Friday, July 28, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Fri. 7/28

When they're up for most of the night, we're lucky if they're up by 11 or noon their time. Which, but of course, is afternoon from where I write this on the East Coast. So went today... again.

Here's what's been going on in that Big Brother House of Floating, Flatulence and Falliances (Failed Alliances):
  • When they straggled out of bed, the plasma screen read "Nominations Today." Rah!
  • Will told Danielle that BB put an end to his "refuse to eat food and get a penalty nom" talk. They'll turn it into a "refuse to eat food and get a lawsuit."
  • Will offered to be put up as a pawn.
  • Janelle wants to take out floaters, but isn't certain. She doesn't want them mad at her... yet.
  • Howie asked James if he was planning to ally with Danielle and overthrow the S6.
  • James told Janelle and Howie that Danielle won't nominate S6, but Marcellas would nominate Howie and Kaysar.
  • James tells them he won't vote out Danielle.
  • James still has it in his mind that Jase is returning [@@] and that CT would then be three strong.
  • Will likened BB Slop to licking a brick.
  • Will tried to convince Janelle to put up Erika and get rid of her.
  • Janelle told Will her plan is to put up Boogie and Chicken George, then backdoor a floater. She didn't specify whom, but this was WILL she's telling. Yikes.
  • Will tried to convince her that no one wants to be in the end with Kaysar and that he threw their alliance under the bus by not targeting ChillTown immediately.
  • Will wants her to nominate Erika and Danielle and then come over to the Dark Side (ChillTown) as her alliance is falling apart (S6).
  • He told her that he and Mike Boogie would never nominate her or vote her out. [Editor's note: Would anyone like to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? I have one here for sale!]
  • When Howie entered the room, Will tried basically the same approach on him. @@
  • There's an outdoor lockdown with Janelle called to the DR. We had the other houseguests in the backyard for a while, but now it's been flame/clouds (with bad music) long enough that I think the Nominations Ceremony is on. As soon as I know the noms, I'll post a bulletin. Stay tuned.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Friday 7/28

Once again, it was an all-nighter for most of the Big Brother houseguests. I heard one of them joke about how they've become nocturnal vampires living for the night. Now, I guess that's okay -- I'm on vacation this week, but return to work next week. I prefer they sleep while I work.

