Thursday, August 31, 2006

Big Brother 7: All Stars' - East Coast Update Live Show 8/31 - First Eviction and Voting

Votes are to evict -

Janelle - Danielle
Will - Danielle
Mike - Danielle

Danielle is evicted.

BB7 - Show Schedules Link and Blogging Live Show Information 8/31

Folks, remember that Big Brother is being pre-empted and put on at odd hours in many areas tonight. It's a very important show, so we gathered local schedule changes here --> The (TV) Show Must Go On...: BB7 - Regarding Thursday Evening Live Show Schedules

If your area is not listed and you find there is a change, please post in the comments of that entry.

As for tonight's show, I'll be quickly posting important events as they happen here on the East Coast. I have no clue when they'll be doing what. If you refresh the blog or use the August 2006 on the right sidebar of the main blog page (the one with more than one entry), it should bring up the newest post. I'll probably post a recap, but that might not hit the page until late tonight.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday Before The Live Show - 8/31

Well, those houseguests are in for a rough night tonight, eh?

Here are the day's events prior to the live show from that Big Brother House of Unexpecting Evictions:
  • All of them, I say ALL of them, slept past 11 AM their time this morning.
  • BB used classical music to awaken them and it just didn't work as well as metal rock.
  • The music played throughout the house partially to mask the trial by staff of the upcoming comp out in the backyard. They normally test these things. And, as we know, sometimes things still go awry. But tonight's show doesn't have a moment to waste, I would think.
  • George fluttered around to the music as he cleaned house.
  • Erika told Mike she didn't sleep well. [Editor's note: She was up for more than an hour smoking alone in the back yard.]
  • We had a lot of blocked feeds on and off through the daytime. Often, if they give HG instructions on the comp for the live show, we'll get blocked.
  • George packed.
  • Mike's ear is still giving him problems. Now he says it's wax build-up or blocked somehow.
  • No real game talk going on at all. They don't seem to have any clue that they're heading to a double eviction. They're primping and some were working out between feeds blockages.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Overnight Into Thursday 8/31

Here are the overnight events from that Big Brother House of Wannabe Celebrities:
  • Mike Boogie claimed he had been kissed by Paris Hilton and Erika went a step further -- she claimed she's been with Matthew McConaughey. [Editor's note: I would have thought he'd have better taste!]
  • They talked about odd sexual conquesting at bars.
  • Will said he didn't think Erin would break up with him over the show.
  • Mike asked Will and Janelle if they'd "hook up" in the house with 6 or 7 bottles of wine to encourage them. They said no. Will said it wasn't in his moral character.
  • Mike complained more about the BB doctor not fixing his ear. He said the doctor would return with a piece of equipment.
  • Mike is concerned that Will is too close to Janelle. Will told him he trusts her 100% because she thinks they'll be getting together after the show. Meanwhile, he loves his girlfriend.
  • Mike complained to George and Danielle about Will and Janelle.
  • Danielle said she didn't think it was fair that Season 6 came in the house with four members.
  • When George asked Danielle if her husband would be at the wrap party, she said probably not. He doesn't like Big Brother.
  • Will told Mike that he did a Diary Room segment about Mike's lack of self-control. Mike only asked if it was funny. [Editor's note: I would be embarrassed!]
  • BB turned the lights off at about 2 AM their time. Erika stayed up smoking alone in the yard.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Into Wednesday Evening 8/30

Ah, memories of a more interesting night. Yep, graphic artist Zoetawny just had to do something about Danielle's bizarre behavior the other night. Now, even Danielle has calmed down and it's turned to a waiting game. She's holding out a bit of hope, but I think she's resigned to the fact that she's probably going home tomorrow night. No one has told her that she's the target, but that's not because she isn't the target. It's because they don't want the Wrath of Danielle at them.

Here are the afternoon and evening (so far) events from that Big Brother House of No Bouncy-Bounce:

  • Why "no bouncy-bounce"? Well, the trampoline was taken away last night - according to the comp in which they won it, they only had it through Tuesday. And, trust me, today these folks just ain't too bouncy.
  • Danielle is bothered by the fact that Will and Janelle spend so much time together. "What are they doing? What do they talk about?" [Editor's note: Very similar to her not trusting George because he won't tell her his strategy. Her kids must really have had trouble getting away with anything!]
  • Mike saw the show's doctor for his ear, but still isn't pleased.
  • Danielle packed her bags in anticipation of tomorrow.
  • Will shmoozed Erika - told her how hard he worked for Marcellas to go on the block instead of her, told her that George would beat Janelle in the Final Two. [Editor's note: While Mike focuses his sex drive on his shomance, Will works Mike's showmance for their mutual benefit.]
  • Erika told Will it's imperative to get Janelle out. If she stays, she will think that they're (Janelle and Erika) targeting Chill Town.
  • Will agreeed with her. Of course. [Editor's note: Sure, he does. It's a scheme he assigned to Janelle. Lie!]
  • George worked on his costume for the live show. It's going to make his previous costumes look normal. Eep.
  • Will heard some construction work going on somewhere over the fence. He yelled. He pleaded. He begged to know what they were building out there. No response.
  • Will kept singing and Big Brother kept telling him to knock it off.
  • Will confronted Danielle while she was smoking hiding behind the couch (in the yard). "The cameras see you there. Do you care?" "No."
  • Will kicked the beachball onto the roof of the house and worked to get it down. No, he may not climb up on the roof.
  • Will wanted to put Erika's teddy bear in the hot tub. She wouldn't let him and wanted to know why he wanted to be so mean to the bear.
  • Mike accused Will and Janelle of stealing his hidden HOH treats. Will said they were probably taken by BB when they were on food restriction.
  • Mike isn't pleased. He said a lot of stuff has gone missing... even the Hamburger Helper. [Editor's note: Maybe it's the tarantulas stealing the foodstuffs!]
  • Will wanted to create a smoky fire in the backyard and scream "Fire!" George told him that they'd have have Jase (the hero firefighter) there with an extinguisher. Then he said Will must have given his parents a rough time bringing him up.
  • With no fire, Will screamed, "The backyard's on fire! Help!"
  • Lots of singing (blocking feeds each time), celebrity talk and talk of boredom.

And that's what it is.