysar told James that he was calling him a liar and wondered who he's been listening to. He once again told James that he told no one his nominations before he made them.
  • Meanwhile, in the backyard, Chilltown -- now Mike/Boogie, Jase and new recruit (for as long as it serves her purpose) Danielle. They want Diane to stay (can you say Smith? I thought you could). They're unsure of Erika, believe Marcellas is a hanger-on with S6 even though he originally told Diane he'd vote to keep her. So that leaves George. They need two votes more. If it's a tie, Kaysar will keep Nakomis. They also have to swing Marcellas.
  • Danielle goes off to work on George, the Clueless.
  • James is pouting and threatening not to share any more information.
  • Kaysar once again is convinced his strategy is solid. He thinks the floaters think emotionally, not strategically. Right now, Erika and Marcellas feel safe. But when the disruption (he causes?) in the house happens, they'll fall apart. Right now they keep S6 safe, because S6 kept them safe.
  • His strategy still confuses me.
  • He claims he wants everyone to have to PLAY the game and not just slide by.
  • Kaysar talked to Jase who admitted to talking to Diane before entering the house. SMITH!
  • Diane told Danielle and Marcellas that she'd go for Will if she stayed.
  • Janelle knows that Danielle was talking to Marcellas and thinks he's on the fence with the vote again.
  • Chilltown conspires with Mike Boogie, Will, Jase and Danielle
  • S6 thinks Danielle owes them for saving her last week. I don't think Danielle quite feels that way.
  • James also ranted at Janelle about calling him out in front of Chilltown when he was trying to gather information. He rants a lot.
  • It looks like Chilltown now has the 6 votes to keep Diane - Marcellas, George, Danielle, Mike/Will and Jase.
  • That could change tomorrow. Or not.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Through The Day 7/18

Please Sir, May I Have Some More?
<--- Janelle plays with her BB Slop as Howie shaves his chest in the background.

As we get closer to the voting day (tomorrow), are they wheeling and dealing? Are they scheming?

You be the judge.

Here are the important or interesting stuff o' the day from the Big Brother House of Bored Bedmates:
  • As Kaysar and Janelle talked before the dawn, he revealed more of the why behind his strategy. Now, I understand it, but I don't necessarily approve. He wants to take out all the "floaters" first so that the end of the game is all the Power Players. He doesn't want to beat anyone "easy" in the end. To me, it sounds like Big Brother fed some of the Good vs. Evil hype into his head. If I were playing, I'd target the strongest first while I could get the numbers behind me to help.
  • Janelle says they need to keep saying they're going to go after Chilltown, thus lying to the floaters because they're the immediate target.
  • S6 doesn't know if Erika is dumb or playing dumb. [Editor's note: My vote is the latter, but she may not think she's a target.]
  • Kaysar and Janelle think they can trust Nakomis more than Erika because Erika is "sneaky."
  • A Janelle quote: "Erika is a good-looking version of April." [Editor's note: Yikes! I hope not!]
  • Kaysar likens Howie to Barney Rubble. Heehee!
  • While talking to Danielle, James basically told her the S6 Players plan to vote out floaters not Chilltown. [Editor's note: @@ Same old James. He gets an eyeroll.]
  • Danielle says her gut tells her Diane should stay. [Editor's note: This is after she agreed to vote to keep Nakomis.]
  • BB made a good morning announcement at about 11:15 for those still slumbering. Lights out bedtime needed, I say! The music was Eminem according to Diane. They block that from the feeds.
  • Marcellas woke up grumpy. Not a surprise this season.
  • After BB played the song, they called an outdoor lockdown. A few HG think it was due to tarantula maintenance.
  • Jase told Kaysar he thinks he (Kaysar) will be safe when the other S6 are gone. He thinks after the house is thinned out, he and Kaysar will be the tightest alliance. [Editor's note: @@]
  • Then they had an indoor lockdown. Fun, fun.
  • Howie is so desperate for food that he was sniffing M&Ms.
  • Will keeps saying he wants to see the show's shrink.
  • Today had spider cam on and off. It's better than flame/clouds.
  • Diane said the Diary Room accused her of mixing butter in the BB Slop.
  • True to Kaysar's plan, Janelle campaigned some to have George evicted next.
  • Danielle and James said they'd never backdoor a HG.
  • Danielle can't understand why Mike/Will don't trust James. [@@]
  • James told Kaysar and Janelle that Will/Mike have been asking who he'd nominate if HOH, who he wants voted out. They told him not to give Chilltown any info at all.
  • Marcellas wore an Afro wig and looked like something out of a bad '70s pimp flick.
  • BB gave the HG craft supplies to make bracelets and stuff. It doesn't seem like any sort of planned activity for a comp.
  • Kaysar thinks his plan is going perfect. There's already been one big fight (Mile acting up the other night?) and the fireworks will be towards the end. Um. Okay, Kaysar. If you say so.