So, what else happened last night in that Big Brother House of Violent Pink and PuppetMasters? Here's the skinny:
  • In my last report I said it appeared the food comp has taken place. It seems to have been some kind of violent game with balls. Kaysar, Janelle, Howie and James don't seem to be on BB Slop. Marcellas, Boogie, Diane, Will and Erika do seem to be restricted. George, we know is on Slop. I believe Danielle is on Slop, too.
  • James pushed Kaysar for info and seems to feel left out of S6. [Editor's note: As he is and should feel!]
  • When he met with Janelle and Kaysar, James pushed a Marcellas boot, like that would work. Janelle wants to evict Diane -- a direct threat to her. [Editor's note: She has a point. We viewers know that Diane promised Alison she'd go for Janelle.]
  • James then went on and on about removing ChillTown and/or Erika. Janelle and Kaysar stuck with floaters -- Janelle with Diane, in particular, to save herself.
  • No one thinks George should be a nomination this week. They do think Mike Boogie should go up to make Marcellas a happy gay black kinda guy.
  • James got really pushy in the talk with S6. He may have overstepped his bounds with them. Y'know, sometimes it's best just to be a bit more quiet.
  • When thinking or nervous, Kaysar still twirls imaginary curls. I guess the habit is that ingrained. Odd.
  • Kaysar doesn't trust Marcellas and Janelle doesn't respect the way he plays (but likes him).
  • In their own talk, Danielle, Erika and Marcellas decided they wanted to see Chicken George on the block again. Lucky for George, they're not in the HOH alliance.
  • Will wanted to know what happens if they eat food, not BB Slop.
  • Danielle thinks S6 Players will nominate Boogie and George. Well, she may be half-right.
  • Meanwhile, S6 is still at it with the majority pushing for a Diane eviction and James on his pissy Boogie whine. He'd better watch it - he's alienating himself further from what's supposed to be his own alliance.
  • The HOH brainstorming was broken up when Will entered to take a bath in the HOH bathroom.
  • Will yelled for someone to get the rubber duckies from the yard and pool because he wanted to do a puppet show in the bathtub. [Editor's note: Ah, the PuppetMaster has returned to the BB House!]
  • James told Diane she's in danger and that she should go to S6 and let them know they're not her targets. She got ticked and refused to tell them anything. Earlier she had told James that she wasn't after him or Howie, thus implying Janelle and Kaysar were on her radar.
  • As Will played with the duckie puppet show, Kaysar said he'd recommend the BB shrink talk to him.
  • Will named his own duckie character Dr. McDreamy.
  • In an aside from the puppet show, Will told Kaysar he was going to go for a penalty nomination. [Editor's note: AHA! AHA! Just like he and Mike Boogie discussed yesterday as their next strategical move to convince S6 he wants to go home! AHA!]
  • Janelle and Kaysar seem to be believing Will and Boogie more and more each day. Howie not so much. [Editor's note: I've always said I thought Howie was a bit smarter than he often acts.]
  • Howie asked Janelle why James is working so hard to save Diane. [Editor's note: I think his cogs are turning. James = Snake. He does.]
  • Meanwhile, Will's puppet show has the S6 and ChillTown ducks going to the final six and sharing the winnings. [Editor's note: The HG may not discuss sharing the winnings, but I guess it's okay for ducks to do so.]
  • James told Danielle that S6 will be nominating Mike and Diane, but Diane will go. [Editor's note: Snake alert! Snake alert! Where's the anti-venom?]
  • When alone in the bathroom, Will lined up all the duckies. He then knocked them one by one into the tub in this order (he named the ducks) -- Howie, James, Kaysar, Janelle and Boogie -- left with his own duckie, he gave an evil smirk.
  • Diane made the move to have a talk with Janelle. She told her she felt she was a target -- Jase had told her S6 was after her. She feels she's all alone in the house - people stop talking when she enters a room. She wants to stay long enough to make sequester. [Editor's note: Remember, she has no job and was living out of her car.]
  • Janelle seemed to believe Diane, at least to a point. Yikes.
  • Janelle told Kaysar she doesn't think Diane is a threat and mentions putting up Chicken George with Mike Boogie. Eep.
  • Kaysar thinks Danielle will strike against them and wonder if it's time to go for her first. He's also concerned that James will jump ship from their alliance.
  • Janelle told Kaysar and Howie she wants to put up Will and George and backdoor...? Kaysar asked her who was the backdoor and she wouldn't say. I assume Mike Boogie.
  • Janelle and Kaysar are seriously worried about the Snake. As they should be.
  • Marcellas thinks Danielle is "deadly."
  • Howie was the last one up and went to bed just before dawn there.
  • These guys MUST start going to bed a bit earlier. They MUST.

At least they don't have to get up early for a food comp.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Since Live Show - Thur. Evening 7/27

Dirty Socks Doc
<--- Will looks pensive as he lounges while listening to other houseguests discuss trivial things like movies. Is he plotting and scheming? Or is he thinking that his socks need washing? I just don't know. He's a man of mystery, y'know...

The live feeds returned shortly after the live show ended.

