Welcome back, Nana in the NW!
Here are this evening's happenings from that Big Brother House of Git n Edukashun:
- The hamsters want their luau tomorrow.
- The tension goes on. Is Adam the mole? James? Darn it, if they haven't figured out it's Big Brother and you can't trust anyone by now...!
- Adam thinks it could be Sharon stirring up things. But Sheila thinks it's either Natalie or Adam.
- I think they should all sit in their separate rooms until they decide to act like adults.
- The DR told Adam he can have the patch and not smoke or he can smoke and not have the patch. Well, duh.
- Sheila told Sharon that she doesn't trust Natalie 100%.
- James is hinting that he might flour Natalie before he leaves the house.
- Sharon told Sheila she has never lied to her.
- Sheila went on an anti-Nat tirade. Oh, not to her face or anything.
- James egged Sheila on and contributed to her anti-Nat rag.
- Ryan still has some stiffness but feels better than he did yesterday.
- Sheila just won't shut up.
- It could be worse. She could be crying about being a single mom again.
- Did you know that Sheila's a single mom?
- Ryan told Adam that Sheila and Sharon want to come after them. (Isn't that a part of the game? The numbers are getting down. After James goes, they're just going to be picking each other off until three remain.)
- Ryan thinks Adam told the girls that he and Adam plan to be the final two. Heck, I think I've seen just about every combination want to be the final two. The girls don't need Adam to tell them anything just like the guys don't need a mole to tell them that they're targets. There can be a Boys Club but no Girls Alliance? Get a grip, Ryan!
- Adam blamed the leak on James.
- Sheila told James she'd love to be in the final two with him. @@
- I have to stop this report because Sheila won't stop talking.