Monday, April 07, 2008

Big Brother 9 Live Feeds Into Monday Evening

James and Sheila having a pleasant talk in the kitchen. No. Really. Low voices, non-game, talking about the importance of education.

Welcome back, Nana in the NW!

Here are this evening's happenings from that Big Brother House of Git n Edukashun:
  • The hamsters want their luau tomorrow.
  • The tension goes on. Is Adam the mole? James? Darn it, if they haven't figured out it's Big Brother and you can't trust anyone by now...!
  • Adam thinks it could be Sharon stirring up things. But Sheila thinks it's either Natalie or Adam.
  • I think they should all sit in their separate rooms until they decide to act like adults.
  • The DR told Adam he can have the patch and not smoke or he can smoke and not have the patch. Well, duh.
  • Sheila told Sharon that she doesn't trust Natalie 100%.
  • James is hinting that he might flour Natalie before he leaves the house.
  • Sharon told Sheila she has never lied to her.
  • Sheila went on an anti-Nat tirade. Oh, not to her face or anything.
  • James egged Sheila on and contributed to her anti-Nat rag.
  • Ryan still has some stiffness but feels better than he did yesterday.
  • Sheila just won't shut up.
  • It could be worse. She could be crying about being a single mom again.
  • Did you know that Sheila's a single mom?
  • Ryan told Adam that Sheila and Sharon want to come after them. (Isn't that a part of the game? The numbers are getting down. After James goes, they're just going to be picking each other off until three remain.)
  • Ryan thinks Adam told the girls that he and Adam plan to be the final two. Heck, I think I've seen just about every combination want to be the final two. The girls don't need Adam to tell them anything just like the guys don't need a mole to tell them that they're targets. There can be a Boys Club but no Girls Alliance? Get a grip, Ryan!
  • Adam blamed the leak on James.
  • Sheila told James she'd love to be in the final two with him. @@
  • I have to stop this report because Sheila won't stop talking.

Latest BB9 Live Feeds and Stuff

"I love a good buffet table!"

My latest BB9 live feeds report is up over at TV Squad. I'll be reporting here again later tonight. It's a snoozefest for the most part there today, literally.

Blog reader Sydney wanted to know if I have a personal choice for the win. I really haven't had one since the start of the season. I know I don't want Sheila to win, but I'm a bit ambivalent after that.

Readers were also trying to figure out a comp rigged for Sheila to win. I'd say it would be an endurance comp. Yep, you heard me. But twist the endurance to her talents. Who can drone on and on, then on all over again? You got it. An endurance contest for nonstop talking!

Today was raw, chilly, and grey here. But signs of spring are coming even though the temperatures aren't cooperating! I found this sprig of leaf and bud in the crook of a tree.

BB9 Live Feeds Into Monday Morning

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Graphic artist Zoetawny nailed it this time -- the good, the bad, and the ugly! It's perfect!

And it not just a matter of physically unattractive, mind you. An ugly personality can be much worse than any mere physical features.

Here's what has happened in the house since I last reported:
  • The HG got a whopping six pack of beer for the five of them.
  • It's wasn't the brand James had requested.
  • Sheila told Natalie and Sharon that James is trying to stay and was campaigning to get Natalie out of the house.
  • Natalie thinks James is targeting her because "the girl with no education" is staying in the house and she's leaving. (Side note - I don't recall James having extensive schooling.)
  • Sheila is really enjoying Adam's Bon Jovi music from his HOH basket this week.
  • Natalie says she doesn't dream about sex because she hasn't had any in a year and forgot what it's like.
  • Sharon is sure that if Natalie wins HOH, she'll be the next out the door.
  • All are in bed as I get this posted.

BB9 - Feeds, Show Review and Stuff!

Sharon pokes at food in the kitchen as Sheila walks by. Hey, I didn't promise excitement!

My full review of the Sunday show is up over on TV Squad. And, my feeds report from earlier on TV Squad includes a gallery of screen caps I've recently taken if you want to give that one a gander.

Here's what's been happening in the Big Brother House of Wasted Potential:
  • Adam thinks Sheila is unattractive. Well, um, Adam, I like your brother's looks more. I'm being polite here.
  • James said that Natalie is a butterface (everything is good but-her-face). I don't get that at all. It fit Amanda, but Natalie has a cute enough face.
  • Adam thinks the house has a bunch of nutcases. James agreed and mentioned the he thought he himself was bad -- nothing compared to them!
  • In a DR leak, James was asking them for some Pabst Blue Ribbon beer for his last few days in the house. I think I would have at least asked for a good microbrew!
  • Natalie is upset that she's almost out of her 20s. I remember that feeling!
  • Ryan has rested most of the day complaining about a sore muscle, but is feeling better tonight.
  • Ryan played with the remote control car. Earlier they had built ramps in the yard for it.
  • Ryan told Adam he thinks that James will try to terrorize the house. @@
  • James, Adam, and Sheila talked. James told Sheila she has to convince Ryan that he'd put Adam on the block if he stayed.
  • Sheila thinks her biggest threat in the house is Natalie.
  • Sheila reported everything that James said to her to Sharon.
  • Natalie knows Sheila is worried about her as a threat. She wants to get HOH. She'll show her a threat!
  • They are barbecuing out in the yard.
  • James cleaned the grill, terrorizing guy that he is.
  • Adam only has two packs of cigarettes left plus whatever's in the pack he's smoking.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Big Brother 9: 4/06 Show Live Blogged from the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

As I await my most recent live feeds report to go up over on TV Squad, the show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! A full review of the show will be posted late tonight on TV Squad. Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!

