This isn't my video as it was going down as I was trying to get mine uploaded to YouTube, but it covers the backyard events.
I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Screen Caps and a Bit More 8/15

Right now the HG are in an outdoor lockdown. There are bunnies involved, each one with a card on its neck (they were left inside). Zach and Dustin are trying to figure out clues in what the Mini-Mad Hatter was saying, the songs sung by the barbershop quartet ("I'm Mad About Harry" and another), there was a living "statue" seeming to mock some HG. It's all so very odd.
They're all trying to figure things out. One theory is that three will go on the block, two will leave.
Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say...
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Wed. 8/15 So Far
Well, there's something a bit unusual going on in the house today.
After Jessica and Eric stayed up well into the morning their time, the house got a visitor. Well, we don't know exactly how he got there because the feeds were blocked. But there he was -- a mini-Mad Hatter with a melted clock around his neck running about the house with odd sayings:
"A snitch in time saves nine."
"Fish and visitors stink after three days."
"Three people can keep a secret. Two are dead."
"What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive."
"There are no little enemies."
"It's not enough to succeed, for others will fail."
Very odd. He's running around the house and once everyone gathers in the backyard, we get blocked after just a glimpse of a pirate on stilts and a bit of a barbershop quartet singing "I'm Wild about Harry." ARGH.
I've been delayed in this report waiting for YouTube to get my video processed (grr), but I'm giving up for the moment to get this posted. Once YouTube gets their act together, I'll post the video. Scratch that, the second I said it, my video went live. Here it is:
After Jessica and Eric stayed up well into the morning their time, the house got a visitor. Well, we don't know exactly how he got there because the feeds were blocked. But there he was -- a mini-Mad Hatter with a melted clock around his neck running about the house with odd sayings:
"A snitch in time saves nine."
"Fish and visitors stink after three days."
"Three people can keep a secret. Two are dead."
"What a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive."
"There are no little enemies."
"It's not enough to succeed, for others will fail."
Very odd. He's running around the house and once everyone gathers in the backyard, we get blocked after just a glimpse of a pirate on stilts and a bit of a barbershop quartet singing "I'm Wild about Harry." ARGH.
I've been delayed in this report waiting for YouTube to get my video processed (grr), but I'm giving up for the moment to get this posted. Once YouTube gets their act together, I'll post the video. Scratch that, the second I said it, my video went live. Here it is:
'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Report - Evening/Overnight into Wed. 8/15

<--- Eric sporting his new 'do. His FauxHawk is gone and he looks normal again. Or, that is, as normal as he can look.
Once again there really wasn't much action in the house throughout the day, yet at this hour -- going on 4 AM for them, 7 for me -- most are still awake. Jen, Jessica, and Eric are sitting around the HOH room talking. Dick, Amber, Jameka, Dustin, and Daniele are in another group talking. Jameka is now talking to Dick about previous seasons of the show. Dick's telling her about Shannon using Hardy's toothbrush to clean the toilet. I believe Zach went to bed.
A thrill a minute, eh?
Here are the happenings in that Big Brother House of Mellow Moments:
- After Amber commented to Dustin that it would be a good strategical move for "them" to take him out this week because she would be in rough shape for the HOH comp, Dustin got nervous. He went to Eric to ask if Dick was campaigning.
- Dustin told Jessica and Eric not to talk game with Evel Dick.
- There was a lot of talk about Eric's anatomy due to the accidental shower exposure and the on purpose streaking.
- Daniele isn't feeling well. (I doubt she caught Eric's illness.)
- Dustin was the hairdresser of the night -- BB gave them actual grooming stuff.
- After Dustin told Amber earlier in the day to use Zach's interest in her (they've been exercising together) to her advantage, she told Jessica and Eric. "I'm no good at getting information out of people!"
- Jessica and Zach had a "date" in the backyard.
- During said date Jessica told him she had earlier doubts, but doesn't think that Dustin is working with D&D. Zach seems to think that Jen lied about them working together.
- Jessica told Zach she doesn't talk game with anyone in the house. (Um ... Eric!)
