I have an article awaiting publishing at TV Squad. Hopefully that will pop up soon!
I'll be starting up an East Coast Updates post for the So You Think You Can Dance results show which will be starting soon here. After that, I'll be live-blogging the finale of Hell's Kitchen. Later later, I'll be posting a feeds report here.
I've uploaded a feeds clip to YouTube -- It's Jessica explaining to the ailing Eric (which is why he couldn't talk to her or anyone else) how she came about putting Dustin on the block in Daniele's place. Zach had told her he would vote for Dick to go. Both Dustin and Amber volunteered to go up against Dick, but said she should put Jen up against Daniele. Jen told her that Dustin wants Dick to stay in the house and has a deal with him. Oh, watch it for yourself! (And I had nothing to do with product placement in the clip!)
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, August 13, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Bulletin - POV Ceremony
Jessica did it. Dustin is on the block, but I haven't heard whether Dick used the Veto to save Daniele or himself yet. I'm sure he was planning to save Daniele and will correct this if he didn't.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Evening and Overnight Into Monday 8/13
Well, it's been a bit of a snoozefest coming from the Big Brother house since yesterday afternoon. Many of the houseguests slept well into the afternoon and, as a result, are still up and wide-awake now.
But they're boring.
Here's what has been happening in the Big Brother House of He Said She Said:
But they're boring.
Here's what has been happening in the Big Brother House of He Said She Said:
- Jen ran from a moth in the backyard. While Dick said it was a small one, Jen said it was "the size of a bird."
- Eric thinks this is the best looking BB cast so far. @@
- At one point Dick started to ridicule Jameka and Daniele told him to "shut up." He did.
- Zach isn't the only HG who hurt himself at the food comp -- Dick has a nasty cut on his wrist.
- Zach told Amber that he had a long talk with Dick about calming down some because he's going to have to be in sequester with them.
- Dick is certain he'll be going home and has calmed down some.
- Zach and Amber exercised together. He's put himself on a very strict regimen as he lost a lot of weight prior to coming in the house and wants to keep it off.
- Daniele thinks that if Dick leaves this week, it's only her and Amber who don't fit in with the house left. (I beg to differ. I so don't care for Amber, but she seems to be in with the crowd. I think it would still be Daniele, Zach, and Jen on the outer fringes.)
- Dick is sure that Jen is going on the block in his place at the POV Ceremony (later today). He told Daniele to start "getting into her head" after she goes up in an effort to work herself in with her better.
- Amber told Daniele it was "sweet" that Nick left her (Daniele) his bandana to wear for good luck in comps.
- Jen told Eric that Dick will be using the veto to save himself. (She may be a JenBot, but she does like to stir things up!)
- The LNC Remainders are already fractioning -- Amber told Jessica that Eric should know after last week that he'll be the first target in their group.
- Dustin is peeved -- he thinks Dick stole his King robe, his fake tattoos and hid the olives, too!
- Amber said she's willing to go on the block as a pawn if Dustin doesn't feel comfortable. (Oh, I'd love for her to go!)
- Daniele doesn't know how much she can trust Jen. (Not much, I say. Although Jen has repeatedly said she's there for fun, she's got her game on and knows what she's doing.)
- Dustin no longer wants to go on the block as a pawn. He says it's because he's been arrogant and thinks that's going to hurt him. (You don't say?) He said one of the things he wanted to work on this summer is his arrogance. (I guess recognizing it is a step.)
- Dustin also thinks Eric might vote to evict him if he's on the block.
- Amber seems irked with Dustin over this latest.
- Amber also told Dustin to stop repeating things she says about Zach to him.
- They played beer pong again.
- Amber isn't thrilled that Eric has been talking to Jen.
- Right now as I post this, the LNC Remainders are all abuzz because Eric has been in the DR "forever." Yesterday, neither Amber or Eric went to the DR and someone named Rebecca was the voice of BB in there.
- Now Eric is having an interesting talk with Jessica about working to the final two -- who they can trust and who they can't.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - 8/12 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast
The show will be starting about ten minutes (or so) late here in the NYC area due to golf. @@
Once it starts, I'll be updating this post throughout the show as it airs. In doing so, I'm bound to commit a few typos or misspellings, so you've been warned!
Please feel free to jump in with your thoughts in the comments area -- they're always the highlight of the show blog entry! Right now Andy Rooney is on, so it will be just a few minutes more.
Recap, recap, period end of story. They're evicting Kail all over again. Now reliving the HOH comp. Finally, to the show's opening music.
Now it's to Dick confronting folks. Everyone is looking uncomfortable. Amber won't forget what Eric did and will watch him. To the HOH comp and Jessica's win... the LNC Remainders are gleeful to say the least. Daniele thinks she and Evel got played and the LNC knew what they were doing all along. Dick promises more damage before he leaves. It's hard to take Bunny People seriously in stand-offs.
Jameka's finger-waving at Dick reminds me of what's-her-name on Survivor that season -- the one who got mad at Kimmie over the chickens.