Oh, great. Blogger has put word verification on updating my entries. I'm not a happy person here.

We're in the recap phase and updates to the entry will be slower than usual. They're talking about Joshuah's eviction and his inspirational speech. James knows they're taking out the people closest to him.

Day 56 in the house, Sharon is crushed with Joshuah's eviction. She said he brightened up her days. She sys she's from a military family and they don't cry as she wiped away the tears. Adam said she wialed and we'll see what she's made of now, Marine.

B&W recap of the HOH comp time. I bet Adam will win! And, he does. Natalie had a drream, God speaks to her or something. James is very upset, it really really sucks.

Sharon hates everybody there.

Team Christ has got it going on for Natalie. She's thrilled to deat. Once you have the power of Jesus, you never go back ... or something like that.

James is getting really aggravated and Sharon wants to go think. James comes up with various scenarios. Sheila thinks she has had enough abuse... if Adam puts her on the block, she'll really be hurt. Adam tells us she might be the pawn. "Most truth is spoken through jest, my friend." She still gets ticked.

Adam's HOH room ... more pictures, pics of his homies, no baby food, but a letter from home. His mom wrote how many are rooting for him. She closes her eyes every time she sees him picking his nose. He tells us he's a single guy. His roommate was responsible for the baby food.

Natalie and Adam are suspicious as Sheila is outside with Sharon and James. Natalie says it should go James, Sharon, then Sheila out of the house. Ryan says Sheila is expendable.

James talks to Adam. Adam thinks James is down and out and has nobody. He feels bad. James goes to his alter-ego Crazy James and runs around making power faces in the windows. He thinks he's going to win this game.

My word verification is ditsi. @@

The entertaining music is on and they're toilet papering Sheila's room. OLD FOOTAGE! It was when Joshuah was in the house although we're just seeing James, Ryan, and Adam. Sheila took it well. Natalie hides in the garbage pail to scare her. She thinks they're up to something. James is sneaking up with flour. Now Sheila is mad.

Adam told her they did it because they love her. She tells us she doesn't get upset with all the pranks, it's no big deal. IN a weepy moment she talks to Adam about having a dream that her son was in the yard. She tells us how hard it is. Adam says he misses his family, but it must be harder without her son ... so he will ehlp her out. She cries more for us in the DR.

She thinks Adam "gets her" more than anyone else in the house. He's the only one who she can trust and talk about her son to.

Sharon thinks her strategy is to lay low. Ryan talks to her about working with her. He said he'll try to talk Adam into putting Sheila up instead of her. Ryan and Sheila, nicest people to the final two.

So he goes to talk to Adam who has a stupid grin on his face. Ryan thinks a three-person rotation -- Sheila, Sharon, James is in order. Is Adam rceptive? Hard to tell.

Mama Sharon is takling James under her wing.

It's time for the food comp. Ryan needs to get off slop. In the yard there's a huge inclined ramp with stuff on it ... mashed potatoes. You have to sling mashed potatoes. Must build pathways for the gravy down slopes into tubes which are for food groups. 3 luxury items can be earned -- feast, barbecue, outdoor toys. "Adam and Ryan are whales on the ramp," says James.

This is very messy, but very different, too. They got meat and fish first. Then desserts and snacks. Natalie wasn't ready when Sheila poured gravy. Adam moved James train to outdoor toys instead of fruits and vegetables. They got bread and pasta. They got the BBQ grill. They're very messy.

They missed out on fruits/vegies/beer and soda and a feast. Everybody is happy.

Nominations today says the plasma screen. James wants to open up to Adam and point out that he's never done anything wrong to him. Adam said "I don't want my boy to be on the island. It hurts my feelings." Ryan eavesdrops and reports to Natalie. They say that Adam has to put James up.

Adam tells Ryan he's thinking of putting up Sheila and Sharon. Ryan calls Natalie up and she threatens to smack him upside the head. They double team Adam. He just has his silly grin on. Nat and Ryan are getting upset.

Natalie is worried that James will win POV, save Sharon and either her or Ryan will go up. He's a bum and a con artist, says she.

James talks to him again. He says either thing he does is a big risk. Why did you vote me back in the game if you didn't want to work with me? Sheila is bitter, thinks James is a troublemaker. Natalie heard her name from downstairs and joins them. James said he said she voted him back in. James said he's only asking Adam, not Natalie. Adam tells him it's too little too late in the whole game. Natalie tells him that he's negative and mean to people. He breaks down. It's Adam who consoles him.

Adam looks like he's redy to cry. He tears up. Natalie consoles him, but you can tell it's not affecting her like Adam. The tears were real, haven't cried like that since last week ... er, when his father died when he was 14. It just sucks.

Adam tells him he knows he can win POV. Adam tells him he won't be on the block if he promises not to use the POV if he wins.

Adam is considering his nominations by staring at the memory wall and gathering the keys. Adam thinks he has to think what's best for him, not what's best for everyone else. Ryan wants him to nominate James or he or Natalie will end up on the block.

Time for the nominations ceremony. Ways to go, options, personal safety, group safety, passion for the game.

Key order -- Natalie, Ryan, James. Sheila looks disgusted, Natalie looks confused. Sharon and Sheila are nominated for eviction.

Adam will fast forward the motions if James won POV. This will put fire into everybody to play POV. If you want James out, win POV. James made a promise. Sheila is heartbroken. Adam just wants everybody to play. Sheila thinks Adam stabbed her in the back over and over again. Ryan thinks Adam's noms are cowardly and spineless. "Adam is a frickin idiot! Like the mashed potato river, but with tears" -- Natalie. Ryan thinks he won one friend and lost three.