Here's what's been happening since the show in that Big Brother House of Crushed Dreams and a Winning Buxom Blonde:
  • Danielle is pretty upset after the Jase exit.
  • Danielle explained to Mike Boogie the reason Marcellas took him out of the HOH Comp was because Mike had been saying he was a target. Mike claimed not to remember saying that. [Editor's note: Did, too! @@ An eyeroll for Mikey!]
  • Mike then said he just wanted S6 to think that, Marcellas isn't his target.
  • Janelle said she didn't throw the competition to Marcellas because she was thinking of all the food the HOH receives.
  • Erika told Janelle and Marcellas that Mike Boogie is mad about the comp. [Editor's note: Well, duh. I bet they could figure that out on their own, don't you?]
  • Will thinks he should just leave his bag packed by the door.
  • Will also thinks tonight's live show was edited to make it look like he was leaving. [Editor's note: Yup!]
  • Mike Boogie went off on the floaters not taking out S6 Players in the comp.
  • When Mike wondered aloud to Will about Jase asking that only Diane and Danielle walk him out, Will told him it just goes to show when you think you know what's going on in the house, you don't.
  • Mike went on and on about how much money both he and Will have while the others will NEVER have that much. [Editor's note: Another reason I don't like Mike. Not that he has money, but that he thinks it makes him better than others. Feh.]
  • Will and Mike Boogie discussed throwing the food comp if Mike goes on the block.
  • James is upset that he no longer has his HOH Sarah photographs.
  • Will told Danielle that his loyalty is with Mike first, her second. [Editor's note: !!! Important, I think!] Danielle told him she thinks they're safe -- she thinks that they'll go after Erika, Diane or George.
  • Their feast was Chinese food. Will once again requested that George be allowed to eat. Once again, BB didn't answer. Janelle's fortune cookie read: "You will make a change for the better."
  • Will said he's going to improve his behavior. [Editor's note: @@ Sure, Will.]
  • Mike Boogie whined to Marcellas about the S6 Players. When he couldn't get him against them, he worked his Erika suspicious angle on him.
  • The HOH Discovery was only on audio while the video was flame/clouds. Janelle said it was "Hello Kitty Pink" and there was the usual hustle-bustle and fake praise.
  • It is pink. Way too pink.EEK PINK
  • Janelle, Howie and Kaysar (note, no James) talked about nomination choices. They seem to be leaning towards Diane as one, Mike Boogie as the other.
  • Kaysar wondered why the Jase vote was unanimous. Did Danielle get George to change his vote? He wants to talk to George and possibly take him under his wing. [Editor's note: Earlier, though I forgot to mention it, James told Howie he was taking George under his wing. Looks like the Chicken now has wings. Maybe he'll soar! Oh, wait, chickens can't fly far, can they?]
  • Long, long feeds block as I re-typed this. Storms rolling through blinked my power for a few minutes on my first try.
  • It sounds like they had the food comp when the feeds were blocked for so long. Some of the house is on Slop -- Boogie and Erika, at least. None of the S6 are on it. I don't know about the others. It was something physical with a ball. Erika whined that it was unfair.

That's it for now!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - The Live Show - 7/27

Well, this is annoying. I had a show thoughts and live feeds mix entry all ready to post and my power went out briefly. I have to learn to save as I write. Argh. But now I'll split it into two entries and, trust me, I'll save!

I won't do a whole show recap, but I wanted to touch on a few things, so bear with me.

When they had the houseguests implying that Jase was the person they'd keep, yet not casting any votes and then showed NO votes by 8:30 PM here, I knew the vote would indeed be unanimous for Jase to leave. It's a dead giveaway. The same rule goes for when they show two votes contradicting each other, then no more. It means the rest of the votes were for one of the people.

While I wasn't surprised at the unanimous vote, I was surprised that Jase teared up in his little speech from the chair. And, as you saw and I've mentioned in the feed reports, he honestly believes he'll be coming back into the house. I personally doubt it -- they've returned folks too often, too many seasons in a row.

And, what was up with James crossing his fingers as he talked to Julie? Was he sending a message to Sarah or was he lying about his loyalties or lack of loyalties?

The HOH Comp made me understand the live feeds fixation on the walls as of late. Well, the writing was on the wall for this one. (I couldn't resist.) Janelle and Howie have been studying the walls every day. What possessed Will not to take out Kaysar or Janelle? Howie? Howie?!?! Give me a break! Marcellas' obvious dilemma between eliminating Janelle or Kaysar was a hoot, but you knew he'd go with keeping Janelle.

A few disjointed bits:
  • Shannon still creeps me out. I can't see her without thinking of how she used Hardy's toothbrush to clean the toilet.
  • I liked Will's brother. I wonder if he was honest or lying about Will. I think honest. I think he is somewhat shy -- I mentioned yesterday that he's camera shy when they have the HOH cam. It could be a persona for the game. But, on the other hand, he does have a friendship and business dealings with Mike Boogie. Eww.
  • George is crazy. But a harmless, good-hearted kind of crazy.

Stay tuned for a late live feeds report with a screen capture of Janelle's new HOH and the latest buzz... once I get it all typed up again, anyways!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update - Live Show HOH 7/27

The HOH Comp is Define and Dismiss... the words on the walls of the house. If a HG gets the question right, he/she eliminates another from the comp.

Marcellas eliminated Boogie.
Kaysar eliminated Diane.
Will eliminated Howie.
Will eliminated when answer was wrong.
Erika eliminated George.
Kaysar eliminated Erika.
Janelle eliminated Danielle.
Marcellas eliminated Kaysar.
Up to Janelle and Marcellas....
Janelle is the new HOH.