Er... or Howie shaved George because all the guys were shaving. Howie claims it's so he'll be lean and mean for tonight's HOH Comp. Please note, not ALL areas were shaved.
As the houseguests gear towards today's live show and the live eviction voting, life in the house went on... as did strategies and guesses of what's to come. Here are the evening and overnight happenings in that Big Brother House of Shaved Jedi Warriors:
- Diane hasn't given up, noting she has extra time to work on people to stay in the house. She told Howie he'd be surprised how many votes she has to stay. She told him he shouldn't let anyone "mind control" him. [Editor's note: I don't think the general concensus to vote her out has really changed at all. I think Will was playing her with his maybe.]
- Will told Howie a good final four would be ChillTown, Howie and Janelle. [Editor's note: Now, there's the "mind control" master, but Howie didn't seem to be really into the idea at all.]
- While not all areas on George were shaved, I can't say the same of Howie. Yipes.
- The houseguests are all hyped for the live show -- they wonder why the vote is live so early, think it may be a double eviction, think someone evicted may return and generally are driving themselves mad with speculation.
- Apparently goodbye messages were taped for the event as Janelle mentioned hers to Erika.
- Danielle got upset because Janelle criticized her alliance in her season and called it poor judgment.
- They really think someone is coming back into the house and kept on that theme, but then wondered if money will be offered to leave the house.
- At about 8:15 PM PT they were warned a long indoor lockdown is expected to last through the night and possibly up until showtime. Some headed out to enjoy the evening air before being confined.
- Diane ranted about Janelle calling her things I won't write here. Eep. Nasty pottymouth. She said she hates Janelle.
- Before 9 PM their time, the lockdown went into effect.
- James told Diane she should really be campaigning to stay.
- BB gave the houseguests wine and three decks of cards, so there goes a lot of the evening's feed tidbits. Whenever they play games, there isn't much game talk, if you know what I mean.
- James fussed more about Janelle's nominations to Howie and tried to convince him to keep Diane. [Editor's note: Yep, he's on a campaign.]
- James and Danielle talked about CT's code for switching the vote to keep Diane instead of Erika - "don't forget your flip-flops." [Editor's note: We'll have to watch for the phrase in the show tomorrow!]
- Janelle doesn't think Danielle is a strong player because she doesn't win comps. [Editor's note: Janelle! Neither does Will! They're the two strongest players in the game! Think, girl, think!]
- Danielle and James plotted to remove Janelle from the house if either get HOH. [Editor's note: How much do you want to bet Danielle won't get it and will let others do the dirty work and suffer the consequences?]
- George worked on a costume for the live show - Slop Man.
- Janelle tried to convince Marcellas that Danielle and James are doing a lot of lying to others in the house.
- Marcellas told Janelle that Diane is resigned to going home. [Editor's note: Even though she was campaigning to stay just a few hours before?]
- Diane moaned about the state of her life and all of her woes. Will tried to make her feel better to the point of offering her a job if she needed one. I think he was serious.
And that's where we stand. Some houseguests are still up, but it's not a wild party house as they look towards tonight's show.