We may have seen Adam win the HOH, but he's not the HOH -- it's the Girls! Although he'll probably put Sharon on the block with James, Sharon isn't the target. Yeah, we know who's running the house this week.
Here are the late night tidbits from that Big Brother Little House of Horrors:
- Even Sharon is working at Adam, telling him that James would definitely have put him on the block had he won HOH. (Oh, but dear sweet Sharon wouldn't have nominated him, huh?)
- Adam's mother wrote that his dogs get excited when they hear his voice on TV. Aw.
- Sharon is trying to distance herself from Joshuah, saying she was sort of stuck with him due to the initial pairing and how he brought her back in the game.
- Adam and Natalie are sure BB has been pushing for James to stay.
- Natalie is a bit upset that Joshuah refused to hug her.
- Natalie told Sheila that since she and Adam voted James back in, it's their responsibility to get him out.
- Ryan agreed with Adam that James must go this week.
- Sheila is sure they showed James foaming at the mouth an inch from her face on TV. Well, not an inch really ... and technically no foam. But, yeah.
- James and Sharon had a good cry together (after she finished campaigning against him).
- James told Sharon he'd rather be winning POVs and saving himself than winning HOH and sending someone home.
- They all think there might be a luxury clothes comp this week.
- When Natalie, Ryan, and Adam started fussing how they think BB favors James, the feeds were blocked.
- When they returned, they were discussing Julie Chen.
- Everyone is in bed as I post this except for Adam ... he's roaming and snacking.
Adam and Natalie talk, soon to be joined by Sharon. She tells Adam she knows she'll be on the block with James and understands. Adam told her he can't put Sheila up because she'd freak out too much. "It's okay. I live on the block anyway," says Sharon.
Here's what's been happening:
- Sharon was initially very upset, saying that she hates being there, James will win POV and she'll go home.
- They can't believe James didn't win -- he's always going around counting everything in the house.
- I knew the windows answer because the BB voice has announced it before.
- James told Adam he wasn't mad at him, he's mad at himself.
- Natalie knew all of the answers, this would have been her comp to win had she not been forced to sit out as outgoing HOH.
- Sheila cried. She wanted to win.
- Natalie later told Adam that Sheila wasn't upset that he won, she was upset because she didn't. (Natalie made sense there. Uh-oh.)
- Sheila told Sharon the fake story Josh had told her about being really boyfriends with Neil and having an adopted son.
- Sheila believed the story and seems to have Sharon believing it, too. Joshuah lives on.
- Adam, Ryan, and Natalie all think Sharon threw the HOH comp. She missed a simple question they all got right.
- Sheila said she was going to miss Joshuah's dancing in the mornings.
- Sheila and Natalie heard James say something about the "nines" so they're sure Sharon told him.
- Sheila keeps having dreams about Evel Dick. She wants to go out with him after the season ends. (Run, Dick, run! Faster than the wind!)
- The HOH room was fun for all ... except James. Except Sheila because she wanted it.
- They could all eat again. Ryan overdid it and got sick.
- Natalie and Adam talked about how the money will just be rolling in after the season. Natalie says she'll sell her paintings online. (SEE! I told you!)
- Sharon told Natalie and Adam that James is freaking out and told her to beg they weren't both put on the block. She says he wants her to use the POV to save him if she gets it.
- Natalie thinks it's her responsibility to win POV while Adam would like to make a clean sweep -- HOH and POV.
- Sharon is really working her way more into the group while James is on his island. He is a rock, he is an island.
Michael Johns is safe
David Archuleta is safe.
Carly Smithson is safe.
David Cook is safe.
Ramiele Malubay (I know that spelling is off) is bottom 3
Kristy Lee Cook is bottom three.
Syesha Mercado is safe.
Brooke and Jason Castro ... last two to the stage. Jason is safe, Brook bottom three with Ramiele and Kristy.
Brooke is safe.
Ramiele is going home.

The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. Please forgive any typos as this is being typed on the fly as I watch my television. As always, comments are very welcome!
My live feed report has gone up over on TV Squad, but the show is ON!
Julie is in tan again with a black blazer ... no boots and summer color shoes.
We're recapping, of course. Sharon is nominated in B&W again and the meeting is officially adjourned. Sharon feels pretty safe, loves Josh, will be hard for him to be gone. Sheila thinks Sharon and Josh have bonded emotionally. Natalie hopes Josh can't get the votes on his own so she doesn't have to be the executioner. She tells him she doesn't want to be the tie-breaker. He wonders if she'll keep her word.