That's the buzz! Remember -- the show airs tonight at 8 PM ET/PT in most viewing areas.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Through The Night Into 7/18

Here's the hoppin' happenings from the late night and overnight in that Big Brother House of Silly Hamsters and Their Diabolical Doctor:
  • Now Marcellas and Erika are both going to vote to evict Diane. For now. It may change with the wind.
  • George had a talk with S6 and floaters about his season and asked a lot of questions about the other seasons. Yawn.
  • The HG played pool. The HG played charades. The HG played with slop -- er, dressing up the BB Slop so it was more interesting to eat.
  • George is at home in the kitchen.
  • Big Brother had to tell them to be careful in the pool as they played a game underwater. Big Brother probably didn't want to have to save them. Big Brother was getting a bit annoyed and sharper in tone at them. I love when Big Brother (the voice, anyway) gets ticked and off the taped announcements.
  • Some of the HG acted out scenes from a in-house soap opera Marcellas created.
  • Will/Boogie conspired against Janelle. "Cut off the head and the body dies."
  • Mike told Erika they were going to go @%# with Janey as they went to talk to her.
  • They pried her for information on the S6 Players alliance. She said there wasn't one. They tried to get her to make a deal that if a Sov. 4 person won HOH, they wouldn't put up a Chilltown. She made no deals. [Editor's note: Good girl. Better than Kaysar's decision!]
  • Mike Boogie told Marcellas they were trying to be "good TV." It was better TV to be scheming with Janelle than goofing around with Howie. [Editor's note: Um. Okay. I kind of like watching George learn the Jedi ways with Howie.]
  • Janelle shrugged off the idea that S6 Players want to get rid of Chilltown. Obviously an act, but did Mike/Boogie accept it? She ended up lying to their faces. [Editor's note: She should wear Will's "I'm Probably Lying" t-shirt.]
  • Marcellas seems to have forgotten how much he hates Danielle. His targets now are Jase (especially, at the moment), Mike and Will.
  • In a talk with James, Janelle told him Mike was their leader. He must go. [Editor's note: YES!]
  • Diane worked on Marcellas trying to get him to keep her in the house.
  • Janelle, Kaysar and Howie decide to lie to floaters.
  • No one at all can figure Chicken George out. That may work to his benefit if he's not targeted week after week.
  • Howie, Janelle and Kaysar think a great showdown at the end of the season would be S6 against Chilltown. [Editor's note: But, but... Mike? Aren't you going to get Mike Boogie out of there? I don't like him!]
  • Danielle agrees to vote to keep Nakomis if they go after Chilltown.

So, who will stay? I don't know. If it's a tie, Kaysar will vote to keep Nakomis.

Monday, July 17, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feed Report - 7/17 Into The Evening

Pale The New Tan

<--- Don't pick, don't tell. Or, pale is the new tan.

It's not as volatile so far tonight in the house as it was last night, but they don't seem to have alcohol. That, of course, proves my theory that BB gives them alcohol to stir up the hornets' nest as much as because they request it.

What happened today since I last posted? Here's the scoop from the Big Brother House of Goop:
  • A Jase quote: "The people in here are weird." I can't add much to that, can I?
  • Howie and Janelle want to keep Nakomis, Marcellas and Danielle want to keep Diane. They all had a very long strategy talk going over pros and cons.
  • After Danielle left Janelle, she mumbled to herself, "You think I'm doing this for S6, I'm not. I'm doing this for Danielle. Y'all better recognize."
  • In a strategy talk, Kaysar told Janelle that Jase is nervous because he knows they know he's with Diane. Janelle brought up that they don't have enough votes to save Nakomis -- a few are on the fence, though. Danielle won't commit. Marcellas feels sorry for Diane and says he must vote for her to stay. [Editor's note: Argh. That's how Cowboy got as far as he did!]I Wish This Was Boogie's Head
  • Danielle had a long friendly get-to-really-know-you with Nakomis. They seemed to get along well, but I haven't a clue if it changed her mind about wanting her out.
  • Nakomis said she won't be mad at anyone if she gets voted out -- it's just a game.
  • A Marcellas quote: "The last time I was the black guy who talked to himself. This time I'm the black guy who makes weird sounds.' [Editor's note: I got a kick out of him talking to himself that season. He was a hoot! He is so not a hoot this season.]
  • Mike Boogie um... christened Howie's Jack Shack for the season. [Editor's note: He's obviously not the Master of his Domain.]
  • Danielle told him he could keep the bottle of lotion he used.
  • Marcellas and Janelle took a bubble bath together (in bathing suits) and talked strategy. Same old, same old... new location.
  • Marcellas said that if he wins HOH, he'll put up both Mike Boogie and Will and get it over with.
  • Diane and Nakomis were talking about who they thought would be the final two. Diane thinks Erika and Danielle. Nakomis thinks George and Danielle.
  • Howie and Janelle are quietly studying for questions about the house which may be in a HOH comp.
  • The HG are enthralled with a spider in the yard. [Editor's note: Every season there's one, but you'd think they'd be more interested in the pet tarantulas!]
  • Now Marcellas is trying to talk Erika into voting to keep Nakomis. He says that if Diane stays, he'll be stuck with a house of frat boys. Nakomis would keep her word and not go after them, then they can gang up on her at the end. [Editor's note: Dang, he changes his mind every two hours or so.]
  • Mike is badmouthing Janelle as I type this. He creeps me out. He's mean.

Jase No MandanaSo, there things stand. We know the Veto wasn't used and it's a guess who's going to go home. What I am seeing is that Janelle can really manipulate Marcellas. I also think that Danielle is working just about everybody except Jase. She's playing a solid game after almost blowing it in the first week.

Who's going home Thursday?

Don't ask me!