<--- Mike and Jen seem to be getting close on a hammock, eh?I'm still trying to get the feel of these folks in the house this season. So, until I choose anyone I like, I'm not getting really excited. Oh, I know that they'll grow on me. But they ain't there yet!Here are the afternoon into evening happenings from that Big Brother House of Mad Hatters:- The details of the Veto Comp grew more clear -- each player had to hide a Veto and each had to find hidden Vetos. Daniele won. (The spelling of her name drives me crazy! It should be double "L.")
- The houseguests aren't too clear on the timeline for events. They think the eviction will be Sunday. Silly hamsters, it's Thursday!
- Daniele and Amber talked about how annoying Jen is. I mention this because I agree with them.
- Amber told Daniele that Dick told her he'd never put her (Daniele) on the block.
- Carol is really down. She's still sure she'll be the one to go home. Unfortunately, her attitude won't help her case, methinks. She started trying to campaign a bit.
- The HG had to do a lot of cleaning to put the house back in order after the wild Veto search competition.
- The houseguests got into the hot tub just in time for the After Dark show. @@
- Amber told Dustin that she'd put up Joe and Jen if she gets HOH. (Hmmm... I want to like Carol for the stay, but Amber has her points!)
- Joe is one of the HG on slop. He ate a piece of pineapple and got all the slop bunch yelled at by a female Big Brother voice.
- A lot of the HG think that Dick is a nice guy and Daniele's being cruel to him by ignoring him and being nasty.
- Carol called the cameras the Evil Eye of Satan. ("Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name...)
They're talking about the Veto Comp, its rounds and the timing of the rounds. It was actually hidden items and one POV from what I gathered before they cut the feed to hide the details.
So, right now things aren't a thrill a minute, but I'm positive it will improve. I hope so, anyway.
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I recommend JokersUpdates, Hamsterwatch, Morty'sTV, SurvivorSucks, and TV Clubhouse (amongst others) for extensive BB coverage!