Thursday, August 09, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Eviction Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast - 8/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

The show is starting here in the NYC area. I'll be posting events as they air here and updating this post on a regular basis. Please either return or refesh the page to catch the latest! And, as I'm typing this off the cuff here, there may be typos or misspellings. Oop!

Zoetawny made us a graphic! Yay, Zoetawny! They've recapped the evnts -- pretty quickly even, so let's get started!

The Bunny People are in the house.

Now it's time for an explosion according to Jule. They're reshowing the POV meeting. Eric tells us his fate is in the hands of Dustin, Jameka, Jessica, and Amber. Dick is campaigning Jen and Kail by her side although she can't vote.

Evel mentions to us that he has something on Eric. Uh-oh -- he told Amber that Eric had the personal info that's been such a brouhahah. Dick doesn't know what it is, but tells her Eric will use it against him. Oh, sure... now the secret (right) is on national television. Dick is surely using it to flip Amber's vote.

Amber runs to Dustin and tells him all about it. Dustin waffles.

Evel Dick and Dnaiele are editied so it looks like a perfect tag team. Dick told Amber that she and Dustin would have a free week if they work with him. Amber brought up the promise on her daughter's life and Dick questioned if God is good he'd understand.

Dustin told Amber that he wants Dick and Daniele out and calls Amber a psycho. He advises her to think with her head. Dustin told her he'd vote Eric out, she needn't go back on her word.

Oh... the explosion! It's starting --- the confrontation between Amber and Eric. Everyone's staring. "How dare you!! Devil in disguise!" Eric's just sitting there staring at her. They cut that down short!

That over, Julie tells us they'll be talking to Evel Dick's friends about what he's like outside the house.

Julie's checking in with the houseguests and House Bunnies. She's asking about the stress yesterday in the house. Jameka told her everything's fine now. When asked, Jameka said she has some regrets about giving up 5 HOH. Jen sticks with everything she did.

Questions from viewers! Dustin's stupid grey shirt! YAY! He says it's consistentency and he has three.

It's to Dick's buddies... Axl Rose, Alice Cooper's band members, and more do really know him. One says he's a "sap and a sweetheart of a guy."

Julie asks Daniele about how the relationship between her and her father has changed. She says it's a slow process and better than it was. She tells Julie that people take out frustration over her father on her. When asked, Daniele said the votes may not be Eric's, but he's the biggest threat in the house.

Kail's husband is up next and what he thinks of Evel Dick.

Ah, he's much different than I thought he would be. They go on about owning all the businesses now. The hubby isn't worried about Dick yelling at her as a game strategy. She misses her husband (she may see him tonight). Hubby says she's downplaying her religion with Jameka. Hubby thinks they could be in big trouble if she doesn't leave.

Back to the living room...
Kail: 3rd time in a row, never gets easier, thank you and another week please.
Eric: Thirteen strangers standing in his way of winning, once he met them changed mind, waants to stay and repair bonds.

The voting is about to begin:
Dick votes to evict that weasel Eric.
Jen votes to evict Eric.
Jessica votes to evict Kail.
Commercial break.
Zach votes to evict Eric.
Jameka votes to evict Kail.
Dustin votes to evict Kail.
Amber votes to evict Kail.

(Did I call that one or what?)

Kail is evicted by a vote of 4 to 3.

Dick and Daniele both look very nervous. Dick's mumbling something but didn't freak out. Hugs.

A very subdued house. Kail actually looks like a happy Cloris Leachman. Dick confronts Dustin, Dustin lies and said he voted Eric out. The Mystery vote, Dick thinks.

Kail is doing well. Goodbye messages -- Dick is nice, Dustin a bit nasty, Jen said if she's seeing it Eric's a good talker and they must go shopping, Jameka is nice, Daniele is pleasant to her, apologizes for not sticking to her word (the safe promise).

They showed the backyard set for the HOH comp before the commercial. It's the BB Bar with a rabbit head instead of a deer head. Hmmm...

The comp is called "Let's Make a Duel" - questions about what evicted HG said in the DR -- no spoilers for them.

Eric won the first round against Dustin.
Dick won the second round against Zach.
JULIE SCREWED UP! -- Told the answer by calling Eric Nick.
Eric lost the round to Jessica with a second question.
Dick is eliminated against Jen.
Amber is eliminated.

It's between Jessica and Jen for HOH.
JESSICA is the new HOH!

Dick looks very worried.

It is NOT a double eviction week!

America's Player -- Who should Eric get nominated for eviction?

Ah, to the HG -- Dick and Jameka are at it. Dustin tells Dick not to ever tell him what to do again. Oh, Jameka is still going up against Dick. The feeds will be interesting tonight!

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Thursday So Far 8/09

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Today, being the live eviction show day, hasn't been all that eventful in the house.

Although graphic artist Zoetawny made us a cool new Eric Public Enemy # 1 image, I think he's just perhaps Tarnished Acquaintance We Can Use #1.

