Sunday, July 15, 2007

Blog Announcement

If you're in the NYC vicinity, you're invited to join a few of us this coming weekend. For more details, drop me a note at the email listed on the right sidebar.

And, as a more serious note: I received an email directing me to a blog which has copied most of my most recent show East Coast Update. I won't post the blog's URL because I don't want it to have any more traffic. If you come across "that blog" - please report it. I work hard to create original content for this blog and think that plagiarists are low forms of humanity.

Feel free to link and quote from here, but do NOT post my work as your own, little jerk.

'Big Brother 8' - Strong Man Comp Video

This is just one event in the not officially sanctioned Big Brother Strong Man comp. It's probably one of the few videos which is nearly G-Rated! Fun, but it makes for no strategy or drama.

(Yes, this is my own YouTube video. Not necessarily a pro production!)

'Big Brother 8' - 7/15 Show - East Coast Update

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Keep returning to this post as I'll be updating it throughout the show now that it has started here on the East Coast.

We're still in recap mode as the HG react to Jen winning HOH. They're pondering who she might put up.

Now they're talking about Jen talking about herself.

It's to Jen's HOH room. This should be Jentastic! Upset with her pictures, of course.

Joe tries to get her to put Dustin on the block.

Ah, they're talking about the Magnus and Cragnus Strong Man. (After the show I'll post a YouTube video I took of part of that competition.) This is cute. Zach and Dustin are teasing Mike and Nick as they lift weights.

To the big showmance between Nick and Daniele. The key to his heart he gave her is actually the key to his suitcase. Hmmm... no mention of his flirting with boys!

Kail and Jen talk strategy. Jen doesn't want to take out more girls because the guys have the power. Kail doesn't want Nick put up, suggests Jessica.

Food comp time. Two teams, the guys against Joe and the girls. "Name that Pie" - name the two ingredients within a specified amount of bites. Jameka thought she could name hers in five. Bacon and banana on first try. Mmm... salmon and blueberry sounds good to me! This is fun. Right now they're tied. Whoops, Daniele misnamed the last pie -- said it was pickle and tofu, it was actually pickle and clam. Blue team, the guys, win. Red team -- girls plus Joe are on slop for the week.

Eric, America's Player, is to target Jessica. (He did and he's still trying now even with POV, but he's not being successful.)

Now Jen is telling Nick that she may put up the people with negative effects on the house.

Here comes the Dick/Jen blowup. She walked into sleeping guys and just started blabbing to them. Dick is right -- no consideration. Jen looked rather maniacal at the end of the segment.

America's Player will develop sleepwalking. Whose bed should he sleepwalk into?

Jen is ready to choose her nminees and they're showing how worried the others are. Dick thinks he'll go up, but doesn't seem too worried. Jen thinks others will be happy with noms. Jessica's not worried at all.

Jen thinks her nominees will be more pleasant and lead better lives (once they are told by her how negative they are). Time for the ceremony. The negative people should go bit.

Key order: Jameka, Kail, Mike, Zach, Nick, Jessica, Amber, Dustin, Eric, Joe.

Nominees are Dick and Daniele, surprise surprise!

Both of you together cause negative atmosphere. Awkward. Happier place without negative vibes.

Nick thinks Jen is jeaous of Daniele. Dick won't campaign against Daniele - his goal is both of them remaining in the house.

Eric apologized for not securing a Jessica nomination. He said he'd continue if the veto is used. (I have noted in reports that he's been campaigning against Jessica, so he's trying.)

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Graphics arteest Zoetawny has been at it again! But I have to admit... although the pitch of Jessica's voice drives me up the wall, she's a hoot to eavesdrop in on. Listening to her makes me feel oh-so-wise and intelligent.

Like Dick's wish to keep crazy people in the house, I prefer there be such shallow folks around in the world so that my own self esteem can go on a joyride.

What's been happening in that Big Brother House of Flying Monkey Boy and an Ambiguous Fellow?
  • The POV Ceremony has not been held. The target to place on the block with Dick (assuming that Daniele will save herself which is almost a given) seems to rotate chiefly between being Joe or being Nick.
  • Jen wants to put up Nick because that will affect Daniele more. It's always been Daniele she really wanted gone. And, she said before the POV comp that if someone uses it, she will target whomever the POV user was close to in the house.
  • She thinks that Joe leaving will benefit everyone but herself.
  • Eric campaigned Jen for a Nick gone if he goes up on the block with Dick.
  • Eric thinks Nick alienated himself from his old alliance.
  • Zach doesn't want Nick out. He'd prefer Jen put Joe on the block with Dick.
  • Mike thinks Nick is a mole, but trusts him more than he does Dick. He thinks if Dick wins HOH, he'll put him (Mike) up for eviction.
  • Nick told Mike that between Dick and Joe, he'd rather see Joe leave.
  • Zach told Nick that Jen was going to put him on the block.
  • Nick told Jen about what Zach said and told her if he went up against Dick, he (Nick) would end up going home. He also told her about the Mrs. Robinson alliance.
  • Jen told Nick that if Joe went up, he'd go home. She also said the whole house wants Zach gone next week. (I thought they all wanted Joe gone this week? Work on that first, Jenthetic!)
  • The boys played their Magnus Strong Man competition -- certainly not an official Big Brother comp!
  • Mike warned Zach to cool it because others in the house think he's playing the game too hard and it could backfire on him.
  • Mike and Zach came to the realization that others know about the Mrs. Robinson alliance. (Well, duh.)
  • They want to pour water in the backyard spinning teacup to see if it really holds only nine gallons of water.

The show begins in about an hour here. I'll be posting an East Coast Update entry although we know from the feeds who won POV. Maybe they'll surprise us! Or not. ;-)

Pants Mania - This Week on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' - July 16-20, 2007

Late Show with David Letterman Even I need a respite from the Big Brother house, right?

Make mine pants!

Here are the guests we can expect to see this week on The Late Show with David Letterman:

  • Monday, July 16: Michelle Pfeiffer promoting Hairspray, Jonah Hill talking about Superbad, Michele Lauziere (Master of the Unusual)
  • Tuesday, July 17: Adam Sandler pimping I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry and musical guest Mute Math (CD is Mute Math).
  • Wednesday, July 18: John Travolta (Hairspray), Paula Abdul promoting her new reality series (which I've managed to not see yet) Hey Paula, musical guest Teddy Thompson whose CD is Upfront and Down Low.
  • Thursday, July 19: Kevin James (I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry), musical guest White Rabbits - CD is Fort Nightly.
  • Friday, July 20: Julia Stiles of The Bourne Ultimatum and comedian Nick Griffith.
Yes, all fresh shows this week! Hairspray is getting a lot of hype. I think I'll have to go see it when it arrives at the theaters. I always like quirky John Waters things. I don't know how keen I am on a chubby female John Travolta, though. Vinnie Barbarino would take a bruising from the sweathogs on that!