Sunday, September 03, 2006

Saturday, September 02, 2006

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Saturday 9/02 In The House

Yes, this report is a bit late in coming. But I have a reason.

There hasn't been much happening.

Hey, it's a good reason, right?

Here are the events (and a few non-events) from today in that Big Brother House of Nappers and Card Players:
  • They slept late, for a change. [Please note that's sarcasm.]
  • Will waved at a helicopter in the yard, then said it was L.A.P.D. and they gave him a siren blast.
  • On and off all day from morning (well, noon) to night, they all studied up on house and comp trivia in preparation for the POV Comp. I mean everybody, in pairs, trios, all mixes.
  • Will told Erika that the BB house is like a morals test - James was always too worried about what Sarah and his family would think. But, you can't go the other extreme and just hop into bed with any buxom blonde and think it's all okay.
  • Mike Boogie got more medical care for his ear woes.
  • Mike and Erika think Janelle is a machine when it comes to competitions.
  • Will told Mike that he hopes the fans realize that he thinks Janelle is cute, funny, sexy and more... but he loves Erin (his girlfriend).
  • They played cards. They talked about the wonder that is Metamucil. They played more cards.
  • Will admitted he hasn't washed dishes since he's been in the house (and he's not starting now).
  • Janelle stayed in bed a lot and told Will she didn't feel well. He told her she can win.
  • Mike and Will napped in the HOH and ant room, respectively. While they napped, Erika and Janelle were in the kitchen just chitchatting.
  • All later napped some more. I napped, too. It must be contagious.
  • Erika eavesdropped on Will and Janelle drilling for HOH trivia questions and flirting.
  • They talked of others throwing comps and how terrible James was when he threw the one to Danielle.
  • They wondered about the Veto Comp - said BB told them nothing. They've been in indoor lockdown for hours now. [Editor's note: I wonder about it, too!]
  • Will went on and on about Mike accusing him and his "dollfriend" of stealing his HOH the other day.

And, there you go. There is still no word on the POV as I post this. It has not happened, the houseguests don't know when it's supposed to happen. When I know more, I'll post.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Digest - Late Night Friday Overnight Into Saturday 9/02

Well, it's down to the final four and they say they all like each other. We have a showmance and a flirtmance. Ho-hum. Give me some excitement! The women should mutiny... or something.

Here are the events from last night and through the overnight hours into today from that Big Brother House of Waning Days:
  • Will and Mike are pleased with the results of their Operation Double-Date. They think they're sitting pretty for a win.
  • Mike told Erika that Will is happy with third place (and a Vespa) because he still felt guilty about the second season. He implied that Erika would be in second place with him. She believes him. She shouldn't.
  • Will and Janelle talked with Will pushing the idea that everyone would hate him in the finals and whoever was with him would win. [Editor's note: Maybe, maybe not.]
  • The houseguests were thrilled to get a special delivery (from the storage room) of fried chicken from KFC. [Editor's note: Well, we now know KFC has to be a sponsor due to the Colonel on Thursday and now a feast. I never saw people so happy about fried chicken.]
  • Janelle mentioned that the houseguests in sequester can only talk about the game with handlers (show staffers) around. I found that interesting.
  • Will and Janelle had their ups and downs with bickering and making up. Will told her he's bored and she's his playmate, so he tries for excitement.
  • Erika's very stressed out about the upcoming POV comp.
  • Will wanted to barter for the return of the trampoline - he offered the pool table and the hammock.
  • They played cards. I don't like watching them play cards. I don't like when they shuffle cards. Make them stop.
  • Janelle and Will whispered a lot. I don't like it when they whisper. I can't hear what they're saying. Make them stop.
  • (I'll stop fussing now.)
  • Will is worried that Erika will send him home if she wins POV. He tells Mike to work on her.
  • Will told Mike that Janelle asked him if she was safe - he assured her that she was and it would be Erika sent to the jury. It seems Will is intent on keeping Janelle in the final three and Mike seems to have no objection.
  • Mike said that Erika has to go home next because she's an "endurance freak" and the last comp is usually endurance.
  • Will thinks he can flirt Janelle out of an endurance comp.
  • Will thinks that they (Woogie) have to be careful as to not push Janelle and Erika to the point where they might team up against them.
  • Will, prone to puppet shows, used a kiwi fruit and a grapefruit to act out his relationship to Janelle. He told Janelle (through the fruit) that the flirting was a joke while the friendship was real.
  • Mike and Erika think that Janelle probably gained ten to fifteen pounds in the house.
  • Will said that Danielle liked to be everyone's friend while throwing them under the bus.
  • Will and Mike bid goodnight and separated themselves from their showmances.
  • Janelle wanted to talk with Will and after he finally said to go ahead, but she had to tell a story. So she made up a story. Hey, I just report. I don't know what his fixation with stories is.
  • They (Janelle and Will) continued to talk about Big Brother and other things for quite a while.
  • All are sleeping, some tossing and turning a bit, as I get this posted.

POV should be later today. If, by chance, I'm not right around to post about it, this site is great for instant updates.

Graphic by Zoetawny.

Friday, September 01, 2006

'BB7' - Live Feeds Bulletin - Nominations

It's confirmed (finally) - Erika and Janelle are Mike's nominations for eviction.

POV should be tomorrow.

'Big Brother 7: All Stars' - Live Feeds Report - Friday Daytime 9/01

It's down to the Final Four. Did you think Erika would be in there?

Here are the happenings from predawn to afternoon Friday in that Bg Brother House of Fools and Fooling:
  • Janelle was up until almost 6 AM their time and, as she headed to bed, Erika got up. She didn't stay up long and all ended up sleeping in once again.
  • Mike Boogie ended up being the first one really up and about at well past 10 AM.
  • Mike got his sweat suit with "Chill Town" in rhinestones that BB promised to retrieve from his home closet as a HOH gift. He's sure he's cool now.
  • Will and Janelle still like each other even though Will had a rant aimed for Erin last night about Janelle.
  • Erika picked up the housework jobs that needed doing. Once she started, it made me recall that she did do a lot of housekeeping in her season. Apparently this year with George, she let him do it. [Editor's note: It's a good thing someone is cleaning!]
  • Woogie went over scenarios with the POV and how they'll react. Will said they have to win POV - neither girl can win it for their plans to succeed.
  • Will continues to plant seeds against Janelle to Erika, just as he has Janelle plant seeds against himself to her. That plan is supposed to make her think they're going to go after each other in the game.
  • Erika thinks Janelle will win the Veto.
  • The plasma screen announced that nominations would be today.
  • As of this time the nominations have not yet been held.

Folks, once again I ask that you please be civil to each other in the comments area. I get an email for each comment and, yes, I do read each one. When faced with having to get a report posted and having to wade through the blog comments trying to remove squabbling and nastiness, it's the reports (and my sleep, dinner, whatever) that suffer. The best way to keep this from happening is to post about the show and the houseguests, not the other commenters (unless, of course, it's something pleasant). We come from all walks of life - some folks post long comments, some just post a few words, some post in caps due to vision woes, some don't spell well... and on and on. We're all human and we're all different. But, one thing which doesn't need to happen is plain old meaness directed at others. So, please... post accordingly. I do care about the comments even though I'm a bit swamped.