- Zach has told Dick he will vote out Dustin. He has told Jessica he'd vote out Evel. He mentioned to Jessica if there's an odd vote this time, it has to be coming from her side.
- Dustin told Amber that America is probably sick of her crying.
- Amber got defensive.
- And Amber cried.
- Okay, she didn't, but it fit so well in there!
- Jameka prayed.
- Really.
- She wants God to send angels on her behalf. Um, okay.
- Eric worked on Jessica to consider a Dustin eviction this week.
I need excitement!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - 8/14 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast
Yeah, we know which one will stay up for eviction, but let's pretend we don't! Yes, it's a Zoetawny graphic!
As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll constantly be updating this post. If you don't see any updates, give a moment, refresh and they'll be here!
First a subliminal message -- vote for Terry Fator for America's Got Talent...! Now, you didn't read that here, did you? The thought just came to your head, right?
As always, please forgive any typos or misspellings as I type this off the cuff as I watch the show. If you've ever typed with your wrists, you know how hard it can be!
The show has started here. Recapping, but of course. Dick once again tells us that he'll make the others hate him so he'll go home instead of Daniele. He gieves her advice about the others and feels she has a better chance of going forward than he will. Now a bit of schmaltzy father/daughter musings from Dick.
Jen makes herself at home in the HOH room and Jessica thinks she's trying to play both sides.
Dick works on getting "the five" to despise him. Rock music plays. He has a pan lid and spoon awakening Dustin and Amber. I believe Amber just became a true zombie. They toned it down a bit in editing and parts of it are actually funny on the show.
Veto player picking time -- Jessica picks Jameka, Dick praises the lord. Daniele chose Dustin. Dick chose Zach. Eric will be the host. (Praise the lord it isn't Amber!)
The players were separated, then called to the backyard one by one. Drinking concoctions and croquet. Wicked Wickets Forest. The number of stations completed are determined by the amount of shots drank. Jessica has problems with chunks. I don't think that's something I needed that much detail on. Dustin is really going for it. Zach is reminding me of Rudy going through the forest in Survivor -- "I don't know." Dick is a champ, drinking them all. Jessica's not doing too well.
I would be horrible at this contest! The shots taken listed and croquet playing.
Zach gets three strokes, 3 points. Jameka got four shots, 10 points. Jessica got five shots, 17 points. Daniele gets 7 shots, 20 points. Dustin gets 10 shots, 32 points. It's Dick with 10 shots. He gets 33 points! He wins!
Rock music plays.
Dick is gloating. The others run and hide once again. Jameka and Daniele have a run in. Daniele runs to the HOH room crying about how tired she is of being blamed for what her father does. "No one will look at me!" Everyone's there except Dick. Jameka screams that she never made an effort to know them.
It's a brouhaha, folks. It truly is.
Daniele admits to us it was strategy, although it is hwat she's feeling, too.
Dick and Daniele meet. Daniele doesn't want the others to know it's all a plan to keep her in. Now she's whining about how much she hates it there and it sucks all over again.
Before commercial she tells us that her father is the only one she doesn't want to see evicted and that's not how she felt coming into the game.
Now Jessica, Eric and Dustin are talking about Dustin going up as a pawn. Eric tells us he's thrilled that Dustin is going to do "America's dirty work." Dustin is cocky and sure he'll win by a landslide.
America's Player -- Eric has to give the silent treatment to Jessica. He decides the best way to accomplish it is to hide in bed. Jen tells Jessica that Dustin has a deal with Evel.
Eric failed the task.
Jessica thought more about the deal Jen said Dustin has, then worried that Eric was in on it because he wouldn't talk to her. (But he did briefly, thus the fail.) Oh, woe is me. What should I do?
Dick has a plan. He would give his life for his daughter. He's happy that it's his decision. His speech: he gives Daniele her chance to speak. "Whatever you decide is good." He says he decided not to use the veto ... on himself. Daniele comes off the block today.
She puts Dustin on the block.
Oh... with his DR session for us, Dustin has to go! Dick reminds us that often the pawn goes home. Jessica is whiny.
Amber didn't cry.
Jameka cries.
America's Player -- Which of the two nominees do you want Eric to get evicted? Dustin or Dick?
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