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Friday, July 21, 2006
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations
After a few hours of flames... yes, hours... it looks like it's Chicken George and Will up on the block.
A full feeds update will be posted later tonight. We've had severe thunderstorms and power outages through this area.
And, then, flame/clouds for a few hours.
New logo by Zoetawny... she rocks!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Food Comp 7/21
- The HG paired up in teams of two.
- Each team played for one day of the week and received two chances at it. But if they win what they're playing for in the first try, go for more and lose, they get BB Slop for the day.
- They were also playing for catered food of their choice.
- The name of the game was "A Balanced Diet."
- They played with bowling balls, a bar and board with holes, and tried to keep their ball from falling into a hole. They steer their ball with sticks. Sort of hard to describe. ;-)
Erika and James won full food and a feast for Monday.
Mike and Diane won full food and a feast for Tuesday.
Will and Danielle won bread and kumquats for Wednesday.
Howie and Kaysar won full food and a feast for Thursday.
Marcellas and Janelle won vegetables and beer for Friday.
Jase and George won full food and a feast for Saturday. The force was with the Jedit in Training.
Jase and Mike won a feast for Sunday.
So, only two days are a bit iffy - Wednesday and Friday. And, no BB Slop for anyone!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into 7/21
Well, well, well... it took James no time at all to slip right into his HOH role. After he talked to Will, he then asked that Diane be sent to his room.
This ain't no disco. This ain't no foolin' around. This is James and he's taking his Head of House seriously, folks! Will he buckle? Will he fold?
Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Faltering Floaters:
- In his talk with James, Will implied that the producers had promised him something "big." If they don't come through, he seriously wants out.
- Diane thinks Janelle and Howie were the two votes to evict her. Well, she's half right.
- Will reported back to Mike Boogie and Diane that James admitted the S6 Players are indeed an alliance. He also told them that he told James if they got HOH, a S6 will go on the block - no deals. Will wasn't quite honest with his own Boogie Boy. Interesting, huh?
- Diane and James seem to both think Chicken George should go on the block. [Editor's note: Why are people so scared of George? @@ - Must roll my eyes, must!]
- Their meeting was cut short by the arrival of BB pizza. The slop eaters have real food to eat.
- Janelle said she was upset by some anti-Janelle post that Diane made at the Jokers Updates website prior to this season.
- James claims he'll put up Will if Jase wins POV.
- When James talked to Erika in HOH, she said she wants George and Jase on the block. She thinks Chilltown would save Jase, but George is a huge threat... turn around and he'll be in the final three. [@@]
- Erika said she thought she was part of the S6 alliance when James said something about her being a floater.
- Janelle asked Kaysar why he never told Nakomis the vote fell through. He told her that he did let Nakomis know in the morning, so she was prepared.
- Janelle thinks the second vote for Diane was Jase. Say what? Smith, what about Smith?
- Marcellas told James that Jase was very unhappy that he won HOH. He wants James to forget Chicken George and concentrate on Chilltown.
- Marcellas took offense when James referred to him as a floater. James told him he himself was a floater -- he's in the game to win for himself, after all.
- Kaysar also wants George to be evicted this week.
- James told Jase he will not be nominating him this week. (Argh! He should!)
- James also told Jase that "someday he may return the favor." Not quite a deal, but a hint at a deal.
- Diane and Jase had a clandestine meeting in the Red Room. The Smiths said they had to be careful.
Later today should be the food competition and this evening should be nominations. More later!
'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - After The Live Show 7/20
<--- See, it's not just Will he likes to touch. Howie's an equal opportunity touchy-feely kind of guy. He was last season, too.
Tonight (last night as I start this past midnight here on the East Coast) was the live show. I really haven't been writing up recaps of the shows for the most part as they're a bit redundant by the time they air. Most of the events and news have already been discussed in my feeds entries.
