When they're up for most of the night, we're lucky if they're up by 11 or noon their time. Which, but of course, is afternoon from where I write this on the East Coast. So went today... again.
Here's what's been going on in that Big Brother House of Floating, Flatulence and Falliances (Failed Alliances):
- When they straggled out of bed, the plasma screen read "Nominations Today." Rah!
- Will told Danielle that BB put an end to his "refuse to eat food and get a penalty nom" talk. They'll turn it into a "refuse to eat food and get a lawsuit."
- Will offered to be put up as a pawn.
- Janelle wants to take out floaters, but isn't certain. She doesn't want them mad at her... yet.
- Howie asked James if he was planning to ally with Danielle and overthrow the S6.
- James told Janelle and Howie that Danielle won't nominate S6, but Marcellas would nominate Howie and Kaysar.
- James tells them he won't vote out Danielle.
- James still has it in his mind that Jase is returning [@@] and that CT would then be three strong.
- Will likened BB Slop to licking a brick.
- Will tried to convince Janelle to put up Erika and get rid of her.
- Janelle told Will her plan is to put up Boogie and Chicken George, then backdoor a floater. She didn't specify whom, but this was WILL she's telling. Yikes.
- Will tried to convince her that no one wants to be in the end with Kaysar and that he threw their alliance under the bus by not targeting ChillTown immediately.
- Will wants her to nominate Erika and Danielle and then come over to the Dark Side (ChillTown) as her alliance is falling apart (S6).
- He told her that he and Mike Boogie would never nominate her or vote her out. [Editor's note: Would anyone like to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? I have one here for sale!]
- When Howie entered the room, Will tried basically the same approach on him. @@
- There's an outdoor lockdown with Janelle called to the DR. We had the other houseguests in the backyard for a while, but now it's been flame/clouds (with bad music) long enough that I think the Nominations Ceremony is on. As soon as I know the noms, I'll post a bulletin. Stay tuned.