Sunday, July 30, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Bulletin - 7/30

Where's Janelle's bodyguards? Will is turning her once again.

"Don't tell them you changed your mind, just do it."
"Your alliance is falling apart. James is peeling off and will go to the floaters or ChillTown."
"The girls want you out."
"Boogie and I will protect you."
"Money split."
"Kaysar will think of some pseudo-moral reason to put you on the block sometime soon."
"Erika is with Kaysar, Danielle is with James... who's with YOU?"
"They'll be mad for 15 minutes and get over with it."
"Chicken George will listen to us, he doesn't like James."
"You will be protected and we'll carry you."
"Chicken George calls you a snake." "Of course he does. I am a snake."

Dang, he's so good. Now I remember why I started liking him for the win in Season 2.

Oh, Janelle, go ahead and keep him -- send Diane packing this week!

No word on the backyard as of this time.
Dang, Will is so good at this!

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Update - Sun. 7/30 Kaysar No Longer Alone

Kaysar was the only one up until BB played their morning wake-up song (blocked to the feeds). He exercised, he moped, he prayed, he laid about. He couldn't go outside because some sort of construction was going on in the yard. The house is on an indoor lockdown, the construction noises have stopped. The girls are giddy that perhaps it's a luxury comp or an America's Choice thing.

Time will tell. Right now, all the shutters are drawn and we didn't get a peek. It was a lot of hammering and sawing, but that could be anything. Maybe they built Howie a new Jack Shack.

James is still trying to be the boss. Not sure if anyone is interested... other than Danielle. Even though he buckled and put up Jase last week, when he talks it's "my way or the highway" sort of speeches. Now he's talking to Mike. Mike is trying to talk the put up and vote out Diane talk. Mike told him that HE has never been the target and they talk about working together.

Mike said he trusts Diane more than any other floater [note he left out his recent dating alliance Erika] and that if they're willing to vote her out, that proves they'll work with James. He talked of Kaysar and Janelle being the S6 targets, not James.

Dang, I'd love it right this moment if Janelle put James on the block and they all voted him out for playing every side! No, I haven't heard that even be a possibility, but I can dream, can't I?

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Sunday 7/30

Now, I could have gone for another night of waking up the houseguests, couldn't you? Instead, we had a bunch of sleepy houseguests with the usual "stay up 'til dawn" crew.

Without further ado, here's what happened in the wee hours in that Big Brother House of Shifting Strategies:
  • James apparently really did have an epiphany when it comes to George. He doesn't want George on the block. [Editor's note: This I like, most of his gameplay and methods otherwise will probably come back to bite him on the butt, though.]
  • Mike Boogie didn't realize he cut his foot when it happened. He just saw all the blood. He had his shoes off due to all of the worms and kicked something made of glass. [Editor's note: Hey, I just report what they say. All I know about the worms is they were a part of the Veto Comp.] He'll have to keep it bandaged for a few weeks. He can't use the pool, hot tub, or treadmill.
  • Will suggested to George that he should wear a full Geisha face for the next show. [Editor's note: George! Don't listen to him! Sheesh!]
  • Will said he went to the Diary Room after the food comp and "they" said they "knew it sucked..." FLAME/CLOUDS. "Houseguests, you may not discuss your Diary Room sessions with other houseguests."
  • Danielle and Kaysar had a long, long talk about life. How sweet. [Editor's note: Yep, I'm sure Danielle had her own reasons for the talk.]
  • Kaysar told James he wants to go home.
  • Boogie got going on wanting to turn the light on the tarantula cage off again. BB didn't answer him. [Editor's note: I don't know much about tarantulas, but the light may be on for a reason like heat.]
  • The Mike Boogie/Erika alliance had a brief strategy meeting. She thinks Janelle wants to put Diane up, but will put Will up. If she (Erika) wins HOH, she will put up Howie and Janelle. She didn't go after Kaysar in HOH because she didn't want S6 to think she was targeting them. They both agreed Janelle must go.
  • James and Howie talked about Janelle's nominations. Howie realizes that Janelle wants Will to stay in the house and James said she let them win the Veto. Janelle told them to take out Diane and Erika in the comp.
  • James told Howie that Janelle is the only one not doing what the alliance wants -- he did his part and put Jase up.
  • James worked on turning Howie against his beloved "Oh, Janie!" and hinted she's allied with ChillTown.
  • James said the house is filthy and the All Stars are a bunch of pigs. [Editor's note: Okay, James has now said two things I agree with. That house is in horrible shape.]
  • James told Howie that he (James) is the safest of the S6 Players with the floaters. [Editor's note: Howie! Take notice! Think Danielle/James!]
  • James was on his "Janelle MUST nominate Will" kick for hours on end. [Editor's note: My sympathies to Sarah. James cannot be stopped when he thinks he's right about something.]
  • Marcellas is sleeping with Janelle in the HOH room this week.
  • Howie roamed the house late, frustrated because BB wouldn't let him go outside to his Jack Shack.
  • Howie tried to get information out of Janelle. "Why did Boogie take me out of the comp instead of you?" "I don't know, Howie." "Look how Will is manipulating you." "I haven't talked to Will today." "Yesterday."
  • In his talk with Janelle, he finally said that James wouldn't vote to evict Diane. Janelle told him that if "we all do, he will." Howie said James feels safe with Diane so it might be a good idea to put her up. [Editor's note: Oh, does Howie recognize the Snake?]
  • When Howie asked Janelle if she was in another alliance, she told him she wasn't. Both talked about Kaysar being homesick.
  • "You're cute, Janie!" "You're cuter, Howie!"
  • For unknown reasons we had periods of flame/clouds when most of the HG were sleeping. That's rather odd. Someone had to be talking.
  • The houseguests are all in bed asleep as I post this.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Blurb With Screen Caps - 7/29 Evening