The vote seems to be remaining the same from the last time I posted -- Dustin, Amber, Jameka, and Jessica voting to evict Kail. If that holds true, that would be all he needs to remain.

So tonight might be a hoot to watch the house go divided in public although it's been divided in private for a while now. Eric convinced his two iffy votes -- Dustin and Jessica -- that it's more beneficial to them to keep him rather than Kail. He's actually right with that. Plus, he'll target Dick (and Daniele) if he stays. That could only help their little group.

Jen has an inking that the tides have turned, but I'm not sure how she knows it. Right now it seems they've actually kept a secret (is this a BB8 first?) in the house. If the vote goes down their way, it will be a shocker for Dick. I'm anticipating some live show cussin'!

In other house news, Jen's earache is really bothering her. The medical treatment they've provided doesn't seem to be helping much. It might throw her off her best game for tonight's HOH.

And, we can probably expect the new HOH to have to name two nominees immediately for the second eviction on Sunday.

I'll be live-blogging tonight's show when it starts here at 8 PM. Please come by, bring your snacks!

'Big Brother 8' - Late Night Into Thursday Live Feeds

I took this screen cap yesterday as the houseguests played with the HOH camera. Eric was noticeably absent. I wrote an article about Amber's anti-Semitic remarks hitting the newswires -- that should be up on TV Squad later this morning.

Although Eric talked to most of his ex-group yesterday and he took it as promising, I don't think it will count as a done deal until it's done.

Jameka will vote to evict Kail because she promised him and won't go back on her word. Amber will vote for Kail to leave because she swore she would on her daughter's life.

Jessica told him she would vote to keep him, but has also told Dick's group otherwise. But then she tried to convince Amber that Eric is indeed on their side and it would be a smart move to keep him.

Dustin told him he'd vote to keep him, but told Dick's group and Kail otherwise. He also made a comment to Kail that if there's an odd unaccounted vote to keep Eric, they'll know it's Dick. It's possible he's setting the scene for an Eric stay and blame it on Dick, but it's hard to tell.

Jen says she's with Dick, but she's attempted to talk with Eric. I personally think she might be a wild card. She's been voting the house vote each week, but this week it's a house divided vote. In another note, she's really in a lot of pain with her earaches.

Jen and Kail discussed how unhappy with Amber they are -- her moods and actions are getting to them.

Dustin thinks the Dick and Daniele really, really need to go on the block next week. He and Jessica jumped up and down in glee celebrating the fact that they have enough votes to keep Eric this week. He's so sure a Donato will go next week (Dick) that he feels it's worth breaking his promise to them.

So, I dunno. Now it looks like it's swung back around to Eric staying, but I wouldn't bet any big bucks on it. I'll update again before tonight's live show.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wednesday Daytime 8/08

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Y'see, I meant to post earlier, but Evel Dick took all of my free will away. (Thanks go to Zoetawny for the graphic!)

Actually, for the first time this season, I've actually been hooked on the feeds and find it hard to stop watching.

I posted the change of minds here and on TV Squad as well as the video of Amber screaming at Eric. But what happened after that has been even more intriguing.

Here's the lowdown from the Big Brother House of Pavlov's Many Dogs:
  • While the others played with the HOH camera and had a grand old time, Eric was in the Diary Room.
  • The others feared that Eric would explode or else just leave the game.
  • Amber says she still has to vote for him because of the fact she swore her daughter's life on it. Jameka also promised him and gave her word.
  • Eric emerged from the DR very subdued, but asked to talk to Daniele.
  • In a long, long calm and rational talk with her, he seemed to have her feeling sorry for the wrongs committed against him.
  • Daniele told him she'd ask her father to stop yelling at him.
  • Eric's big plea seemed to be the legacy he would leave.
  • As I type this, he's talking to Jessica.
  • He said she was the only one he'd want to be in the final two with because he'd lose to everyone anyway and wants a person he likes to win.
  • Jessica said to him that he has her vote to stay although she's singing a different tune to the others.
  • Jameka's in there talking to him now.
  • Dustin wants to talk to him, too.
  • Three hours ago, not one of them wanted to even look him in the eye.
  • I said earlier that Evel Dick may be the biggest manipulator ever. I'm not quite sure how they're reacting away from him, but Eric is working it the best he can.
  • Eric is making some good points -- ones I brought up before his speeches. For example, I said Dick was using the Amber personal stuff as a weapon against Eric as much (more than) Eric ever would have with it.
  • If he beats Dick in this game of manipulative skills, I might have to eat my hat.
  • I don't think I have a hat. I'd have to go buy one.
In another note, folks ... once again, please be respectful to others in the comments area. The houseguests are pretty much free game, but not your fellow commenters. I don't agree with every commenters' favorites in the game, but that's okay. It would be boring if we all had the same favorites, wouldn't it?

'Big Brother 8' - Video Update

I caught the reactions of Dick, Bunny Zach and Daniele as Amber screamed at Eric. Do you think she may have blown the "let's keep Eric going home a secret" bit?

Really nasty language warning in effect!