Saturday, April 12, 2008

BB9 Live Feeds and OFF TOPIC Stuff

I'm awaiting for my latest Big Brother 9 live feeds report to be posted over on TV Squad. But the big news there for the day is that it's Sheila's birthday. She cried when she got her letters, cards, and gifts. You know she's a single mom, right? Also, Ryan and Adam have come up with some whacked-out plan to call the girls (Sharon and Natalie) out about alliances and lies, then make up their minds between Sunday night and Wednesday about which one to vote out. So the Natalie ouster isn't a done deal despite all the trash-talking the rest of the house has been doing.

So, as I wait for the report to hit the air, er, Internet, I'll share some photos I took today. If you click on them, you'll see larger versions although I've resized a few for clarity issues. The first one is SPRING! It's a macro shot of a dandelion. I don't know why the background is showing so dark, but I like it that way, so it stays.

This next one is a rabbit I encountered at the Bridgewater (NJ) Train Station today. He's by the fence which leads to the field of geese. Once I accidentally spooked a rabbit right smack into the field of geese. They started chasing him, honking with their necks low and charging him. Oops.

"If I hide in the brush, she won't see me."

"What? She's still looking at me? Make her go away!"

Doe, a deer, a female deer ... in the field of geese. I have seen the geese charge at and chase deer there, too. But this doe has been at the field of geese a few times this week. Maybe she paid off the geese thugs.

I also saw a chipmunk there today, but it moved too fast for me to take a shot.

Happy birthday David Letterman ... and Sheila too ... I guess.

BB9 Live Feeds Into Saturday Morning

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Uh-oh. And here we thought all of their operations were over. Now it's Operation Swat the Gnat in effect! Or is it?

Thanks go out to our favorite Zoetawny for the graphic! She rocks, y'know.

But are the hamsters really planning to do away with Natalie? Has Team Christ really dubbed her their Judas? I think Natalie's playing a good game in the house. But where she's gone wrong is having all of her deals catch up with her and she talks too much. But when you think about it, that's what the rest are doing, too. Well, except maybe Adam. He just tends to agree with people a lot.

Here's what went down Friday evening into the early hours of Saturday in that Big Brother House of Realizing Ramifications:
  • It was Adam who decided that Natalie is their Judas on Team Christ.
  • Sheila has yet another thing to be mad about -- after seeing the video of James flouring her, Natalie laughed too much. @@
  • After all, she cried for Natalie when James threw pickles on her.
  • Sheila told Sharon that Natalie is the most hypocritical person she's ever met.
  • Ryan and Adam think that Natalie would have pulled Sharon off the block if she won POV, thus making Ryan go up and getting one of the "boys" out. They think she's been playing both sides too much.
  • Natalie told Sheila that she doesn't think she has the votes to stay and that she (Sheila) has to put Ryan on the block instead of her. "If this costs me the game, I'm going to be highly pissed off."
  • Natalie asked why they didn't have a James eviction party. Sheila told her that it was like evicting her son, she wasn't happy about it.
  • Ryan told Adam no one wants to be against him (Adam) at the end -- he wins comps and helped James who will sway the jury.
  • Sheila thinks the jury house will have a party seeing Natalie arrive.
  • They used the topic cards again to create discussions.
  • Adam and Ryan refused to play hide and seek with Natalie.
  • Natalie told Adam that she knew she was going on the block because Sheila promised Ryan she wouldn't nominate him. She will just make a great speech to save herself.
  • Natalie fussed about not having a luxury comp. "We've only had one all season!"
  • Sheila told Sharon she will talk to Adam tonight to make sure he's going to vote to keep her (Sharon).
  • Sharon told Sheila that Natalie had wanted to evict her (Sheila) and Adam.
  • When Adam asked her why she wasn't campaigning to Sheila, Natalie told him that she knew she had their (Adam, Ryan) votes to stay.
  • Sheila asked Ryan if they had Adam's vote to evict Natalie. He told her not to worry and she told him they better not be messing with her.
  • I usually don't go into their more graphic talk, but I found this bit funny -- Sheila said James' penis (from his nude time in the yard) is big enough to get him into porn. Ryan said gay porn. Heh.
  • They talked about how much better they are than last season's cast.
  • Adam swore on his foreskin (ew) to Sheila that he'd vote for Natalie to go home this week.
  • Adam told Ryan that Sheila wants them to do her dirty work for her so Natalie would be mad at them, not at Sheila.
  • They're all in bed as I get this posted.

Friday, April 11, 2008

BB9 Latest Feeds/POV

I've been waiting for my latest feeds report to go up over on TV Squad and it's been a while.

Judging by the comments on the last post here, folks know that Adam won the POV. He will remove himself and Sheila should be putting Natalie up in his place. As they said, Team Christ has a Judas.

BB9 Live Feeds Into the Overnight

Yep, you got it. We have had trivia on the feeds since about 3:15 AM ET. But here's the skinny on what happened before the feeds were blocked:
  • The HG weren't allowed to drink because there is a comp expected. I'm assuming POV. They want luxury.
  • Sheila told Ryan she won't put him up but Natalie had told her that she'd rather Ryan go home if Sharon comes off the block.
  • Natalie told Sheila that they had to stick together and go after the boys. When Sheila asked about Sharon, Natalie said she goes first then the boys.
  • The plasma screen reads: Power of Veto tonight.
  • Gulp. It's coming! A lot rides on this for a lot of people!
  • Everyone has a reason to win and no one wants Natalie to win.
  • Sheila wished there had been a food comp because she's HOH and would have food while others were on slop.
  • They did some last minute memorizing of items.
  • Then we went to trivia. Why, oh, why can't we have guinea pig cam?
If the trivia gets resolved before I leave for work, I will update!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Big Brother 9 - Live Feeds Since Nominations

Adam's certainly not smiling because he was nominated. He's not a happy camper about that at all. But he did put Sheila on the block, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Hmmm ... I wonder how that saying came about It is perfect for this situation, no matter how it started.

Here are the happenings since nominations in that Big Brother House of Talky Tinas:
  • Sheila used the term "slim pickins" in her speech. I'm not sure why it's funny to the HG. They are getting down to the point where they have to start picking each other off in the alliances.
  • While Natalie was in the DR, all of the others gathered in the HOH room and talked about needing to get her out of the house, all of them.
  • Sheila told Adam that either he or Ryan HAS to win POV. She really wants to put Natalie on the block this week because Natalie throws everyone under the bus.
  • I think they should start throwing people under the train instead. It's much more efficient.
  • Sheila told Adam that if Natalie wins POV, she'll convince her not to use it. Natalie has said she'd want to save Sharon. Sheila's plan if POV is not used is that Natalie will vote for Sharon, Ryan will vote for Adam (I'm talking to stay, not evict). Then Sheila would break the tie and keep Adam.
  • Sheila doesn't know that Ryan's got a thang goin' on wit' Sharon.
  • They think something might happen tonight, but not a food comp due to the endurance last night.
  • Sharon doesn't like Natalie calling her a mole.
  • But she likes the guinea pigs. Aren't they related to moles?
  • Natalie is getting annoyed that every time she tries to talk to Sheila, someone shows up.
  • Sheila is covering the plans well right now. Let's see if it all lasts. Anyone want to make a wager?
That's the big news for the evening.