Josh does his crying act to get Adam's sympathies. He wants to eat, cry, cry. Adam is indeed receptive. Joshuah tells us that he can cry on cue and would be a great soaps actor. He definitely does it better than I can. Adam is totally buying the act.
In the pool with James and Natalie nearby, she tries to secure her safety. James says he doesn't owe anybody anything, but will talk to her when the time comes. She doesn't know if Josh will keep her word.
Natalie tells Sharon that Josh is trying to make a deal with her to keep him in a tie. She tells Sharon she will keep her. They go to Sheila. Sharon tells her James and Josh are trying to get her out of the house. Sharon won't start drama with the guys, but the girls decide to stick together. Natalie tells us if she wants to keep the girl power together, she has to go to Adam and Ryan to make sure they vote out Joshuah.
Ryan is worried that Sharon will put him on the block if she stays. Ryan doesn't trust her, but we know he has an alliance with Josh. Natalie tells Sharon that Ryan doesn't trust her. Sharon tells Ryan she's never been gunning for him, but Joshuah and James are.
Sharon tells Ryan she has his back. Ryan tells us she could be a good ally and is a very trustworthy person. He tells her it's done. Natalie goes for Adam pushing the Sharon agenda, as in keep Sharon. She warns him not to tell James or Joshuah. Ryan, Natalie, and Adam plan to evict Joshuah out but fake they aren't.
James and Joshuah talk by the pool. James is shocked that Natalie told Josh she would vote to keep him. Josh's mom in a letter segment.
Sheila tells us she wants to bond with Sharon. Ryan also talks about keeping Sharon. Huh ... when it's that blatant in the DR voting thought previews, it usually flips in the real vote. They like to lead us astray. However, last week the preview vote DRs were all against Chelsia and it was unanimous for her to go. I don't think the total animosity of the house is as against Josh. We'll see!
Julie checks in with the HG. They scream with delight. She asks Sheila about her toughts about James -- intelligent, playing a good game and gave her good advice. James tells her he wanted to succeed in pumping her up. Adam, witnessing tears, how has he stayed calm. He just has a level head. Joshuah comments on never talking to Julie. Struggles -- hard to campaign against such a great person. He doesn't want to stoop that low. Sharon still loves him, best friends outside the house. Natalie had to yell bye Julie at the end.
Joshuah's Mom -- Josh is Josh, always been the life of the party, she's never seen the outbursts, think it's an act. She's never heard him use language like that. Sometimes she just wants to wring his neck, it's embarrassing, he's not like that. She says it has to be his strategy. HIs parents seem like good people and Josh attended proms, played football and such in school.
Adam thinks Sharon will turn the girls against the guys. But he also wants Josh to leave. James wants him to stay. And it's commercial time!
HOH room with Nat talk -- looking at Matt's picture? Good times and memories and how she misses him. She thinks Mattie was ecstatic about Chelsia being sent there. She says Matt's not her boyfriend, so he can do what he wants. Closest ally now is Ryan. The letter from home, brought the family closer together ... God used to tell her she would keep the family together.
Nominees talk. Sharon is thankful, if it's her time to go, fine, but if not she'd be happy to stay. Joshuah says it's dsfunctunctional and as much as he hates them, he loves them. Rooller coaster ride, one more turn please.
The voting:
Sheila votes to evict Joshuah
Ryan votes to evict Joshuah
Adam votes to evict Joshuah
James votes to evict Sharon
Its official 3-1, Joshuah is evicted. Into commercial before telling him.
Josh gives them an inspirational speech about being true to themselves. He urns down a hug from Natalie. Sharon is hysterical. He gives Julie a big smile. If Sharon doesn't get her act together she has no chance in HOH. James is looking like a deer in the headlights.
Josh tells Julie he's really a good person and he didn't want to go out with a bang like Chelsia. He thinks he was voted out because he's stronger than Sharon. Julie brings up his mean side. He says he was provoked because they were mean to others. He stands up for the rights of everyone else. The acting ability ... he always wanted to be on soap operas. He's proud of himself.
James goodbye -- he did have his back. Tears, other people broke word. Ryan thinks he did too much damage in past. Nat loves him (fake gunshot to head), Sharon will fight in his honor, will have vengeance in his name. He's pro James and Sharon.
