All right, let's do a little recap first... Mike used his POV to save himself. Janelle put Diane on the block in his place. Marcellas and James have each had their own brand of hissy fits about the nomination choice. Kaysar seems to have returned to the game after going mentally adrift. Will is smiling. Diane is fussing and Erika ain't no happy camper herself. George is eating his slop and Howie is... um... being Howie. So, here's the latest from that Big Brother House of PuppetMasters and Those Who String Along:- Marcellas and Janelle made up because, after all, "it is what it is." [Editor's note: Of course that won't stop him from talking about her to others!]
- Marcellas had his first over an hour long Diary Room session today for the season. He was ALWAYS in there in his season.
- Howie told Janelle he's okay with her decision -- Diane would have floated to the end of the season.
- Danielle and Marcellas don't think S6 is holding the same popularity with viewers that they did last season. [Editor's note: But, but... we have WILL in the house!]
- Marcellas told Diane he pushed Janelle to not nominate her all the way up to the ceremony. She sniffled and said it was a personal vendetta.
- Erika seems pretty confident that she'll stay instead of Diane. She told Danielle that if she gets HOH, she'll put up Howie and Janelle. Marcellas told them that taking out Howie would weaken Janelle. [Editor's note: Huh? Other than moral support, I don't see that.] He fears Janelle will be in the house with all men and take it all.
- Now Marcellas is ranting about Janelle again as if the idea of her being with other men set him off. Odd, odd man, Marcellas is.
- Marcellas wants to put up S6 members if he gets HOH. [Editor's note: Want to bet not his beloved Janelle and... what about his intention to off ChillTown? Did I say he's odd? Why, yes I did.]
- Then he went on to tell Erika and Danielle that Janelle will be his first target. [Editor's note: @@ Drama Queen.]
- As those on food restrictions can have condiments, Will whipped up some salsa soup. "Big Brother, may I please not die?" [Editor's note: I know many readers are cheering on S6, but my own entertainment money is on Will. He may not win, but I get a kick out of watching him.]
- BB voice quote: "Will, please treat your microphone with respect."
- The HG talked about cannibalizing each other and who'd be the tastiest. Janelle was the hit with the guys, but Howie has more meat on his bones for survival. Too fatty, though. [Editor's note: Big Brother meets the Donner Party. All due to BB Slop!]
- Will (remember he's on Slop) quote: "If Big Brother gives us a pet this week, I will eat the pet's food. Then I will eat the pet. This is not a good week for a pet."
- Will asked if the rest of the house could have liquor so he can at least be entertained.
- James talked to Danielle about trying to flip the votes to favor Danielle. When Marcellas joined them, he once again complained about Janelle's decision.
- James, Danielle and Marcellas all commiserated about Janelle selling out to ChillTown.
- James told Marcellas that Mike Boogie was saying he plans on putting Janelle and him (Marc.) up on the block if he wins HOH.
- Marcellas told Danielle and James that he has their backs. [Editor's note: You've been HAD, Marcellas. Do not mess with snakes, you can't make the grade.]
- Marcellas told James that he (James) is at the bottom of the B6 totem pole, the least important to the others.
- Danielle spoke to Mike Boogie about switching the vote and keeping Diane. He told her he was keeping his word to Janelle.
- Danielle asked Diane if anyone made any promises to her. Diane told her that Howie had said she was safe, but it wasn't an actual deal. He just said not to worry about it.
So, that's where we are. Several are in the yard playing pool. Janelle had spent most of the time in the HOH after the ceremony, but is with the others now. She does seem very upset about putting Diane up on the block. But I think she's more upset because so many are mad at her. But, hey... they had three chances to get rid of Will or Mike before this and didn't do it. They cannot blame her when they didn't do it herself.
As for me, I'm glad Will's around for at least another week. He's a hoot.
Graphic by Zoetawny.