Once again, we have the Up All Night Crew in the house. Y'see, they don't need Kaysar around to be up until dawn their time - which happens to be past 9 AM from here. Sheesh. Darn vampires! So, while I posted the last entry in the wee hours, even more went on!Here's the scoop to catch up on the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Hoodoo The Voodoo As Good As Woogie Do:- Janelle told Will that she felt pressured to put up Marcellas. [Editor's note: Um, well... that was the point! She was pressured and she caved into it. End of story, Janelle. You've been had!] Will smooth-talked her and worked his ways to steer her into thinking it was all in her best interest.
- Danielle seemed to get herself quite drunk. Marcellas was right - she shouldn't drink. Danielle depends on her wits and insight; alcohol affects those aspects.
- Will told Janelle that while he trusts Erika, Chill Town had a pre-season "thing" with Marcellas and Marcellas jumped ship immediately once in the house. He claims that shows how disloyal Marcellas is.
- Janelle thinks Will will be safe next week even if he goes on the block.
- Howie at times has strokes of brilliance and insight, which sort of makes one wonder if the Dumb Howie is all an act. He told HG this: "Will has me convinced that if I win HOH next week I should put myself up on the block." He sees what's going on with the PuppetMaster and James, while Janelle is so gullible with both of them.
- Danielle kept telling the cameras what a great actor she is. [Editor's note: Maybe she's exaggerating the drunken bit? I dunno. I predict no Emmy and certainly no Oscar.]
- In her camera confidentials (as opposed to Diary Room - she's doing this for the Internet), Danielle said her only allegiance is with the Legion of Doom and she's great. [Editor's note: @@ I have to give her an eyeroll! She knows how the LOD falls apart and right now Will's running circles around her gameplay. She's a very capable gameplayer, but she's made a few bad decisions in strategy with which she's now burdened.]
- The HG ate as late as they could as today (Wed.) marks their one day of BB Slop this week. [Editor's note: You'd think they think they'll starve in one day the way they ate!]
- Janelle told James she knew she shouldn't have put Marcellas on the block. James told her she cannot trust her "beloved doc." He goes on to tell her that they have to stop supporting Chill Town after this week as CT are not on their (S6) side. [Editor's note: This may sound confusing, but I think I know what's going on here. James is really with the LOD which includes CT. But... he wants to convince Janelle he's really on HER side, then backstab her once she's fallen for his act. While he's trashtalking Woogie, it's all part of his scheme and Woogie is in on it all, as is Danielle.]
- James told Janelle that Erika and Mike Boogie were dating before the show.
- James confronted Erika about the previous relationship with Boogie and she denied it. She wanted to know where he got the information. James told her he feels like both of them lied to him. [Editor's note: Erika holds her cards very close at times. While it sometimes seems she's not playing the game, she is. I don't think she trusts James and I doubt she'll ever give him any more information than is necessary.]
- Will and Janelle talked - she's waffling on voting out Marcellas. He acted like he's okay with it, but kept his smooth-talking going. He asked her if she wanted him to wake up Mike to tell him that she's voting out Erika. [Editor's note: We know she can't vote as she's HOH - it's more what she WANTS the others to do rather than her personal vote.]
- Will wants to do The Amazing Race with Janelle. He thinks that CBS owes him favors for being on the show... or something.
- In a camera confidential to the Internet, Will told us he's trying to make this all good for TV and he loves his girlfriend Erin. He said he wants this season to be the best Big Brother ever.
- Erika told Howie she had no intentions of playing the game "mean." She said she's a loyal person and doesn't backstab. [Editor's note: But, of course, she didn't tell him to whom she's loyal! Bwahaha!]
- Howie called Will "Dr. Malicious." He's onto him, but will it do any good this late in the game?
- Howie started being really disgusting to break up a Janelle/Will talk. He tends to revert to his inner 12-year-old boy at times. He also mooned the cameras. My eyes! My eyes!
- Will told Janelle and Howie he can get them jobs in pharmaceutical sales (what April does!). Interesting - Mike offers restaurant jobs, Will offers drug sales (legal ones). I wonder if either could offer me a job writing stuff! Heh.
- Janelle told Will, "Of course we trust you." Then she gave the camera a big wink. Is she onto him?
- Will told Janelle that Erika will honor the deal to put up Danielle, but he thinks she will throw HOH so as not to even deal with the noms.
- Will also told her that he had a deal with Kaysar and that he's only telling her now because Kaysar is gone. [Editor's note: And to get her to trust him!]
- Alone together, Howie told Janelle that Will is just twisting things around to get her to believe him and to do what he wants her to do. Janelle said she's angry about what happened tonight. [Editor's note: I'm assuming she means the HOH meeting with CT/S6 and her change of heart to have Marcellas voted out.]
- Howie and Janelle stayed up just about all night discussing evicting Erika. Howie thinks she's backstabbed them and won't feel bad at all betraying her. [Editor's note: Hmmm... they have to realize that they're not going to have the numbers. They know the rest of the house is for a Marcellas ouster with Danielle and George as wildcards (as far as they know).
- Janelle had an epiphany - "Howie, do you think Will is hanging out with us just so he doesn't get voted out?" D'oh!
- Howie and Janelle drilled each other with questions in anticipation of the HOH comp tomorrow.
As it stands now as I post this, Danielle and Marcellas are up. Marcellas is still trying to get her vote to stay. He thinks he has her, George, James and perhaps Howie as "Janelle is getting rid of Erika." She just kept brushing her teeth and didn't seem to really commit to anything.
There have been no more clues for the Coup d'Etat, so I will stick with my feelings that Mike won with "Ewe reap what ewe sew" or "You reap what you sow."
It looks like Janelle may have seen the light and realizes now that Will's playing her, but I bet he can damage-control that. It also seems that Janelle is putting blind trust into James once again. Silly buxom blonde, silly.
Graphic by Zoetawny.