It's a brouhaha, folks! A veritable brouhaha!
"You're a hypocrite!"
"Yo mama!" (I bet they'll never show her calling his mother a bitch like she did.)
Zach tells us the peasants are revolting. Jameka chants "I love you God" over and over again. Dick tried to talk to Jameka later, but she wanted no part of it. The LNC Remainders were love-festing and fist-pumping over their victory.
Daniele cries to Dick about how much she hates everything. Evel tells her it's all because Dustin's a liar. She cries some more. Dick is being very good with her. He tells us that the most important thing to him is his relationship with his daughter.
Jessica tells Amber that although she's close to Eric, she's in it for herself. She tells us she's never been a target of Dick's.
Time for the HOH room, booyah! Dick and Daniele went and both acted decently despite their upset. Unlike Jen, Jessica liked her photos.
Back to Daniele's sobfest and Dick trying to console her. He promises her that if they both go up on the block, he'll make sure he's the one who goes home. He will create problems so they want him out.
In the kitchen with Jameka, he goes at Jameka again and then Amber jumps in. He's making the comments about her drug recovery and other. Oh, he knows how to push those buttons! And Amber's face is a dead giveaway when he gets to her!
Whoa! They aired the "your mother's a bitch" comment from Jameka! I'm shocked! Dustin peeked into the kitchen and backed away.
More church music as Amber prays and cries about what Dick said and regreets her drug days.
(Please, God... just make her go away!)
Dick is so mean, help me please! (That's Amber, not me. I don't think Dick would be mean to me.)
Daniele and Jen are talking. Daniele promises Jen that from here on out, she has her back. Jen is actually a good listening post. JenBot even seems to be happy to finally be getting along with Daniele. She thinks they could be a good team.
"It's time to rock and roll" -- the food comp -- BB Benefit Cncert. BB Blues and BB Rockers, Zach wanted to be blue, but Dick grabbed the red bandanas out of his hand. 200 guitars and two stages in the backyard. Inside each guitar is a dollar sign or a slop sign. The first team to get to 20 $ wins food.
There's a one week slop pass inside one guitar. Smashing the guitars seems to get some of their frustrations out. Dick got the slop pass. Amber told us from the DR with tears in her eyes that God directed her to the guitars with the dollar signs.
The Blue Team won -- Zach, Jameka, Eric, and Amber will eat. Dick gave the slop pass to Jen and Daniele claimed it was her advice -- he wanted to give it to her, but she thought it better to give to Jen for strategic reasons.
Ah, Zach likes his bunny suit! We need something lighthearted. He's getting in touch with his inner bunny. Amber knocked it, but I think it's fun.
America's Player -- Eric is surprised and not pleased that America chose Dustin.
Dustin is calling Dick all kinds of white trash names after Dick left the backyard. He tells Jessica to put him up next to Dick because he's the honest one and Dick is the "scumbag." Eric's expression made me snicker. He's using it to further America's cause.
New America's Player -- To which HG should Eric give the silent treatment? Now, if you really want to mess him up, vote Jessica.
I'm evil.
Nominations Today -- Same old, same old descriptions and Jessica choosing keys. Dick tells us he'll make sure he goes and Daniele stays if they're both on the block.
They gather around the table. Dustin looks smug. Amber looks like she's been crying. Jessica said she made the decision following her heart:
Key order: Jameka, Jen, Eric, Amber, Zach, Dustin is last.
Jessica tells D&D that she's doing this to get back over Eric almost going, the person she's closest to in the house. Jessica tells us that she's really gunning for Daniele to leave, not Dick.
Dick vows to make them miserable until he leaves.
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Sunday So Far 8/12
Zach and Evel Dick are presently sitting outside talking world issues as I post this report.
Not horribly exciting, eh? But it's Sunday, their traditional really quiet day in the house.
Here are today's big events from that Big Brother House of Future World Leaders:
Not horribly exciting, eh? But it's Sunday, their traditional really quiet day in the house.
Here are today's big events from that Big Brother House of Future World Leaders:
- The HG staggered to life anytime from around 11 AM (their time) until well into the afternoon. Which, of course, is just shy of evening for me! Some are still asleep!
- Dick talked to the cameras, and thus us, saying he's wanted to do the show for three years, was a finalist for seasons 5 and 6, then they pulled "her" in as his secret partner, then they showed up bumping into each other at an open casting call and BB snagged 'em. So, this means that we almost saw Evel Dick and Daniele working as secret partners in season 6. Very interesting, eh?
- Dick thinks that if Daniele wasn't in the house, he wouldn't have lasted even two weeks.
- Zach and Jen talked about the need for one of them to win HOH -- if not, they know they're targets.
- Dick messed with the kitchen faucet once again.
- Dick told stories about Amsterdam, people he knows, and stuff.
- Much of today is just small talk so far, but it seems Dick still plans to use the veto to save Daniele.
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