Saturday, July 29, 2006

If You Want To SEE Some Of The BB7 Wake-Up Calls...

... head on over to Hamsterwatch's YouTube Section. They have the most important ones up on video. I've always enjoyed HamsterWatch (see, it's been linked in my sidebar all along) and they're the best for snagging the videos.

But, then come back here to talk about the videos.

Of course. ;-)

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Late Night Into the Morning 7/28 - 7/29

What a night in the house! They thought they could rest. I thought I could rest, but...!

Big Brother had other plans.

Here are the events from late last night until... well... now in the Big Brother House of Okay, I'm Awake!:
  • Will was amazing to watch (Half Man, Half Amazing?) as he talked to Janelle and worked his magic. He promised her that they were after floaters, not S6 and how Mike would work with them, on and on. He sounded so sincere. She bought it hook, line and sinker. She agreed to talk with Mike.
  • Now, Mike wasn't as smooth as Will but he sold her a box of goods built on lies, deception and ill repute.
  • She then decided that she wanted Mike to win the Veto. [Editor's note: She's been had by these two! Will was just so polite, friendly, logical... she bought the turnip truck just so she could fall off it down the road.]
  • Again, they said they wanted to go to bed early because they think the POV comp will be in the morning and they should try to be well-rested. [Editor's note: No rest for the weary, I say!]
  • Danielle continued her "these noms confuse me" bit, this time with James.
  • Erika thinks Janelle is targeting her. James told her that he told Janelle to go after Marcellas. [Editor's note: He knows they have a friendly relationship. Why would he even go there right now? Why does he push his own motives? Oh? Because he's a snake? Never mind.]
  • Diane's two front teeth are fake. [Editor's note: And so is her "woe is me" act, but...!]
  • Will told Danielle that "it's impossible to talk strategy" with Janelle. [Editor's note: But very possible to make her cling on your every word, it seems.]
  • Janelle was called to the Diary Room and, without warning, came back and said it's time to pick players for POV. Yikes! She said everyone had to wake up, but Mike Boogie was the only one sleeping. Instant awakeness.
  • The Veto players are: Will, Howie and Diane as the random picks. Janelle, Mike and Erika as the HOH and noms.
  • The veto playing will start with wake-up calls.
  • Janelle told James, Howie and Marcellas that she won't go with Will's "stupid plan." That was, of course, to throw veto so either Mike or Will will win.
  • Will told Janelle to let Erika win, put him up and he'll go home. He doesn't want Erika to feel targeted or upset. [Editor's note: @@ An eyeroll for Will!]
  • They found out that viewers had a choice to have messages play every 15 minutes and that there had been a choice of every 3 hours, but they're not aware of the actual increment... yet.
  • Mike Boogie was upset because he was asleep and the rest were already wide awake.
  • Janelle plans to backdoor someone... she definitely wants Will or Mike to win POV, not Erika. She doesn't want to win it herself as she wants it to look like she was forced to make a new nom.
  • Will told Mike that this week is all about CT and Janelle. They would do what she wants them to do.
  • James thought that Janelle's decision to pick Howie as her partner would make her lose. [Editor's note: Well, yes.]
  • The wake-up calls started at about 12:30 AM their time - from "Dumb and Dumber," from Caroline in Houston -- every 15 minutes.
  • Kaysar claimed it was demented. Erika said it was the dumbest TV show on the planet.
  • Janelle and Kaysar are onto the Danielle/James alliance. They said they can't let it continue through the game. Kaysar said it's too early yet to do anything about it and that Danielle isn't after them... yet. [Editor's note: Danielle picked a better "secret alliance" partner in her own season. I admire her gameplay, but... James. Oy, bad choice!]
  • Kaysar told Janelle that while Danielle isn't coming after them right now, Diane is. [Editor's note: I so hope that she's the backdoor candidate! Diane just bugs me to no end with her sob stories!]
  • Meanwhile, the wake-up calls go on... every 15 minutes. Boy, we BB Fans are mean, huh? Poems, noises, shout-outs from websites, an Ode to Slop and you name it.
  • Janelle told Howie that she didn't want Erika or Diane to win POV. [Editor's note: Notice she didn't mention Will or Mike!]
  • In the HOH room, Erika said she was tired because she didn't nap. Janelle assured her that she wasn't a target and not to worry.
  • Diane's mother was one of the wake-up calls. Will told Diane to make her mother stop bugging him.
  • George actually slept. Amazing.
  • James whined about the calls. Not amazing. Typical James.
  • Alison and Jase did wake-up calls, Jase did his Innertube Rap.
  • Marcellas said he was ready to end it all and jump off the balcony by the HOH room. He said he's DOR (voluntarily leave the show) for 10 grand and his stipend. He begged; he pleaded. Make it end!
  • Cowbells, Ivette, Janelle's Mom... the wake-up calls go on. And on.
  • Then a period of flame/clouds and when the feeds returned... Mike Boogie has won the POV! Yipes, how did that happen? What happened? Who's on first?
  • In a Marcellas/Janelle conversation, she told him that she wanted Mike to go before Will. So, Marcellas said, "So you keep them both in the game just because they wouldn't leave in the order you want?"
  • Mike is limping and in pain. Some say he needs stitches, medical attention.
  • James told Kaysar that he questioned Janelle about her motives and creating an all-male alliance around herself.
  • Marcellas wants Janelle to put Will in Mike's place on the block. [Editor's note: Like that will happen!] He said that the S6 alliance is the worst ever because they never listen to each other.
  • Kaysar told James there will be "problems if Will doesn't go up on the block."
  • Janelle complained to Howie that Kaysar hasn't been giving her advice. Howie told her it's because he's sleeping all day every day. Janelle thinks he's homesick.
  • What little I've heard of the POV comp itself sounds like a "Fear Factor" kind of deal with maggots and such. Ewww.

