Wednesday, August 22, 2007

TV Squad Article on Dustin's Exit Interview

I have an article up about Dustin's exit interview with the TV Tattler up over on TV Squad.

Check it out, if you'd be so kind! :-)

Google/Blogger Outage

And, I'm baaack! The entire Google/Blogger/Blogspot server went down for a few hours, but it's returned. Sorry, folks. It was system-wide and beyond my control. But, no fear. The houseguests are still sleeping and my last post is still the latest news.

'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds - Overnight Into Wed. 8/22

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Zoetawny had fun with Jen's eating spree, didn't she? Although there have been no more groundshaking spats in the house, Daniele and Amber returned from their trip. Amber says that Drew Carey is the best boyfriend ever! Okay, I'm just giving you a spool of lies with that last sentence. Here's the skinny on the latest from that Big Brother House of Game Show Contestants, Bingers and Whingers:
  • Just to clear up from an earlier post -- when they all (but Jen) sat down to spaghetti dinner made by Eric, Jameka was with them but she didn't eat. Neither did Zach. I missed why Zach didn't eat, but he tends to watch his calorie intake and times he eats meals. He won't eat after a certain hour. Keep in mind, this is a guy who lost nearly 70 pounds shortly before going on the show. It could have been a solidarity move with Jameka, I suppose. He's been making game moves on her as of late.
  • Eric wedged Jen's door shut so she was trapped in the bedroom, but BB yelled at him so he un-wedged it.
  • Zach trapped Dick in the storeroom in the same manner, but that was in fun.
  • Everyone is pretty much acting like Jen doesn't exist when she enters a room.
  • Zach asked Evel Dick about Eric and Jessica. Dick told him they're all on the same page -- final five.
  • Amber and Daniele returned about midnight Big Brother time (3 am here). They said they were only allowed to say they went to New York City but BB said they couldn't say why. (I just hope now that Amber's gone from the area it will stop raining today! It's been raining since she came this way.)
  • I see the sun coming out. See! A dark cloud follows Amber!
  • About the only news they seemed to pick up on outside the house was that Amber heard Michael Vick did something, but she didn't know what. (Dog-fighting arrest.)
  • The others filled Amber and Daniele in on all the excitement since they've been gone.
  • Jen claims she destroyed the cigarettes because she hates smokers and she's never even seen BB before -- they begged her to be on the show. (Now, we know there's a ChillTown connection. I'll buy that she hates smoking, but I think she's studied the game.)
  • There was a lot of bickering back and forth between Jen and Eric since they acknowledged she exists in the Amber/Daniele return.
  • Dick claims that BB said, "Thank you for being the bigger person." -- in regard to her destroying his property (cartons of cigarettes).
  • Amber told Jen that it was very rude of her to do what she did. She asked how spoiled is she? Hmmm... Amber didn't cry over the demise of the cigarettes! She was more shocked that Jen destroyed property that wasn't hers.
  • Meanwhile, it's dawning on Jameka that she's golden this week. With Jen acting out, it's certain that all will turn against her and she (Jameka) should sail through this week.
  • Jen claims that she thought everyone was ignoring her and that led to her flipping out like she did. Yesterday she blamed the slop diet for flipping out.
  • Jen told Eric and Jessica that Dick and Daniele wanted to make a deal with her, but she wouldn't do it.
  • Before a quick block of the feeds Daniele told Dick that she heard the show is doing a good job of portraying people as they are. (Of course, that could have been a handler saying something to appease her, but...!)
  • Jen is still fussing that she doesn't want to be in sequester -- she'd miss all the things happening in the house and she doesn't want to sit on a beach in Mexico. (I read that to mean, "I won't be on TV all the time.")
  • Jen said she didn't eat just to hurt Jameka and really didn't look at it that way.
  • Jen still thinks they "can't make her" go to sequester if she doesn't want to go.
  • She doesn't know why she's even in the show because she has the best life anyone can have. @@
  • Jen thinks that Amber, Jameka and herself are the most honest people in the game. (I would go for Jameka perhaps out of that bunch. The other two have both been sketchy. I'd put Zach in the honesty pool before Jen or Amber. But with Amber, she's bad at being shady.)
  • Jen told Amber that Dick said they were only going to keep Jameka until the week before she can compete for HOH again.
  • It looks like America voted to get Jen out of the house. Eric told Jameka she has his vote and doesn't seem to be working on Dick and Company to oust her.
  • In talking about Jen being a nanny, Eric said he'd rather leave his kids home alone (if he had kids).
  • Daniele told Dick to get Jen's clothes and belongings out of the HOH room. She wants no part of "this."
  • Daniele seems very pleased for a change. The trip made her a happier person ... for a bit, at least.
  • Dick told her he'd take Jen's stuff out in the morning and hide it in the backyard.
  • Dick told Daniele that they (BB) changed Jen's penalty due to their plan to evict Jameka this week when they thought Jen would be a penalty nom. Instead the show gave her an automatic penalty vote.
  • Jameka and Amber don't think they're "floating."
  • Amber thinks that Jessica and Daniele are in an alliance because Daniele told her she would have liked to go on the trip with Jessica. (Um, maybe because Jessica is more fun than Amber? Dang, if I were on the trip, Amber would be the last person I'd choose to accompany me!)
  • Amber had a long, long talk with Jameka -- she kept going on about when she wins HOH. She'd put up Eric and Jessica and, if veto used, Dick out. Or Daniele out depending on the minute she's talking.
  • Dick and Daniele had another "I'm not listening to you" whine whine tiff. Of course, Dick was the "I'm only trying to communicate with you and you shut me out" broken record.
  • Amber and Jameka are very leery of Eric. They think he's been pumping them for information -- asking if they made any deals with Daniele.
All are sleeping as I post this. I'm very surprised that Daniele and Amber seem to be actually keeping the secret of what they did on their trip. They must not have won the big bucks, eh?