HOH comp -- Booths in the yard. Counting everything in the house. The comp is "More or Less" -- things around the house. Adam looks upset.
More or less than 25 table lamps - less. Sheila got it wrong, all others apoint
more or less 30 tree trunks in DR -- Sharon and James get a point
75 pillows -- 87 Sharon, Sheila and Adam get a point
37 total picture frames in house -- more 40, all wrong
Shraon in lead with three points
logs in fireplace, all right
119 mirros! I know this one! Sharon, James and Adam tield for lead.
Pullout drawers
ADAM won HOH again. Amazing. Sharon and Natalie are all over him within moments. I think the nominations can be predictable... I say Sheila and James! Somebody and James! Anybody and James. I think he's sure to nominate James and hopes he puts Sheila up there.

Graphic artist Zoetawny addresses the question on all of our minds. What will Natalie do if there's a tie vote tonight? She's lied to both of them and it's impossible to know which one she'd choose. The entire Girls Alliance thinks she's voting to keep Sharon. Ryan and Natalie have a deal with Joshuah to save him.
I really think she must be praying it won't be a tie and she won't have to be the tiebreaker. But I'd like to see it happen if for no other reason I want to know who she'd pick. There are good reasons for her to choose either of them.
Here's what has happened in that Big Brother House of Temper Tantrums since I last reported:
- After the HOH camera and a feeds block, they all looked incredibly bored. At least when there's a brouhaha, this crowd is interesting!
- They played cards and lazed about the backyard.
- Natalie painted a picture of a mermaid. I can SO see her selling all of these on Ebay, can't you? Or trying to sell them.
- Natalie and Adam ate pizza. James ate ketchup.
- Sheila asked for her Tylenol PM saying she wanted to sleep in her own bed tonight. Remember, she's terrified of Joshuah and got permission to sleep in the HOH with Natalie.
- After telling her he'd follow her every moment to make sure she's not trashing him, Joshuah has stopped following Sheila around and they've even joked.
- Joshuah went through his clothes to select what he wants to wear for the live show.
- James told Joshuah he's on board for tomorrow.
- Adam and Ryan discussed how Joshuah will leave. Adam thinks he'll flip out. Ryan thinks he will go gracefully. Adam thinks that Sharon will put James on the block if she stays. Ryan tells him they have to keep Sharon.
- Natalie dyed James' hair for him.
- James talked to Natalie once again about working with her. (He hasn't learned? After all, it worked so well the last time, she put him on the block and targeted him for eviction!)
- Natalie told him she'd vote to keep Joshuah if there's a tie. She said that if Adam gets HOH, he'd put Joshuah and James back on the block. Natalie also told James that Ryan is the only one she trusts in the game. James said he has trouble trusting Ryan because he backdoored him.
- Natalie told James that they have to keep their alliance secret or it won't work. @@ (I say secret because when she betrays him there isn't an audience to what's been said like when Sheila does these things!)
- Sharon and Joshuah talked. She said if she stays, she wants to go to the end and if he stays, she wants him to go to the end.
- Sharon told Joshuah he can't believe anything said until the votes come in.
- James and Natalie don't want to see Sheila win. (Then get her out of the house!)
- Natalie said next week will be crucial and they have to keep it on the down low that she and Ryan are working with Joshuah and James. The targets? Well, who's left? Heh. That is, if it's not all a lie.
- Sheila asked James why his mohawk is pink. He told her that American Apparel suggested it -- they have a lot of pink clothes and he also gets things from the American Cancer Society who thinks there's a link to breast cancer awareness with the pink.
- I still think he's just the geek in the pink.
- Sharon started trashing James and Joshuah to Sheila. The pigs must have taken flight because Sheila told Sharon she swore on her son to Joshuah that she wouldn't talk about him. :::thud:::
- They changed their talk to how the house is affecting Joshuah. Sharon says he's a Negative Nancy right now with all the stress.
- Sharon wants Sheila to win HOH and be the one to send James home.
- Ryan apparently got reamed by the BB voice for smoking at the pool table. The feeds were blocked, but he said no one has yelled at him like that in the house since he entered it.
- James roamed the night, snacking on condiments, dancing, playing solo chess, gazing at the Memory Wall.
- All are asleep as I post this.

Zoetawny leaves us with a banner plane dropping Natalie some 9's. After all, she's anticipating James will go on the 9th.
Forget those sevens and eights. Bring on the nines, she says!