I'm posting this so the suspense is over... for now.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - POV Winner

The POV winner is Mike. A full report of the overnight events will be up soon!

Friday, July 28, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - After Nominations - Fri. 7/28

So, the noms are in and it's Friday night. How are Mike Boogie and Erika dealing with their personal and shared situation? Will Will push Mike Boogie aside and say, "No, me! I want to go home! I hate you all!" Will George quietly eat his BB Slop and stay out of the line of fire?

Here's what's been going on in the Big Brother House of Newly Nominated Nuts and Naysayers Who Love Them:
  • Howie and James don't think Erika and Mike were the best decision Janelle could make.
  • Janelle felt sorry for Diane after her chat with her last night, so didn't nominate her. [Editor's note: Argh! I cannot believe this! Diane may have people feel sorry for her straight through to the end of the season! I personally would rather see lying and scheming than "poor pitiful me."]
  • Janelle is worried how Eirka will take the nomination even though she's the pawn and Mike's the target. [Editor's note: Pawns sometimes go bye-bye. If you don't want someone to go, don't nominate them. Using a pawn is never a safe or sure deal.]
  • Will told Mike Boogie to be cool about things and it could be the pawn to leave. [Editor's note: See! See! Will knows!]
  • Marcellas, Diane, Danielle and Erika talked. They said they had to make sure the vote went the "right way." Marcellas is angry - said Janelle skipped a step. [Editor's note: Will and Mike? I'm not sure.]
  • Kaysar told Erika she has his vote and Janelle assured her she's staying.
  • Kaysar and Janelle are worried about Will or Mike winning POV, more worried about Will.
  • James once again complained about his own alliance's choices to others outside the alliance. That will come back to bite him just as it did in S6, I think. He told Danielle and Erika they were "half-assed" nominations.
  • Mike and Erika talked (remember, they're working together and supposedly dating outside of the house). They think the noms were actually a very good move on Janelle's part. She considers herself an "undercover ChillTown," not a floater. She thinks the only true floater in the house is Chicken George.
  • George told Kaysar that this game is more stressful than the season he was in as the houseguests just nominated, no flipping, no alliances.
  • Diane told Marcellas she can talk George into anything.
  • Danielle tried to work Janelle for information. She said she didn't understand the nominations. Janelle told her, when asked, that if a veto is used, then George would go on the block. She also said no one told her who to nominate; Erika and Mike were her own choices.
  • Apparently Janelle said she dislikes Mike in her nomination speech. She said she didn't mean for that to come out.
  • A Will quote: "The good thing about not eating and the nominations is that this house can't get any worse!" [Editor's note: Wait until that wake-up bit starts, Will!]
  • Marcellas and Janelle once again talked about going to the final two together.
  • Boogie pried Diane for info regarding how many votes he might get to stay if the nominations hold.
  • Danielle, in addition to trying to get info from Janelle, went to Erika to play that side, too... saying she didn't understand the noms. Erika mentioned it might be intentional, but didn't elaborate.
  • Will said the show would sue him for breech of contract if... FLAME/CLOUDS [Editor's note: Hmmm...]
  • Most are talking of going to bed early tonight. [Editor's note: Phew! I need the sleep!]
  • Danielle is now working the Kaysar angle with not understanding the noms -- "Why did you take out someone who wasn't a threat to you last week and he went out ugly?" "Why aren't you taking out the threat this week?" [Editor's note: I'm not sure if she wants Will and Mike to both be up or Diane targeted. I think it could very well be Diane who's stuck in her mind.]

And there you go.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Janelle's Nominations 7/28

Erika and Mike Boogie are on the block, with Mike being the target.