And the sun is indeed out here now that Amber has left the area. Good.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

'Big Brother 8' Live Feeds News or Lack There Of

Since I last posted feed news, not much has been happening. Jen apparently will receive one penalty vote although the others think the punishment should be more as she's been flaunting her eating. Due to the fact that Jameka is following her slop regimen, it seems more of a violation.

She will not receive a penalty nomination. Even Dick admits that's probably right as Amber would have been blindslided and it wasn't fair to Jameka either -- the plan to 1, 2, 3 them out of the house. He's now saying that Jen will leave 6-0 this week.

Jen vanished from the feeds long ago. Sleeping, maybe? The others all ate and are hanging around together, small talk.

They still have no idea where Amber and Daniele went and the girls haven't returned yet.

About the only real game talk was that Zach told Jameka he promises her his vote to stay (which is actually a vote for Jen to leave) because he hates cheaters. He's been calling Jen a cheater at every opportunity.

'Big Brother 8' - Aug. 21 Show Live-Blogged from the East Coast

Jackie's TV Blog, BB8, Big Brother 8

Welcome! Grab a bowl of slop and a glass of iced tea and make yourself at home! The show is about to begin here on the East Coast.

This entry will constantly be updated with the show happenings as they air here in the NYC area. Please forgive any typos or misspellings and share your thoughts in the comments area. Refresh the page to get the latest.

We be in recap mode now. In the background I have America's Got Talent finale on. I hope to catch the eliminations there and will let you know about them and the winner, too. Unless I miss it, of course. I'm recording it.

Daniele has ticked off both Amber and Jameka. Once again, Amber thinks she's a "good person."

On AGT -- that young girl just got eliminated. Not Butterscotch, the country and western one.

Jen is talking to Jessica. She's pumping for information, but Jessica is playing dumb. Eric and Jessica are messing around. Not in a really adult manner, mind you. Zach likes to torment Eric when he's with her.

Amber tells Jameka she "can't with" jeesica because she's sneaky. Amber thinks she's such a big threat in the game and a target. "I had a vision."

Amber cries. She feels it, she sees it. Both Jameka and her will be in the final two! Hallelujah! (Which I probably spelled wrong.) No more crying she vows through her tears!

Eric is finding his Woobie now. He's cracking up over it. He's thrilled that "we" chose Jessica. Very sweet.

On AGT, Butterscotch was just eliminated.

Daniele and Zach are talking, he's sick of Eric and her dad. Daniele complains that Jen complains and Amber and Jameka mope around. What does Daniele think she does? They turn to Jen, Zach calls her a loose cannon. BTW - the talk turns to Jen, she isn't there. Zach tells us he's a force to be reckoned with.

Veto player pick -- special competition, two finalists will be rewarded with a top-secret trip out of the house. Daniele picks Houseguest's Choice -- Dick. Amber bitterly picks Jessica. Jameka picks Zach. Jen says it double sucks that she didn't get to play. Eric hosts.

Oh, people want that trip!

Time for the comp -- motorcycles in place they each get to sit on. A huge speedometer. The questions are based on the polls.

Kail great politician? 19% -- Dick gets eliminated with 78%.
Life in the BB house easy? 14% -- Zach eliminated with his 62%.
Dustin a better boyfriend than Joe? 47% -- Jessica is eliminated.
Rather a beer with Nick than Mike? 70% -- Jameka out with 87%.
Amber is crying in the comp because Jameka got eliminated. Once again she puts everyone ahead of herself -- Amber thinks of herself.
Zach sexiest bunny of all? 35% -- Daniele wins POV with her 46%

Jen is happy because she prefers noms stay the same. Right. Amber and Jameka cry and hug. Amber is literally shaking.

And Amber cried. Did I mention that?

Make her STOP.

Daniele is telling Dick that she wants to make a deal with Amber for next week. Of course, we know that both Daniele and Dick wanted to backdoor Jen anyway, so this gives them an edge.

Now Amber is saying her vision was so real and can't believe it didn't come true. Amber suggests she make a deal with Daniele and bounces the idea off of Jameka.

Daniele and Amber go tothe HOH to avoid the herd. Amber first asks, then Daniele tells her she'd take her off for her next HOH. They've edited in a dinging noise after each promise Amber made after Jameka warned her not to promise too much. Heh. Of course, Daniele took it.

Eric and Dick talk, proud of their alliance and how it paid off. Dick still wants them as final four -- Dick, Daniele, Eric, Jessica. Eric would rather see Zach up than Jen, but is willing to compromise.

The Veto Meeting -- Jameka was pleasant, will respect her decision. Amber cries, tries not to cry. Daniele gives a speech about strong competitiors in the game. On a strategic level, saves Amber. Daniele nominates Jen... one of the biggest competitors in the house and (paraphrasing) some of us are here to win the money.

Daniele vows to us Jen will go home. Jameka is worried. Jen is confident she'll be here next week.

Daniele and Amber find out they're going to board a jet to NYC -- they're going to be contestants on The Power of Ten.

Uh-oh. I wondered why we had such teary, er... rainy weather today -- Amber's HERE.



Now that I got that out of my system ... America's Player. Who does Eric work to evict?