<--- Marcellas, Pool Hustler, a legend in his own mind.

There hasn't been a lot of interesting dish to dish up here tonight. I'm waiting for all heck to break loose like it has for the past two nights, but so far... nada.

Here's the scoop from the Big Brother House of Pink Flamingos and Growing Egos:
  • Marcellas told Janelle to put up George if she's scared of ChillTown. [Editor's note: Hey! Diane! Put up Diane, not George!]
  • Marcellas thinks the biggest target in S6 is Kaysar, not sure I agree.
  • James told Danielle that he figured out that Janelle wanted Will or Mike to win the Veto.
  • Howie told Janelle the floaters aren't after her and he wants Will out of the house. [Editor's note: He should just tape this and play it at timed intervals. On and on, I say!]
  • Janelle told Howie she thinks she'd feel like the floaters tell her what to do if she puts Will on the block. [Editor's note: I can't decide! I'm just a buxom blonde bombshell!]
  • Right now Kaysar and Danielle are trying to add up how many days they've been in the house. They went in July 3. I'd say 26.
  • Janelle's room is still too pink.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Saturday 7/29 Update

"Oh, I want ChillTown out!"
"Oh, I changed my mind! I want a floater out!"
"Wait, maybe a ChillTown is a better choice."
"No, no, no. The floaters are going to come after me!"
"But the ChillTown will win if I don't take them out now!"
"What to do? What to do? I'm just a buxom blonde. What up, Kaysar!"

And, so the drama goes on in that Big Brother House of Harried Houseguests and their Sorry Sagas... here's the latest:
  • Will made Cinnamon Slop Crunch Bars and will be seeking a patent.
  • James told Danielle that if Janelle puts up Diane and she goes, when he gets HOH he'll put up Janelle. [Editor's note: So much for loyalty. Too bad he didn't have a Bible to swear on, huh?]
  • Danielle told him they should keep Kaysar, but get rid of Howie and Janelle.
  • George feels bad because Jase knows they all voted him out. Diane told him Jase did it to himself.
  • Will and Mike Boogie think they kept their part of their bargain with Janelle -- they won the Veto.
  • Mike Boogie apparently tried to pry the driver (for his foot injury) about the show, but every time he mentions it, we get flame/clouds.
  • Mike and Will talked about making a deal to split the money (very against contract) and we got flame/clouds.
  • Erika told George she thinks she will be voted out. [Editor's note: Sympathy move? I don't know.]
  • They played with the weight scale once again. George lost two pounds and Kaysar found them.
  • James thinks this week will be a double eviction week. He also thinks Jase is coming back. James thinks odd things.
  • James and Kaysar discussed how Janelle's HOH decisions have hurt their cause.
  • James, Kaysar and Howie all confronted Janelle about her talking to ChillTown and her decisions. They all want her to put Will in Mike's place on the block. She's afraid he'll be mad at her. Kaysar: "He can be mad at you from home."
  • The S6 now agree that when Mike takes himself off the block, Will goes up and goes home. [Editor's note: We'll see how that works out, eh? Think she'll do it?]
  • Kaysar's plan includes sending Will home, then Mike, then Diane. [Editor's note: Dang, I'd like that order reversed!]
  • Danielle worked her confused act on Erika - "I don't understand how the Sov. 4 don't seem to know what each other is doing." [Editor's note: All of her "I'm so confused" bits are a ploy for gathering information. I think Will is the best at the game, but Danielle is right on his tail.]
  • Danielle reported back to Will that Janelle was on the fence between him and Diane as the Mike replacement.

And that's the skinny!