However, the live show always brings about a few interesting bits. I'm a bit surprised that Janelle stuck with the Nakomis to stay vote when she knew their alliance was backing out due to Chilltown controlling the numbers. I found Will's vote intriguing, too. Now, if he voted before news got around, he may very well have thought he could be casting the vote which would make it a tie. Why would he do that? Well, I think he honestly didn't care between the two on a personal level. But I also wonder if he's got the same game going on as Kaysar -- a desire to keep the stronger player in the game. I'll report back if I hear talk. You know I will.
Then there's James, the Veto King who has never won a HOH before. He can't be trusted and I think that he's playing both sides to an extent. He's closer with S6 Players, but keeps the communication going with Chilltown. Will he stay with nominating floaters? He keeps saying he wants George gone. Or, will he put up Will or Mike... or both? The nominations should be tomorrow (Friday) evening. Stay tuned!
Also, the show had a segment on the alleged Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance (Diane, Jase and Alison), but only focused on Diane and Jase. At least now I won't feel I need to explain the theory each time I mention it. Phew! Is it real? I haven't a clue. I honestly think that since many of the houseguests knew each other outside of the house, there indeed be some alliance surprises this season. Only time will tell.
Oh... and Mike did wear Marcellas' huge Afro wig. I liked how Julie Chen didn't even bother to comment on it. That made me snicker at him... with disdain.
All right, to the feeds since the live show we go!
- Diane thanked both Jase and James for voting for her to stay. [Editor's note: Huh, she knew those two right off the bat, eh? SMITH! SMITH!]
- Will/Mike are upset they didn't win HOH. They're worried.
- All of the houseguests thought the HOH was hard. Kaysar didn't think he would have won had he played. [Editor's note: Actually, I think really remembering the answers was impossible. However, you had a 50-50 chance with guesses. I think there was a lot of guessing going on.]
- Howie has an earache. He's had it since yesterday. He claims he didn't hear the first question which got him booted. Will told him the secret to throwing HOH comps is to go out second or third, not first.
- Will and Howie did pull-ups on the stairs and only stopped after BB: "Stop that! Stop that NOW! Will, stop that!" [Editor's note: We're hearing a lot of that this season. I want to hear BB say, "Do you want me to take my belt off?"]
- Will shouted back to BB, "Why don't you guys worry producing a good show for a change?"
- Will told Diane he's going to throw a fit if he's not nominated. He really wants to get out of the house before sequester.
- Both Mike Boogie and Will can't believe Jase never seems to work out, yet maintains his physique.
- Kaysar told Danielle he was a bit upset that Julie said his nominations were "off." [Editor's note: Well, they were, Kaysar! You blew it!]
- James told Howie that there are "four of us and we need another." He specified Jase. [Editor's note: @@ James gets my first eyeroll of the report! Why the hell does he think he can trust JASE? Ack.]
- James' new HOH room is all red and black. His gifts were pictures of Sarah and himself, Diet Dr. Pepper, a bottle of wine and other goodies.
- The Sov. 4 (S6 Players) gloated over their third HOH win in a row (after the other HG left the room). An interesting note -- Marcellas was the first to leave the room. Hmmm...
- They then went into discussing noms. Some think Jase and Chicken George should be put up. Hey! How about Mike and Will? Sheesh.
- Howie thinks Chicken George will clean his way to the finals if not stopped. [Remember, he's the only one who does housecleaning.]
- Howie, James, Kaysar and Janelle made a pact to be the final four.
- Marcellas told Janelle that Chilltown was flipping out over James being HOH.
- In a HOH talk with James, Will told him he cannot go to sequester. [Editor's note: I think this may be true. I think the show may have talked him into coming on. He does, believe it or not, have an active medical practice. Plus, he's a partner in restaurants. He doesn't really need the money so much and, if he's not going to win, the stipend is peanuts to him.]
- James told Will if he puts him up, he wouldn't be the target. Will doesn't like that. James also told Will that Mike Boogie is a bigger threat than he is.
I'm sure the scheming will go on through the night...